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* TRS-80 slides a cold one down the bar towards lanefu
<IgorPec> that's fast
<IgorPec> :)
<TRS-80> yes, I was trying to explain that to some guy (in a different thread) :)
* TRS-80 slides anouther cold one down the bar towards IgorPec
<IgorPec> yeah, i have several conversation going on with people and months go by
* IgorPec ran out of it days ago
<TRS-80> the hamster wheel is real
<stipa> TRS-80: is there "how to patch" in Armbian Documentation?
<TRS-80> stipa: Do you mean https://docs.armbian.com/Developer-Guide_User-Configurations/ or do you mean how to create one, or how to contribute one (our earlier convo)?
<stipa> i think it's it
<IgorPec> stipa: send a pull request
<TRS-80> IgorPec: We are stockpiling alcohol along with ammunition, on the basis it will hold it's value better than Federal Reserve Notes in event of monetary or civilizational collapse. ;)
<IgorPec> our you want to make a patch ?
<TRS-80> s/it/either of those/
<ArmbianHelper> TRS-80 meant to say: IgorPec: We are stockpiling alcohol along weither of thoseh ammunition, on the basis it will hold it's value better than Federal Reserve Notes in event of monetary or civilizational collapse. ;)
<TRS-80> bah
<IgorPec> TRS: i was too busy, doing rfc of home networking
<stipa> IgorPec: i want to compile with someones elses patch
<IgorPec> add a patch to userpatches/kernel/this-or-that-kernel
<TRS-80> stipa: That is at link I gave
<IgorPec> u-boot the same
<stipa> IgorPec: and that's it? do i need to select those patches in that menu that appears in compile.sh?
<stipa> like where i can select modules to compile and stuff
<TRS-80> IgorPec: Comparing what you said to these docs, sounds like maybe the latter are out of date? If so, I add to my list to update.
<IgorPec> no, those are sucked in auto
<stipa> ok
<IgorPec> they have to be in the correct folder, that's it
<stipa> ok
* TRS-80 is being summond to dinner
<IgorPec> anyway, i have to crash
<stipa> TRS-80: i found the location where i have to put the patches, thanks
<Tony_mac32> late night for day job again.
* TRS-80 slides anouther cold one down the bar towards Tony_mac32
* lanefu chugs warm beer
* TRS-80 slides a fresh cold one down the bar towards lanefu
<lanefu> haha
<TRS-80> it's warm again by now lol
<lanefu> probably lol
<TRS-80> here let me get you fresh one
<lanefu> man you know what i want
<TRS-80> That's quite specific, did you used to live in WI or something? :)
<lanefu> travelled there a lot for work years back
* nekomancer[m] is drinking beer and yearns for the Greek island
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<TRS-80> Swisstown, pop 2,172 (in 2010), I like it! :)
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<ArmbianTwitter> @lanefu (Lane Jennison): moar mirrors! https://t.co/YE6yYcLxmm (12s ago)
<TRS-80> lol @ NicoD comment :D
<archetech> I lived in Madison WI in the 90's
<archetech> cheeseheads my kinda people
* Tony_mac32 drops shot of whiskey into beer and chugs it
<TRS-80> that's the spirit
* TRS-80 goes back to re-working his reference capture templates in Elisp
<nekomancer[m]> team spirit
<Tony_mac32> smells like team spirit?
<Tony_mac32> wait
<TRS-80> reference types were all mixed in with general types, but now I have separated them, much better
<TRS-80> much work still to be done, even though I use the system daily
<TRS-80> gn
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<ArmbianTwitter> @NewChinaGadget (China Gadget Review): Armbian OS on Station PC - China Gadgets Reviews https://t.co/8XNcCX060j via @NewChinaGadget (1s ago)
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<ArmbianTwitter> @anovacap (D9): @thepine64 SOPINE fired up sooo quick and easy from the Baseboard. Installing and setting up @armbian Focal was too easy. Tomorrow I set up the other SOPINE sbcs. 🥳 https://t.co/dfqmk22hzC (17s ago)
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<Miouyouyou> Meow
<IgorPec> hej
<Miouyouyou> Hey !
<stipa> IgorPec: Tornado in Sloveina, that's a new one
<nekomancer[m]> hey.
<stipa> hi
<lanefu> yoinks no bueno
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<stipa> --yoinks no bueno
<ArmbianHelper> yoinks no good [es~>eng]
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<nekomancer[m]> an unusual silence for this place.
<nekomancer[m]> Are all dead?
* nekomancer[m] uploaded an image: 40456-074632-b1730c772ffe27efc4959cb235e9c724.jpg (46KiB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/RHbmzYTfQjAGGDCURqYzRTok/40456-074632-b1730c772ffe27efc4959cb235e9c724.jpg >
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<IgorPec> hej
<IgorPec> arond but supery busy :)
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<nekomancer[m]> wah :) glad to hear 🧑‍🍳
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<TuxBlackEdo> So I am having a bit of trouble installing docker on armbian, using a fresh and latest armbian image for my sbc (nanopi neo) it just adds the docker repository to apt but doesn't actually install it
<IgorPec> contact docker support
<TuxBlackEdo> i am using armbian-config/softy to install it
<IgorPec> neo 32 bit or neo 64 bit?
<IgorPec> debian (which) ubuntu which
<IgorPec> did you try docker how-to?
<TuxBlackEdo> VERSION="20.04.1 LTS (Focal Fossa)"
<TuxBlackEdo> Linux nanopineo 5.8.16-sunxi #20.08.14 SMP Tue Oct 20 22:15:32 CEST 2020 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux
<TuxBlackEdo> root@nanopineo:/home/peter# cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list
<TuxBlackEdo> deb [arch=armhf] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu focal stable
<TuxBlackEdo> so it's adding the docker source to apt
<TuxBlackEdo> but then apt is saying "E: Package 'docker-ce' has no installation candidate"
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<IgorPec> i see, don't know
<TuxBlackEdo> yea i was thinking this is possibly a docker repo issue?
<IgorPec> apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends docker.io
<IgorPec> this install it from ubuntu
<IgorPec> probably they dropped support for 32bit
<TuxBlackEdo> oh
<TuxBlackEdo> that did work
<TuxBlackEdo> i guess softy tried to install docker-ce
<IgorPec> on 64bit this is working as expected
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<IgorPec> open an issue https://github.com/armbian/config/issues "docker install on 32bit systems fails ..."
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<nekomancer[m]> TuxBlackEdo: remove old docker.io, remove old repo/ then run `sudo sh get-docker.sh`
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<oncle> hello, having some problems with starting armbian on my N2+, I flashed a new sdcard with dd: dd bs=4M if=Armbian_20.11_Odroidn2_buster_current_5.9.6.img of=/dev/mmcblk1 conv=fsync...switched to petitboot...
<oncle> Petitboot shows me 2 devices but if i choose one of them...the n2+ goes off...
<archetech> hwats the date onpetitb
<oncle> I have a sdcard insert and an emmc with a preinstalled ubuntu but I'd like to use armbian...
<nekomancer[m]> TuxBlackEdo: oops, forget `curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com -o get-docker.sh` before run
<nekomancer[m]> oncle: try to flash with balena etcher
<archetech> oncle: whats the date on your petitboot
<oncle> dev.20191213
<archetech> get the last stable on think its oct 2020
<archetech> one
<archetech> forum/wiki has the how to
<archetech> its a simple cmd from boot screen prompt pbupdate or sim
<archetech> ie dont use the full overwrite recovery method
<archetech> then you can rule that possibility out and have it fresh too
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<oncle> archetech: why ubuntu?
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<oncle> archetech: why ubuntu?
<oncle> forum?
<archetech> oncle: what part of upgrade your petitboot dont ya get
<oncle> can't find someting about that in ubuntuforums.org??
<archetech> odroid
<oncle> yes
<oncle> ahh, okay
<oncle> can't find anything
<archetech> try google?
* nekomancer[m] have problems with N2 boot from prtitboot to sdcard too. Ask on #odroid, but no success.
<archetech> goota put the little switch towards the sdcard port
<nekomancer[m]> then petitboot off and emmc boot on
<oncle> but before I have to get armbian on the emmc
<oncle> so N2+ is frozen
* nekomancer[m] have to remove emmc to boot from sdcard
<archetech> update should be run with no emmc or sdcard in it
<oncle> Thank you my man but then, if I have booting form sdcard...what then, how I can flash
<oncle> okay
<archetech> told ya to read first
<nekomancer[m]> bad, but for a while, until found a solucion — this way
<oncle> if I would know what ;)
<nekomancer[m]> oncle: use https://www.balena.io/etcher/ to write image to sdcard
<oncle> I having Mint on the other pc
<oncle> there is a tool too, can I use this?
<archetech> https://wiki.odroid.com/odroid-n2/odroid-n2 you couldnt find this page and do the research before using your new device?
<oncle> okay, i will do that
<nekomancer[m]> * bad, but for a while, until found a solucion — this is the way
<archetech> sheesh
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