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`sd 1:0:0:0: [sdb] tag#0 device offline or changed` trying to write to usb flash on odroid-n2. 2 different flash. no errors with usb-sata HDD.
same usb flash drives reads and writes without errors on RockPi-4.
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nekomancer[m]: what that makes me think is the USB port not putting our reliable power
nekomancer[m]: try powered USB hub and see same issue
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* nekomancer[m]
not have powered usb hub around :(
but eeror with flashes — and no error with hdd??!
hdd usb powered too. spinning hdd
mrueg has joined #armbian
then other thought would be heat
those usb sticks can overheat
could be that because of how fast it writes the memory chip is getting really hot or the controller
could try taking it out of housing and see if same issue for example
yes, it hot. but it works with PC and rockpi4 SBC. being hot.
Yes, but could actually write to it slower? is it close to any other device when in n2?
just playing devils advocate here cause I can't think of another eason for that
I try to use only 1 and 2 flashes, occupies 1 and 2 usb ports on N2. one by one and both. Try different ports.
all thesame/
I have not so much usb flashes I can use to this test... generaly only 3
seems same for all
all usb fkashes I try generates io errors trying to read files on my N2
o! I found usb-microsd adapter. will try to do the same with sdcard in that usb adapter
Luc52 has joined #armbian
Hello guys have sombody an old debian 9 based image for bananapi m1?
the current one is slow as hell
nekomancer[m]: definitely try powered hub. N2 usb power is a huge failure
we'll see if the wider audience does alright with it
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Tonymac32: Hey cool, I will test that patch for my media tree (https://git.linuxtv.org/media_tree.git/) build, on the NanoPC-T4. As you said above, this can be tested by checking the performance before and after. Do you have a favorite method of checking performance on ARM boards? Ah and additionally I maintain a set of patches in order to use the latest kernel version, while reading the chat messages I above I noticed
that you also run the latest kernel for your rk3399 machines. Do you have a repository where you keep your up-to-date patches by any chance? Thanks, Sebastian.
* Tonymac32: Hey cool, I will test that patch for my media tree (https://git.linuxtv.org/media_tree.git/) build, on the NanoPC-T4. As you said above, this can be tested by checking the performance before and after. Do you have a favorite method of checking performance on ARM boards? Ah and additionally I maintain a set of patches in order to use the latest kernel version, while reading the chat messages above I
noticed that you also run the latest kernel for your rk3399 machines. Do you have a repository where you keep your up-to-date patches by any chance? Thanks, Sebastian.
Do these patches work for 5.11.1 ?
alexanderl has joined #armbian
I thought the dev tree is always a few version after the most recent kernel version.
In the future maybe
Ok, yes that's what I meant in my question. I currently work on the most recent version of the liinux kernel in order to write & test patches on the correct base. And I wondered if some of you might maintain their own repos with the latest changes to make the build work.
You may want to talk to Tonymac32. He recently did a major cleanup of the rockchip-current patches and somewhen this will be necessary for dev as well
Alright, cool thank you, will do :)
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@imprashere (Prasanna Venkadesh): For more than a year had issues with my #OrangePiPc board. I thought it's literally dead since HDMI port was damaged and images of @armbian got struck on boot and I had no clue of why without a dispaly. SSH in armbian images are enabled but for some reason, it didn't work for me. (9s ago)
@DieZuckerbude (Ben Zucker 🍰): @imprashere @armbian USB serial adapter is the way to go for debugging such issues. (13s ago)
@imprashere (Prasanna Venkadesh): Only option was to debug via UART USB to TTL. But I did not have an UART convertor and so did not attempt. Armbian and OrangePi forums are full of such boot related issues. Yesterday dusted it off again and tried OrangePiPc+ image from @yunohost (16s ago)
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@imprashere (Prasanna Venkadesh): @DieZuckerbude @armbian True. I learnt about it much later but didn't try since I did not have one. I am planning to buy one and have it so it becomes handy for debugging next time. (5s ago)
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@imprashere (Prasanna Venkadesh): What made these possible? 1. Self hosting is impossible without FOSS (@yunohost, @armbian + all FOSS web services) 2. Open Source Hardware (Orange Pi) 3. Human labor for 1 and 2. Planning to donate to them and contribute code as well (22s ago)
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@armbian (armbian): We need help on testing new feature. Implement Device Tree Editor https://t.co/yxGMLeRDtV #armbian (0s ago)
good morning
Morning Tony
This rockpi 4B power LED is blinding the $hit out of me
were some shades
or a welding mask lol
sometimes I'm glad to be blind
* Xogium
you have to go lower power on green due to the eye being most sensitive to it.
wife comes in sees mask on tony these led's are getting too much juice!"
they did not, and probably used too small of a resistor at the same time
the old MiQi RK3288 board has a similar broblem with the Blue LED's
you can use it to light a small room
I heard the led on espressobin has the same thing
lanefu have you run any default desktop images on your RK3399 stuff? K5.10?
extremely bright, and you can't control it
Tonymac32: pbp
You want me to spin one?
the interface performance on trunk is just trash
I was curious if you'd seen that
it's like the RK3328 before I "noGPU'd it :'(
Hmm lemme flip kernels on my.opi4 and ill do some tests
as soon as you start doing anything with a browser X_X
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Tonymac32: when you say interface you mean ethernets?
no, the UI
ane@pinebook-pro:~$ uname -a
Linux pinebook-pro 5.10.1-rockchip64 #trunk.21 SMP PREEMPT Wed Dec 16 01:19:52 CET 2020 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux
i'm humming along
are you using hte accelerated xorg with the modesetting driver? or fb?
Tonymac32: which board you using
Rockpi 4b
building an M4V2 image now
Tonymac32: from desktop branch?
No, from trunk.
the graphics were just an observation, I'm trying to murder the boards and am doing some benchmarking to test out my adjustments
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from my build today: http://ix.io/2ITl look at dmesg output
Tonymac32: ahh panfrost noise
of lovely
i mean mine does that
on pbp
but i'm humming along having a godo time
playing youtube music over bluetooth via firefox
so the image I ust DL'd what is it?
archetech has joined #armbian
that's desktop focal mate/ w nightly RK3399 dev kernel from repo
I'll try yours, my m4v2 dev kernel is bootlooping (no changes my side to dts)
it's the control image XD
yeah sometimes you need to use someobdy else's image then get made that theirs works
well the M4V2 is not a very stable piece of hardware in my experience
@guidol70 (Guido Lehwalder): @armbian Also with the URL I couldnt see/find out how to use the Device Tree Editor and with which version of armbian it will be displayed in armbian-config :( (21s ago)
fark, your image is bootlooping too
i'm build a few other rk3399 desktops
will link yu to those
rp4b, roc-rk3399-pc, NanoPC T4, rockpro64 (maybe, usually won't boot)
Tonymac32: crap that's from an older checkout.... but kernel should stillbe nightly
anyway working on a rockpi 4b now
my RPi4B also booted funny just now, I think we need to look at 5.10 closely
@useidel (Udo Seidel): #ubiquiti controller running on old #bananapi M1 using #armbian (#buster) with some help from #raspberrypios (11s ago)
Tonymac32: yeah sounds like some tuning is needed
@meuon (Mike Harrison): @CommieGIR @hexadecim8 Armbian or straight up Debian on better hardware, especially with eMMC, rocks. Start here: https://t.co/8HdZrARhMn (1s ago)
@armbian (armbian): @hexadecim8 me on a bit better hardware? (10s ago)
@armbian (armbian): @guidol70 Changes were not merged anywhere - they only exists at a merge request atm. If this 1st testing goes well, we can push them up. (11s ago)
ok are most of you enduseers or any of you desktop user/devs
we need morre desktop devs
rneese: preachin to the choir homeboy
wwe dont need ro rockpi
well my M4V2 won't boot, so
Tonymac32: i'm just building rk3399 images for Tony to debug / compare to his
rneese: ^^
what did you do to it tony
nothing, it's K5.10
probably we need to put this - we need desktop devs - word outside our community
it booted 5.9 or 5.8, can't remember which
hi Igor
yes IgorPec
Tonymac32: so weird thing is my PBP is rocking K5.10.1 no problema
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I'm uncomfortably wondering if this is rams and routings related, building a NAnoPC-T4 image now
we need a t4 with the 5.10 kernel
post when its done
@racerrupnik (Chris Rupnik): @armbian @hexadecim8 Armbian, on my multiple orangepi devices, has been wonderfully stable for me. Thank you for all the hard work! (4s ago)
m4v2: i boot if succesfully few days ago.
I have an NVMe plugged in, so I have to wonder if it's tied to [TheBug]'s comment on speed issues there
IgorPec: I'm building with beta repo images.. is it safe to say that this image will have a broken kernel install because of the error? https://armbian.lane-fu.com/linx/gf3pdowo.txt
lanefu how random is the purge message?
Tonymac32: fairly frequent, but varies a lot.. more load, more rfrequent http://ix.io/2IUi
lanefu: surely that's seom problem
because we don't build roc-pc dev
archetech said its a panfrost-ism... it's been happening for a longn time
I think that's a red herring
I'm trying to make it happen and cant is all
Tonymac32: is panfrost loaded?
are you desktoping?
it's identical to the image I got the errors on, just with the modified device tree
so watching some youtubes while mashing menus
nanoPC T4 flawless victory
waht was it?
I don't know yet, but the thing booted perfectly
the DDR4 boards did not, could be coincidense though
The T4 is also recognizing it's NVMe
I2S is toast on RK3399-dev though it looks like
at least however it's set up on the Rock Pi and T4
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which omg
panfrost_gem_shrinker_scan is what generates the Purging message. I don't know it's purpose or what causes a purge, especially one that is rate limited on reporting
it's memory reclamation, yes, but I don't know why it's so damned noisy
probalby because htey left a debug message on
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That's not my point
why so many consecutive calls to the same function so fast?
anyhow we can patch the message out no problem