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stipa: well, the NIC is brought up and the journal shows DHCP offers, but for some reason, the client doesn't accept it. This is also dhclient. Running dhclient manually 'fixes' this, which really shouldn't be necessary. Looks exactly like this
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stipa: I didn't start out using linux today ;)
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<RoyK> <-- networking won't work. running dhclient manually after bootup, works, leaving two dhclient processes running. @stipa et al.
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IgorPec: looks like I got lost in old config files and forgot about nmtui ;)
IgorPec: thanks
yeah :)
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Good day
I've just personally been using systemd-networkd for all console-only embedded devices running Linux (unless it's something like OpenWRT). I knew about nmcli, but not nmtui! So That's real interesting.... After learning networkd though, I just find it much simpler than having the overhead of NM. I guess there's also Armbian/Debian's interfaces, but it might be deprecated at some point.
I just setup my first SBC yesterday
Glock24: Oh, congrats! Which one?
Odroid HC4
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I did it after second try, the first time the sd got corrupted somehow
Oh, dual-SATA! Seems like it could be nice and slim NAS setup. I also have an SBC NAS.
I'm setting up a DVR for a friend with this device and Shinobi
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I was looking for something low power with native SATA, the HC4 filled the bill nicely
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Oh, that makes a lot of sense for that, too. Mine doesn't even have HDMI. :(
And it seems powerful enough
This one will probably work headless, but I got a second one to toy around
Yeah, mine is only serial. It's serial over USB-C, which is kind of funny. USB-C is a little bit over-specced for serial. Lol.
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Theoretically, it can support HDMI, but no firmware was written for it (or it was disabled in hardware. I forget.)
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hi any pi4 owners here for testing a game ?
RzR: wrong place for pi lovers.
I want to compare to arbian setup
but it's ok
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@meuon (Mike Harrison): Been debugging a ZeroPi boot problem for days. Burning various images... Turns out frelling generic the "2 Amp" 5 volt supply it was on couldn't feed it enough current to complete boot. Changed power supplies. Happy ZeroPi running @armbian = Happy Geek! (11s ago)
@armbian (armbian): RT @meuon: Been debugging a ZeroPi boot problem for days. Burning various images... Turns out frelling generic the "2 Amp" 5 volt supply it… (26s ago)
@Chainsman (💩💩Chainsman💩💩): @meuon @armbian This is why they should use barrel connectors, not cell phone connectors. (14s ago)
@armbian (armbian): @Chainsman @meuon Indeed! Not enough people are aware and / or willing to pay extra ... We have a forum dedicated to victims of mUSB violence 😇 (5s ago)
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RoyK: sounds like a 'systemctl' problem
for some reason it doesen't start dhclient as a root during the boot i guess
i constantly have such problems in all distros
and i laways forget how i solved it
in some distros it just works, in some you have to go through bunch of nonsensical tutorials and so on
it's relatively new thing
usually the problem lies in /lib/systemd/system/dhclient.service or something like that
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lies resides*
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@VeryMetalDev (Henri VeryMetalDev ⌨️🖥️👨🔧🖋️✏️😷): @SoapKS Want to facetrack animate a version of my profile pic. And i'm going to buy an Odroid C4 to make a cheap murderously fast Linux graphics workstation of it with Armbian. Will report on website. Look i sometimes dillydally but can speed up significantly due to 'background work'. (1 more message)
c4 and not the n2+?
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stipa: no, read above, the problem was me doing manual config in files when the system wanted me to run nmtui ;)
RoyK: right
The n2+ is not available anywhere, I wanted to buy one.
Glock24: it's pošular
and very stable
it's a nice piece of engineering
way above the competition
So I've read
mee too, here overtime
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N2+ like a Glock?
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stipa: network issues?
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tor issues
RoyK: it's either fro me to tor or from tor to freenode
but i did some switching from 4G to 3G
right now
probably me this time was the problem
but tor has some issues as well
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