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<Tony_mac32> just updated my Helios64 from 5.8 to 5.9, had to do the zfs-dkms install twice
<Tony_mac32> but it worked
<Tony_mac32> the first time it got mad about the old modules not existing in the old place for some reason
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<Slide-O-Mix> I am trying to figure out where I can find info on building the rockpro64 kernel that is included in the Armbian release. Is there a CI server that I can look at?
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<Tony_mac32> Slide-O-Mix the kernel is built using the armbian build system on github
<Tony_mac32> the patches directory holds the patches for the various kernels
<Slide-O-Mix> thanks!
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<Werner> Good morning
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<IgorPec> morning
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<ArmbianTwitter> @PaddyGr (Patrick Gr): @onbeeper @ericmigi @tulir293 @KubeSail Awesome!!! is it possible to self-host it on armbian? (2s ago)
<ArmbianTwitter> @DieZuckerbude (Ben Zucker 🍰): @PaddyGr @onbeeper @ericmigi @tulir293 @KubeSail From a quick look I could find some armbian-related stuff at their gitlab: So at least they are tinkering with it 😃 (25s ago)
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<ArmbianTwitter> @coding4bees (tom): #bee identified with 98% accuracy with #python & #TensorFlow #data #IoT #beekeeping next step; run it on #armbian with decent f/s (21s ago)
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<ArmbianTwitter> @armbian (armbian): RT @Poddingue: Now everyone knows. 😁 (1s ago)
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<rneese> hey guuys
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<[TheBug]> Hey Hey rneese
<[TheBug]> How is the knee?
<rneese> healing I am pack in pt for 6 weeks
<rneese> m/w/f 7 am
<[TheBug]> fun, thats gonna mean we should all avoid you directly after that time each day while you ice and scream loudly in pain :Z
<[TheBug]> rneese: my father about 16 months ago had bunch of knee surgery so I know it sucks for recovery
<rneese> yes the hard part is restrenghing
<rneese> getting all the muscles to fire and reset is the hard part
<[TheBug]> (btw I was joking, haha .. but I know how mood can be when in pain for some people, haha :D )
<[TheBug]> but I am am glad to hear its improving
<[TheBug]> it's hard to be off your feat
<rneese> yeah walking with a cane is also a pain it makes you look old
<[TheBug]> Least your up and getting around, a lot of people have it worse, if worse is someone looks at you like you old, you doing okay ;p
<rneese> hehe yeah I get out and walk a few times a day
<rneese> so back at this we are working on asound now to get hdmi as defualt for desktops
<rneese> people looking for a great new monitor
<rneese> these monitors are great
<rneese> it does 38402160 4k
<Xogium> lol I wonder, would the old monitors like catodic screens work on modern pc still ?
<rneese> it does 3840x2160 4k
<rneese> I got one for xmas and iI love it
<rneese> 2xhdmi 1 vdp
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<stipa> rneese: it says that monitor from your link is Screen: 23.8" Full HD (1920 x 1080) 144 Hz
<stipa> that's not 4K, right?
<stipa> Xogium: they should work
<stipa> they work on VGA tech
<stipa> but rarely anone uses them now
<stipa> lcd's are dirt cheap an much sexier
<rneese> no its full 4k
<rneese> it does 3840x2160 they did not list the full spec
<stipa> that makes sense
<rneese> I have 1 and it does
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<stipa> cool
<rneese> 209 on amazon and well worth it
<rneese> I was blown away when I hooked my laptop and the n2 up and got 3840x2160 it blew me away
<rneese> acer new brand monitor very sturdy and does not slide around on deask
<rneese> it has shure grip pads
<stipa> yeah 209 sounds like a bang for a buck
<rneese> but figure for people looking for a new monitor just something to look at
<stipa> i guess i'll wait till oled's went low as 209
<stipa> go*
<stipa> maybe for 30 years...
<rneese> lol
<stipa> but 209 4K sound ok if stocking a big company or something like that
<stipa> but they usually buy some hp, compaq, dell pcs
<rneese> it also has builtin speakers
<rneese> added plus
<rneese> 2 hdmi 1 vdp
<stipa> yeah, that's fancy
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<rneese> ok bbiab eye break
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<Tonymac32> ttyfiq0 is showing up in legacy rockpi images, if I don't manage to check on it later
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<ArmbianTwitter> @armbian (armbian): RT @FrankMankel: Neues Spielzeug eingetroffen -> NanoPi R4S @armbian #OpenWrt (11s ago)
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<stipa> wow ,an old colleague has sent me a beer, it's made without preservatives and artifical ingridients...
<stipa> grička vještica beer
<stipa> 7.5% Alcohol
<peterm6881> hic
<stipa> tastes like dark beer
<peterm6881> Man, that's dark
<stipa> dark lager
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<stipa> i can feel it
<stipa> it's sneaking on me
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<stipa> -- grička vještica
<ArmbianHelper> Greek witch [bs~>eng]
<stipa> it's also pricey, 0,5 Liters is 1.93$
<stipa> That's a nice gift from someone you haven't seen for 10 years
<stipa> spare no expense
<stipa> for those who want to see the witch upclose
<stipa> i guess
<stipa> tomorrow is shopping day for me...
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