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ah, sandelinos[m] , that shit happens
Usb wireless dongle. I'm using my pi as a kinda wireless router
me too
yeah, ok,
If the removal is intentional I'll just go ahead and compile the module myself but if it's a regression I'll just downgrade the kernel
i guess
update shouldn't remove the driver
maybe the setting files are scrabled
maybe the ethernet interface changed the name after the update
can you acces the board?
Nah the kernel module is gone from /lib/modules
fuck mate
thats bad
yeah, it sounds like a software problem
sandelinos[m]: have you tried to reinstall it?
the driver*
i have some shit with audio system today
linux just sux iverall
the best i got linux working on me
was a week
that week i felt like a king
everything over a week was ready for mass market
sandelinos[m]: i heard gone stuff before
that's not coders mistake
that's cheaping on the hardware
gone of hardware from the kernel is "noone wants to deal with it"
Found the cause in git: ```if linux-version compare "${version}" ge 3.14 && linux-version compare "${version}" le 5.9 && [ "$EXTRAWIFI" == yes ]; then```
Wait how do I format code
* Wait how do I format code?
thats a bug
there's nothing to format
man you're in some deep shit
what board sandelinos[m] ?
What are you talking about?
what SBC?
Orange Pi One
that board
is perfect
software and hardware are in equilibrium...
What are you smoking man?
Anyways I found what I was looking for so bye
that works like
The realtek drivers aren't included in kernel versions above 5.9
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sandelinos[m]: fyi driver still doesn't build
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Oh yeah I didn't bother looking at the actual pull request or the repo yesterday as I was heading to sleep. I'll do more research but I think it has been fixed somewhere as it works on my x86 PC also running 5.10
* Oh yeah I didn't bother looking at the actual pull request or the repo yesterday as I was heading to sleep. I'm no professional programmer and don't even know exactly what get_fs is supposed to do but the changes in that PR didn't look very proper. I'll do more research but I think it has been fixed somewhere as the dongle works on my x86 PC also running 5.10
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Ok so if I
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* Ok so if I'm getting this right on kernels <5.10 the build script removes the mainline rtl8188 driver from the source and replaces it with the aircrack's patched driver. So couldn't we just use the mainline driver for 5.10 instead?
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sandelinos[m]: we could switch to the driver that is shipped with a kernel - but someone has to test and provide pull reqest. In any case attention is required
I'm testing it on my machine right now but I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around the build system
config/kernel have configs
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I have 2 Rock64's, one is running LibreELEC (9.2.6; for a while now) and the other runs Armbian
Not too long ago, I got the 5.10 kernel on Armbian (which shares media files via nfs) and since then I get all kinds of weird playback issues on the other Rock64 (w/LibreELEC)
normally I'd point the finger at the device showing the problem, but it's only the one who now has the 5.10 kernel and it started right after that update
Can I go back to the previous (5.9 iirc) kernel? I do see several kernel pkgs, but I'm far from sure any of them is a good idea (due to lack of knowledge what the differences are)
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