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<Glock24> There seems to be a 1 post per day limit on the forum, is that permanent?
<Glock24> Also, how's the support for the Odroid HC4 on Armbian?
<Glock24> Is this the right place for that kind of questions? xD
<lanefu> Glock24: no
<lanefu> Sorry
<lanefu> No limit isnt permanent
<lanefu> Odroidc4 image should work... possible some tweaks might be needed for sata controller
<lanefu> Oh actually looks like hc4 is part of our default builds
<Glock24> Nice! Looks like a good device to run Shinobi.
<Glock24> I see you have Ubuntu and Debian based images, is support for devices different between Ubuntu and Debian?
<IgorPec> hw layer is identical
<Glock24> IgorPec: between Debian and Ubuntu Armbian?
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<IgorPec> yes
<IgorPec> we keep both solo for userland compatibility. some sw works with one or another
<Glock24> Got it, thanks.
<Glock24> When my device arrives I'll try to help with at least testing and debugging.
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<djurny> Hi
* grae waves
<djurny> Was wondering how to become an armbian apt mirror?
<grae> Submit an issue?
<djurny> Thx @grae will have a look see.
<lanefu> Hi
<lanefu> You want to mirror?
<lanefu> djurny: i can work with you on that
<grae> hey lanefu, no rush but is that offer still good to remove the "recently joined" flag on the forum?
<lanefu> grae: haha yeah unldss you're the guy that made a second account
<grae> nope, but did submit a PR for doing automatic mirror selection ...
<lanefu> grae: okay done
<grae> danke
<lanefu> grae: so you're interested in refactoring armbian config?
<grae> I'm interested in side projects, and it looks like a good candidate
<grae> and I've had my own scripts grow out of control while scripting my own embedded linux builds, so might be able to contribute something
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<ArmbianTwitter> @DieZuckerbude (Ben Zucker 🍰): Looks the same but still kind a different. Instead of #StationP1 now #pinebook pro with #vscode and #neofetch running #armbian #focal on mainline #Linux. #rockchip #RK3399 (22s ago)
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<djurny> @lanefu: yes indeed, want to see if I can set it up l. I only have normal consumer connection behind 100Mbps router, but I assume every bit helps.
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<ArmbianTwitter> @rdbisme (RdB): This hould be #armbian on IRC (10s ago)
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<rneese> morning guuys
<rneese> whats going on over here
<IgorPec> morning
<IgorPec> images were update with success
<rneese> yes but still have issue if you read dev channel
<IgorPec> didn't checked yet ...
<rneese> small things
<rneese> we will get there
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<lanefu> Morning
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<IgorPec> mornin
<IgorPec> g
<rneese> orry laptop rebooted after updates
<rneese> heading out door to ortho back around 1130
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<Peter_> grr
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<IgorPec> :)
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<peterm6881> ;)
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<ArmbianTwitter> @armbian (armbian): @bigbrovar But needs proper software support :) (12s ago)
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<ArmbianTwitter> @David_GT (David Costa): Welcome home! #Newboard #OrangePizero2 #OPiZero2 @orangepixunlong Need to cool it down... 🔥 @armbian keep pushing to have an stable release 🙏 (5s ago)
<ArmbianTwitter> @DieZuckerbude (Ben Zucker 🍰): @David_GT @orangepixunlong @armbian This could take well over a year to have a good stable kernel for the H616 SoC. (17s ago)
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<[TheBug]> With an attitude like that it may take 2 years
<[TheBug]> :Z
<[TheBug]> lol
<[TheBug]> but I mean, its Xunlong so I am sure the SDK was absolute minimal in the first place haha
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<[TheBug]> hahaha Xogium isn't that same issue you had
<[TheBug]> with temperature getting too crazy
<[TheBug]> hes showing SOC temps are up at 61c in his image
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<IgorPec> now they ship Orangepi Os :) renamed armbian
<[TheBug]> wat?
<[TheBug]> :facepalm:
<[TheBug]> sounds like Xunlong..
<IgorPec> they reworked armbian build system to support their propriatery bootloaders
<[TheBug]> yeah they are pretty lazy
<IgorPec> also removed all signs of armbian
<[TheBug]> thus H3Droid
<IgorPec> but then we said ... whaaaat. and they put it back :)
<[TheBug]> they didn't even have the people with the technical skills to build a half decent Android image
<IgorPec> they improved now
<[TheBug]> ohh yeah? was I halucinating when I saw the Android 7 H3 image that has no DVFS then?
<IgorPec> their changes are not that bad and i am thinking to megrge in, but its a lot of work
<[TheBug]> effectly turns your H3 into a frying pan
<IgorPec> h3 is on 4.9 now i think
<[TheBug]> im talking their Android though
<IgorPec> but dunno about android
<[TheBug]> im saying their ability to put out comprehensive software is poor
<IgorPec> ofc
<IgorPec> in linux they took armbian and add their stuff
<[TheBug]> honestly I think that ANdroid 7 image they provide should be removed from their site
<IgorPec> and remove other vendors
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<[TheBug]> can't wait till someone melts the board or burns them self on it because of no DVFS and the thing overheating
<[TheBug]> suprised haven't heard about it already
<[TheBug]> probably most people just abandon it because no Google Services anyways
<[TheBug]> though doesn't suprise me they would pull that move, branding Armbain and Orange OS
<[TheBug]> s/and/as
<ArmbianHelper> [TheBug] meant to say: though doesn't suprise me they would pull that move, brasing Armbain and Orange OS
<[TheBug]> boo, epic fail
<[TheBug]> lol
<Werner> xD
<IgorPec> their perception of foss is weird
<[TheBug]> lol
<[TheBug]> I only have one thing to say on that and it's not very nice so I will keep it to my self
<[TheBug]> lol
<IgorPec> yeah, its a bad move but they don't seems to understand it
<IgorPec> that's my impression
<[TheBug]> well I will say this
<[TheBug]> at least when they see someone is serious about doing something with their hardware they hold back on sponsoring
<[TheBug]> I mean Xunlong did send H3Droid a bunch of boards to make sure it worked on a ll when we did it
<[TheBug]> they just don't seem to be very good at the software side internally
<[TheBug]> s/they hold back/the don't hold back
<ArmbianHelper> [TheBug] meant to say: at least when they see someone is serious about doing something with their hardware the don't hold back on sponsoring
<IgorPec> well, look at pine - virtually no support from them
<[TheBug]> Pine is a weird one to me
<[TheBug]> if it wasn't for that check Rok64 I got a bit back, I wouldn't have any Pine boards at all
<[TheBug]> and my impression based of Rock64 is... well... marginal hardware
<[TheBug]> assuming newer stuff is better but haven't tested any of it my self
<[TheBug]> people do seem to like the PBP though
<[TheBug]> If i didn't already have an equivlent device I use while mobile I may have considered ity
<IgorPec> marketing
<IgorPec> sorry, must go , got visit
<IgorPec> l8r
<[TheBug]> go go
<Glock24> The PBP seems like a nice device, although with just 4GB RAM I would not consider it. With at least 8GB RAM I would consider it as my everyday device.
<Tony_mac32> ok?
<Tony_mac32> There is 1 ARM device with more than 4 GB RAM, and it has proprietary and buggy firmware and has had more than a few hardware design problems. Hopefully those are about sorted by now, but I have little faith in the product
<Tony_mac32> To that end, I agree, the PBP is not a primary computer. A Linux machine in the place of a chromebook is the appropriate use case I think
<Xogium> there are many, if you take the full arm scale of devices and include the high-end
<Xogium> but yeah, cost
<Tony_mac32> do you have a build system to put debian on them?
<Tony_mac32> :)
<Tony_mac32> that was my unspoken boundary on the statement, I could have been more clear but figured it was assumed
<Xogium> well I know debian-arm has some
<Tony_mac32> You could get a macbook, for example
<Tony_mac32> I get grouchy about vendor kernels, and security. I wouldn't run Linux on anything that doesn't have at least 5.x kernel support at this point. For a TV box, sure, but if you need more than 4 GB of RAM that isn't your use case I think
<Xogium> ah, yes
<Xogium> totally agree
<Xogium> though the one company that I've seen actually bothering to really maintain their kernel well is st
<Xogium> and generally those kernels fade into nothing once everything gets merged to mainline
<Tony_mac32> for the MP1? what other SoC do they have?
<Xogium> mp1 is the only one
<Xogium> so far, anyway. It was their first linux capable thing
<Glock24> TonyMac:
<Tony_mac32> I've wanted to take a look at the MP1
<Xogium> it was 48 degrees max 2 days ago, now it likes to go up to 49
<Glock24> I know the only (consumer) ARM device with 8GB is the Rpi, From what I've read I would not buy one of those devices.
<Tony_mac32> I have the Atmel one
<Xogium> ah yes, the sama5d something ?
<Xogium> Glock24: yeah, do well to stick away from rpi
<Tony_mac32> something like that. I bought a "Giant Board" because it came in a DIP form factor and looked pretty cool (Adafruit Feather form factor to be more specific)
<Xogium> oh nice
<Xogium> Tony_mac32: if you want to toy with mp1 I'd recommend the seeed board, seeed studio stm32mp157c odyssey
<Tony_mac32> designed by
<Xogium> Tony_mac32: its in rpi-compatible headers and form, so you can use things that were designed for rpi on it, which is neat. It's also having a removable SoM
<Tony_mac32> ah ok. I was half considering building my own XD
<Xogium> oh you could, I suppose
<Xogium> but the SoM is quite nice, it has SoC, eMMC of 4 gb, ram 512 mb and pmic onto it
<Tony_mac32> half tempted. ;) I haven't tried jumping to BGA yet
<Xogium> you could make a carrier board compatible
<Tony_mac32> right
<Xogium> the biggest selling point for my project was that it doesn't require soldering
<Tony_mac32> the ESP32-S2-MINI-1 gave me a headache with it's hidden pins lol
<Xogium> you just snap it into place with the 70 pins connector
<Tony_mac32> I also failed to get a stencil for the paste. :/
<Xogium> I believe octavo also offers some stm32mp1, in a SIP form
<Xogium> but not sure if they are bga
<Tony_mac32> I honestly need to give it a try, I just haven't yet
<Xogium> well if you get stuck, I reckon I could help ;) at least for the software side
<Xogium> its pretty nicely supported in mainline, even if lacking some stuff just yet
<Xogium> we've been trying to get usb otg working, but it appears to be still not possible on mainline…
<Xogium> dwc2 49000000.usb-otg: dwc2_core_reset: HANG ! Soft Reset timeout GRSTCTL_CSFTRST
<Xogium> dwc2: probe of 49000000.usb-otg failed with error -16
<Tony_mac32> early on I was trying to get it working with the Tinker board, that power plug is also an OTG port
<Xogium> that… or we're doing it wrong, but I don't see how
<Tony_mac32> I don't think it's extremely straightforward
<Xogium> also barebox supports that platform, which is really super nice… Barebox can do so many things u-boot just can't
<Tony_mac32> I need to look at how the pin control works for detecting the ID line
<Xogium> the only bad design seeed did imo on their carrier board was to put usb dfu on… usb host port
<Xogium> type a to type a cable without vbus, anyone ?
<Tony_mac32> I have on for Le Potato
<Tony_mac32> and some TV boxes
<Xogium> but like… why
<Xogium> lol
<Xogium> that's not even standard
<Tony_mac32> some of the SoC's don't have enough USB's to be interesting, so you can't give one up for that
<Xogium> yeah… meh
<Tony_mac32> remember 75% of this market is paper sales
<Xogium> true
<Xogium> well you can be damn sure I won't make this crappy design on my own carrier
<Tony_mac32> so they need to have "the list"
<Tony_mac32> haha of course
<Xogium> put it on something sane like usb type c
<Xogium> though yep dfu is interesting. Good way to flash the boards for factory
<Tony_mac32> yeah, I haven't tried to solder one of those yet either, and I have enjoyed all the "cable only works in one orientaion" issues
<Xogium> haha
<Tony_mac32> for my microcontroller boards, I would never go back to the SiLabs UART chips from the CH340C. I don't even think the size is different enough after dealing with the support circuitry to matter
<Tony_mac32> USB-C might be in the future there, but again I see it as a gimmick for those little boards
<Tony_mac32> the micro-B is $0.03
<Tony_mac32> XD
<Tony_mac32> and if your ESP32 is pulling more than 1.8 Amps, well....
<Tony_mac32> My interest in the microcontroller world is waning somewhat, it's become as trend-driven and "cool kids club" dominated as is possible
<Tony_mac32> maker side anyway ;)
<Xogium> yeah I figured so
<Tony_mac32> everyone going crazy over the ESP32-S2 is a good example, or the RGB LED's on dev boards. I don't want to have to include a bloated library to my project to use the status LED :P
<Xogium> rgb, ugh
<Xogium> I think I will never really understand what's the deal
<Xogium> I've seen ram that has rgb on it
<Tony_mac32> My S2 comment revolves around the fact the only reason the ESP32 was interesting was that you had a second core that could do real-time stuff without the wifi/bt stomping on it
<Tony_mac32> the S2 is single application core. and has no BT
<Xogium> ah yeah
<Tony_mac32> you will never see something as cool as FabGL work on an S2, it simply can't do it
<Tony_mac32> no matter how OP that single core is :P
<Xogium> lol for sure
<Glock24> Xogium: rgb makes RAM faster xP
<Tony_mac32> The RISC-V one gets deserved attention for being RISC-V haha The ESP32-C3 I think
<Tony_mac32> hahaha RGB gives me a headache
<Tony_mac32> I get the "cool" factor for a discovery/educational board
<Tony_mac32> but I also miss the simplicity of teaching a beginner to set an I/O "Low"
<Tony_mac32> lol
<Tony_mac32> back to SBC's
<Tony_mac32> the Tinkerboard 2 does not have a UMS download through the power port, it does it through the Type-C I think
<Tony_mac32> The Tinker 2 has a 2.5mm center post barrel jack
<Tony_mac32> honestly it brought a tear to my eye, I was so proud
<Tony_mac32> :D
<Xogium> hehe
<Xogium> well if I could get this usb gadget to work, I'd be quite glad too
<Xogium> barebox has some kind of fastboot equivalent, so I could litterally just boot to the bootloader eventually, using 'systemctl reboot bootloader'
<Xogium> and then it would pop up on my pc like an android phone, and I could control the bootloader with fastboot
<Tony_mac32> nice
<Xogium> yep very useful if you don't feel like connecting uart
<Xogium> eventually I want to make it so the usb type c on the carrier will be able to act as a uart port, or as a mass storage, or as charging port
<Xogium> we can,t exactly expect blind folks to get a uart cable and to label each wire with sighted people help
<Xogium> I did it for my own board, but yeah
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<cp-> trying to find a weechat 3.0.1 armbian deb package
<cp-> anyone know of one ?
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<IgorPec> tony_mac32: hey. i lost track on rockchip / tinker ... 5.10.y is ok or not ok?
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<Tony_mac32> I didn't see any issues
<Tony_mac32> should be OK
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<IgorPec> ok, this is one of the last remaining on < 5.10
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<IgorPec> here we can take a bit of breath :)
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<IgorPec> tony_mac32 desktop troubles we experienced
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<Tony_mac32> sheesh
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<Tony_mac32> medium importance, 6 years old
<Tony_mac32> I'd hate to see a low importance bug
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