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<PPA> ought to be added to sunxi-dev, it fixes some stuff about hardware acceleration without which GStreamer won't work properly
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<agneli> hello I have a question: is mediatek mt8167a properly supoprted in linux, please?
<agneli> all the drivers and firmware are there?
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<stipa> oh i'm having fun, the guy below me has been drilling holes in the walls for three days
<stipa> i wonder how the building haven't collapsed yet
<IgorPec> what a pleasure :)
<stipa> indeed
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<ArmbianTwitter> @notkoutsie (notkoutsie): Running an Minecraft server on an Orange Pi Zero Plus with @cuberiteproject and @armbian ! (5s ago)
<ArmbianTwitter> @armbian (armbian): RT @notkoutsie: Running an Minecraft server on an Orange Pi Zero Plus with @cuberiteproject and @armbian ! (16s ago)
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<PPA> I built images (sunxi-dev, focal, once with desktop once without), but doesn't boot beyond busybox: “ALERT! UUID=(...) does not exist. Dropping to a shell!”
<PPA> Did I build it wrong? It persists using a different SD card so that can't be it.
<PPA> I also confirmed that the UUID in boot/armbianEnv matches that of the SD card and of the one in /etc/fstab
<IgorPec> "sunxi-dev" is the problem
<IgorPec> that part is not well tested. it might work on some boards, while completly fail on another
<PPA> So it's not something I could fix up on my own then
<PPA> or is there a usual troubleshooting routine documented somewhere that I could apply?
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<IgorPec> troubleshooting linux kernel development?
<IgorPec> not sure if there is any directive manpage
<IgorPec> but this here is very hw specific ... so enabling dubug
<IgorPec> debug
<IgorPec> there must be some error or unlogical problem below what you are experiencing.
<PPA> Hm, probably out of my depth there. (I assume that's where you'd connect to the device via UART(?) and read out what it's during during those bootup phases?)
<IgorPec> yeah, but before you have to put kernel into the more verbose debug mode
<PPA> In the kernel configs before building it?
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<IgorPec> it depends. you can enable more debug, some via kernel command line, via parameters
<IgorPec> i think google for "linux kernel debug"
<IgorPec> or similar
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<ArmbianTwitter> @Poddingue (Bruno Verachten 🍰): I gave a lecture at the @Univ_Artois on behalf of @WorldlineGlobal today, and I had a blast. Of course, I talked about #EdgeComputing , #Arm, #Armbian and #HypriotOS. Thanks a lot for this opportunity. (17s ago)
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<ArmbianTwitter> @armbian (armbian): Enjoy another small but important bugfix update! #linux #foss #software #bugfix #update (18s ago)
<IgorPec> werner: desktop links are fixed
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