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hiya folks. I've an Odroid N2, I put [Yunohost] Armbian on it recently, but 1080p videos stutter with "libEGL warning: DRI2: failed to authenticate" in the terminal. are things still at the stage where N2 (Mali G52 GPU, Amlogic Video Engine AVE-10 VPU) users need to compile some varient of Mesa, or is there an easier fix I am missing?
hiya folks. I've an Odroid N2, I put [Yunohost] Armbian on it recently, but 1080p videos stutter with "libEGL warning: DRI2: failed to authenticate" in the terminal. are things still at the stage where N2 (Mali G52 GPU, Amlogic Video Engine AVE-10 VPU) users need to compile some varient of Mesa, or is there an easier fix I am missing?
what's Yunohost
what's Yunohost
milkii: there's stuff on that front that needs to be figured out... amlogic boards dont do so well in X11
milkii: there's stuff on that front that needs to be figured out... amlogic boards dont do so well in X11
dont really have any one focusing on it.. so if you find fixes share on teh forum
dont really have any one focusing on it.. so if you find fixes share on teh forum
lanefu: tl;dr self-hosted paas/sass aka personal/private cloud or something like that. turnkey installation of various web platforms/systems.
lanefu: tl;dr self-hosted paas/sass aka personal/private cloud or something like that. turnkey installation of various web platforms/systems.
Hi, Is Banana Pi M1 (first one) supported?
Hi, Is Banana Pi M1 (first one) supported?
lanefu: fair enough, was familiar with the score from the Manjaro ARM side and on the ODROID forum. was hoping stuff was just, like, fixed by now ;) iirc the libreelec distro had it working a while back, but they were patching a whole bunch of stuff. i should start reading what's going on in #panfrost atm.
lanefu: fair enough, was familiar with the score from the Manjaro ARM side and on the ODROID forum. was hoping stuff was just, like, fixed by now ;) iirc the libreelec distro had it working a while back, but they were patching a whole bunch of stuff. i should start reading what's going on in #panfrost atm.
(it was only to be a file/mpd server, but then my laptop died..)
(it was only to be a file/mpd server, but then my laptop died..)
milkii: interesting.. might have ot check it out...
milkii: interesting.. might have ot check it out...
i tried Nextcloud before, but that only really focused on groupware ish stuff. Yunohost has min *4 the apps, but it's tied to Armbian, and i'm an Arch kinda person :)
i tried Nextcloud before, but that only really focused on groupware ish stuff. Yunohost has min *4 the apps, but it's tied to Armbian, and i'm an Arch kinda person :)
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milkii: it's okay we all make mistakes
milkii: it's okay we all make mistakes
So.... teh double-sided thermal tape.... does it work? what if the piece of tape is bigger than teh SoC it's on?
So.... teh double-sided thermal tape.... does it work? what if the piece of tape is bigger than teh SoC it's on?
If I have copper shims does stacking extra shims help with heat or is that stupid?
If I have copper shims does stacking extra shims help with heat or is that stupid?
every junction has resistance to the motion of heat
every junction has resistance to the motion of heat
so shim only when necessay
so shim only when necessay
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lanefu: yeah, Manjaro ARM for the N2 has it fixed, if I'd stuck with a rolling release distro I'd have avoided this ;)
lanefu: yeah, Manjaro ARM for the N2 has it fixed, if I'd stuck with a rolling release distro I'd have avoided this ;)
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