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<kprasadvnsi[m]> <Werner "kprasadvnsi, should be since whe"> is the file where all this magic happen. I don't know how this all work.
<kprasadvnsi[m]> If I could install newly built kernel deb to SD card directly then it will greatly reduce the testing time.
<ArmbianTwitter> @cnxsoft (CNX Software): Cherry Pi PC V7 #SBC is a clone of @orangepixunlong PC and PC Plus SBC's based on @AllwinnerTech H3 processor and found to work just fine with #Armbian images. #linux #arm #debian #ubuntu (22s ago)
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<IgorPec> kprasadvnsi[m]: one way is to share package via local repository and on your test device add that repository, once kernel is shared, apt update and upgrade gets you to the most recent kernel
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<agneli> anybody here with some experience on nvidia tegra2 arm soc, please?
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<buZz> can i read out the voltages on my Nanopi M1 ?
<buZz> i'm having some random crashes and cant really pinpoint what the issue is
<buZz> and its burried internally in my 3d printer so cant really access the pins to measure :D
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<ArmbianTwitter> @DieZuckerbude (Ben Zucker 🍰): Finally found a new purpose for my #NanoPi Neo3 #SBC. Serves now as simple home #NAS. With a SSD connected via USB3 for local caching it syncs everything (on user choice) encrypted or not to the #cloud in the background. Of course driven by #rclone by @njcw and @armbian. (9s ago)
<ArmbianTwitter> @armbian (armbian): RT @DieZuckerbude: Finally found a new purpose for my #NanoPi Neo3 #SBC. Serves now as simple home #NAS. With a SSD connected via USB3 for… (13s ago)
<Werner> Did not mention that I am using unsupported dev branch and hirsute :P
<Werner> welp, works
<IgorPec> good, we can't build it anymore :)
<IgorPec> at least not with focal host
<Werner> haha
<Werner> Yeah I noticed something must be wrong since my hirsute build for pbp failed
<IgorPec> its crashing on package install
<IgorPec> so i setup hirsute host for CI now
<Werner> yep
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<stipa> buZz: try "lm sensors"
<stipa> sometimes it spits out voltages as well as temps
<stipa> fan speeds
<stipa> but, arm boards are not so well supported because of drivers but maybe you get lucky
<stipa> some arm boards i would gess don't even have volt sensors
<stipa> maybe you get lucky
<buZz> lets see
<buZz> Sorry, no sensors were detected.
<buZz> aww
<buZz> well, i clocked it down a bunch, maybe that'll help
<stipa> try to run 'sensors'
<stipa> i get gpu and cpu temp only
<buZz> No sensors found!
<stipa> bummer
<stipa> maybe there are some other options
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<stipa> that's the most popular one
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<[TheBug]> buZz: you probably have DRAM set to high for memory -- their memory quality isn't t hat great, I would drop DRAM speed some on it and see if you still see same issue
<[TheBug]> sounds like that may be what you already did as I catch up reading
<buZz> by editting DTB?
<[TheBug]> ya
<[TheBug]> I think I was running mine in 400s I can't recall off top of my head for Android
<[TheBug]> so that it wouldn't glitch and do weird stuff
<[TheBug]> like 486 or something
<[TheBug]> I would have to go look at the h3droid fexes and see
<[TheBug]> we had found the sweet spot
<[TheBug]> I have M1 and M1+
<[TheBug]> sitting here on my desk
<[TheBug]> not bad
<[TheBug]> I will also suggest it may be a heat issue
<buZz> could be, but there's a fan blowing straight onto the m1
<[TheBug]> but thats because I would personally suggest anyone running anything that uses constant CPU I would for sure have a 5v fan on it
<[TheBug]> ohh?
<[TheBug]> must not be in picture
<buZz> the printer has one underneath, to blow onto the stepperdrivers
<[TheBug]> I see
<[TheBug]> hmm well then yeah, first I would try lowering DRAM
<[TheBug]> and see if still same stability issue
<[TheBug]> How long you had it in there adn running?
<buZz> ~3hrs until it froze
<[TheBug]> sounds about right
<[TheBug]> yeah lower DRAM / cooling would be the steps I would do first
<[TheBug]> if that doesn't do it I would check power supply
<buZz> since lowering clocks and switching to powersave it didnt crash
<[TheBug]> if not that then, well...
<buZz> just weird, its been running fine for a year
<[TheBug]> not really, I mean, it's a NanoPi M1 ;p
<buZz> ^_^
<[TheBug]> yeah probably heat on memory chips over time
<[TheBug]> why with asll my H3 I generally attach a 5v pi fan to the heatsink
<[TheBug]> just don't have to worry then
<[TheBug]> but yeah, downclock memory, try a different power adapter
<[TheBug]> you would be suprised how often power supplies go bad
<buZz> mhm
<buZz> oo, i guess the +5v is directly connected to the +5v on USB ports?
<buZz> 5.1v , dangit
<buZz> hmm yeah, even during 'all heaters on' on 3d printer and octoprint running and slicing, its 5.08v
<buZz> at 'ondemand'
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<Xogium> er, too damn high indeed
<Xogium> but wait, it can't damage anything to run too fast, right ?
<Xogium> you'll just get nonsense ?
<buZz> i'm not sure , it seemed to be clocked to 1.3ghz , maybe just a bit too high, i set it to 100-1005mhz now , and hasnt crashed thusfar
<ArmbianTwitter> @DonGonzone (Gonzo): @DieZuckerbude @njcw @armbian will you provide some kind of documentation for your project? sounds interesting (22s ago)
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<IgorPec> lanefu: copy paste rulz :)
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