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Hi there
tell me if I'm wrong, packages bianry are compatible between different board. What is specific is the kernel, kernel config, boot config and firmwares right?
not always
in case it's arm based?
if you try to install a package meant for a 64 bit arm device on a 32 bit arm, well. Needless to say it won't go as planned
ok but arm32 on arm64?
and all arm32 on arm32 it's compatible right?
you still need the arm 32 libs to run it. If you don't have those then the program will simply not run. Also, some SoC are backward compatible, and some aren't
your kernel also needs to support running 32 bit code
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as for arm 32 on arm 32, it depends, but you might be able to run a armv6 binary on armv7
but not armv7 on armv6, possibly
and then there's armv5 but that's quite old by this point
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there's also 32 bit armv8
ohh ok armv8 is not 64bit?
it can be either 32 or 64
usually 64, but 32 is doable
ok I see thank you for all these precious informations :-)
grillon: np :)
grillon: more generally, if you get some programs to work on another machine, its also a nice dose of luck. There's no 100% guarenty that whatever you have built as binary will work on another target, especially if that target doesn't use the same libc, or same version of any given libs it might call
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sorry I have been disconnected by webchat :-(
I could have trouble with some library in case I want to use binary from an OS to another but in case it's the same OS it should be the same libc right?
logically yeah, if they run the exact same version, are up to date, and such
should all work okay
ok good thank you. I'm interested in a project which run on another platform than mine and I was wondering how to port this project. I was quickly comparing install in on another os and copy the package stack or adpate the os to my system...
well you could try. Just nothing that would guarenty it working
yes you are right both solutions have pro and cons
IgorPec that beer is very dark, so if that's what you like, it should be ok. I only get one every now and then XD I think Chwe tried it once, the name is the reason buy it the first time :D
and I've dug into the innards of that Tegra chip. The kernel's split across multiple repositories, there's multiple incompatible 4.9 branches, and honestly NVidia's support on the forums is a little like pissing in the wind
in short
guys who develop Armbian images work solo
one guy one board
that's lowest, yeah, but we have some boards/families with more folks
so, your board with wierd UART is your thing, but you would get support
I get that. I'm sure I could probably get some help digging in if I was doing it, but it's a big ask of someone else
sadly, nvidia jetson seems like a propriatery linux only
that's not very close to community efforts
yes and no. they have public repositories, but they're not easy to find
and you're right, it's not
private means more like kernel is heavily modified and can't be minstreamed
I suspect you're right on that, not without some massive effort
it has full of non-standard solutions, closed parts,
yes. and there is little to none activity to get things upstramed
to me, it looks like nvidia has no interest
and I'd agree with that
nividia and linux is not realiable
they look on everything through profit
so hackery and exploration is not their thing
it's not nvidias interest
nope, it's machine vision, and self driving cars
right, that's huge thing now and even bigger in the future
they just don't care and don't need to do anything about
The computer engineer in me finds it interesting as I think that Tegra was NVidia learning to build their own CPUs ...
could be. but in last decade, everyone is making their own cpu :) apple, amazon
Tegra has always had a "companion core", which always existed for no clear reason, but were the "high power" cores in the TX2 and the only ones installed in the successor
but then NVidia bought ARM, so I have no idea what their plan was ...
business background is difficult to judge from this postion
from technical position i mean
absolutely, I have no doubt they were playing multiple positions
arm is very important player in making cpu
and making cpus is very important too
arm is like stripped down intel or amd
yes, but I think RISC-V is going to eat ARM alive in about 10 years
unless a company like ARM supports it, it won't
open hardware
because the recent spat between the US govt and China
US govt clamped down on licensing, so they're going to develop architectures that don't require licenses
open hardware is like democracy and freedom. nice to have, but ..
same reason Huawei immediately announced Harmony OS
right, with the investment of massive corporations. We'll see if anyone seriously invests in RISC-V
it works, it would be nice, but underestimating patent establishment and big business ain't good
they're going to start slow, but if the Apple M1 is any indication, massive investment might make waves
I follow RISC-V closely, I don't think it will be more than a curiosity and a hype engine for at least 5 years, then it will begin to make progress
they will sertainly support if it will bring money
but most of the people doesn't care about openenes
we do
engeneers, community, freedom fighters
grae: but, there's guy here TRS-80 who said that RISC V is not so open source as we think
stipa: that's also quite possible
stipa it's an architecture. The cores made with the architecxture don't have to be open at all
right, so the ISA and the architecture is license free. But a commercial core doesn't have to be
and if folks are free to implement closed hardware around it, we're back to the proprietary issues igor mentioned earlier
guess what
what hardware will actually be built
and available on the market
propbably not hose that are open source
but some rpi kind of crap chips
so the stripped down microcontroller from RPI surprised me in not being RISC-V actually
that'll be " OPEN SOURCE MY ASS"
for the first few years, yes
closing things is securing your investment. from business perspective
but community can build things under some open licence
and share.
The open FPGA guys are doing cool stuff with RISC-V
otherwise I see very little impact other than seeing China move from 8051 to RISC-V
i don't know, competing with all those giants with open source chips that everyone will want to buy is just not giants really want
not what*
they'll go out of busniess
you as a small chip manufacturer coming to the market
with open source hardware
is likely to work
so I can't afford to toss something at TSMC for fab, I don't know about you
i can barely afford a rpi
i don't have one so
i'm poor enough
not to start the revolution
because those fabs won't develop chip for free
we, the poor people just have to deal with what's thrown at us
I must go. later all
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igorpec I did you see my note about apt-update on the zfs-dkms?
It worked, but I had to do the install twice. Maybe doing it at the same time as the kernel was the issue
didn't notice, where?
here yesterday or day before
i made many tests and didn't ran into any issue yet
anyhow, I did an apt-update from kernel 5.8 to 5.9 and zfs 0.85 to 2.01
the make failed on the zfs package, had to dpkg-setup or whatever afterward
on the second pass it had no problem
i will try to recreate, but i haven't seen anyone else complaining on forum
but first i have to order the beer you have recommended :)
it's a different one, so I can't promise anything XD
i am not particular fan of beers with overtaste, but to try out
this beershop is largest in the area and in my walking distance :)
"Jantarno rdeče pivo, aromatično prežeto z bourbonom, vanilijo, karamelo in sladom. Svileno gladek okus sladu in karamele ter sladen prehod v dolg, suh pookus."