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<ArmbianTwitter> @StationGeeker (Station): @privtechy @armbian @NicoD99364191 Hi friend! 😃You could refer to for details. (13s ago)
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<Tony_mac32> AND THE COLORS ARE?
<Tony_mac32> whoa caps
<lanefu> i need to update the colors with armbian
<lanefu> green is good
<Tony_mac32> well right, haha
<kprasadvnsi[m]> Try pink, haha
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<greenalps> hi
<greenalps> i was seeing about armbian on an NVME drive through armbian-config, but i don't find how can I luks encrypt it
<greenalps> armbian build allows to encrypt the image etc, but i think that if i install it on sdcard and use armbian-config to use NVME disk encryption will be losted right?
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<ArmbianTwitter> @privtechy (plasma): @StationGeeker @armbian @NicoD99364191 thanks 😉 (27s ago)
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<ArmbianTwitter> @SparkyStack (Sparky): OrangePi + ARMBIAN -> cannot install firebase-admin with pip3 #firebase #stackoverflow (8s ago)
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<[TheBug]> Awful quiet in here today
<[TheBug]> don't everyone speak at once
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<IgorPec> psst
<[TheBug]> ;p
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<Glock24> Hello
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<Glock24> lanefu: : I'd like to contribute seeding the Armbian torrents and/or setting up a deb mirror.
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<[TheBug]> well then why did you leave so quick bro ;/
<[TheBug]> Quick, answer in 2 minutes or I am /quit!
<[TheBug]> :D
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<[TheBug]> he returns!
<Glock24> Sorry, on unstable mobile connection right now
<[TheBug]> Werner: you around
<Werner> partially
<[TheBug]> load the forum and tell me if it is loading slowly for you
<[TheBug]> for me it was hanging hard a bit ago
<[TheBug]> and then was stuttering
<[TheBug]> not sure if that just where I am or some server issue that needs to be escalated a bit more
<Werner> Working well for me
<[TheBug]> okay then maybe it passed / was my connection
<[TheBug]> thanks for verifying
<Xogium> stuttering… I can imagine the tts stuttering on forum lol
<Xogium> t t t topic
<Werner> clicked through a bunch of random topics and could not notice anything werid
<[TheBug]> haha
<[TheBug]> okay cool
<[TheBug]> just wanted ot be sure
<Werner> np
<[TheBug]> I was trying to get you link and was having some issue lol
<[TheBug]> but if you want to help seed, that is where you can check
<[TheBug]> it gives directions / etc
<Glock24> [TheBug]: I already saw that, I asked in the forum and was advised to file here and talk to lanefu or TheLinuxBug
<Glock24> *come here
<[TheBug]> aha intersting I am mentioned
<[TheBug]> yeah I see haha
<Werner> Probably more because of mirroring the repository rather than torrents because latter does not need special instruction ^^
<[TheBug]> Glock24: so what is your concern?
<[TheBug]> ahh yes torrent vs mirror are two topics I guess
<[TheBug]> Glock24: how much space you have avail for the repo
<Glock24> How much disk space would a mirror need?
<[TheBug]> thats a tricky question depending on which parts you want to mirror
<Glock24> I could put a 1TB HDD or 240GB SSD
<Glock24> If the 1TB would be enough for the torrents and the mirror it'll be great
<[TheBug]> Well let me put it this way to give context -- If you were to mirror all but BETA channel, which is usually seperate anyways -- it is almost 3TB -- this is dl (images) , apt (packages) and archive (old images)
<[TheBug]> archive is about 1.8TB of that 3 TB
<Glock24> Damn, it's a lot
<Werner> torrent only is close to 300GB atm
<[TheBug]> if apt and dl only it is current about 500GB data
<Glock24> What do you need more to be mirrored?
<[TheBug]> that is +/-
<[TheBug]> if you ask Igor I think he would say to you apt / dl is just fine
<[TheBug]> so that could fit in y our 1TB
<Glock24> Ok
<[TheBug]> what is the connection you have there?
<[TheBug]> also where are you located
<Glock24> I'm in Nicaragua, that's Central America
<[TheBug]> I see so where you pull from won't much matter
<[TheBug]> how fast is your link?
<Glock24> I have 20Mbit during the day, 100Mbit from 7pm to 7am
<[TheBug]> hmm I ask because there can be some good amount of data updates some days
<Glock24> For local connections (inside the country) 100Mbit all the time
<[TheBug]> Glock24: let us chat in PM
<Glock24> Ok
<IgorPec> archive mirror is not needed
<IgorPec> apt and dl
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<Glock24> IgorPec: got that
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