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LanDi has joined #armbian
I'm trying to format a usb stick here but it says I can not cause it is a file system read only
how can I solve this?
umount it first
* lanefu
TRS-80 has joined #armbian
lanefu, it's umounted
whats lsblk say
Do I need to do anything manually to upgrade kernel (on Cubietruck)?
lanefu, yes, looks like it's write protected, but how can I remove this?
look at the device name
so why is is showing as sda in dmesg and then sdb in lsblk
lanefu, I changed the pc
thats why the device name changed
yeah not helpful
forgot to say that
it's plugged back in my banana pi, I was trying to format it on my arch box
anyway not sure what to do on write protect... either there's some sort of physical thing going on, or some sort of magic you need to do
cleary not anythig armbian specific
i see, but it started with all of this running on armbian
that's why I came here
but I will keep searching
yeah sorry let us know what you figure out
So, I noticed recently, somehow I am still on very old kernel on my Cubietruck, latest stable download is 5.something, which is way newer.
Aand... I do not appear to have armbian-config present? Not sure what is going on here. :/
Reading through forum in meantime, no ideas yet. Should I make a forum post instead?
ChriChri_ has joined #armbian
TRS-80: install armbian-config I imagine you were principled and chose to use a minimal image
also armbianmonitor -u
I think yeah it was Debian stable server image IIRC? Sound right?
I thought they all had armbian-config though?
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ChriChri_ is now known as ChriChri
So, I do need to manual change kernel using armbian-config then? It doesn't just upgrade like regular Debian?
OK, yeah, so armbian-config was /not/ installed after all (it is now). Thanks lanefu
OK, so it download 60 packages and now I have a long list of kernels. Hmm. This is the normal way (sorry if that's dumb question, I never noticed this before)?
Maybe because I re-installed on my ODROIDs along the way, whereas I have been steadily running and upgrading the cubietruck the whole time.
armbianmonitor -u plz
ok, sorry
I should do armbianmonitor with sudo? I got some permission errors.
So, can I just pick latest stable in armbian-config and be off t ot he races? Or anything else I need to do? Upgrade to some intermediate kernel first perhaps?
dunno if intermediat step... uhmm 80% chance it works
There was a really long time where I did not upgrade Debian, probably how this happened I am guessing.
for kernel types do you see -current and -dev options?
yes I do
go with -current
and i guess the newest 5.8 kernel
There are a lot of choices. Corrent, dev, and legacy.
1 sec
Yeah current is 5.8.16
Pretty sure I don't want legacy, this has always been a server. That's for like graphics usually, right?
archetech has quit [Quit: Leaving]
choose current
do that one
OK, what are chances of success? :D
This is "production" box
sweet so it's backed up then
I will back up my Prosody (XMPP server) config, just in case. That's the only real service I need to keep up (other people use it).
BTW, main Internet went down here, I flashed router with OpenWrt then connected my cell phone to it via USB tethering as a backup connection. I had to request a port forward through my VPN to tunnel through the cellular network to keep the XMPP server up. But I kept it up. :) How am I doing for an amateur? :D
Oh, at first I had to tell my users the forwarded (nonstandarx for XMPP) port to put in their clients (because the port number from VPN was assigned, not chosen). But then I figured out how to do SRV records in DNS, and handle that transparently, so they could just connect like normal.
that's pretty awesome!
also something that respects SRV records is awesome
Probably what you can handle before even having coffee, but for me I was pretty happy with myself. lol
OK I'm taking the plunge on this cubietruck, brb
Oh yeah fark, forgot there are certs and probably other stuff, too. Ahh f it. Here, hold my beer.
that's the spirit
I usually take detailed notes, etc. and move very methodical. But after dickering with the network and XMPP stuff for couple days, I'm worn out from it.
archetech has joined #armbian
TRS-80 has quit [Quit: WeeChat 2.9]
he's back
well was
until i told him to go break is box
oh boy
Tonymac32: are you still using ubuntu bionic for your build host? or are you on focal
mike64 has joined #armbian
R0b0t1 has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
Trying to figure out how to troubleshoot this: I installed Armbian_20.05.2_OrangePi2_buster_current_5.4.43.img. I was successful. I installed the default desktop and ran startxfce4 and was sucessfull and had XFCE running. Upon restart I cannot boot.
can't boot? or no display
no display might be more accurate
also is this an old install? newer images exist
newer download comes up expired ssl cert
and ys it is older
can you show me the link that gives you ssl error
well now it is working. I swear it wasn't an hour ago
mike64: the image download roundrobins to different mirrors
It wouldn't come back up on network. After trying everything, I finally had to cycle power. Now I think I am booted into... I dunno what. Debian GNU/Linux 7 it says?!
sounds like one of htem was lame
Got a boot loop at first with SD card ion, so I removed it. Now I think somehow I'm booted using old bootloader or something like that
I will try with the new image. but any idea as to why when I upgraded to install the desktop I could use it until I resarted? I don't even know honestly how to start diagnosing that.
TRS-80: yeah dude you're running debian jessie... so that sounds like gnu linux 7 to me
mike64: honestly those scripts are probably crusty.. you're better off downloading a desktop image
it should be using lightdm as teh display manager service rather than startxfce4
TRS-80: uname -a
I guess I thought I was in wrong OS somehow, because none of logins seemes to work. But I am mixing this up with ODROID. There is only sdcard here IIRC
I'll try the current desktop image. Thanks
I am using this crappy keyboard, lol, let me try login again
mike64: cool.. so to set expectations... that's going to be an unaccelerated desktop... so performance isn't going to be great
what machine is this Lanefu made you break?
what options are there to accelerate if needed (though I don't think that will be too necessary for ,jat I plan to use it)
not taking any logins, weird
for video playback, a purpose built image of like libreelec probably best
mike64: alternatively one of our archived "legacy" images with the nasty 3.x kernel has some acceleration
I am on tty1, there is no graphical environment, should still be able to log in right?
TRS-80: yep. what about ssh?
lanefu: I'm abtually looking to use it for a midi synth so any advise or leads on good rt kernels and such would be much appreciated
well lemme try again
mike64: oh cool.
i built a RT kernel a while back for an h3
lemme glance at something
lanefu was playing with RT patches, eh?
WTF, I cannot log in my normal user nor root even?!
yeah it was likea year ago but i droped it in there
I can ssh now, but not log in
TRS-80: maybe need to update locales or reconfigure keyboard
which is why I bust out old keybaord and hook up hdmi in the first place, but that no wor either
oh you can connet, but can't ssh in?
I connect via ssh but cannot log in
not taking passwords
for my user nor root
yeah hella weird
did your xmpp relay launch?
I don't think so
something is borked
so i guess it's 80% operational? 😬
I dunno
what %, so might as well be 0
* lanefu
I hope there are more ideas short of reinstallation :/
can you stick sdcard in usb reader, and mount and chroot it on your odroid
or on this computer?
or its better from armbian?
ideally another arm32 device
chroot or just mount?
cuz you know.... ELFs are picky
I don't know shit, that's the problem XD
lanefu, you wouldn't happen to know where I might find that H3 rt kernel do you?
mike64: probably not floatign around anywhere.... depending on your motivation, the armbian build tools are fairly easy to work with. You can use them to build a kernel (OR AN IMAGE)... and basically drop teh RT-Linux patches in teh appropriate patch folder and cross your fingers https://docs.armbian.com/Developer-Guide_Build-Preparation/
* Tonymac32
is building a Renegade image to see how it goes
Now bootloop with sdcard in, I don't get it.
I could have swore I booted without sdcard, but maybe I'm going crazy.
trying that now again
TRS-80: ohhhhhhh hrughfamsdf asdf does that have emmc?
I don't even remember now
thanks I'm motivated and willing to learn new things.
yeah it must because booting
so toasted SD card, old AF image on eMMC
But why did I have sd card in? Surely I would have been running off EMMC?
system I mean
guess not though
I dunno, I'm debating going to the mountains for the next 6 months or so and only coming out after people calm down
mike64: yeah play with builder and get a little familiar with it.. try building a working image... then check back in and let me know how it's goin
but then again I'm from the mountains
there's fraud in the mountains too
fake snow
Tonymac32: that thought already crossed my mind (toasted sdcard that is, although moutains sound good too lol) because this was first thing I ever put Armbian on, and it's been few years now on this sd card
at every ski resort
there aren't enough people there for it to matter
also is that seriously an option for you?
I have family in the hills and I am on permanent work from hom and the kids are home schooled
Any guesses what default login is on old cubietruck image?
so yeah actually
* TRS-80
hasn't "worked" in almost a year
[TheBug]: might let you camp on his land
* TRS-80
Clan life
I'm joining Tony in the mountains after a while
* Tonymac32
was sent home to work in April, hasn't been allowed back in the building since, told not to expext opening until after MArch probably
"2 weeks to flatten the curve"
let's not talk about how immunity works, we all know, just a lot of people don't want to realize the ugly reality we're facing
yeah wife's job isn't going back to march at earliest
yeah it's a bit bonkers
I do need the lab sometimes
my office is teh same way, but managers sometimes come in on wed to hang out and not go crazy
although I was able to build a makeshift one in my basement because autistic nerd reasons
it would have been worse if you tried to stop yourself
you should hear me try to talk in person when it's important. It's bad
Self-lothing nerd
can I enabable ssh for headless first boot by putting a file named ssh in /boot?
on Armbian it is enabled by default
rofl wow
Lane, we've talked about this
so I just need to add wpa_supplicant so I can connect through my wifi?
sorry i'm getting a little punchy
(I approve of that comment its a PITA)
mike64: actually armbian first boot supports a wifi config
right but you do have to add that somehow, I've never done it
it's a text file correct
write image to something, mount it on a linux box
* archetech
is upgrading OpenCore for last update to Big Sur OSX
right right
archetech if you use anything with a Silab or Cypress USB --> Uart dont
cuz I'm RICIN baby
and edit /boot/armbian_first_run.txt.template and follow the instructions in thre
which instruction 1 is copy it to /boot/armbian_first_run.txt
anyway you can put your wifi stuff in there
so Apple being Apple borked their driver model and a lot of vendors haven't caught up with their siezure of self-entitlement
my usrt is so cheap and gets flaming hot in 3 secs
wow that's really easy I didn't realize that. I feel like the documentation doesn't talk about the first run script very well to make that clear...
not saying don't upgrade, just cautioning to check the devices you need to have work to make sure first
mike64 I agree, but I spend all my time talking on IRC so I can't update the docs...
* Tonymac32
has actually never used the thing, so would not be the person to write the manual
plus no uart on osx
* Tonymac32
also noticed he is marked *away*
Mojave for life
yeah I saw complaining because the SiLabs chips used on any and all Espressif reference designs are not supported anymore
* Tonymac32
used a SiLabs chip on OBsidian ESP32, but will not ever again
2) QFN is no fun to solder yourself (not that it's actually hard with a stneicl, but...
3) Those things are epically expensive
if I have the room for a fat old CH340, I'm using it
* lanefu
hates having 100 year old house in large rainstorms
that young?
CH340: $0.30 CP2102: $1.20
yeah.. you got a Cabin Lewis and Clark stayed in or somthing?
uh, I grew up in a farmhouse build at the beginning of the 19th century
nice.... yeah the uhmm really old houses were kinda burned in the civial war here
again, in the mountains
wars dont get fought in mountains too much
not big ones
yeah hell no
not when they can go around them
to places like Gettysburg
Now if everyone involved lives in mountains it's different
that's just fuedin'
wow that's really easy I didn't realize that. I feel like the documentation doesn't talk about the first run script very well to make that clear...
* Tonymac32
just heard an echo
maybe an arrow key on a macbook keyboard
sorry......Well I added wifi on and my ssid info i'm trying to ssh root@orangepi2 but i keep getting no route to host.... is there something I'm missing or would this be failure?
probably should just check your dhcp server
and see if it got a lease
yeah I always just look for the IP
also.. give it a little time.. because it does do a filesytem resize and reboot
so depending on yoru sdcard size...
name resolution is hit or miss on everything I've ever had, exception being a 10-user Cisco router I had 100 machines tied to
* lanefu
won't brag about his internal DNS working
* Tonymac32
is a terrible person that really doesn't care so much
yeah well you make circuits for a living and I'm more of an infrastructure person
I have a horrible issue with wanting to overdo systems
I did dfmea on a process just to prove it could be done
since the whole thing is functional decomposition and data transfer anyway
* Tonymac32
's brain is full of spiders
I bought the overprices SPDIF hat for the NanoPi Neo
because 1, it's a 3rd party thing for a nanoPi and I like the stupid small form factor
and 2, it was made in Bulgaria, from which I've not recieved post before
* Tonymac32
bought a flashlight online and it shipped from Uzbekistan one time
* archetech
heard echo as I just heard an arrow.
wizzzzzz thunk
reading too much news
I stopped doing that a while ago, if I want to be lied to I'll call a psychic
* Tonymac32
hopes everyone understands master level sarcasm mixed with just enough truth to be unsettling
TRS-80 did you see I bought a new Z80 machine?
DaRock has joined #armbian
Tonymac32: No I did not. Lane helping me via this tmate thing (which is pretty neat btw). standby
so I was missing something setting the fact that I was changing network defaults. But wow that was cool to do that. HDMI is for children :D
TRS-80: I need this win. don't disappoint me
My helios64:
2020-11-11 03:20
Released by Customs
* TRS-80
is holding out for ECC version
* Tonymac32
has to say it's not real ECC though
the SoC doesn't support it
so it's going to be insanely complex RAM
if they pull it off it will be cool though
My XU4 doesn't have such fancy stuff
I ordered it Sept 5th XD
shipped Oktober 13th
spent long time on a boat
yeah just use a next-gen file sytem to detect your bitrot
Thanks for the insights. It feels pretty cool to get in to all that and fix the problems without ever having to plug anything into it. Using the current desktop image worked. Thanks again!
What did you think the ECC was for? :)
Tonymac32: I have actually been following the saga
I figured
but for the other kids it's best to be thorough
I needed to download an Apple II emulator for something the other week (month?) and I think I was having more fun refreshing my memory of how to write BASIC. :D
I miss BASIC
it was to the point
archetech has joined #armbian
you weilded the power of the GOTO, and you had better respect it
I don't miss completely writing lines over from scratch though
OC 0.6.3 works yay
maybe that was just Apple's implementation, not sure
they had BSAVE in apple, right?
I dunno
* Tonymac32
learned on a ][e
but this was emulator too, so maybe file system was like in memory or something
ah ok
I'm toying with making a cassette tape emulator for my CoCo 2
the kids love that thing btw
the model 100 has some sticky keys I need to carefully look at
I snagged the RC2014 because I had started building almost the same computer while I was in high school, etching boards in the basement
oh nice
that thing is the dream I wanted to achieve
I ordered my first mfrd boards recently, I was very pleasantly surprised at the quality of what you can order now for very little dosh
and I can teach my son, who is interested in electrical things, how data busses and such work
on a machine where you can see them
Yeah that will be nice
and I have a problem
win/win/maybe win
* TRS-80
goes hunting for uart
OK, well that yielded some pretty immediate results
I finally got around to installing OpenWrt
Oh yeah, and just began playing with Docker finally. I did not realize it's available right in Debian repos.
I haven't gotten there, I need to
It's actually quite easier than I was expecting. No need to wait.
* Tonymac32
currently watching a lockpicking video because it popped up
There are lots of very good intros (including the official ones) that very quickly walk you through the basics
apt install docker.io in Debian (I was a bit surprised about that in fact)
I decided to take the plunge because more and more, things I seem to want to install are recommending their Docker image as recommended way. The proximate cause this time was Tiny Tiny RSS. But there have been others.
Should I post in Board doesn't start?
yeah I think so
Good morning
Ohai Werner!
and good evening :D
TRS-80, Gitbot still sometimes hangs up but if it is only every few weeks it can simply be restarted and is good to go
Welcome back btw :)
Sounds much better
and thanks
I pop in and out (infrequently) :)
DaRock has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
DaRock has joined #armbian
* Tonymac32
needs to hit the hay, customer meetings in the AM
later man
later on
archetech has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!]
Graddy it take 3 to 4 days for admins to update people.if you just signed up today you have to wait for the admins to login and review
we have limited staff to get things doen and it takes time
@armbian (armbian): RT @cnxsoft: Upcoming @FriendlyARM_ NanoPi R4S #Linux #SBC for headless applications with 1 or 4GB RAM, #Rockchip RK3399 processor, dual Gi… (8s ago)
actually the limits goes away automatically if you wait a certain amount of days, donate or receive a like for a post. I can remove it manully though
@armbian (armbian): RT @LarisaChen15: 👋👋👋I know that someone has received OPI zero2. Any feedback on the board? Hope you can leave your valuable comments.🥰🥰🥰… (7s ago)
@DieZuckerbude (Ben Zucker 🍰): @cnxsoft @armbian @FriendlyARM_ Now that is interesting (2s ago)
accessories for boards end up costing three times more
rneese cool, if i don't forget, i will update the post, i have notes. thank you
giddy has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
sooo lanefu what you working on today
rneese: i spend about 80% of my day trying to figure out / remember what i'm working on
helping to fix the builder and updates to kernel
cold rain here
wrong window
well back to the new builder work
fixing and updating pkgs and then the apps groups
since I think we are hold with it gives me time to catch up
and figure out the build issue I now have
to bad there is no way to do voice chat on here
and I do wish we where more on discord where we could do more like post pics and file share alot easier
* lanefu
happier without voicechat
might be worth exploring a matrix bridge or something
they make a bot
ok well have fun I am going to get working on code
but I like discord as you can post pics right to a person and not have to use a web site
does anyone know is with armbian loaded does the n2/n2+ boot from usb or do yo uhave to have a sd set to boot first ?
rneese: have to boot from SD or flip that switch and use petitboot on SPI to then boot from usb
be aware that i wouldnt attach any unpowered storage on to odroid USB as its shirt
lanefu meant to say: unreliable
I am hopoing for a emmc 64 gig
its on my holiday wish list
rneese: many chat services had come and are gone, IRC is still here
Net147 has joined #armbian
it's reliable
discord is here to stay to many gamers use it
it's just popular for the time being
Virtua Reality will take over soon
IRC will still be there
vr has tried 3 times and failed 3 tiimes due to cost
also for people with vision issues its hard to use
AR is not bad
especially gaming
AR ?
Augmented Realiy
AR games will be awsome
IRC will still be there
discord will just be replaced by some AR/VR type of communication
well back to code. not getting things done like I should
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eduardas has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!]
Redfoxmoon has joined #armbian
TRS-80 has joined #armbian
Good morning
Good night
drobo_00 has joined #armbian
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flyback has joined #armbian
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I want to tun a t4 into a pet computer running linux
ot would be cool
but I can not find any pet computer cases that dont cost arm and leg
3d print replica?
Probably too big. Can you do in pieces and assemble?
I will have to design a unit
I have the edp screen and a new t4 on the way
drobo_01 has joined #armbian
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drobo_01 is now known as drobo_00
i want to know what odd cases people have put units in
redentor has joined #armbian
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archetech has joined #armbian
Sounds like good fodder for a forum post. :) Much more reach there for potential discussion, I think (not everyone hangs out in IRC).
Especially if you end up actually making something (pics or it didn't happen, etc.).
sunshavi has joined #armbian
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archetech has joined #armbian
* Tonymac32
seconds lanefu, Odroid + unpowered storage = shit, erm, unreliable. Just not enough power on these boards, they aren't designed to spec because it raises cost significantly to offer up "True" USB ports
redentor has quit [Quit: Leaving]
* Tonymac32
will also comment that the same goes for almost every single SBC
rneese what is a case
* Tonymac32
just bought a pile of cheap acrylic + standoff + fan ones because they were laying everywhere unprotected
You come here in daytime now? :D
sometimes, I'm on lunch break from day job
I guess since you work from home?
* TRS-80
has to go back to work soon
* Tonymac32
remembers TRS-80 saying he doesnt work
Also, I use my (quite large) Corsair (750D?) case for my main workstation as well as a couple SBCs as well as a number of HDDs. Works a treat.
Well, I "work" on things every day. That are relevant to my interests. Just not on the hamster wheel of late stage capitalism, if you get my drift (which is a sucker's bet, IMO).
We keep our expenses extremely low, but I do need to head back out and make some more money to get us over the finish line to the end goal of owning some land out in the boonies.
and yeah, I'm settling my debts before embarking on a similar quest
I did buy a few years ago a super cute original NES replica mini case to put the living room RPi into. Gf loved it (I gave it to her as a gift) but then I could not fit the HifiBerry AMP2 into it without modifying the case, and so now we are back to some generic cheap acryllic case that fits the HifiBerry (but does showcase the hardware, which is neat).
the hills of WV are definitely on my short list
not even joking
I have their metal case from years back
I think they still sell it but $$
ah but mine is just the DAC, not the AMP
in the meantime, my cheap Chinese knock off of same also arrived, but I haven't had time to play with it yet
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bbl things to do
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Redfoxmoon has joined #armbian
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@ameridroidSBC (ameriDroid.com): Updated Armbian available for the ODROID-C2 https://t.co/ZB6kADBLB8 #Armbian #ODROID #ODROIDC2 #C2 #Linux (18s ago)
the twirrter bot needs updated ingo c2 has had armbian for some time
We'd like to remind our community that the ODROID-C2 will be discontinued sometime in 2021, likely during the first half of the year. Therefore, we recommend switching development to the ODROID-C4 if the same form factor and SoC family is desired. Otherwise, contact us to discuss options and recommendations!
@armbian (armbian): RT @ameridroidSBC: Updated Armbian available for the ODROID-C2 https://t.co/ZB6kADBLB8 #Armbian #ODROID #ODROIDC2 #C2 #Linux (11s ago)
Raised 4,061.00 EUR of 6,400.00 EUR target
I was a bit surprised about that myself
IgorPec years long bitching campaign about lack of support is paying off :D
which, I suppse, is one of your role as founder, so good job :)
just teasing you mate, it's necessary
yeah, at least some tooling we need to buy on our hand :)
but its over expectaions, progressing nicely
pleasantly surprised, clearly there appears to be some silent majority
surprisingly a lot are those we never heart off
is it lots of small donation? with a few bigger ones mixed in? that's what I would expect
i think next campaign will be for power bill :)
i assume it will be additional 200 EUR per year :)
maybe phrase that in terms of monthly/yearly support
oh I get it, lol
current server tops 350W this one over 600
you live in cold climate I hope? lol
moderate, yeah
reminds me of KGPE-D16 I bought for freedom reasons, it idles at hundreds of watts, totally unsuitable for server to be on all the time, so now I use it as my workstation
currently its something like this, just not that old
dual 2011-3 socket
idles below 100 W
but no hard drives or graphics cards
yeah I bought becuae libreboot, it's the most recent hardware from Intel or AMD that does not have any backdoors present in firmware (even though apparently the IME has been neutralized in the meantime as I understand)
the high power usage is because of libreboot and lack of optimizations as I am sure you can appreciate
got it
I had no idea about any of that back then, lol, but that fiasco is what led me to Armbian
interesting path
and now I enjoy a multiple power sipping SBCs doing various things around here and am very happy with
we should make a survey "why are you using armbian"
or how did you get here
yeah I was going to say the latter
maybe a forum post, more free form
perhaps forum has some special ways
I always find survey options stifling or somehow not representative
otherwise forum topic is just fine
Not much options but normal poll
but in that case we have to provide something
* lanefu
I haven't wanted to bother you guys, but any ideas on the UART message I posted? Or should I just get on with re-installation? lol
esp lanefu, I figure you are at work or something
you don't need to hide from me, I hate to impose :D
TRS-80:i think need to steal a boot.cmd from a newer image
where you been hiding?
Who me? in my internet connected bunker
oh good times
* lanefu
wants internet connected tree house
well i proved out wifi coverage already i guess
lanefu: yeah I'm a bit out of my depth there, any pointers appreciated (here or in my thread; the latter perhaps helping others although I am not sure it might be too specific case)