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<lanefu> lol
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* stipa mhm
<stipa> you know what [TheBug]
<stipa> the kernel is needs advancement
<stipa> if noone will do it it'll seek to exist
<stipa> it didnt get where it is because of the cowards
<stipa> that's somethin special
<stipa> you know, if i had bigger balls
<stipa> and flower
<stipa> i'll be over all that
<stipa> but i have no brains
<stipa> but
<[TheBug]> lanefu: Your AI is starting to have a mind of it's own, quick, pull the plug! ^^
<stipa> you know
<stipa> kernel is just the standard
<stipa> al machines have to xoply
<stipa> coply
<stipa> [TheBug]: i have one for you
<stipa> wait a moment
<stipa> just a moment
<lanefu> sorry i cant unplug it
* stipa if you piss your apnts it's not beacuse of me
<[TheBug]> We are all doomed! Doooooooooooooomed!
<stipa> doom game is awesome
<stipa> true that
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<stipa> ah
<stipa> just stay away from "king of the hill"
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<stipa> but Doom games
<stipa> i playes one of the newwar ones and it was optimized for crap machines
<stipa> that engine just screams optimization
<stipa> tyhey have the best visuals and the best iptimization
<stipa> optimization?
<stipa> just spectacular
<Triffid_Hunter> Factorio is also heavily optimised - wish they'd release an ARM build at some point, just to try
<stipa> idk, but their work is mazing
<stipa> even to this day
<stipa> they're years in front of all commecial crap today
<Triffid_Hunter> stipa: esp in regards to community management and consumer friendliness
<stipa> idk what that is
<stipa> i guess it's just the
<stipa> wish to be good and to provide qualit
<stipa> y
<stipa> all dooms, quakes
<stipa> just wipe stuff on the market
<stipa> everything else looks like a shitty story
<stipa> compared
<stipa> doom stuff is just
<stipa> fancy code
<stipa> it really is, it's a fact
<stipa> it's just awesome
<stipa> what that guys can do of shity electronics
<stipa> is art
<stipa> it really is
<stipa> i'm in there whenever i play it
<stipa> i'm in the stor
<stipa> y
<stipa> i haven't tried
<stipa> the newest one
<stipa> have you Triffid_Hunter ?
<stipa> DOOM Eternal
<stipa> i could click fast and all that
<stipa> fuck man, what a game
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<threenp> Has anyone here been able got odoidhc4 working with cryptroot? Been doing dozens of rebuilds over the past week (from 4.x, current, dev, 5.11, with and without patches) and no matter what I try the eth0 just won't go up once unlocked when doing cryptroot. It gets DHCP fine in initramfs but the interface won't even go up with a static IP, nevermind dhcp, once booted into the full system.
<threenp> Building without cryptroot also works
<threenp> Wouldn't be as much of a problem if it weren't for that the USB interface is only USB 2.0 and has reported stability issues ;(
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<stipa> threenp: seems like you're from east
<threenp> stipa []: haha indeed! you as well? :)
<stipa> not really, but today i am
<stipa> :D
<stipa> stick around
<stipa> both europeans an US are sleeping now
<c0rnelius> not all
<stipa> ok, Aegentina is not sleeping
<stipa> i saw that ODROID-HC4 is supported
<c0rnelius> Anyone have any thoughts on how to remove un-allocated space from a shrunk partition using scripting?
<c0rnelius> The shrinking part is simples... But the space left behind still remains. I needs to figure out how to trim this off.
<threenp> <stipa "ok, Aegentina is not sleeping"> haha wow, other side!
<threenp> oh yeah, and cryptroot also works fine on odroidc4, which is otherwise super similar :S
<threenp> <c0rnelius "The shrinking part is simples..."> you want to shrink the partition?
<threenp> > <> The shrinking part is simples... But the space left behind still remains. I needs to figure out how to trim this off.
<threenp> * you want to shrink the partition? ext4?
<[TheBug]> resize2fs?
<c0rnelius> yes i can I shrink the partition. But what is left over is un-allocated space. So therefore the partition remains the same size, because the un-allocated space still remains.
<c0rnelius> resize2fs -M
<c0rnelius> leaves un-allocated space
<[TheBug]> huh?
<[TheBug]> sounds like you are doing it in reverse
<[TheBug]> but
<c0rnelius> how so?
<[TheBug]> what I will say is the easiest way is to use gparted in x-windows since it automates all the tasks for you
<threenp> Uhm, isn't that exactly the point? Your physical device has the space it has
<threenp> i don't think it sounds like reverse. But the unallocated space is part of the physical device
<c0rnelius> [TheBug]: exactly. I'm trying to resolve this through scripting.
<c0rnelius> not manual labor
<[TheBug]> you have a 32GB volume, you are using 5GB on it, you want to change the 32GB partition to a 10GB partition. Okay... so fsck the volume to make sure it is contigous, modify the partition size to be smaller
<[TheBug]> resize2fs
<[TheBug]> fsck.ext4 the finished volume
<c0rnelius> that doesn't work
<c0rnelius> tried it
<[TheBug]> sure does
<threenp> c0rnelius []: What you refer to as "unallocated space" is exactly that. Unallocated. Why would you want to remove that?
<[TheBug]> what you described is changing the size of the file system, not the partition
<c0rnelius> if you have a scripting example please share
<threenp> what is it you're trying to achieve here?
<c0rnelius> threenp: I want to remove that space to trim the partition
<threenp> but you said you already shrunk the partition..?
<[TheBug]> so did you fdisk the volume, remove partion, recreate partiton of new size, save?
<[TheBug]> what you described above was shrinking the filesystem but not the partition. If you shirnk the partition, then you can use resize2fs to resize t he filesystem to match the size of the partition
<c0rnelius> [TheBug]: if I did all that wouldn't that kill the existing partition and the FS within?
<[TheBug]> Make sure you sacrafice 3 goats.
<threenp> assuming you're not using lvm or similar (which could make this easier for you, but adds another layer):
<threenp> filesystem < partition < device
<threenp> so if you srunk the filesystem and partition, all you have left is empty space by the drive. I mean you could overprovision through firmware depending on the drive, is that what you're referring to? That depends on manufacturer and doesn't sound like what you're really after here
<threenp> and, well, ALWAYS make backups when operating on data you don't want to lose
<threenp> ah, sounds like you only shrunk the filesystem, not the partition!
<[TheBug]> c0rnelius: you have too linear a thought process of it, it doesn't work like that. Yes, you can lose data, why I mentioned you have to make sure you are using a reasonable amount less than what you plan to drop the size to and you need to fsck the partition before you proceed. Even under best case there is always 'some risk' that some of the data got allocated towards the end of the partition
<[TheBug]> if you were extremly active in using the volume, but generally you should be fine.
<c0rnelius> No no... I want to create an image. Say partition one is p1 and partition 2 is p2 and p2 has 8GBs of space. After all is said and done I want to now trim P2 to the minimal needed size (which is the rootfs).
<[TheBug]> actually if you want the best understanding, load up xwindows, run gparter and use it but actually review the logs of each step, it will tell you every command it uses, you will see it does roughly the same.;
<c0rnelius> So after running resize2fs -M is trims it down, but it leaves the un-allocated space there, hece its still 8GBs.
<[TheBug]> s/gparter/gparted
<ArmbianHelper> [TheBug] meant to say: actually if you want the best understanding, load up xwindows, run gparted and use it but actually review the logs of each step, it will tell you every command it uses, you will see it does roughly the same.;
<threenp> yeah, so resize2fs resizes the filesystem, it doesnt touch the partition
<[TheBug]> c0rnelius: if thats what you want, what you really want is LVM
<[TheBug]> you don't want paritions
<threenp> this ^
<[TheBug]> partitions are not meant to be resized like that
<threenp> well nothing wrong with it per se
<[TheBug]> only way to effiecntly do that is with gparted cause it has to do a bunch of math on how to align things. So it's possibl it just isn'
<threenp> in case it's a one-time thing and you don't expect to resize it as it grows
<[TheBug]> isn't practical*
<c0rnelius> Well I this can be manually using gparted for example
<[TheBug]> this is why LVM exists
<[TheBug]> read what I said, it has to do calculations and is not practical
<c0rnelius> so I figured there must be a way to script this... which is why I was asking.
<[TheBug]> yes ity can be done but what youa re wanting to do, you really want LVM
<[TheBug]> you can dynamicly rezies your partitions
<[TheBug]> resize*
<threenp> anyway c0rnelius [] you can absolutely script fdisk, i think armbian scripts do it this way IIRC
<threenp> but the advise you got was good, run a gui app with verbose logging that shows you the lower-level commands it runs and see what it does
<[TheBug]> c0rnelius: um, read my earlier comment - run gparted, actually read what it does, it tells you in the logs step by step, replicate the process
<[TheBug]> as long as you are okay calculationg the patition sizes, it can be done
<c0rnelius> [TheBug]: I tried that already
<threenp> and?
<c0rnelius> It doesn't show any specific content I could see
<threenp> it = what?
<[TheBug]> it tells you the exact command it runs if you check down in log
<c0rnelius> I know
<c0rnelius> try it
<c0rnelius> I saw nothing specific
<threenp> but either way you have a working example in the redhat link above ^
<c0rnelius> I wouldn't be asking if I saw it
<c0rnelius> I thought maybe creating a stage3 script that calculates the p2 partition size and re-runs fdisk and does a rsync transfer and at the end creates the img... But? Thats like a ton of extra effort.
<c0rnelius> Must be a way to remove the un-allocated space.
<[TheBug]> c0rnelius: if you want to do what you are suggesting manually by hand, get it to how you want, fsck both volumes, enter fdisk, remove both partitions, recreate them the new sizes, run resiz2fs on each partition, fsck each partition. Thats pretty much it.
<[TheBug]> yes you remove both partitions, recreate them the size you want them
<archetech> use a bootable tool like gparted
<c0rnelius> Trying to figure it out on a scripting level
<[TheBug]> resize2fs each parition, fsck
<threenp> if you really don't want LVM would prob be a lot easier to just determine the size and rebuild creating the image with a root partition with the intended size straight away
<archetech> gparted=scripts already made and built in
<[TheBug]> 'man fdisk' ?
<threenp> build once -> measure size -> rebuild with intended size
<c0rnelius> threenp: yeah i think thats the only way
<threenp> it's not, but it's prob the asiest ;)
<c0rnelius> real dick punch :D
<threenp> and, well, you could also create new partition -> rsync over
<[TheBug]> or check out sfdisk....
<c0rnelius> [TheBug]: I did
<c0rnelius> thats why I'm asking for ideas
<c0rnelius> which I appreciate very much. thanx
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<mrjpaxton[m]> I wish there was rsync for dd, so you could, I guess, dd your changes over to another drive.... That sounds like a terrible idea, never mind.
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<[TheBug]> um there is, it's called dd over ssh or nc
<[TheBug]> but I guess your saying where you could do like an active update of some kind?
<[TheBug]> I mean functionally if the disk image was small enough you could rsync the device
<[TheBug]> but you would be better off just rsyncing the data on the filesystem level
<[TheBug]> or otherwise using something like an lvm snapshot
<threenp> you can replicate the partition table between devices of same geometry too: `sfdisk -d /dev/sda | sfdisk -f /dev/sdd`
<threenp> you prob need to change fs uuids since youy don't want duplicates: `tune2fs -U random /dev/sdd` or `cryptsetup luksUUID /dev/sdd --uuid NEWUUID`
<threenp> * you prob need to change fs uuids since you don't want duplicates: `tune2fs -U random /dev/sdd` or `cryptsetup luksUUID /dev/sdd --uuid NEWUUID`
<threenp> * you prob need to change fs uuids since you don't want duplicates: `tune2fs -U random /dev/sdd2` or `cryptsetup luksUUID /dev/sdd2 --uuid NEWUUID`
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<c0rnelius> mrjpaxton[m]: That can be done. I actually have two scripts for it. One for sd over to sda and another from sd to mmc. They are both very specific in what they do, but could be modified easily depending on the use case.
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<HerculeP> c0rnelius: IIRC I could use PiShrink even for my armbian backups, not 100% sure tho (it was years ago)
<c0rnelius> alrighty.
<HerculeP> lemme check, I have to move an odroidc2 armbian 32GB SD to a 8GB emmc anyhow ..
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<kprasadvnsi[m]> My LCD driver works with BSP but failed to work on mainline. It turned out mipi DSI controller driver is completely different from bsp one
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<lanefu> kprasadvnsi[m]: bummer
<kprasadvnsi[m]> Yah, it suck
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<whoiswho> Hi all, anyone here to answer some (probably very basic) questions about building the kernel? I've tried following the guide on the Armbian docs (among others sources) but I'm suspecting the resulting images are just using the default config
<whoiswho> Is the config file in output/config directory the one used making the image? If so, it must ignore the settings I set (using the TUI configuration tool), for instance 1000 Hz timer etc.
<Werner> Yes and no. Let me explain. If you use the build script and choose to modify the default kernel config a copy of this config will be put into the output folder. It is also used for the kernel in this run.
<Werner> If you plan to use this custom config for future builds without additional adjustments you have to provide it to the build script via userpatches folder. Check docs for this:
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<whoiswho> Ok. Just to clarify, are you saying that the default config is put in the output/config folder or my modified version? Building using the Ubuntu distro from the Armbian build guide in a virtual environment.
<Werner> The modified one of course :)
<whoiswho> The issue I'm having is that it doesn't seem to apply any of my modifications -- again, all done via the configuration script -- so I'm assuming it's just using the default config
<Werner> Add a custom version string to your custom kernel and compile it. Then check if it is there
<whoiswho> Yes, that's what I would've assumed also! :-) But checking that config, it's just the default config
<Werner> Um
<Werner> So you say it exports the default config? you did save the config before exiting, yes?
<whoiswho> Precisely, I've added a custom string (LOCALVERSION) and changed a few other parameters, for instance 1000 Hz timer, but the config in output/config does not contain any of it
<Werner> Were the changes present in the compiled kernel image?
<whoiswho> I saved it yes. I'm assuming the "Save" in the menu is just for exporting it for future runs though? It should apply whatever I've modified regardless of if I "Save" it in the menu?
<whoiswho> Neither of the changes appear to be present in the compiled kernel.
<whoiswho> To apply the modified kernel settings in the menu you should just exit via the "Exit" button or double-tap the Esc button right?
<Werner> Saving in menuconfig is for the current run and exporting the modified config to output
<Werner> Let me test kernel customization real quick
<whoiswho> Ok, it seems that the config file gets exported to a folder under /cache/
<Werner> The cache folder holds the kernel sources under which root folder the config is usually stored with the name .config. The build script takes it from there and puts a copy to output
<whoiswho> (but not to output/config which one would've thought)
<whoiswho> Alright, I see.. Yeah, then it doesn't make sense why the config in output is not changed
<Werner> export of custom config works for me
<whoiswho> The .config file in the cache dir should then have my settings? Let me check that
<whoiswho> Nope, it's just the default settings.. So that's the issue I guess.
<whoiswho> Hmm..
<whoiswho> I chose to save/export the settings (via the menu) to the file .config_1000hz which it done properly.. it's in the cache folder along with the .config (with default settings)
<whoiswho> I don't really know what to try and what could cause it to ignore my settings.. appreciate all the response though ;-)
<whoiswho> Can you supply the config file via the script btw?
<Werner> compiled kernel also contains my changes. build script works as intended
<Werner> Not sure why you are having issues
<whoiswho> good to know, then it must be something on my side
<whoiswho> Just a thought, if I were to overwrite the .config file that is currently in the cache dir (build/cache/sources/linux-mainline/linux-5.10.y) would the script recognise my settings then? Or is it rewritten every time the script is run?
<Werner> I guess it will be overwritten by automatic checkout of the sources
<Werner> To provide a custom config check the documentation link I mentioned earlier regarding user configuration
<whoiswho> Alright, yep
<whoiswho> Altering the configuration as outlined in "Providing build configuration" just changes the first part of the build where you choose if you want to build kernel only, board type etc., AND if you want to recompile the kernel
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<whoiswho> .. but not which config should be used in kernel config?
<Werner> Should be what you are looking for
<whoiswho> Ah ;-) Let me check it out
<Werner> Naming depends on board and selected branch. like linux-sunxi-current.config
<whoiswho> yep, going to try to run it once to see if I can get the proper name..
<whoiswho> It's for an Odroid N2+ and I want the current branch so I'd guess it would be linux-odroidn2-current.config
<Werner> n2 is meson64 I think
<whoiswho> yeah you're probably right.. it the board name that's "odroidn2"
<Werner> Its not about the board name, its about the family the board belongs to ;)
<whoiswho> yep
<whoiswho> I'll try to put my config as "linux-meson64-current.config" in there as see if it recognises it (and skipping the KERNEL_CONFIGURE option to Appreciate the help Werner.. I'll log out as the build usually take a couple of hours
<Werner> Pay attention to the output of the script and make sure it mentions this " Adding user provided meson64 overrides"
<whoiswho> (Still very weird that it doesn't seem to apply the settings I make in the TUI though, but as long as it works some way I'm good..)
<whoiswho> Alright, thanks so much
<Werner> youre welcome
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* nekomancer[m] uploaded an image: Girls & Panzer Movie - 1_38_13.webp (67KiB) < & Panzer Movie - 1_38_13.webp >
<nekomancer[m]> ooops. sorry, wrong chat
<c0rnelius> Last time I checked the n2/+ just share the same dtsi file and the dts is nothing but includes. Of course I could be wrong as I don't actually own the board.
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<grae> evening all
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