Werner changed the topic of #armbian to: armbian - Linux for ARM development boards | Armbian 20.11 Tamandua released | www.armbian.com | Github: github.com/armbian | Commits: #armbian-commits | Developer talk: #armbian-devel | Forum feed: #armbian-rss | Type 'help' for help | Logs: -> irc.armbian.com
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i think they did it intentionally but for some reason in media is information that it collapsed by itself
they/ll probably build something else there because of the good spot
I thought it started collapsing by itself. Then they just finished it intentionally, because it was too dangerous to repair
and канат is probably more like cable than rope
the dish was in state of EOL
Eond Of Life
End Of Love
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Hey guys
Are you the real rneese?!
On medical holiday
Yes it's me on my tablet in hospital
damn man, you alright?
wondered what happened to you
Me knee is infected. Been here since tuesday
But that's why my laptop is online but I have not been
*takes a rip off the bong* yes
jschwart has joined #armbian
* TRS-80
abstains from almost all drugs in reality
So I finally got off on tablet to check in
I do what's prescribed only when really needed
* DigitalMan1983_
abstains from all drugs including alcohol with the exception of copious amounts of marijuana
* DigitalMan1983_
likes his nicotine and coffee as well
I will know more tomorrow what the game plan is
you feeling any better?
My go to a medical physicality so they can work with leg
Yes spend last 2 days asleep
Today I have energy and feel better
well good
But the leg is not functioning like it should
best wishes for speedy recovery man
So what's the latest on 20.11
shit, I still have to test the new releases!
well, it look like they been pushing flurries of shit since 20.11, we are already on .1 if not .2 bugfix
I know it had some issues but was hoping they got cleared nup
especially today, lots of GitHub activity I noticed; I was working on my own stuff not paying close attention though
I know igorpec should be asleep right no
I grabbed build tools like 2 or 3 times last night
Hmm ok I have to go read the hub logs
What's lanefu doing
rneese1: yu're back!
Here but not back
...and he shall appear
well here is good
In hospital but alive
rneese1: I got mate on my pinebook and its runnning saawwwweeeeet
oh yes how could I have forgotten that
rneese1: ...and we merged in the build armbian on ARM64 into the desktop branch.. and i can build a mate file system in 10 minutes
so we can defeintly speed up your workflow hwen you get back in the game
Did you use Meta install or some custome install
i just used what you had setup.. i added a missing package or two. will probalby go back and add soem more
but man its great
Document for me
yeah was bummed couldnt celebrate w/ you
sorry you're laid up in the hospital man. thats never fun.. need anyone to water your plants?
Well it's ok ., But glad it worked
No plants and a friend has my dog
so whats yoru routine. sleep, tv, tablet,sleep rinse repeat
nice that covidabilities not disable knee healing. in my country all healthcare excluding emergency (means you will dead in next 24 hour) now paused
Once I know the plan . I will get my laptop to where I land
i got a little advise on how to make a virtual machien of armbian
goal is that you can have a test image with desktop that you can VNC to
Well here because my knee was size of cantaloupe they put me in
Else they woul have sent me home
rneese1: try to enter this channel with matrix client. maybe it will be more comfortable
man that must hurt like crazy
nekomancer[m]: lol
Let me o get it
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But it'd on small 7 inch tab is hard
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ChriChri_ is now known as ChriChri
Ok back
They wanted to take vitals
I need a emmc for my t2
Hope Santa gets my letter
I also need to cad a full metal case based on the plastic one
<lanefu "like my pineh64 can make a xfce4"> do you mean armbian build script now can build on aarch64?
nekomancer[m]: yes, but not in armbina buidl master branch yet
we havea branch called native for that.. and we also merged it into the desktop branch
some u-boots dont build.. but allwinner works all the way
but the real win is doing debootstrap adn making hte filesystems
ah... I try it 2 days ago and there was no builders for uboot. but I try rockchip
so I'm taking my first stab at creating a user patch, need to add a few lines to u-boot configuration's defconfig. I'm trying to use diff to make the patch but am having troulble piecing it together...
I guess my first question is if it matters what directory I execute diff in
but I try to choose "not build uboot and kernel, use from repo" — then script stops before image creation
i.e., git is not tracking it as part of repo, which is what you want for a patch usually
I already tried making the diff patch, that's what it is showing but it did fail when I tried to build with patches
ohh ok I see
there are lots of reasons for that, a diff is sort of but not necessarily exactly a patch, doing format-patch insures you get all line endings etc. exactly correct
the a/ and b/ thing has me lost too
a and b?
ooh ok
so that is the before and after
in other words, the changes you made
when looking at the patch file itself. the header on mine is clearly the wrong format, I just don't know how to properly execute diff/git
you are trying to create your own patch, right?
if so, follow steps I gave you
do you understand add, commit, working tree, staging, etc?
icypee has joined #armbian
icp icu
hey i tried running sudo apt dist-upgrade on my pinebook but it won't upgrade to the latest ubuntu
I'm a beginner at patches which is what wound me up with diff, seemed simple and straightforward at first
there's only a xenial image for my pinebook
DigitalMan1983_: you really need to understand just the basics first though, everything will make sense after that
so does that mean i can't upgrade past xenial if there's only a xenial image for my pinebook?
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I dunno icypee, I only use Debian and headless. Someone else probably knows something though.
i'm using armbian xenial
I do know great things are coming to desktop though pretty soon-ush.
I understand that. Which is Ubuntu based. And a desktop. Do you understand that?
i wish there was an armbian buster build for my pinebook
Armbian2020 has joined #armbian
ok, hang out then, I was just saying that I would like to help but personally I don't know anything about Ubuntu nor desktop
Ohai Armbian2020
no armbian buster is based on debian buster
Hi, i cannot reply with my forum account ... You have reached the maximum number of posts you can make per day.
icypee: Right, but you said Armbian does not ship that image as an option?
for my pinebook
Armbian2020: hang tight one sec
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* DigitalMan1983_
is a millenial and doesn't like reading stuff to know how to do stuff
* TRS-80
waves magic wand
Armbian2020: try now
DigitalMan1983_: But grasshopper, the path to true wizard-dom lie only through reading many ancient scrolls of wisdom (books, man pages, docs, etc.)
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Ok, it working
has anyone done, like, a tik-tok on this?
I think you are trolling me now. I almost took the bait.
git is aloways going to be "strange" until you get the fundamentals down, but they are really not that hard
simple, even
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but you have to be in right "learning" frame of mind, which is not possible when you are in a hurry to "get something done"
...right at this moment...
when "pull request" went in, I'll admit it applied a liberal amount of vaseline
you are welcome Armbian2020
* TRS-80
shakes his head
I still get the creepy-uncle feels when I'm in the presence of terms like "commit"
but GitHub is an online service, which adds some features on top of git (like collaborative review, issue tracking, etc.) so don't conflate that with plain git
actually the best way I think to learn plain git is just install it on your local machine (it probably already is) and just start playing around with it
hmmm...so does the interwebs URL just become the local path to the directory?
the base name of project ("something", in your example) will become a child dir in the current dir
I keep all my repos in ~/git/ext/ for external repos, I cd in there then do git clone whatever and it ends up as a dir in there
but you can start your own repo, too
cd && mkdir -p git/int && cd git/int && git --init
no that's wrong
cd && mkdir -p git/int/test-repo && cd git/int/test-repo && git --init
I keep my personal repos in ~/git/int (for internal)
pfft all ive ever needed is git clone url/KDE/pkgname
websites as ~/git/web; public projects (of mine) at ~/git/pub; you get the picture
cd config && make
now a dev would be different
DigitalMan1983_: then you just make some files, in your local play repo, and now you can learn with basic commands like I mentioned above. But this is basically same as that book walks you through step by step.
I committed food sins today, and it was delicious
sounds yummy
we had something not so healthy for dinner, was also delicious
what did you have?
my kids for cooking class had to make polenta and escarole/white beans
I learned a few things
1 is that polenta is fancy for grits
and 2 is that escarole is some kind of European collard
How is that sins? Sound like good basic traditional foods?
oh wait
flash forward to today
it's all becoming clearer now
I took said leftover polenta, which had hardened nicely into a lump and cut it into slabs
better be shrimp involved
That would not have been a sin
sorry, go on
and I plan on some grits/shrimp tomorrow
I also had leftover sloppy joe
it turns out, fried slabs of polenta go great on a sloppy joe with some american cheese
oh yeah that's like fat man level thinking
potatoes stroganoff fr a box with grnd beef and chorizo
wife is concerned about stuff shutting down again, I reminded her we have abot 25 lbs of frozen meat, 25 lbs of udon noodles, a crate of ramen, and if it all goes really wrong, I know how to prepare squirrels
archetech that doesn't sound half bad
its really different with the chorizo
* Tony_mac32
loves some chorizo
over noodles is ok too
touch of dijon and some crawfish
it's been too long since I had any crawfish
cfish ettoufee
and in gumbo w/ shrimp
tiny lobsters
I got lost looking for a place to eat in Alabama, wound up deciding to turn around, and the place I was turning around in was a food place
so I stopped there
best accident ever
* Tony_mac32
now wants to deep fry some corn bread
corn bread is a must side and collard greens
greens in brisket juice
my fav food ever is real Momo's from Nepal
dumplings with amazing stuffing and chutney
`tig` is a console simple git history browser
meat pierogis
so is git log and git hist
"go on git!"
* TRS-80
actually wrote a shell script called gitit
* Tony_mac32
likes to TIG
for git iterate, to iterate over all repos and do some command
* Tony_mac32
still needs to get a new bottle for his MIG
How many shields and such that are physically compatible with that interface are relevant for an ESP32? much less an AT328?
the only ones that aren't compatible are the TFT display ones
the AVR obviouslt can't do I2S either
really? that's more than I thought
the ESP32 has some slow I/O due to needing the expander, but I made sure I2C/SPI/I2S are all in tact
I used a spi/ethernet hat on both
Adafruit displays
I must confess to never been a "shield" guy, either. That always struck me as "babby's first electronics kit" or something. Not that I am at any higer level than that, mind you, just... I dunno...
well given almost every damn thing you can think of is on them, they are great for evaluation purposes
somehow if you are not using a breadboard and dupont wires it's too limiting or something for me
I got a small stash of these for the step before I build a HAT
* Tony_mac32
will probably use the 328PB boards to test/verify/program other boards
it seems like I am always trying to cram some sensor and uC into some tiny little box because tiny little boxes are inexpensive
well, I make custom boards for my stuff, but for quick and dirty first pass, slapping a hat onto a board is easy and you can prove feasibility
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Merry Friday
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lanefu: finally two days at home, yeah
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Good day
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@Havidkecil (C/L/X): Linux ARMbian via TV 🤣 https://t.co/vGLeF67Fx4 (7s ago)
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IgorPec: i got mine to boot with petitboot from the url in korea, but it can't find/recognize the sd card to install to :-(
i think you have to bypass petitboot
rneese1 has joined #armbian
It was igorpec in the kitchen with the meat
hej rich
Hey brb dr just walked in
Ok now I wait for my orho dr to show
How goes
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Lanefu told me about builds building native on arm
yes, it was merged in
but things are experimental
Glad tomhear
certainly not all variants works
Can not type on tablet well
IgorPec: i tried all available hc4 images, wrote them 64 & 128gb sd cards. i have 3 x hc4, upgraded one to latest petitboot so i can test with old &new version. I can not get _any_ image written to sd card to boot.
* fromport
feels like absolute beginner
have zero experiences with petitboot
What software u ussr to write img
Odroid uses itmfor booting spi
balena etcher 1.5.81
Turn it to normal boot
petitboot is the problem as i heard on hk forums
but since i don't have HC4 ...
Yes unplug emc and boot sd
petitboot is on SPI
i finally was able to boot it with the url. basically pxe boot over http, part of pb. i finally for the first time had familar setup screen from debian. except it didn't recognize the sd card
Yes there is a switch to use it or boot sd/emmc/usb
The sd card is bootable
hc4 != h4. afaik hc4 does not have emc and thus does not have switch.
"Personally, I also didn't like the idea of removing Petitboot - but I just couldn't get it working another way. Updated Petitboot, tried the suggestions in the Odroid forum: Other monitor, other PSU.. No luck."
imo the difference in kernel between c4 & hc4 is the sata controller that is on pci. but the sd card driver should be same between c4 & hc4, right ?
there is no difference in kernel
device tree is different
"board special config", but also not that different
petitboot is the problem
remove it and it will work. anyway you don't need it
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thanks, will try that once i get back from that pesky thing called 'work' ;-)
Trying to read github
fromport: ok
@lanefu (Lane Jennison): Be like me. Choose @armbian for your next SBC. Whether an #odroid #bananapi #orangepi #raxda or #pine64 And for your TV Boxes...... throw them in the trash 🤠 https://t.co/lBwyD5LAJA (2s ago)
got my marketing done for the weekend
well done
did you include pic of Pen & Teller? straightinthetrash.jpg
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RT :)
@armbian (armbian): RT @lanefu: Be like me. Choose @armbian for your next SBC. Whether an #odroid #bananapi #orangepi #raxda or #pine64 And for your TV Boxe… (16s ago)
I am thinking about writing intro to git; should I make it forum post or add straight to docs?
intro and basic usage
rneese1 has joined #armbian
sorry, not following much ... i came to read bug things today, briefly
if things has to be found easily, docs, else forum
yeah i dont need hte link, just need it in teh mail
you have place on the desk ? :)
IgorPec: thats irrelevant
Improvise, Adapt, Overcome
aka "shove things into drawers"
does the curve make a difference tho
i started making wooden boxes to dump stuff in
a movable junk drawer
Am I the only one who thinks curved monitors / TVs are a meme / marketing gimmick?
Mostly they are, but looks cool
I used to do 2 monitors
lanefu: I put up whole wall full of screw into wall IKEA modular shelving, and we bought a ton of those clear IKEA boxes in varios sizes
but my add made me turn my head too much
and my neck started to hurt
I had three. All different sizes and models. Then Dell released this thing and I told myself f*ck it and bought it. Now I am back to one monitor :)
t. 20 30 20 PLP mustard race
manpaz has joined #armbian
Yeah I just use a 24" 4K screen with mostly full screen stuff..... but when i'm docked to my macbook, i leave the macbook screen open now.. originally because it would goto sleep adn goof things up.. but cooling is better.. adn now i just leave slack and my security cameras on it. so not too distracting at least
i am also on one, just not curved
i had additional 32" 4k on a side, but its not helping - TN panel sucks
anyway, great choice werner :)
Expensive choice ^^
Waiting for an SBC with 8k support and DP 1.4
well, yeah. i paid 1/2 for mine and it was still expensive :)
I want to replace my 720p 32" with a Pixio 32" high refreshreate screen but they are still $300... way to rich for my blood
sure hook up my gaming laptop now and then and get some nice frames :)
my gamin laptop has a 17" 120hz screen on it and its pretty nice
wouldn't mind having something that nice for everyday
and radeon 5900xt or what is today a thing?
haha nah
I don't play games that need that much yet
still just my 1060 w/ 6gb vram
that's why i am surprosed on "165Hz"
i also have 1060 in my rig
I am sure its 144hz with overclock
aha, my monitor is 60Hz and i am happy with it
What's the upper limit of what human can percieve again? Frequency wise I mean? lol
well for everyday I would be happy with 60Hz too
right now I am using an old samsung 32" 720p TV screen as my main, so things are super huge cause the scaler sucks
would love to replace it with an actual monitor at some point
though I do have 3 other monitors in front of me :p
all smaller though :Z
All the mismatched size multi monitor setups I saw were extremely jarring to my OCD/autism, until I stumbled across 20 30 20 PLP setup. I really do think it's the best setup. But those side 20s are getting harder to find nowadays, they don't make them any more last I checked.
hehe I have 1x 24" 2x27" and 1x32" directly in front of me
all 3 my monitors not only match up in physical size, but also screen size and dot pitch
lucky you
wish I had that kinda of money ;p
screens are expensive
* [TheBug]
says that after he spent probably $500 on RockPi 4cs in the last 2 months *DOH*
sode Dell 20" I paid some 10s of $ on Craigslist, center 30" Monoprice was $500 something when I bought it
TRS-80 meant to say: side Dell 20" I paid some 10s of $ on Craigslist, center 30" Monoprice was $500 something when I bought it
well in my case I have just sort of collected more screens over time
yes this was conscious action on my part ;)
and I wasn't 100% tructhful I have 5 screen in this room, 2x24" 2x27" and my 32" though only 4 are in front, one is on my testing table beside
in other words, a plan; perish the thought lol
its 24" and 27" (IPS) on top, 32" TV and 27" TN panel on bottom
and 1x 24" on my table
The only commonality is that when I pick I usually buy Samsung.. the ones that are not samsung I either got on some special deal or inherited in some way :Z
@jerry_hopper (jerry hopper): @lanefu @armbian and while you're already tinkering with this, be like me: implement oauth2 device-authorization in your application for these devices! #fusionauth #bash https://t.co/yafPbwNKMj (19s ago)
i have dell as main one
it takes time to adapt to big monitors
head moves alot
I was looking at 30" 16:10 and Dell are expensive. Nice, but expensive. Monoprice one is not only "good enough" but I am actually quite pleased with it, and it was $500 something (at the time, I guess 5+ years ago now all of a sudden, wow) and at that time the Dell was like $1,200. Probably only even more now, if they even still make them. Everyone only making 16:9 meme shit any more it seems.
@lanefu (Lane Jennison): @jerry_hopper @armbian Uhhh yes! cuz that's awesome.. I'm gonna have to try that out (27s ago)
i went dell beacuse it soesn't flicker
background doesn't use PWM
I don't know if I am just not sensitive enough to pick it up or not, but I never seen any flicker
ha I got some biz class HP for some off-lease deal
i wish it had a newer HDMI revision, for 4k60, but does it w/ display port
TRS-80: you probably have good eysight
TRS-80: but if it's something cheap i just set the backlight/brightness to max and flicker is gone
thing about the Monoprice is I don't consider it a "cheap" monitor at all. but rather a quite good one for a reasonable price
what ever makesyou horny
but staring whole day in monitors
that's not nice at all
that much is true
sometimes I get blurry eyed
i'm in front of it whole freakin day
but I will go back to work cycle soon for some months
it's a good change all the way around
a lot more physical activity, etc.
that's great
i feel change even when few hours not staring at a monitor
less strain
and better mood
@jerry_hopper (jerry hopper): @lanefu @armbian Oh, if you are looking for a idp server for your arm64 device with at least 1gb ram, look no further : checkout my unofficial fusionauth multiarchitecture docker repository : https://t.co/oSasY9HZ7H 🥳 (8s ago)
werner: did you implement zero2 into the build script?
aha, ok. just asking
I did some tests locally but failed miserable doing anything ^^
np, i will try to use jernej u-boot and see how far i get
I think martinayotte could also figure out this H6 SPI issue so I don't know if he maybe already started working on the zero2
well, well, next problem for aarch64 building are x64-only dynamic linked vendor tools, like rkbin-tools. At least chroot or docker image with libs in x64 architecture need.
@lanefu (Lane Jennison): @jerry_hopper @armbian oh man even easier.... I'm a big fan of proper multi arch containers.. my nomad cluster is multi arch, so I like not having to care where it launches (9s ago)
nekomancer[m]: are you working from the armbian nativebranch?
no, I lost it. but Ifound "native" fixes in "desktop" branch
ahh yes, we merged it into desktop
allwinner builds totally fine
amlogic adn rockchip need work
if you care more about build and image and less about building uboot or kernel,, you can use this option REPOSITORY_INSTALL="u-boot,kernel,bsp,armbian-config,armbian-firmware"
* nekomancer[m]
want to do something good. then now I lurking on internet about "are there way to get or make used tool for aarch64" (seems no way) then "how to run rktools for x64 on aarch64"
i think chroot will be fine. we just need to add this step by step
chaning to arm64 build can't be done over night
i guess
yeah chroot works great
thats how i built my mate image for pinebook
eth01: yeah.. had always been the case... UK seems to be very slow when syncing frmo eastern europe... our original seed from estonia took a long time, and then similar when seeding from slovenia now
could we sync from somewhere else, perhaps?
yeah.. i think that's teh endgame.. we're hoping to have a new place to seed from in a few weeks
waiting on a generous VPS provider to provsion
it would be interesting to see if using rclone to our object storage in estonia is faster
it can at least be multiple streams
s/rclone to/rclone from/
lanefu meant to say: it would be interesting to see if using rclone from our object storage in estonia is faster
uk mirror looks like fell out. or is that slow?
we could give you a VM in amsterdam
sync from that instead
we could try, sure
we actually manage BGP from amsterdam, too
eth01: as a pass-thru? or store data in amsterdam?
lanefu: we could give you a VM in amsterdam to store data I guess, what kind of storage would it require?
we have more control over the routing between the UK/amsterdam unlike at the moment where it's from UK/estonia (on a network we do not know/control)
eth01: hmm well I did POC s3fs and exposing via rsync.. it was insane but worked, but lets just hold, I think this new host we're getting will a good source of truth adn we can sync frmo it instead
sure, np. let me know - offer is there
sweet. much appreciated
IgorPec: what are we gonna do with all this sweet coffee mug money we generated :P
* TRS-80
will be disappointed if the answer is not hookers and blow
I don't want hookers and blow if they take that kidn of money
all 3.85 of it? :D
right, I just realized
all options will result in burning sesnsations
no teeth could be considered an upside?
* lanefu
leaves the room
Sounds like TRS-80 recognizes a professional when he sees one
* TRS-80
was talking pure shit
lol sure, back track when you get caught with your pants down ;)
* lanefu
leaves the next room
Should know by now, with all these IOT devices we have speakers planted in all the rooms now... there is no escape...
meanwhile th dumbass at Wendys gave me cherry coke instead of diet coke.. someone needs to clean their ears.. *sigh*
uhm sounds like htey were being thoughtful as diet coke is terrible
somehow I knew someone would say something like that
so I sniff traffic on my IOT vlan, and so far alexa hasnt been like streaming 2423423megs of data or anything
watching UDP and TCP?
basically i just dump all my vlans into a spare interface and run ntop-ng on it
Alexa is in a wifi relationship with yout next door neighbors ring doorbell and is sending Amazon all the data that way
at least its not using my ring doorbell anymore
i replaced it with an amcrest
lanefu: I reject your factual evidence and substitute my own preferred wild conspiracy theories instead
lanefu: how active are you in the room its in
that will dictate a lot about it's traffic pattens
if your actively speaking in that room constantly I would expect it to be connecting / sending more data
Jokes aside, I do seem to recall reading something recently about how their devices try and connect to one another (including e.g., your neighbors devices(!)) in order to create their own mesh network and find a path out to the Internet, even if yours goes down. Most muppets (alarmingly, IMO) probably consider this a "feature."
Yes, while I was being funny, thats the reference I was going for, lol ;)
there's some new tech called sidewalk that I think is a handshake protocol.. icant remember
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[TheBug]: fyi keep me informed on what kind fo trends you see if your mirror traffic
sad but this hint still actual for aarch64. `buster` works, focal not (for x64 and i386 guests)