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anybody tried LCD & touch panel with OrangePi 4?
there were some peeps trying to make LCD's and SPI working on opi 1 i guess
it a matter of writing a proper device tree node for it. basically i have to describe my LCD panel in DT form so that DSI driver can prob my LCD
good luck
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stipa the Pi does have a half of that port
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I believe both the DSI and CSI connectors on the Pi are only using 1/2 the lanes
that's all tied heavily to the SoC however
so for RK, AMlogic, etc it's completely different
Tonymac_32: good to know
It's a port I have my eye on as the Tinker Board has one, the same half-implementation so it could plug and play Pi parts
you mean on raspberry pi, right?
when you say "Pi"
right, sry
The Rock Pi I believe likewise went with the raspberry setup
yeah, it's cool since rasp pi has a lots of code and support
i guess you mean't on that?
and hardware
well, the cameras are a big shrug
the newest one is at least interesting
the displays likewise are, eh
but the software is all from scratch for each SoC
sure, when you deal with so lo level stuff
when you're a python ninja you don't care about that
every board is same to you
ha ha
except none of them support the crap well haha
there's not much low level peeps since it requieres high intelligence to do that stuff
and they do some smarter stuff usually
than to write a driver for one screen that works on all SBC's
from my point of view that should code a LCD manufacturer
what they do is copy paste some LCD design, produce bunch of it and you can't use it
when you buy it
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they simply expect that someone will code drivers for free
usually, when somone writes a driver prices jump up
all of a sudden chip is 3 times expensier
or screen, or whatever
that's how i see it
<stipa "there's not much low level peeps"> That's hardly true.๐ Intelligence is overrated. For low level stuff you need to know what goes where in the hardware.
kprasadvnsi[m]: you're a humble man
you should see high level idiots how they prais themselves for print "hello world" on the screen and whole world think they're supreme intelligence
vs writing a driver for that screen
there's a huge difference
today i saw Tab in a chrome eating 80% idling
2 cores
<stipa> , well that's just a piece of shit
not a code
they earn a lot of money and non of them knows how to optimize tat piece of shit
or maybe even 4
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<stipa "today i saw Tab in a chrome eati"> Well, this is done on purpose so you get motivated to buy a new device. It's a planned obsolescence.
kprasadvnsi[m]: there's truth in that
i know games sell hardware
There is reason most SoC vendors don't released TRM and their BSP is full of binary blobs. They don't want you to get support for 10 years.
that's for sure
well, it's to expect, they live of selling hardware
and if they want to live they have to constantly sell it
they won't risk their security overy stuff that actually works
they get money we get shit
and we always want more shit in hope newer will be better
and it never gets better
with linux it's another story
not completely but much better
the possibility is also that they don't know to make things to work as they should
that was an eye opener for me when one man told it to me
When you buy a new phone. Do you own that phone or rent it for 2 years because manufacturer will not support that phone for more then 2 years nor they will let anybody else to support it.
the question i ask is "Is it even my phone?"
probably renting
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Yah, that's the sad situation we are in.
that's what i wanted to say, maybe they're all just stupid as well
they think it's something great but it isn't
it's half done phone
if we forget about the bloatware and spam
and blobs and whatever
it's half done shit
beceuse they don't know better
which is probable
but we all know that people that make decissions in busniess at some point screw perfect product because of some stupid idea
when you have to work with idiots you'll have to satisfy their idiotic ideas to make them happy
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stipa, you feeling ok? Need to talk about anything? :D
i'm fine, thank you Tonymac_32
there are many ways to skin a cat
The cat appreciates none of them
(,-.`._,'( |\`-/|
`-.-' \ )-`( , o o)
`- \`_`"'-
i had a wron impression that everyone are cocky over here...
i'll try to be quiet from now on
i'll try to blend in
* stipa
resists te urge to be cocky
I usually just say "managers" when discussing dumb people
noone likes them
in the context of a project I am representative of, well I've been trained by corporate
so I'm not so direct
I agree that there is a massive gap between low level coding and scripting/etc. There are of course masters of the latter that do a great job
they cost too much money
kind of like the guys who would actually make a good BSP for a new SoC
so what you see is the labor of the intern or the student, or the new hire, or the idiot
you never notice the work of the skilled ones
i also think the skilled ones are hard to find
they're masked by bunch of birocracy
and what makes things worse if they don't want to be known
some from my view stay idiots to the end of the carrer
and there a re bunch of those who think they know something but they actually dont
but are doing well on the market
which is the reason for half done stuff
it's done if you ask them
rarely anything works as it should nowdays
not just the electronics
appliances come to mind
quality control is just very bad regarding everything
finding something, you know that just works is hard especially if salesmen write reviews and give advices what "should" be a good product or service
simple search for information about what's of good quality ends up being sales pitch of the crap you want to avoid
a trap :D
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@ericepe (Eric Poscher-Mika): @XTaran @climagic Yep, the RemoteCommand didn't work for me, will have to try again. Debian/Ubuntu to armbian BTW (29s ago)
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@kprasadvnsi (Kali Prasad): You know you got a crappy machine when @armbian build takes more than a hour.๐ฌ (14s ago)
in canada phone companies don't have the right to sell huawei anymore
if they do they can be in trouble
anybody feeling like writing their own Mipi DSI panel driver?๐
Linux DRM is a black hole. 4 hours into documentation and I am going nowhere with this thing.
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kprasadvnsi[m]: the problem is that armbian even doesn't boot
hangs on fsck
i know that the board is wip
<e3ef13f4ff44 "kprasadvnsi: the problem is that"> It should boot. Last time I checked it works.
Where you seeing the output?
lanefu I've used an E397 Huawei
Tonymac_32: cool with what carrier
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Huawei is banned everywhere just not in China i guess
but if China would ship it i would take a risk
after all it's hacking
i have also seen usb lte sticks from Huawei to be the best ones for linux
there are used hacked/unlocked ones from US providers lanefu
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you could get those on local used stuff markets
it's pretty much ebay China stuff with logo from some of the US lte providers
but if you ask me, after two lte modems/routers i would go with something that has linux support/driver for sure, neither of them works as it should and you can't fix them...
E397 Huawei looks fancy, haven't seen that one before
40$ from China, but if it's stable it's worth it
huawei uses binary own kernel, specific builds. no sources, no drivers. Take it as is or drop it.
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at least it integrates with Linux
I have the Cricket branded one, I use it with Fi
yeah nekomancer[m], I use them for remote machines that are moving non-personal data
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lanefu a pretty significant Hantro VPU patchset just hit the mailing list, seems to be focused on the i.MX8 but will help Rockchip
from what i'm seeing only "Hologram sim" can be used with that 4G USB lte
so, the idea is to earn on selling lte traffic and have code for the modem open
but i guess it can roam betweene lte providers
it would be oke for some sensors, not so for watching YT
data is too expensive
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@realCWolpert (Le Dahu): Damn... I should have checked #armbian support before I bought the Orange Pi zero2. I can't ssh in as its network adapter doesn't seem to work yet, at least it doesn't acquire an IP address via DHCP. (27s ago)
but if the client is paying for it then it makes sense
if it's a big one it won't even notice the expense
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Tonymac_32:interesign wahts a hantro
Tonymac_32: i feel like i'm a week away from having my SBC farm in proper order again
@VeryMetalDev (VeryMetalDev โจ๏ธ๐ฅ๏ธ๐จโ๐ง๐๏ธโ๏ธ๐ท): @igor_os777 Windows share still 80,2% ? This would make my Armbian efforts fall under 1,2% ?๐Bog i did not know i was operating in that much of a niche market, presumed this had differentiated more whilst in the lab. Been using Windows 10 for half a year after many years of Linux only. (6s ago)