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@RealDanct12 (Danct12): @themactep @armbian @orangepizero i have the exact same usb tester! (31s ago)
Hi team, I am quite new to SBCs and in addition to my RasPi 4B, I made myself a Christmas gif: Nanopi NEO3 and R4S...
And I just compiled my first Armbian kernel last night: and I have to say: THANK YOU! Works like a charm... 2:37h compile time on an old Macbook and it just boots without any problem :-) GREAT WORK!
Linux nanopi-r4s 5.9.16-rockchip64 #trunk SMP PREEMPT Sun Jan 3 01:01:20 CET 2021 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux
Thanks. But you can actually use premade images too if compiling takes too long ;)
Yeah, well... I am working on a cross compile VM anywhere... so, it was a test :-)
Native building is also in development, so you can actually use your R4S or Neo3 to build new images for them
Will not be any faster but much more energy efficient :)
Nice benchmark...
Regarding the Nanopis... I do really wait for the metal cases... the white marshmallow for the NEO3 is just... hot and for they had only the plain R4S on stock At Antratek... let's keep fingers crossed there will be cases soon... currently I do use a small fan for the R4S...
I dont have cases for any of my boards with the exception of the station P1 which I was gifted
I have some nice copper heat sinks I glue on
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Right, that was my next idea for the R4S... a big heatsink.
I ordered one two days ago. Let me see where that mail was...
but we can put that into per board anyway
so it was not enough going to 2020.07 ?
FriendlyARM should should have found a different way to handle that, but it is what it is
2020.07 is the one I'm currently working with
since 2020.10 is in-process
for release though I don't see why we wouldn't use the newer, we need to figure out how to reduce the number of special cases going on in that family at the same time
gotta love waiting for everything to startup
er refferring to Nicos post
sweet I am gonna have to test that out when my new RockPi 4c comes Friday
what was nicos post
GPU / VPU acceleration for Legacy Armbian images for rk3399
supposedly supporting full 4k playback via vpu
that was on again off again on the Tinker as well, the Rockchip 4.4 kernel is a total sunuvabitch to keep happy
regular care and feeding is required, and then they merge some bullshit that breaks everything
he says it will work with any rk3399 Legacy Armbian image
er sorry
Legacy Buster Armbian Image*
we froze the kernel at some point, we raised enough noise that Rockchip started tagging releases
I can be that annoying
Tony_mac32: you should keep track of yuor yells and wins
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it might show some industry patterns
Well, the Tinker 2 definitely has a fix for very nearly every single complaint I made about the original
Hey ! is there a special module to load for the LED trigger thing on a netdev action ? Because I finally recieved my Helios64, and the LAN led keeps dark and when I try to configure it via sysfs i get an 'invalid argument error' when setting the trigger to netdev
tmaurice: you have searched forums?
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@IgorPec: indeed but nothing relevant came up. The weird thing is it worked once, then after a reboot vanished
you mean it vanished after kernel ugprade or just by rebooting?
anyway its this board specifics so i sugesst you do ask in forums
The only thing I did between reboots was installig docker
I see jmcc also updated the Rk3288/RK3328 media scripts as well
I'll check the forums again then
yes, its very slim chanches that a person that knows such detail is present right now
worst case if you ask duplicate question it gets merged, no big deal
but the board comes back, right?
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Yeah the board comes up perfect, I can even pilot the LED using the "brightness" path, just the 'netdev' trigger is unexplicably missing
ok, no idea
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oOo, playing with some WebGL demos on the Tinker board, not bad
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as a side note, we don't have any buster-legacy-desktop images for Tinker at least
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hahaha I just replied to you in the forum
you go into armbian-config and you can install the desktop
hehehehe, gotcha :) Thank ou so much for your reply!
Alright, I will go ahead and play with that!
tony_mac32: so we need a buster legacy desktop for tinker?