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O_o ... just found this dmesg: [51405.078600] dwmmc_exynos 12220000.mmc: Unexpected command timeout, state 3
lanefu: about btrfs image boot... no debug info?
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neko you talking about my problem on my Opi3?
yeah i don't know what's up. I've got no data on serial console.. even with ext4
i need to pull that board out of it's stack and put it on the bench and troubleshoot there
as btrfs user i have interest
oh :(
yeah kinda dumb
i'm back to using my OrangePi Prime lol
except I didn't plug in my usb disk for /home
I try to ask about orange pi 3 around, collegues. but no on have opi 3 ☹️
then I can't run test myself
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oddly i really like the Orange Pi 3 for some reason
cursed allwinners
oddly i feel like my allwinner boards are teh most reliable
lanefu: i am curious, what is self destructives on that image ? ;-)
fromport: you talking about "не-воровать-у-balbes150"?
maybe, some voltages and frequences?
should it let smoke escape ? :-0
/dev/mmcblk1p2 on / type btrfs <- i see what happened there
you have unbootable fresh-created btrfs image too?
so, what happened there?
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fromport: boot it and find out
fromport: crap sorry didnt mean to give you btrfs one
i have it in my default config
building another
nekomancer[m]: try doing dpkg -i with an armbian kernel deb
and you'll see a bunch of extra noise about initramfs
that it idnt used to do
the /boot is ending u with a standard initramfs.img file && and the uboot-flavored one thats supposed to be there
so it fills it up
but I don't have a good enough understanding of what should be working... basically I think some of the post-install steps in the .deb for armbian kernel are messed up
do you set verbocity level to 5 or higher?
what is the last strings?
set it to 7
nekomancer[m]: will try to recreate on another board in a bit
nekomancer[m]: i'm also convinced you don't sleep
* nekomancer[m]
not sleep now and some hour ahead
* nekomancer[m]
test btrfs root on N2 (amlogic) and RockPi4 (rockchip). But not allwinner.
it was a wek or little more ago.
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Kernel: 5.9.3-1-ARCH aarch64 Linux From Scratch 20201001-systemd meson-g12a-mali driver: panfrost
gods of the panfrost
I have no peers
archetech: so that's arch linux's patched mainline?
yup doin new mesa now
gotta build it cant just cp
its actually chewits butmade by some dude
manj and arch are little slow on pfrsot work updates
nekomancer[m]: hmmm well i failed to re-create my assumption
re-create what?
the error message from installing armbian-linux-image that I thought was a clue to the problem
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was it /boot partition free space?
i've definietly ran into that a lot, but has more to do with it seemed like thre was a mkinit-ramfs hook that was making a file that doesn't need to be there
and my theory it was now causing /boot to be too full even from teh image building proess
mostly i need to get off my lazy ass and configure a proper test bench for these things
i'm almost done with my TTL console board
lanefu: 53 minutes uptime, still hasn't crashed yet ;-)
just need to make cables
fromport: on the 5.8 image?
how could i have found out about btrfs if I hadn't booted it ? ;-)
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ha yeah modern linux has a lot of mounts
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lanefu: didn't see a loopback device, or was that during install phase ?
fromport: nah you wouldnlt see it.. thats if you mounted the image on another machine
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why are there so many dependancies on "apt install armbian-config" on a minimal system? are they really all needed? the devel image has it installed but not all the overhead
51 packages - armbian-config itself . that is a _lot_ of overhead isn't it ?
well armbian-config leans on a lot of stuff
but are you on a v20.08 image
i do think some work was done to clean up deps a bit so that it could go back onoto -minimal images
since armbian v20.08
success startx and weston-launch work now
lanefu: your armbian beta image already has it installed, but the stable image that I used for my nas setup don't have installed and they want to install the 51 packages
is it bad?
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I really enjoy the architecture and transport being built around/integrated into each other, the aesthetic is interesting. Modern construction is sterile, monolithic, and dull.
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Check out our awesome documentation! It's tremendous, promise! https://docs.armbian.com/
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@armbian (armbian): Help us upgrade our continuous integration build server https://t.co/0jUkiX9YkU #support #armbian @linuxfoundation #development project! @thepine64 @GlobalscaleTech @Tinkerboarding @khadas_official #Radxa https://t.co/3fMMM3fBfB (22s ago)
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@thepine64 (PINE64): @armbian @linuxfoundation @GlobalscaleTech @Tinkerboarding @khadas_official Would a populated clusterboard help - for some of the builds anyways? (16s ago)
@lanefu (Lane Jennison): @thepine64 @armbian @linuxfoundation @GlobalscaleTech @Tinkerboarding @khadas_official Absolutely. We're looking for more ways to do native testing (6s ago)
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Hey all, are there any plans to support the HardKernel HC4? It's not yet listed in the Board Bring Up forum section.
Yes. WIP
AR-508 [Story] "Add Odroid HC4" reported by Igor Pecovnik at 2020-11-05. Status: In Progress
@armbian (armbian): @thepine64 @linuxfoundation @GlobalscaleTech @Tinkerboarding @khadas_official We need drop-in replacement at this stage. Also we need to RFC build system to fully support native #arm compilation, then clusters can become a real option. Recently we received #arm server donation from @worksonarm which will certainly speed up this transition. (8s ago)
Thanks Werner
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@worksonarm (Works on Arm): @armbian @thepine64 @linuxfoundation @GlobalscaleTech @Tinkerboarding @khadas_official Self-hosted builds are always a good goal! Looking forward to seeing how the new server can propel you towards that end. (23s ago)
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