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chewed gum, partial tinfoil wrapper? fold and place wrapper and use gun to keep into place?
News today: Trump plays golf. Virus is spiking! People are worried? Food banks running out of food. Businesses are pissed because lock downs are back on track.
stipa: I've watched that fella
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yopu know it all then
I also watch - smbakeryt
i think
i haven't saw that channel before
he does a lot of old school retro shit with stuff in a modern setting.
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oh, ok
MickMake was also good, but it doesn't seem to mess about anymore.
David Watts is also fun to watch sometimes. Because mostly he just fucks up. which is fun.
David Watts, haven't seen that one
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Some British fella. Kinda funny.
There is Blitz City DIY, but I can't always watch here. She does have some interesting audio projects.
is it actually a woman or some transgender stuff?
nah shes a lady
just you know... people sometimes have an agenda. which is a bit of a bore.
but her guests are , ha ha
I think she is located in Cali so... whatever the fuck,
once i was like looking a guy fixing tube radio
on YT
like hands and a radio
and all of a sudden
you can see guy is wearing a dress
woman dress ,i was like, where did i end up
David Watts I believe is gay, although not stated officially on the channel. But since I don't care where you stick or liked to be stuck this doesn't bother me. But agendas do get on my nerves a bit.
he's like waring a dress and not even trying to fake beeing a woman.
stipa: I think I know about the person ur talking about :D
I had the saem feeling. Why is this dude dressed like alady?
at least get the work done.
yeah, n00b
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yeah I miss mickmake
but props to him for just getting sick of youtubing
yeah what happened to him
i guess after a while you get tired of looking for projects?
speaking of burnout.. did we lose trs again
i dig it, so it sends you an SMS for free?
oh, i see now, there are also paid packages
with SMS included
no SMS, but has a lot of free integrations for push notifcations.. i have it tied into my pushover.net account and that integration is free
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MikeMake. I don't twitter or social media really "as i find it a world of zombies", but I do see him still post from time to time if and when I ever check it.
I just assume he got a "real job" and couldn't keep after that.
hahaha MickMake seemed pretty over it for a while
I can only assume getting boxes of crap sent to you for review on a weekly basis has to be exhausting
(he reviewed my ESP32 board lol)
Yeah but his last few videos were really thought out... like he made an effort.
like at least appeared he was trying to make it fun for him self and his family.
A few Australians went dark this year I noticed, maybe all the fires/mess/rona required some changing of priorities
unlike some... which were just like. I got this box of shit lets see what happens.
and most of those were... I installed vendor os and it sucks! I tried Armbian, got this to work and yeah... kill ur self. see ya next week!
The website is quite good as well
a bit early 200's interface wise, but content is on point
yeah the site needs some love. but I dig the retro feel.
"retro" ffs I used a bbs as a kid
if it was amber I would give you retro
man has like no css mobile love on it
that's one sound a real computer makes when talking to another one
even on a bad day I make that happen
i can*
teaching myself the Python syntax for classes so I can make a doodad
yeah Python... :( ugh
I play with it, but... I honestly don't get it yet.
I don't mind it, at least it's honest about it's capabilities, unlike Java
or C++
friggin C++
my high school didn't have any technology classes other than programming, so I took them all
then proceeded to have this terrible hobby
I remember they had typing class at school? like.... type writer!
there was some shit computer lab at some point.
we had a bunch of Apple //c's for typing in gradeschool
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and there were literal piles of Apple IIe's everywhere
a few select IIgs's
everything I know I taught my self or on the job some where. Hey I need some one to put this together! take that dude :)
I wish I would have saved a gs from the dumpster back years ago
It doesn't have the HDD option, or the CD option, but that's pretty much what any school was going to have
gs/os, Also known as 16-bit mac os XD
yeah that looks about right.
well, I guess different 16-bit mac os. that was during their weird parallel dev stage
where's TRS-80 when you need him
Like i said I learned nothing in those labs. I was lucky enough to have a computer at my house where I taught my self how to use the command line and go between C: and A: and run this or that and of course loved video games.
Yeah, I got an IBM PS/2 from my father's work when they tossed it out with nothing but command.com on it
so I learned all kinds of stuff
My school days 'Jr and High 'were spent inside indoor suspension as they came to the conclusion I liked being suspended :D
so Ididn't spend much time in the lab
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ugh, googling "transmission firewall" is not helpful for computer topics
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why are you using transmission??
seeding the armbian images
i see
well if you pay the highest bitter to ur SP they don't complain. if ur strictly hosting or seeding put it on a box with no relation to the other bits of ur network.
but yeah at the end of the day there is always way in.
this is way black ops projects are completely disconnected. they send gofers to retrieve said info using USB and none of them know what they are actually retrieving.
I've also heard that the vast majority of the servers use Gentoo.
I worked with an xray generator group that had 3 machines in the attic of a townhouse with no connectivity to the outside world lol
So said people who have asked me and been in those positions
Majority of torrent trackers use gentoo?
I'm torn. It's cool but it looks hard to enjoy Liliputing: DevTerm is an open source portable terminal with modular (and retro) design.
Ha I wanted to build something like that
it would fit in nicely next to my TRS-80 Model 100
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Yeah really looks like one
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so here are the some of the fun questions on the #raspberrypi channel. I wanna ssh into said box and play said video to what that box is connected to. Answer with edits needed of course - ssh bcm2711.local "DISPLAY=:0 nohup mpv --fs ~/example.mp4"
Response: Well why doesn't this work on a Rpi aarch64 release? Because its not up to snuff, that's why!
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setting syncthing back up since google photo storage is finite moving forward
Good morning
Good Morning
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@6502_ftw (Cold November Dave): @BirbGremlin I’m not necessarily recommending it, just musing on the possibilities (Armbian runs pretty nicely on there, too). (2s ago)
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* stipa
got fucked by the Tele2 4G ISP, usually they trotteled speed to 2Mbs if i went ower 1TB per month and last night they changed the deal to 200GB because they want to make their service nice to all users due to increase of users.
i can't even watch a YT with that :D
pices of shit
but for some reason package for 15$ more is not thotelled over 1TB
before 1TB*
they call it flat rate
what a scam
yeah, they just use people
when the world is falling apart
that's the way
people are loosing jobs and they are rising prices of crap internet deals because everything went online.
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wifi ftw
all these 1st world problems!
well, the problem is that prices of the internet are rising
its one of them, yes.
and maybe it'll never stop
new oil
fromport: what's the name of that filesystem you use again?
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what ?
lizardfs ? LOL
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not the strongest kernel support generally speaking
they have fancy amoled screen
oh, what can you di
lol my Galaxy Nexus back in the 2012 had a sweet AMOLED display
nice screen
i never had a chance to have one with amoled, i have been wanting one for years...
because everyone is so used to these absolute trash washed out LCD's, people complained it had too much color saturation XD
yeah, now day sthat some saturation is marketed as something awesome
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I still have that Nexus, I'm figuring I'll set it up as an MP3 player for one of the kids since it never got past unofficial Android 5 builds (maybe 6?)
but back in that era people were comparing amoleds with Mac screens, retina u guess
eh, in general even the best LCD is pretty sad
like macfans were complaining oleds suck
o guess that oled saturated colors was their idea
now oled in mac product is something for extra price
man am I glad I never need to care about the display beyond it being intact for proper usage of the screen reader on the phone lol
if someone wants to really put the time in I can't see why you couldn't put Linux on those Samsungs.
if Mediatek gives even a little help anyway
it would be nice
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Nexus stuff was a hot item back then
i remember
Google Nexus
nothing for that SoC in mainline at the moment
thanks for the info Tonymac_32
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IgorPec: hey Igor, I'm getting a bit crazy about the rk3288 display issue with 5.9... still trying to find the issue comparing kernels but I don't really know yet where is the problem
we will stay at 5.8.y
how is 5.10.y if you tried perhaps?
didn't try
well, lets postone this since its not that important
ok, I will keep trying in the meantime, hope to sort this out soon
if 5.10.y is working ... that will be next LTS and our next targert
so we can upgrade directly there
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* Tonymac_32
building N2 image with u-boot adjustments to get a feeling for why it doesn't work now
* IgorPec
crossing fingers
was it any image or just the legacy that wouldn't work?
i only tried legacy
they honestly should be the same, the u-boot config/postprocess only has minor differences, they were both added to our build system by Neil at the same time, I just had to make a spelling correction for G12b
* Tonymac_32
also trying to understand how Plex is using so much RAM right now
The helios64 is running nicely so far
i have soft lockups on 3990x :)
dunn why
ok 5.9 boots fine
* Tonymac_32
lights up a cigar, starts to build a legacy image
IgorPec silly question, but... BIOS are up to date? XD
1.1 :(
Do you have a big enough power supply?
quality one
650 watt 80 bronze? ore 80 platinum?
i think its gold ... rmi 650
you have any other power hungry devices like video card?
that is weird then
I mean you could get to 500-600 watt required with a nice GPU
but just the board I would think you would be fine and stay below 500
yeah and also its clocked normally
i installed zram, now removed
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I got a helios64, it had 5 hard drives running in RAID5 on omv, suddenly HDD 3, 4 and 5 are no longer being detected, no lights, not showing up in omv. Anyone know what might be wrong?
what kind of drives?
Seagate IronWolf 1 TB
Regular consumer ones, not the Pro NAS ones.
did you double check the connections/etc to make sure everything is seated properly?
I took it apart and reseated all connections.
excellent. I just got done building one, and saw a few places that could go wrong
It still only boots up with HDD 1 and 2
if you go to the command line do they show up in fdisk -l or are the lights out too
Only the two show up
I would have to say you need to pose the question in the helios64 section of the forums :/
Yeah, I would guess a hardware issue
I'm running 5x IronWolf 4 TB's now, so far no issues. are they being spun up?
No sign of life
IgorPec it's a boot loop after saying "loading kernel" on the N2 legacy
missing/incorrect kernel params since it has A73's and stuff I think
* Tonymac_32
has a sincere dislike of legacy kernels