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<kprasadvnsi[m]> Who has Tanix TX6 tv box?
<kprasadvnsi[m]> I want to know if AC200 driver is working on this box.
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<Tony_mac32> unknown, sorry
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<IgorPec> good morning
<IgorPec> werner tnx
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<Werner> np
<Werner> morning
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<Ecko_> hi!
<Ecko_> just want to say Armbian is top notch stuff
<Ecko_> thanks
<IgorPec> Ecko: 10x
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* stipa has to inform everyone that sadly two led diodes lost life today in his labaratory
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<Ecko_> rip diodes :(
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<[TheBug]> " says the attacker(s) had access to privileged credentials that were previously stored in the LastPass account of a Ubiquiti IT employee, and gained root administrator access to all Ubiquiti AWS accounts, including all S3 data buckets, all application logs, all databases, all user database credentials, and secrets required to forge single sign-on (SSO) cookies."
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<tparys> yeah, i saw that headline. didn't have the heart to dig in to the specifics
<stipa> the good thing is i'm poor and can't aford that gear...
<stipa> Ecko_: it was quick
<stipa> they didn't feel a thing
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<tparys> any forum mods around tonight?
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