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I like that the post starts with claims of censorship, and quickly moves to bemoaning the state of linux desktop adoption rates. Certainly a largely volunteer effort for embedded boards will revolutionize things, right?
Totally. This is going to change EVERYTHING
I try not to go shit on posts like that directly with reality checks. So pointing them to sunxi wiki is as close as RTFM gets
Speaking of the forum. I noticed there's a pretty tight post limit for recent joiners. What's counts as "recently joined"?
Obviously addressing forum spam, but could be a little annoying if you're legitimately trying to get help (or in my case update a problem solved).
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grae: yeah tight limit to encourage newbs to search forum first and mitigate spam. Sometimes it hurts experienced folks... but typically they'll come ask in irc about account and we can validate? Need your account approved?
<lanefu "I always love the "${CLUELESS_MA"> Totally realistic goals đŸ˜‚
Nah, I don't need anything right now. But it's helpful to know I can poke around here if the forum's a bit slow.
I appreciate the offer though
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@NicoD99364191 (NicoD): How to Install #OMV / #OpenMediaVault on your #ARM #SBC with #Armbian Buster / #Odroid #HC4 via @YouTube (16s ago)
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so stupid question, if I do systemctl poweroff on a pine64, how do I power it back on?
the the pine64 is remote to me :P
I haven't done that (yet)
Guess you have to power cycle it
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ah kk, I'll definitely try to disable automatic shutdown by NUT then.
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ah crap, so after setting up wireguard, I did an iperf3 test on my pine64
it seems to have gone completely offline
fiddle sticks
what are my odds that it's just going to magically recover after a couple hours? :P
Manouchehri: well depends on how likely the site has a power outage lol
lanefu: likely never.
it's on a UPS
Manouchehri: may want to enable watchdog next time. Ill dig out notes in a few
lanefu: dang it, I thought watchdog would be on by default :(
but yes, I'd love to see those notes!
I can ask a family member to unplug it if it really doesn't come back online
is the 60-ioscheduler.rules unrelated?
runtime watchdog is disabled by default
yeah ignore the ioscheduler
dang, I thought watchdog was a kernel boot flag, not systemd
basically just uneed to uncomment a line in /ec/systemd/system.conf
hmm I would use a drop-in instead…
because if your update overrides system.conf
though I don't know how armbian does it
thanks, I'll uncomment it :)
and sed a good timeout default
15 seconds seems sane?
kinda confused about how systemd is the one setting this
isn't watchdog completely handled by the kernel?
it can, but it's a bad idea
because what if userspace hangs, but kernel still runs ? Watchdog will still get pings
what common things can cause all of userspace to hang?
tbh I've only dealt with kernel lockups during exploitation and/or bugs.
depends, if you hit a bug
use 16 .. there's a reasonwy.. i jus dont remember why
for example the xr819 wifi chip driver can crash your whole system slowly
Manouchehri: you can test watchdog via a forkbomp
lanefu: probably some other timer that runs every 15 secs :P
well it depends
I've seen watchdogs having a pretty short timeout ;) 16 seconds timeout max
so if you set it to 30 secs, it will never react in time
so pissed at myself
why did I have to mess with it :P
Tis the nature of tinkering lol
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@armbian (armbian): We pushed out dkms package upgrade for advanced @OpenZFS #ZFS file system to v2.0.1 on #arm64 based Armbian Focal / Hirsute / Bullseye and Stretch #NAS #ZFS (6s ago)
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