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who has a pbp?
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Q: is /boot/boot.scr an ascii file or a binary file ?
redentor has joined #armbian
you generate boot.scr from boot.cmd
hello, i need help, I'm new owner of a N2+...at the moment I trying to flash eMMC 5.0 modul...i using a old umts stick because I'm not having a micro sdcard adapter..can't find the device...
I found it..
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I put the eMMC modul into that adapter and plug it into the umts stick...but not sure were the emmc to find?
what is a umts stick and were is it plugged in
a GSM Stick and plugged into usb
why is it relevant you have a gsm stick plugged in ?
GSM like for celluar?
I haven't at the moment no mirco sd adapter
lanefu: yes
k yeah failing to understand how you flash an emmc storage module with a celluar device
I like to flash armbian on that eMMC without a mirco sd adapter so i rape the gsm-stick
IgorPec: i formatted the petitboot 16kb spi, but then nothing would happen. reflashed PB again. found out there is switch at the bottom you need to keep pressed up to 20 seconds after poweron to force it to boot from sd card. first time i saw armbian boot from sd card. currently resizing the partition
lanefu: a lot of celuar modems will actually have an sdcard slot usually USB 1.0 ish and you can use it to read sdcards...
beyond my expertise
back in the day I used to use an old tmobile celluar modem that was no longer usful as a modem as an sdcard reader
but not emmc probably
so Ic an understand if that is what he is doing there
my understanding was he said he used the emmc to sdcard adapter
and then placed it in the cellular modems sdcard reader
but I could be wrong
oncle: is that the case
yeah, his machine doesnt see the emmc
its possible
yes, yes
cause those adapters are uisually usb 2.0
or higher speed
it may not work in that adapter
adapter being the emmc adapter
as in the cellular modem has older reader
dude just go buy another one, it's good to have spares anyway
and its not working with the usd to emmc card
okay, what I need to flash armbian on the nand emmc?
here is my suggestion to y ou
the device your flashing, does it have both emmc and sdcard?
also what device?
normaly you install to sdcard and then boot into that, and then install to emmc
if so, put emmc on the device, get a sdcard and write sdcard
o.k. o.k.
then use armbian-config once booted on sdcard to install to emmc
oh thanx
then you not need the adapter and all that
I finally have a booting odroid hc4 with armbian. no ethernet though. mii-tool says "no link" unplug -> plug gives me 100Mb link on the switch. mii-tool show 100Mb/s, dhclient -v eth0 <- no ip received
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took me only 3 days ;-)
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* TRS-80
been working on getting .org export working to same level as .md for sr.ht project READMEs for at least 3 days it seems
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happy friday
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fromport: you are HC4 godfather-in-armbian
greetings everybody. I was wondering if anyone could tell me why my 'df' command isn't showing the /var/log.hdd/ partition & disk usage at all...
khelair: probably because it's mounted as zram or whatever
I thought the SD card was mounted there by default during the installation. Unless I totally blanked something
Yeah, I had to just double check. But /var/log is zram0; do lsblk to see this.
* nekomancer[m]
looks to usage rktools binaries in `rockchip64_common.inc`, telss "and all that should run in chroot?" and go to watch some cartoons then sleep.
ouch, ww
;-) getting late
now that I'm looking a little more closely, I have /dev/mmcblk0p1 mounted both on '/' and '/var/log.hdd', it looks like. how the hell does that work?
what have you done!? lol
it's a bind mind effectively via armbian-ramlog.service
lanefu meant to say: it's a bind mount effectively via armbian-ramlog.service
bind mind
thnx guys
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The wife does weight watchers, so she keeps making these chili/soup recipes with nothing but meat and beans in them. Found another use for the slabs of leftover grits
fry em
throw them in the bowl under the soup
* fromport
gives that to the chickens ;-)
I eat that with the chickens
after rolling them in their own eggs
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docker run -ti alpine
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TRS-80: if you wanna run one and not have to clean up after... docker run --rm -it alpine
it'll automatically delete
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* TRS-80
adds that to his notes
`docker ps -a` will look messy otherwise
also add `docker system prune` and `docker system prune -a` to your notes
I think you told me that the other day, but now I started a notes file on containers
@DieZuckerbude (Ben Zucker 🍰): @A13_technology Checkout https://t.co/3bBXfrurHn and build dev branch (25s ago)
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@fosspost (FOSS Post: Linux & Open Source): @lanefu @armbian Used it on Orange Pi PC2 and Orange Pi Zero Plus, very great and working like a charm. Plug-and-play. What was more interesting is that the download size of their images is extremely small (~300MB) because of the compression on them. (22s ago)
@DieZuckerbude (Ben Zucker 🍰): @fosspost @lanefu @armbian It is not only the compression, also the optimization scripts that allow the initial small file system to expand across the whole SDcard at first boot. (15s ago)
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@DieZuckerbude (Ben Zucker 🍰): @A13_technology Custom branch atm. Check https://t.co/2DtRLtOCYu for all changes made to bring it to life. (20s ago)
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When going on this am ..,...
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Quiet morning
Well I hope to go home monday
so then I can get back to working on things
So what issues u having other then it looks small kernel issue
That basically nothing works except boot and network
That's h2+
Look at the nanopi duo 2 board code
Or the nanopi duo it was h2+
OPi Zero is H2+, Nanopi duo might be as well. Zero2 however is H616
Ok h616 ?
relatively new soc
Well it was the same for H6 almost two years ago. Very basic support came with 4.17. 4.17.14 IIRC was first Armbian supporting H6. ethernet was working until 4.18.0-rc7 and and it took a few month until I think 5.1 (?) brought it back. So it will take quite a while until H616 will be in good shape
The duo2 is a h617
Um no? It's H3?
Ok but the opi zero2 says it's only h2+
er, where ? 0-2 I saw was definitely h616
XR819 always sucked but with the 3rd party driver Armbian integrates for quite a while now it became halfway usable
Why is it orandpi n nanopi same chip an and board size did companiea
They should just merge
nanopi at least don't put crappy wifi on their board… cough
But the code for duo might help
It's h2 plus
The duo board did but the duo2 fixed it
Werner: lucky you I guess ;) the first time I tried to use that stupid xr819 chip, the board froze spectacularly. I went with a rtl8811CU wifi dongle
I miss my first board
My beagle bone
I miss running my odroid c2 :) it was really a nice board
I have a c2 somewhere
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it ran for almost 5 years without any problem, its just that where I am now I don't have any way to put it back up
lp0-on-fire, when did you try?
Werner: hmm… about 2 weeks or so ago
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I tried and tried different drivers, finally used the armbian one and… board took about 15 minutes to completely freeze to death
it took its sweet time to lock up
first thing to go was serial, but all in all it took 15 minutes for even pid 1 to freeze and sto feeding the hardware watchdog
You could give it another shot with newer firmware blob
buildroot was on rev 455d6b6701178dafe7fd0168eb4a4ef78a8d24a3
Dont know about buildroot
yep that's the one I tried last
buildroot integrates the armbian firmware git repo as a package from which you can select stuff, and this is the commit it points to in the latest buildroot release
The firmware blob I mentioned above is not merged into the firmware repo yet
@Poddingue (Bruno Verachten 🍰): @DieZuckerbude @armbian @orangepixunlong Already ? Mine is still stuck in the customs... Guess Armbian will be it's first os after unboxing... 😍 (12s ago)
right, so I would have to grab it as a patch and apply it on top
can be done easily
how fun I just noticed my opi 0 is the 256 mb ram version not the 512 lol
@A13_technology (∆13🏳️🌈): @Poddingue @DieZuckerbude @armbian @orangepixunlong I'm not the only one having problems with customs. 😶 (26s ago)
@DieZuckerbude (Ben Zucker 🍰): @Poddingue @armbian @orangepixunlong Don't expect too much. Besides boot and network mostly nothing works yet 😕 (30s ago)
simply replace the current firmware blob and reboot
ah, yeah
but I meant for packaging if it actually works
Will be merged soon anyways
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ah good
happy to test
I leave the decision when to merge to igor. Until then as mentioned simply grab the file and put manually
you know I ecen saw Werner mentioning that thread, too. Sorry
TRS-80 meant to say: you know I even saw Werner mentioning that thread, too. Sorry
@RoganDawes (Rogan Dawes): @armbian @OpenwrtH I’ve asked a couple of times on the OpenWrt forum, and been shot down each time. e.g. https://t.co/fbPXakPC0q But this seems to indicate that I was not too far off the mark! (14s ago)
rneese1: how are you?
archetech has joined #armbian
so this is a dumb question, but like whats the fastest RK3399 sbc out there
i mean i guess whate veris RK3399K techniaclly
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but otherwise i guess its contigent on whatever RAM is used
are you being serious?
If so, I think like what I replied to that guy "it depends on the application"
no i'm beign specifc RK3399 SOC
I don't know if that can be separated from the implementation (SBC) however?
<lanefu "but otherwise i guess its contig"> and cooler system, for sure
mostly ram
as all those other peripherals seem to me also to have such a combined effect? (I/O comes primarily to mind)?
and cooling/powermangment
rk3399 has some differnetrram optons
PBP is working so well, i'm thining about pivoting to RK3399 desktop SBC
since N2 sitll isnt there
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I know man, you been raving about it. Great news!
But NicoD said he didn't like N2 because it's I/O bound. And he is more of desktop daily user. I dunno if you checked out any of those videos I linked to?
assuming I am recalling correctly, but I think it was N2
or N2+ or whatever
pfrost is in the hands of some kooky kids
watched a video of them at college
even though N2 "on paper" sounds more powerful (and maybe is, in terms of raw power?)
archetech: I probably don't even want to actually know
* TRS-80
sticks fingers in ears and yells LA LA LA LA LA LA
thought about selling mine too
your N2?
n2+ like new
"I make you good deal!" :D
yeah raw CPU N2 spanks everything
man i've got a rockpi 4c with all the kit in a cart
gonna sleep on it
and think about all the thing si dont need lol
like i literally have an opi4
i could put it out of cluster service and use it and be fine
and its onboard emmc is fast
4C as a minidisplay port out, which is appealing for my KVM situation
Certainly you know by now that just because something looks good "on paper" (exciting specs, etc.) does not actually mean jack shit, depending on implementation and software support, etc... That was like lesson #1 to me and why I started coming around Armbian in the first place, I think.
ha yeah
well honestly when i used the N2 with the lgacy kernel
it's just dandy for my uses
but kernel 5.10.0rc6 w/ rk3399 has been such a gamechanger on this pinebook
that it's making me rethink
and also i should be using N2 for testing
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That is one I know man, your excitement about it been rubbing off on me, too :)
* TRS-80
also puts lots of things in basket all the time and then "sleeps on them" some times for weeks and months
yeah i know that move
yeah i used pbp for 6 hour slast night and still had 44% battery left
something has to be really, really compelling to me to actually pull the trigger
much excite, very wow
the TLDR on the pinebook pro is it's obviously abit of a community science project, and in general the fit and finish on it is better than it should be
well maybe not fit, but finish
some people have had to reseat some stuff
Buy it! Buy it! Buy it!
* [TheBug]
chants at a low register into lanefu's ear
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be careful though, you'll get that one and be ordering another shortly after..
* [TheBug]
says looking at the 3 he already has in production and the receipt for the 4th on the way
i've mostly learned to stop buying duplicate SBCs, i got in that habbit for a while
then i realized they'll just make more
* TRS-80
have been vaguely aware of PineBook for a long time now as a potential replacement for aging fleet of classic ThinkPads
how many blobs are involved, though?
define blob
just as many as any of them
bluetoooth.. blob, wifi.. blob
right, I know
well, apparently RK-3399-PC is capable to boot without any (piter75 tells me!)
if those are the only ones, I can maybe live with
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there's a firmware for the keyboard+trackpad, but i think there's a WIP open one?
i cant remember
i appreciate the ideas around firmware openness but not enough to make a large effort to use them
i mean if someone whats to putgether some open firmware adn put a bow on it for me, rock and roll
just not my strength for a contribution / effort / community perspective
alright gonna sort my office and deploy my new super tiny desk
lol, cheers
lanefu: thats fine if your only buying it to play with it, but when you find its actually a productive board for real life use, your motives change :)((
almost everything i have thrown at it that I would do it can do well so far
Can handle 9x2TB hard drives via SAT + USB 3.0 at 300M/sec or it can play back 4k video and run Android 10 smoothly
[TheBug] meant to say: Can handle 9x2TB hard drives via SATA + USB 3.0 at 300M/sec or it can play back 4k video and run Android 10 smoothly
it can also play almost all the emulated games I have thrown at it
n64, dreamcast, psp
but you having PBP / OPi4 I am sure you already realize this ;p
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[TheBug]: which hardware are you talking about?
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mik_: RockPi 4c
[TheBug]: thx
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but can it run kde plasma wayland w/o freeze/crash
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Where did those goalposts go? They were just right here...
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@anovacap (D9): Day 57 #100DaysOfCode #100DaysOfCloud #DevOps. The @thepine64 Baseboard has arrived. They even threw in an extra SOPINE module. Time to start installing @armbian. https://t.co/XxLmYS92me (7s ago)
@armbian (armbian): RT @anovacap: Day 57 #100DaysOfCode #100DaysOfCloud #DevOps. The @thepine64 Baseboard has arrived. They even threw in an extra SOPINE modul… (24s ago)
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hi, can someone tell me whats current state on armbian for odroid n2? especially audio passthrough on hdmi?
Hi tete_
https://www.armbian.com/odroid-n2/ says "Supported" and there are no obvious disclaimers, of course that does not mean it works, necessarily of course. I suspect this is some problem you are aware or already? Or?
No specific results on forums about?
Someone may be able to answer specifs if you hang out long enough, but it can be hit or miss.
depending who's around; and it's less busy here on weekends
well, there were some problems with hdmi out, guess it was because of this panfrost/bifrost thing
thought i'll ask and maybe someone can give me a hint if h265 etc. works
or if its just too early yet
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Hang out, we were just discussing N2 earlier (in general, not that, specifically). You could also look at irc logs from earlier today. http://irc.armbian.com
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ok thanks, guess ill just try it on sd card. atm coreelec runs on emmc
Esp if you have a spare, that's probably fastest, honestly
You can always make a forum post, too. The problem is only some very small subset of the whole community hang out in IRC.
sometimes get lucky, some times not
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sd cards on N2 boards are truning into the BIOS
or something similar
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