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<ArmbianTwitter> @lattera (Shawn Webb): @mimu_muc @freebsdbytes @opnsense @PiholeS @armbian Though there's no nifty little UI, I use this on my HardenedBSD-based DNS server at home and at work: (8s ago)
<ArmbianTwitter> @debdrup (ᛞᛖᛒᛞᚱᚢᛈ @mimu_muc @freebsdbytes @opnsense @PiholeS @armbian No, but unbound in base goes well with this: (21s ago)
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<ArmbianTwitter> @mimu_muc (Michael): @debdrup @freebsdbytes @opnsense @PiholeS @armbian People want fancy UI, profiles for kids and parents and also enhanced logging. Basic features are already available in OPNsense core. :) (20s ago)
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<lanefu> ha! a framebuffer webbrowser!
<ArmbianTwitter> @mizanyx (Mizahnyx 🇲🇽 I love Japanese idols!): @RealSexyCyborg You mentioned months ago cheap SBCs like the Nanopi. Recently I've seen kits to connect a touchscreen to such SBCs via the GPIO port. Could those devices become a viable alternative to smartphones, using open source OSes like Armbian? (27s ago)
<lanefu> yaaas Naomi Wu shoutout for armbian
<lanefu> oh was mention to
<lanefu> not as eciting
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<IgorPec> Armbian does not follow Naomi yet. Perhaps we should ?:)
<Tonymac32> 3D printing, general gadgeteering, etc
<IgorPec> i have seen her before
<Tonymac32> I don't know if I follow her, but that's mostly because her stuff shows up in my feed all the time anyway, so it's easy to forget
<IgorPec> yeah, attention seekers
<IgorPec> as a primary business :)
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<lanefu> yeah need more maker usecaes for armbian
<lanefu> or uses
<lanefu> aka hats
<lanefu> and some publicity with sgjava's gpio stuff
<lanefu> and enlighten the world with libgpiod
<lanefu> just tired of all things being weird forks of RPi.GPIO
<lanefu> adn wiringpi
<lanefu> which shouldnt be used in any form
<lanefu> even the original wiringpi author abandoned it
<IgorPec> rpi.gpio should just die :)
<IgorPec> it brough nice stuff 10y back
<IgorPec> you will have this power on/off hat / board in production?
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<lanefu> IgorPec: yeah that's the plan.. i dunno why i havent plugged stuff in
<lanefu> i thin i'm being nuerotic about changin some network topology stuff
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<Tonymac32> lanefu did A13 get you a design?
<Tonymac32> also, we need more Pi zero shaped SBC's, people love that thing's shape
<Tonymac32> XD
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<DezoHC4> ,./?>mn,l;
<DezoHC4> qdfghjkl;'\
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<DezoHC4> damny, sorry guys, I was cleaning the keyboard and didn't know that computer dosn't sleep
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<Tonymac32> lol
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<juri_> I've got a oops on kernel 5.10.4 on the orange pi m1. is there a centralized place i should file this?
<juri_> (sunxi)
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