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<mangix> stipa: a correct one
<mangix> that being said, they're convenient
<mangix> I remember bricking mine during a flash update
<mangix> *UEFI update
<stipa> yeah, now it's harder to fix it
<mangix> the fact that it was removable made recovery a lot easier
<mangix> oh it's worse
<mangix> AMD motherboards use 1.8 volt chips
<mangix> for no good reason
<stipa> yeah, it's not servicable anymore
<stipa> it is but it's not easy
<stipa> and not cheap
<mangix> i have to flash any modded BIOS directly to the flash chip since the new ones are signed
<stipa> like they have some protection?
<stipa> serial number?
<stipa> like apple parts?
<stipa> i wouldn't know, i have 10 years old computers
<mangix> They call it Security Flash Check. It's some signature in the UEFI that the flasher checks.
<stipa> so, every board has it's own signature?
<stipa> and all codes of all motherboards are embedded in the flasher code?
<stipa> why woudl they protect bios chip like that?
<mangix> eh no. I believe the UEFI file itself has a signature that the flasher checks. There's some way to make it work but I haven't been able to do so.
<stipa> so you can clone the content of the flash and put into another chip and put it on the board and the board would boot?
<stipa> it's not a harware lock
<mangix> No it's not. It's a software one
<stipa> ok
<mangix> meaning I can use an SPI programmer to bypass it
<mangix> but that's quite inconvenient
<stipa> it's messy
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<mangix> Yeah tried again. Doesn't work.
<stipa> i guess you need a hot air station to desolder that bios?
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<archetech> thats best but this isa salvage op of 2 boards goofin around
<archetech> thats best but this is a salvage of 2 1155 dell 660 boards goofin around
<archetech> yeah
<stipa> looks nice for a linux box
<stipa> i wouldn't have anything against one
<stipa> so, there is no cooler on the chipset, right archetech ?
<archetech> no
<stipa> nice
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<bbt> how do i get in contact with the maintainer for a device supported by Armbian?
<mangix> bbt: email?
<bbt> sure
<bbt> not sure where to look for said person
<mangix> neither do i
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<IgorPec> bbt: support doesn't function that way
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<Pander> Hi all, quick quest, do kernel upgrades come via apt? Are there kernel upgrades in between Armbian version releases? (How often/when?)
<lanefu> Pander: yes via apt. Typically only updates for major security events. If you want frequent updates. You can use armbian-config to choose to use nightly kernel builds
<Pander> The date of the latest release was just before the feature I need (enabling a kernel module) has come available. Bit hesitating as nightly build can come with unstable stuff.
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<ArmbianTwitter> @RonbamThe (Honest Ron): @BrideOfLinux Huh; that's odd indeed. I've got Armbian on mine... (9s ago)
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<ArmbianTwitter> @DieZuckerbude (Ben Zucker 🍰): @RonbamThe @BrideOfLinux Armbian does not support any RPi device. (27s ago)
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<RoyK> hi all. I have a BPI M2 Zero, but I lack a monitor with hdmi. How can I configure the wifi by mounting the sd card in another computer?
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<ArmbianTwitter> @RonbamThe (Honest Ron): @DieZuckerbude @BrideOfLinux I'm using Armbian on my Rock64 etc devices, and some other distro on the RPIs. Not Raspbian, in any case. (28s ago)
<stipa> configuring something like wifi could take some time even through serial communication, doing it the way you want it would be a nightmare
<stipa> usb to serial adapters are very cheap
<stipa> sub 5$ for sure
<stipa> buy few
<stipa> but you could try to put configuration commands in the /etc/rc.local on the sdcard
<stipa> first you need to find what's the name of the wifi card in the linux
<stipa> i woldn't klnow how to find that name on the sdcard
<stipa> maybe wlan0 or wlan1
<stipa> a wild guess but you newer know what linux will do
<stipa> you also have to enable sshd.service somehow in order to shell into the bannana when it connects to the network
<stipa> you would also need to edit something on the sdcard to make it happen
<stipa> if this all sounds complex to you just buy yourself usb to serial adapter and do it the easy way
<[TheBug]> or...
<[TheBug]> go to your friends house and use his HDMI screen and a keyboard..
<[TheBug]> set it up...
<[TheBug]> then go home
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<Viking59> Hello
<Viking59> What SBC would you recommend for a "dashboard", running something like Dakboard and maybe show the occational webvideo
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<RoyK> stipa: I have a few...
<RoyK> stipa: I just wanted to do a headless setup and didn't have one around when I asked. Seems the problem now is that I don't get an IP address unless I run dhclient manually. I'm updating to latest everything now to see if that helps
<RoyK> any idea why this works if I run dhclient manually, but not otherwise?
<stipa> beacause dhclient contacts dhcp server on the network for ip, dns...
<stipa> and then you get an ip and all that stuff
<stipa> if you set the ip, gateway, netmask, dns manually you won't need to run dhclient
<stipa> if for example network hasn't got an dhcp server somewhere you need to set static ip...
<stipa> it all depends on the network you want to join
<stipa> yours have dhcp server running somewhere
<stipa> probably in a modem
<stipa> dhcp server makes thing easy, especially if you have windows or macos client, you only need a wifi passowrd to connect and everything else is done automatically via dhcp server
<stipa> and in linux desktop enviroments things are easy
<stipa> as well, but when you're using linux CLI you get to know about things like dhclient
<stipa> otherwise it's all automatic if you don't have some fancy network stuff going
<stipa> i for example have dhcp server that always assigns the same ip adress to a MAC adress
<stipa> even if it's dhcp on the network it looks like ip's are static
<stipa> so if i want to connect something fast to the network dhcp will do it for me
<stipa> if i want to go wild with static settings i can do it as well if i want
<stipa> you can tweak it to your needs
<stipa> hcient is fancy stuff
<stipa> dhclient*
<stipa> but i'm not a freak or something, i use PiHole to do it for me
<stipa> fancy web gui and stuff
<stipa> for dhcp and local dns server
<stipa> and ad blocking
<stipa> there are scarier ways as well
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