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<ArmbianTwitter> @lighthunter_ws (LightHunterWS): #NanoPi #R2S is fully suppprted and stable with nightly builds of @OpenWRT2. It runs quite better than on #Armbian and much better tthan on #FriendlyWRT. https://t.co/1avgPmqYrd (24s ago)
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<c0rnelius> Looks like they just threw Armbian under the bus.
<rneese> I dont like openwrt
<rneese> so I can careless
<rneese> I am working to fix my branch
<rneese> bbiab
<rneese> i like dd-wrt and microtik
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<lanefu> yeah totally threw arrmbian under the bus
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<lanefu> i wish vyos wasnt such a hack job
<[TheBug]> the question really is, what did you do to try and make it better instead of just shitting on it? The sad part is you know the answer would be "nothing"
<lanefu> i wanteed to bring it to armbian until i learned about some of its rough hacks
<lanefu> yeeah also weeird since armbian and wrt have very different jobs
<[TheBug]> yeah trying to use probably hacky wpa_supplicant with crappy firmware drivers and use it as an AP.. where really a lot of wifi chips on sbcs suck for that use case in Linux -- then compare it to an OS that is made to do nothing but Wifi and to have stable drivers for that purpose.. pretty unfair comparison as you mentioned
<rneese> well I hav 1 merge to fix in my branch then its back to fixing desktops
<rneese> seems mate and gnaome build and ruun but have issues
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<rneese> but if I can get this last merg in I think we can keep everything on par with a few fixes
<rneese> so whats going on with your kids
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* archetech cracks a pepsi after 5 hrs of "home/life maint"
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<archetech> Kernel: 5.8.9-2-ARCH aarch64 bits: 64 Desktop: N/A Distro: Arch Linux ARM
<archetech> Machine: Type: ARM Device System: Pine64 Rock64
<archetech> OpenGL: renderer: Mali450 v: 2.1 Mesa 20.3.0-devel (git-dd003abd2f)
<archetech> car console back together new gas cap tomrow evap light
<archetech> <3 weston-launch
<lanefu> CPU: 8-Core Intel Core i5-8259U (-MCP-) speed/min/max: 2300/400/400 MHz OS: Darwin 18.7.0 x86_64 Up: 14d 9h 11m Mem: N/A
<lanefu> Storage: 768.78 GiB/dmesg.boot not found Procs: 510 Shell: inxi: 3.1.05
<archetech> macbook
<rneese_> mac n hack
<rneese_> I want to see the specs apple does for thier frst arm laptop
<Tonymac32> rneese they will be "ARM" the way the iPhone is
<[TheBug]> Walledgarden FTW!
<Tonymac32> yeah if anything the move gives them more control than they have now
<[TheBug]> thought I guess they did recently crack the T2 chip
<[TheBug]> so maybe there will be a chance to get some low level access
<[TheBug]> but probably not voluntarily
<Tonymac32> lol
<Tonymac32> Mac Pro 2022 turns out to be an RPi 6
<Tonymac32> I can't think of 2 companies whose cultures align more perfectly
<Tonymac32> Rabid userbases, lots of proprietary and secret stuff, questionable technological capability when compared to hype
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<Tonymac32> missing fundamental features most people take for granted
<Tonymac32> when challenged "we sell millions so shut up"
<Tonymac32> :D
<[TheBug]> lol
<[TheBug]> sounds about right
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<Tonymac32> I felt a little bad telling uniformbuffer to edit his device tree, but the vdec/venc on Meson GX(L) is not in any way ready for us to make compromises in our images to support
<Tonymac32> 896 MB CMA pool is just dumb when it breaks half the boards
<Tonymac32> perhaps I'll review the works of the greats and make an overlay so people can experiment with their bigger boards
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<rneese_> gn
<Tonymac32> later
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<lanefu> Tonymac32: I dont really understand what you're talking about, but I applaud you keeping the quality standards high
<Tonymac32> in order for the amlogic boards to use the video hardware they need a massive amount or DMA ram
<Tonymac32> because the drivers are still... incomplete
<lanefu> Ohhh
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<archetech> 5.8.0-odroid-arm64 aarch64 bits: 64 Desktop: GNOME 3.38.1
<archetech> Distro: Ubuntu 20.10 (Groovy Gorilla)
<archetech> Machine: Type: ARM Device System: Hardkernel ODROID-N2Plus
<archetech> trying to wrestle wayland back to working w/ groovy odroid
<archetech> uses mali blobs not pfrost sadly
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<ArmbianTwitter> @armbian (armbian): @lighthunter_ws @OpenWRT2 Can you share what exactly is better on the hardware interface? We are happy to implement possible fixes. (18s ago)
<IgorPec> good morning
<IgorPec> werner: upgrade?
<Tonymac32> Good night. ;)
<IgorPec> good night :)
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<ArmbianTwitter> @lighthunter_ws (LightHunterWS): @armbian @OpenWRT2 All LEDs do what supposed to do ;) And sure, I will do hard test including both ports traffic throughput on both OSs and share it soon. (15s ago)
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<ArmbianTwitter> @armbian (armbian): @lighthunter_ws @OpenWRT2 Method of LED usage is changing in 5.9.y which is why we probably won't bother to adjust them. Also OpenWRT lacks DMC(Dynamic Memory Controller) and everything generic that is a part of the kernel 5.8.y and was not ported back. OpenWRT and Armbian are usually used differently. (9s ago)
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<IgorPec> o hej
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<ArmbianTwitter> @sr (frozét): @kobol_io Is the hardware crypto enabled by default in the latest buster 5.8 armbian image? Which cryptsetup cipher do you recommend using? (18s ago)
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<ArmbianTwitter> @macDa88 (Michael ‘Mac’ McDaniel): @nixcraft firefox uses the most memory on my Pinebook Pro running Armbian (31s ago)
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<rneese> if you need a bunch of microsd cards
<rneese> 5 8 gig 18.99
<lanefu> rneese: yeah.... cheap but not worth it IMHO
<lanefu> i like the samsung evo selects (green)... and i started buying 64gig ones strictly because they are faster than the smaller ones
<rneese> ok
<rneese> well as these are just for testing I figure
<rneese> and I have had good luck with these cards
<rneese> I use them just for testing builds and they all have tags as to what desktop img they are
<rneese> so wen I build a new one I reflash that car with the new img for that desktop
<lanefu> word
<lanefu> well a win is a win
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<Tonymac32> I've let my own nature get the best of me, I'm seeing how easily I can change the CMA pool on Le Potato using the device tree compiler so I can help out the forum question
<lanefu> Tonymac32: just send them an invoice afterwards
<Tonymac32> haha oh jeeze the CMA property is only like 20 lines down the decompiled dtb
<Tonymac32> I'm upping to 512 as experiment
<Tonymac32> I managed to plug in the hdmi at the perfect time to mess something up, the thing was in 1024x768 mode with the colors just wrong
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<Tonymac32> yeah, swapped to 512 no issue
<Tonymac32> cool
<Tonymac32> maybe I should make an overlay for this, eventually the drivers will be more broadly usable and some people will want bigger CMA
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<nekomancer[m]> martinayotte: ping
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<Tonymac32> "One ping, one ping only"
<Tonymac32> :P
<rneese> lanfu it looks like files are not syncing
<rneese> I have built 2 desktop imgs in the last 3 hours and they dont show up as updated
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<rneese> lanefu, you alive
<rneese> or did you jump ship
<lanefu> lurking
<rneese> syncing is not working
<lanefu> standby
<rneese> I have made new images and they are not showing up
<rneese> ok
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<lanefu> you changed your directory naeme :P
<rneese> I am limited to 3 img builds then I have to wait for sync
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<rneese> yes
<rneese> we are testing a new base
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<rneese> igore and I updated the desktopbuilder today
<rneese> to be matched with head
<rneese> so we can keep it on par
<rneese> sorry
<lanefu> no worried
<lanefu> fixed syncing now
<rneese> ok
<lanefu> congrats on the big update
<lanefu> btw
<rneese> thanks
<rneese> its working alot better
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<rneese> still work but its closer
<rneese> now building all the desktops to test
<rneese> so I am only building for t4 at the min
<rneese> we have to bug hunt
<rneese> each desktop
<Tonymac32> an observation, check meson64 builds (N2) for the /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/02-driver.conf
<Tonymac32> since that puts "fbdev as default driver
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<rneese> how long is a normal sync
<rneese> lanefu,
<lanefu> lets say 3 minutes per image, and sync runs every 5 or 10 min
<rneese> ok wish there was a wa to know sync complete like a green checkmark
<rneese> lol
<lanefu> yeah maybe i can make some tweaks
<rneese> I dont want to wipt the files till they sync
<lanefu> so your VM runs in my IOT network
<rneese> okk
<lanefu> so i havee to have something reach in and pull
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<rneese> well at the min i am just building all the imgs for testing so then spend time on each one making notes
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<rneese> please read and respond on forum
<rneese> so we can workon getting this implamentated
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<martinayotte> nekomancer: pong !
<nekomancer[m]> martinayotte: do you have some N2 context around? I'd like to ask about N2 dts
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<nekomancer[m]> I try to set .patch to current N2 dts based on https://forum.armbian.com/topic/13566-odroid-n2-rtc-not-work-in-linux-image-current-meson6420028-5428-meson64/?do=findComment&comment=99199 but do something wrong, and seems it just ignored
<martinayotte> Yes ! I've N2 around ... Not updated since awhile ...
<martinayotte> For RTC, I think I have an overlay ...
<nekomancer[m]> now dts chabged since overlay you give me on forum by link
<martinayotte> What are the errors ?
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<nekomancer[m]> then, N2 init system not applles overlays from /boot, then I'd prefer just build inside dtb
<nekomancer[m]> no errors. just no device.
<martinayotte> I've just booted my N2, I updated on Sept 14 to 5.8.8 ...
<nekomancer[m]> sorry, I have no access to my N2 just now, and can't show my patch
<nekomancer[m]> I try with "current" and "dev" N2 builds
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<martinayotte> You're right : Latest u-boot doesn't seems to support overlay in my 5.8.8 build ... I will try add RTC stuff directly in main DT ...
<nekomancer[m]> I did https://pastebin.com/PAwfgXWa into `armbian/cache/sources/linux-mainline/linux-5.8.y/arch/arm64/boot/dts/amlogic/meson-g12b-odroid-n2.dts` — not work
<martinayotte> Here is mine : http://ix.io/2BF8
<rneese> lanefu, how do we speed this builder up lol
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<rneese> lanefu, the mate desktop is not updating its been 20 min
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<rneese> lanefu, can you rm the mate and xfce files
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<rneese> it updated finally
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<nekomancer[m]> martinayotte: complete differs
<lanefu> rneese: speed builder up? or speed syncing up
<rneese> both
<rneese> lol
<rneese> all my builds are done its about 40 min a build
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<oncle> armbian on that thinkerbord? should I buy?
<oncle> or is it so bad like the web say?
<rneese> what do you wat to use it for
<rneese> if for a desktop get n2+
<rneese> or a mamopct4
<rneese> nanopmt4
<rneese> cant type
<rneese> nanopct4
<oncle> desktop and music
<rneese> you want 4 gigs ram for a daily driver desktop
<oncle> nah, I'm not so resource hungery...
<oncle> reading pdf, chat, liston to musik from my disk
<rneese> you want 4 gig ram
<oncle> nah, 2 GB is enough, i'm working here with pi 3b+
<oncle> I have read that the thinkerboard habe problems with dirvers?
<rneese> its 32 bit for the main part
<rneese> in armbian
<rneese> yes it is a wip
<rneese> look at the odroid c4
<rneese> with a 16 gig emmc
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<oncle> okay, that's a word
<rneese> so you cont have to boot from the sd all the time
<rneese> ameridroid.com
<oncle> not a problem to buy one
<rneese> off to dinner
<oncle> the odroid c4 seems good
<martinayotte> nekomancer: what I've provided is a decompiled DTS, RTC added inside i2c3 node, you simply need to recompile it as DTB
<nekomancer[m]> ah! ok, thank you!
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<rneese> ok who out here has a nanopi t4
<rneese> other then me
<rneese> o well
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