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stipa: a correct one
that being said, they're convenient
I remember bricking mine during a flash update
*UEFI update
yeah, now it's harder to fix it
the fact that it was removable made recovery a lot easier
oh it's worse
AMD motherboards use 1.8 volt chips
for no good reason
yeah, it's not servicable anymore
it is but it's not easy
and not cheap
i have to flash any modded BIOS directly to the flash chip since the new ones are signed
like they have some protection?
serial number?
like apple parts?
i wouldn't know, i have 10 years old computers
They call it Security Flash Check. It's some signature in the UEFI that the flasher checks.
so, every board has it's own signature?
and all codes of all motherboards are embedded in the flasher code?
why woudl they protect bios chip like that?
eh no. I believe the UEFI file itself has a signature that the flasher checks. There's some way to make it work but I haven't been able to do so.
so you can clone the content of the flash and put into another chip and put it on the board and the board would boot?
it's not a harware lock
No it's not. It's a software one
meaning I can use an SPI programmer to bypass it
but that's quite inconvenient
it's messy
flyback is now known as phil_collins
phil_collins is now known as flyback
Yeah tried again. Doesn't work.
i guess you need a hot air station to desolder that bios?
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thats best but this isa salvage op of 2 boards goofin around
thats best but this is a salvage of 2 1155 dell 660 boards goofin around
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Hi all, quick quest, do kernel upgrades come via apt? Are there kernel upgrades in between Armbian version releases? (How often/when?)
Pander: yes via apt. Typically only updates for major security events. If you want frequent updates. You can use armbian-config to choose to use nightly kernel builds
The date of the latest release was just before the feature I need (enabling a kernel module) has come available. Bit hesitating as nightly build can come with unstable stuff.
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@DieZuckerbude (Ben Zucker 🍰): @RonbamThe @BrideOfLinux Armbian does not support any RPi device. (27s ago)
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hi all. I have a BPI M2 Zero, but I lack a monitor with hdmi. How can I configure the wifi by mounting the sd card in another computer?
@RonbamThe (Honest Ron): @DieZuckerbude @BrideOfLinux I'm using Armbian on my Rock64 etc devices, and some other distro on the RPIs. Not Raspbian, in any case. (28s ago)
configuring something like wifi could take some time even through serial communication, doing it the way you want it would be a nightmare
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stipa: I have a few...
stipa: I just wanted to do a headless setup and didn't have one around when I asked. Seems the problem now is that I don't get an IP address unless I run dhclient manually. I'm updating to latest everything now to see if that helps
any idea why this works if I run dhclient manually, but not otherwise?
beacause dhclient contacts dhcp server on the network for ip, dns...
and then you get an ip and all that stuff
if you set the ip, gateway, netmask, dns manually you won't need to run dhclient
if for example network hasn't got an dhcp server somewhere you need to set static ip...
it all depends on the network you want to join
yours have dhcp server running somewhere
probably in a modem
dhcp server makes thing easy, especially if you have windows or macos client, you only need a wifi passowrd to connect and everything else is done automatically via dhcp server
and in linux desktop enviroments things are easy
as well, but when you're using linux CLI you get to know about things like dhclient
otherwise it's all automatic if you don't have some fancy network stuff going
i for example have dhcp server that always assigns the same ip adress to a MAC adress
even if it's dhcp on the network it looks like ip's are static
so if i want to connect something fast to the network dhcp will do it for me
if i want to go wild with static settings i can do it as well if i want
you can tweak it to your needs
hcient is fancy stuff
but i'm not a freak or something, i use PiHole to do it for me
fancy web gui and stuff
for dhcp and local dns server
and ad blocking
there are scarier ways as well
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