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@JaSndBwoy (sndbwoy): #udoo #transmission #armbian Just switch to transmission because deluge has error with python3.8 and i'm lame :D (16s ago)
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Hi all, yesterday I've tried to confirm/report issues with HC4 Focal image on the forum. IgorPec helped me. Thank you! However that 1 post/day limit is mad. I'm pretty sure that IgorPec had to spent much more time with guessing then it would take with my direct feedback.
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Dezo: i think i remove you the limit
No, whole evening I was just looking at the thread and was like "well I've tried 20.11.3 and that works, and it stopped work after bootloader update, and I can't tell him" (i didnt realize that I have IRC option)
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@armbian (armbian): RT @lanefu: I made a hat for my @librecomputer TritiumH5 to connect to TTL console and control power to SBCs for @armbian testing. Since… (8s ago)
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@jmdawson_blog ( Nano Pi Neo2 NAS enclosure - a small Linux home Server/NAS via @jmdawson_blog #raspberrypi #linux #armbian @FriendlyARM_ (8s ago)
I'm trying to run mosquitto on my tinkerboard, running armbian. I'm getting this weird message about "[724319.327428]~DLT~24089~INFO ~FIFO /tmp/dlt cannot be opened. Retrying later..." no matter what I do. is it something obvious going on here?
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nothing obvious
I've noticed that there's been a directory in /tmp named dltpipes, but not sure why or it's purpose
no idea, not armbioan property
hm interesting
probably made by some application
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@ComputingNl7 (NL7 Computing): OrangePi Zero with USB extension 😃 Check us on youtube ☝️👊 #orangepi #orangepizero #raspberrypi #bananapi #rockpi #armboard #Server #servers #armbian #Linux #Ubuntu #debian #electric #electronics #networking #netzwerk #network #NL7Computing (5s ago)