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<ArmbianTwitter> @personalubicomp (PersonalUbicomp): Armbian for Tanix TX3 Amlogic S905X3 with SP6330 WiFi/Bluetooth module (8s ago)
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<Tonymac32> what's the difference between an M4 and an M4B?
<Tonymac32> oh wait, they have a comparison up
<Tonymac32> looks like BOM reduction and mechanical cleanup
<Tonymac32> no USB3 Hub, so only 2 USB3 and 2x USB2, no USB through the charge port (oh well), 1x antenna for wifi instead of 2, added microphone in on the TRS jack, and added the mounting hole for the FA eMMC
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<ArmbianTwitter> @armbian (armbian): RT @Poddingue: @StationGeeker M1 - my fastest #ARM #SBC (29s ago)
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<lanefu> mornin
<IgorPec> morning
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<DuClare> Hay, I was looking for a small board with two ethernets and poe, does such a thing exist? (nanopi r2s & r4s look otherwise perfect but they need usb for power..)
<IgorPec> Duclare: we also have such idea
<IgorPec> and we asked if it can be produced. so far no response
<DuClare> I don't see dual ethernet in the proposal :)
<IgorPec> this is closest you will get atm, but if we succeeds with this, addiong anothet phy is not a problem
<emanuele-f> Do you know why they removed neo plus2? Maybe it was too good??
<IgorPec> i think h5 is EOL
<emanuele-f> oh I see
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<Tonymac32> yeah all of the H5 boards are gone, I had heard the H5 was EOL a long time ago but wasn't sure. A shame, I liked those ones
<Tonymac32> now we have the H6 and H616 XD
<lanefu> H5 chip available by bulk order
<lanefu> so opi still seems to have some... and.... tritium h5 is at least still in stock frmo wha ti see
<IgorPec> old stock i assume, i think fa claimed that h5 is gone
<IgorPec> or was it steven
<IgorPec> anyway, its h616 and h6
<IgorPec> around
<lanefu> yeah and h6 is sooo much faster than h5
<Tonymac32> As long as you pretend an H6 is a really fast H5 you are fine
<Tonymac32> ;-)
<IgorPec> yes, and now support is decent
<Tonymac32> I have my N2 being a homeassistant server, and am toggling I/O's on my ESP32 board with it XD
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* lanefu proud of Tonymac32
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<lanefu> usb 3.0 with h6 is legit too
<Tonymac32> true
* [TheBug] hears lanfu saying in a femal voice, "proud of youuuuuuu!
* [TheBug] hears laneu saying in a femalevoice, "proud of youuuuuuu!"
<[TheBug]> okay its official, I need some coffee
<lanefu> bug you on 3rd shift again?
<DuClare> I guess there are no S3 boards out there
<[TheBug]> nah back on days, which I guess can be considered third shift, since I am still trying to get back on a day schedule
<lanefu> DuClare: is the pinecube s3 or v3?
<[TheBug]> but, not, working now....
<[TheBug]> I give up
<[TheBug]> coffee time it is
<[TheBug]> I can't type worth a ..
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<DuClare> lanefu: Oh, that appears to be an S3
<DuClare> Oh hey it does PoE too
<DuClare> Not that it's the thing I came here looking for, but sounds like a fun little device..
<DuClare> I might have to buy one. Or three.
<emanuele-f> pinecube really? The specs seems discouraging. Do you care about PoE so much XD ?
<DuClare> I got like ten power bricks and a long chain of power strips to supply them on my desk, I'm getting sick of it
<DuClare> And everything's hooked up to ethernet anyway
<DuClare> It'd be so nice if I could supply everything from a single 24 port poe switch oslt
<DuClare> (And yes I'm getting more devices..)
<DuClare> {}
<DuClare> (So the situation is just getting worse and worse unless the new devices do poe)
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<[TheBug]> RockPi 4c has POE hat
<DuClare> (Or I get some psu that I can hook to multiple boards)
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<emanuele-f> DuClare: don't know your business but I guess you have some SBC below your pillow too!
<DuClare> Yeah the specs on that thing aren't too great but I kinda like the idea of a chip with dram in the package.. simplifies board design so much
<DuClare> Maybe one day I can design my own board. With such a simple chip.. :P
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<Glock24> Nice enterprise PoE second hand switches can be had for little money, for example a Brocade ICX-643048P can de has for less than $100
<nekomancer[m]> poi hats are very expensive
<Tonymac32> yep
<lanefu> Glock24: check out Juniper EX-3200
<lanefu> they're awesome
<lanefu> only problem with all those enterprise switches tho is they're fucking loud as shit
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<lanefu> my bad es-3200
<lanefu> anyway 3200 is single and 4200 is stackable if i remember
<lanefu> they have poe and non poe flavors
<Glock24> The Brocade is practically silent
<Glock24> I have the 24-port PoE version (it consumes less energy than the 48-port)
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<Tonymac32> so I'm liking Home Assistant, someone needs to make a flow editor for it though, like tensorflow or even LabVIEW
<Tonymac32> or go full barbarian and use ladder lgoic
<Tonymac32> logic*
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<mino53> hello can I please get any assistance, from my last apt-get upgrade I cannot ssh or access to my odroid n2
<mino53> what can I do to solve it? tkx
<[TheBug]> mino53: instead maybe you should start out by telling us what you have done to debug this your self
<[TheBug]> have you taken any steps to determine what is going on?
<[TheBug]> such as attaching USB TTL adapter to console
<[TheBug]> to see what is happening on serial console?
<[TheBug]> Are there any specific errors shown on the screen?
<[TheBug]> mino53: you need to help us, help you
<mino53> no, nothing of this kind, but my previous ubuntu and coreelec systems works as always
<[TheBug]> mino53: the boards are development boards, thus things do not always work out of the box or on update
<mino53> no errors on screen, only black screen
<[TheBug]> do you have a USB TTL adapter?
<IgorPec> power cycle
<IgorPec> it hangs at bootloader sometimes
<mino53> and on odroid there is blue led blinking
<IgorPec> blue led is blinking and you can't access the board?
<mino53> yes
<IgorPec> there were some troubles around network driver
<IgorPec> but on latest kernel it should be fine. i have two and they both work
<IgorPec> which kernel you had and which was updated to? You remember?
<mino53> don't remember sorry
<IgorPec> which image at least?
<mino53> Armbian_20.11.3_Odroidn2_buster_current_5.9.14_desktop.img
<mino53> but I already made some upgrade before this problem
<IgorPec> this should survive upgrade
<IgorPec> if comming from some old image, then problems might stack up
<IgorPec> some serial console, do you have monitor attached to?
<mino53> yes monitor
<IgorPec> and nothing on the screen?
<IgorPec> probably upgrade went bad
<IgorPec> this is last resort in case you want to don't want to start from scratch
<mino53> black screen on hdmi
<IgorPec> yeah, this means kernel was not succesfully loaded
<IgorPec> something is either missing or its corrupeted
<mino53> ok, I will restore from my previous backup
<mino53> thank you for your support
<IgorPec> we are developing more resilient upgrade solution, but it will take months to complete
<mino53> ok thanks
<IgorPec> it could also be a sign of dying SD card
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<[TheBug]> mino53: I have a suggestion but it only works if you have the previous kernel / initrd files
<[TheBug]> mino53: sometimes the issue is only the uinitrd in the new version
<[TheBug]> if you have the old version still in /boot you may be able to rename in place and try to boot
<[TheBug]> assuming you can access the card from another m achine
<[TheBug]> machine*
<mino53> yes I'm on the /boot of the ssd
<mino53> what's the file to be renamed?
<[TheBug]> look and see if you have multiple initrd files first
<[TheBug]> if the old is still there you can rename new, copy into place and try to boot
<[TheBug]> if its just an issue with initrd then it MAY boot
<[TheBug]> if it is instead kernel specific, then you will see same issue
<[TheBug]> least help you to know if that is cause or not
<mino53> only one initrd
<[TheBug]> ahh then you will need to find older kernel/initrd to put back
<[TheBug]> maybe what you could do if you don't want to fully reload
<[TheBug]> is download new image and pull initrd/kernel out and place in place on your card
<mino53> ulnitrd could help?
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<[TheBug]> I mean it's a guess.. if you want it to just boot back up just place known good kernel / uinitrd in /boot
<[TheBug]> and it should come back up
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* stipa $200 New Passively Cooled 2x 1GbE + WiFi Lenovo M90n-IoT
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