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<ArmbianTwitter> @LukaszErecinsk1 (Lukasz Erecinski): @armbian @gnome @IloveRockchip Excellent image. I am experiencing some really weird bug however: in settings I cannot change the theme, wallpaper or any other such settings. (20s ago)
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<ArmbianTwitter> @armbian (armbian): @LukaszErecinsk1 @gnome @IloveRockchip Nice catch - this problem was unknown until now and will be addressed when possible. Thanks for trying out! (3s ago)
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<ArmbianTwitter> @lanefu (Lane Jennison): @DieZuckerbude Don't worry @armbian runs great on it from a perf perspective :) (3s ago)
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<PPA> Big-brained engineering solution to reduce your Orange Pi PC's temperature by 30°C while compiling:
<PPA> put it in front of an open window
<Tonymac32> according to "Life of Boris" you just use mayonnaise as thermal compound
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<ArmbianTwitter> @NicoD99364191 (NicoD): New Desktop Environments for #Armbian / Gnome, Budgie, Cinnamon and Mate via @YouTube (23s ago)
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<stipa> or tooth paste
<stipa> toothpaste*
<stipa> -- pasta za zube
<ArmbianHelper> toothpaste [hr~>eng]
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<stipa> I'm seeing in reputable computer shops overhere chinese brands of micro sd cards "hoco" and "HIKVISION"
<stipa> i guess those shouldn't be a scam
<stipa> anyone know any other chinese brand of sdcards that atleas deliver GB's that they claim the card has?
<stipa> HIKVISION seems to be a company that makes video surveillance stuff as well
<stipa> "hoco" is still blury to me
<stipa> can't say it's not a scam
<stipa> for now
<stipa> "hoco" does fake AirPods
<stipa> and soem other stuff
<stipa> hmmmm
* stipa mhm
<stipa> but, the risk is that there could be a copy of a copy
<stipa> that is what scares me
<Tonymac32> XD
<stipa> hmmmm
<stipa> from some logical conslusion i would say that MIPS bought risc V ?
<Tonymac32> no
<Tonymac32> the company is just choosing terrible naming
<Tonymac32> risc-v is an open standard
<Tonymac32> but they're naming themselves after the architecture they are discontinuing
<Tonymac32> like a comment on that post said: "So IBM should rename themselves POWER and focus on x86-64"
<stipa> idk
<stipa> maybe they want to male risc V closed source?
<stipa> make*
<Tonymac32> can't
<stipa> well
<stipa> as i saw
<stipa> risc V socs
<Tonymac32> it's an architecture definition
<stipa> are all closed expect the core
<Tonymac32> so they can make their own hardware
<stipa> yeah
<Tonymac32> right, the hardware is not open, only the instruction set
<stipa> ok
<stipa> ok
<stipa> cpu core is open
<Tonymac32> people do confuse that a good bit
<stipa> but peripherals manufacuterers are not
<Tonymac32> right
<Tonymac32> there are some open peripherals out there, but not many, and they all need really careful testing
<Tonymac32> the number is growing with the cheaply available FPGA's
<stipa> right
<stipa> that could be fun
<stipa> fpga's and risc core
<stipa> there's wifi already in fpga
<stipa> open
<stipa> but i guess every peripheral could be cloned
<stipa> not just cloned, but made even more reliable
<stipa> and functional as it should be
<stipa> very close to the theoretical laws
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<stipa> idk, many hardware sellers would loose busniess
<stipa> but chip production wouldn't felt the change at all
<stipa> even when you go low as fpga code design a lot of stuff is closed
<stipa> the better solution for working with fpga's would be open source hardware fpga
<stipa> chips
<stipa> open source chip manufacturing
<stipa> chip designeres would hate you but chip makers woudln't, lol
<stipa> those chips would be everywhere
<stipa> cheap and open source
<stipa> and you know what you're doing when designing stuff and not facing with cryptic crap that leads nowhere
<stipa> crap that can lead you at court if you dig deep enough
<stipa> in*
<stipa> idiots sell you stuff you can't properly design something
<stipa> with
<stipa> and it gets you lifetime of learning and bunch of money to even get there
<stipa> and you're confronted with a fucking wall
<stipa> open source chip manufacturing would end that crap
<stipa> the only problem would be a law and you aginst the gun
<stipa> even if open source hardware becomes popular it's not good for the electronics economy we have today
<stipa> politicians wouldn't be happy if they loose "extra" income
<stipa> income that's not under their control
<stipa> anymore
<stipa> idk
<stipa> but that RISCV stuff sounds like it's sabotaged day after day
<stipa> day after day it's less open source and more cryptic
<stipa> it'll just be like rpi
<stipa> shit riding on the open source ideology
<halabso> mmmmmmm
<stipa> halabso: what kind of computer you got from your friend?
<halabso> gateway
<stipa> oh man, that's not even produced anymore
<halabso> linux bionicpup 32 bever
<halabso> mine is broken
<halabso> so
<stipa> what does this command gives you 'inxi -C'
<halabso> were?
<halabso> terminal?
<stipa> yeah
<halabso> # 'inxi -C'
<halabso> # inxi -C
<halabso> bash: inxi -C: command not found
<halabso> bash: inxi: command not found
<stipa> try 'cat /proc/cpuinfo |grep Processor'
<halabso> # cat /proc/cpuinfo |grep Processor
<halabso> #
<halabso> # 'cat /proc/cpuinfo |grep Processor'
<halabso> bash: cat /proc/cpuinfo |grep Processor: No such file or directory
<stipa> ok ok
<stipa> halabso: what about 'uname -a'
<HerculeP> hi stipa: OdroidC2 ETH working: RTL8211F / G4H24HB / GG19, not working: RTL811F / G3H82H2 / GG14
<stipa> wow
<stipa> different chips
<halabso> # uname -a
<halabso> Linux puppypc23482 4.9.163-lxpup-32-pae #1 SMP Thu Mar 14 15:41:19 GMT 2019 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux
<halabso> #
<stipa> halabso: seems like you have intel pentium inside
<HerculeP> stipa: pics in PM
<halabso> aha
<stipa> HerculeP: ah they,re the same
<stipa> i can't see well
<stipa> now let's decipher second code on both
<stipa> and third
<stipa> / G4H24HB / GG19 & / G3H82H2 / GG14
<HerculeP> I had to use a strong lens/magnifier too to be able to decipher them ;)
<stipa> the second one is a little blurry but it's ok
<HerculeP> the original printing was only radable under a certain angle
<HerculeP> readable*
<stipa> yeah, it sux
<HerculeP> got the pics with a little help of my brother :)
<stipa> i'm trying to find out what second and third code mean
<stipa> i didn't find any useful info in that datasheet
<stipa> i saw there are different version of the chip
<stipa> but we would be able to see that in first designation of the chip
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<stipa> in our case those two codesa re the same, so same chip
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<stipa> the goal is to prove that those two chips are different and in a difference could be a bug
<stipa> there's something on page 6
<HerculeP> just an incompatibility of kernel/chip interactions it seems to me, coz both boards do work /w older kernels eg 3.xy
<HerculeP> (HK ubuntu mate)
<stipa> maybe in newer kernel some function was enabled
<stipa> of the chip
<stipa> that should be in both of them
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<stipa> but in in the one that's not working is a silicon bug
<HerculeP> but ofc I want to run 5.z ;)
<stipa> if you want newer kernel than i guess you could run older nic driver
<stipa> does that work?
<HerculeP> unfortunately I'm not that experienced
<stipa> you can manually delete .ko file of the driver
<stipa> and compile the old one and when it's compiled put it in the place where old one was
<stipa> with mv or cp
<HerculeP> I'll stick /w the working one for now, I never compiled anything (yet), lol
<stipa> yeah, it's complex when you don't know it
<stipa> but linux is pretty simple if you try
<stipa> it's very lazy system
<stipa> ok
<stipa> try
<stipa> 'lsmod|grep rtl'
<stipa> or
<HerculeP> maybe later, both boards offline atm
<stipa> right
<stipa> thanks for the pics
<HerculeP> np - also bedtime soon, gn
<stipa> gn
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<stipa> what a shitty datasheet
<stipa> Green package is indicated by the ‘G’ in GXXXV (Figure 4).
<stipa> wtf?
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<stipa> halabso: i have one chorted pentimu processor
<stipa> shorted*
<stipa> that's at least what i think after i diagnosed it with multimeter
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<stipa> too bad i don't have one pentium that works so that i could check if it's cpu or the motherboard that's the problem
<stipa> from what i could tell it's the cpu that's fried, but you never know
<stipa> it's pentium 2
<stipa> i can't even disasseble the damn thing
<stipa> to check if any capacitor or something is bad under all that aluminum
<stipa> i guess i'll drill the damn thing
<stipa> repair friendly electronics 21 years ago...
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