Werner changed the topic of #armbian to: armbian - Linux for ARM development boards | www.armbian.com | Github: github.com/armbian | Commits: #armbian-commits | Forums Feed: #armbian-rss | Development Talk: #armbian-devel | Type 'help' for help | Logs: -> irc.armbian.com
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Tonymac32: did you like my retweet
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@n3lov (Nelov): Wow this is so sad - https://t.co/ipirhV9fwL Stay away from @armbian ! (27s ago)
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@lanefu (Lane Jennison): @n3lov @armbian Please bear in mind the concerns in the article are about the unofficial ArmbianTV fork that happens to borrow forum space on Armbian... separate code base, separate images hosting etc. (25s ago)
great, now I'll be listening to Hed PE and drowning pool for the next week
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* Tonymac32
has to avoid falling into the typical idiotic trap of thinking 10, 100, or even 1000 people matter on the internet
lanefu I thought you were going to try to sleep more these days
I particularly loved the "broken english" guy, as if somehow all software should revolve around the anglosphere
OK, I sleep and meditate in the morning.
Been sleeping more, just sleeping at wrong time
thats a dumpstyer fire
it's fyre, like tyre
where are the UK blokes
what a butt hurt fool who doesn't understand the state of things
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@fanum (fanum): Is @armbian allowing the spread of malware/brickcode via an unofficial release available via their forums, in the @debian variant distro, armbian tv? Say it isn't so. https://t.co/LZHTKAHkL6https://t.co/49OVwuEKL9 (23s ago)
anyway i provided a statement so others wont have to
@fanum (fanum): 1/4 Is @armbian allowing the spread of malware/brickcode via an unofficial variant (and @debian variant) ArmbianTV, available on their official forums? Say it isn't so... https://t.co/so2X3lWWia (6s ago)
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Werner: maybe we should turn off ArmbianTwitter bot for a day or two ... this is just gonna be a distraction that isn't going to to be helped much by responses
@fanum (fanum): Those are the dev's own words. How can we persuade @armbian to remove all builds made by this dev immediately, until the source code can be scanned? And how long will it take before they blacklist this rogue dev from their platform? (27s ago)
ohh cmon what is this
now they are all going emo
why don't we unlock that thread and clear it up
thats just stupidity
ohh didn't see you posted to there lanefu
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though you didn't say anything to disuade the conspiracy unicons from thinking that there is "malware" in the code...
per se
@fanum (fanum): Those are the Dev's own words. How can we persuade @armbian to remove these builds and blacklist this dev immediately? #linux #malware (15s ago)
These are the days I both wish I had twitter and know its great I don't have it...
@lanefu (Lane Jennison): @fanum Armbian does not host those images. https://t.co/ek7QH7ZqAp (29s ago)
They can think armbiantv has malware for all I care
Just know it's not armbian
we don't want it to effect the regular project
and thats that persons only intention
they didn't get the help they want
I can't fucking make sense of that thread either
he is afraid of introducing bugs in future versions
(because of lack of documentation or lack of time?!)
he writes " I will add various security mechanisms that will create serious problems, including hardware problems and hardware failure." though I believe it's actually meant to ready that he is concerned that he will no understand specific security mechanisms which could in turn lead to problems or hardware failure"
that was my take on it
s/ready/read s/no/not
[TheBug] meant to say: he writes " I will add various security mechanisms that will create serious problems, including hardware problems and hardware failure." though I believe it's actually meant to read s that he is concerned that he will no understand specific security mechanisms which could in turn lead to problems or hardware failure"
blah that didn't help
-- he writes " I will add various security mechanisms that will create serious problems, including hardware problems and hardware failure." though I believe it's actually meant to read "he is concerned that he will not understand specific security mechanisms which could in turn lead to problems or hardware failure in the future"
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@lanefu (Lane Jennison): @fanum Dude has links to his yandex stuff. It's down on armbian download page or on armbian mirrors. (15s ago)
The fact that he has to use machine translation on everything makes it difficult
Russian to English is not exactly the cleanest translation
what really sucks is we live in a world where it has to be explained that not all developers speak perfect english
Attempting sleep later
balbes seems to be really smart so it has to get really annoying to have to discuss the fact his english isn'
Stay strong
isn't great all the time*
so many people speak english it is taken for grantes
Russia for obvious reasons is less so. :) And I don't blame them
In any case, again, 15-20 people on Reddit are inconsequential
well that was really one butt hurt kiddie who wanted attention
in any case, I need to go pass out. whatever brand Canadian "whiskey" the Costco bottled is at least composed of alcohol. Someday the Canadians might figure out whiskey or more than paint thinner. Some day. :D
(I am joking of course)
Bis Morgen everyone, I need some sleep
@fanum (fanum): @lanefu Sure looks like @armbian is hosting links to the malware/brickcode images, if not the images (via the malware/brickcode author):"Now you can download the latest versions of images and DEB packages from the official Armbian resource via the link. https://t.co/7DB0bZWZdm" https://t.co/ezZLA3a1gb (7s ago)
@fanum (fanum): @lanefu Ok, translate this for me: "Now you can download the latest versions of images and DEB packages from the official Armbian resource via the link. https://t.co/4eMjwysiyM" https://t.co/VQscIn2EZ3 (4s ago)
wow this guy is just a dumbass. Your right lanefu, it hurts my brain... moving on to another task or sleep..
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@armbian (armbian): @fanum @lanefu Any #armbian user can get space for his creations. If you want some, please send us SSH key. You are solo responsible for its content. Before making more damage to the projects, please at least find an evidence to support your claims. Thank you. (1s ago)
AR-363 [Task] "Switch mvebu current to K5.8.y" reported by Heisath at 2020-07-17. Status: Done
i am running 5.8.y on helis since then
and clearfog
They had Fix Version set to 20.11 and the merge was to master about 9 days ago. After master VERSION had been set to 20.11-trunk (25 days ago)
The LEDs are broken. Should be broken on your helios4 to.
how to properly address bugfix builds
Fortunately the LEDs seem to are broken the same way the FAN2 pwm broke, missing gpio assignment so easily fixable (Aprayoga is on it).
i am building bugfix builds under 20.08.20 (at this moment)
From which source?
from master
that's the problem i guess
aaaah thats the problem.
We should probably cherry pick bugfix commits to the 20.08 branch and do bugfix builds from there?
well, that will bring a lot of work and will not solve all issues
we would still need to lock to upstream commits
But we need to seperate a way of bringing in new features for next version and bugfix
which will give us proper reproducible build
Otherwise we will always end up in this mess.
agree its a mess and not correct way. like i said this problem is unsolved in general
I mean what use are "RC" builds and the bugfix phase before 20.11 if all the changes end up at the enduser in 20.08 anyway
agree, but since 20.08 branch is unmaintained - i have no choice
yeah I am not blaming you. Just wanted to know how this happended
its in o.k. state for lets say two weeks after release, then its usually off
yes, we have to find a better way
@n3lov (Nelov): @lanefu @armbian Yeah I get that, but if it happens on their official forum & they don't shut this down & distance themselves it makes them complicit. So far they seem to support this behavior & it makes you wonder if it's present elsewhere in the project. IMO they should take measures fast. (9s ago)
Or maybe at least add this to the release documentation? So contributors are aware that any changes for the next version might also end up in the current one.
AR-492 [Story] "Defining a bugfix update process" reported by Igor Pecovnik at 2020-10-27. Status: To Do
Ok. Can you confirm btw the LEDs on Helios4 not working?
Just check the heartbeat. It should be blinking but is most likely on very dim.
no leds
Then we (mvebu team) will work on it.
Gone for a moment brb
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@armbian (armbian): @n3lov @lanefu We will always support people that create value 4you and we don't support breaking devices on purpose. There is no need - once support (we pay for) stops, devices anyway starts their jurney to #bin. 10x for trying damaging nonprofit #armbian projects reputation without any basis! (1s ago)
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@kobol_io (Kobol Innovations): #Helios64 Software Issue Report ! Do NOT Upgrade to Armbian 20.08.13 https://t.co/T82okk5XCa (6s ago)
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someone send an email to Innoscale regarding TV boxes drama :)
just FYI
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Whos Innoscale?
our hosting provider
oh wow.
I still think TV Boxes drama is misunderstanding because of balbes translator.
yes, thats correct
but people like to create things
If he really plans to purposely brick tvboxes I'd be very concerned.
me to, but i am sure that's not the case
i also spoke with him imidiately
Yeah maybe he should have clarified in the thread instead of picking on
we didn't pay any attention to tv boxes
except some idea to sort this properly
to have a safe distance ... in case of something like this
since its not under our control
anyway, their legal services responded professionally
from hosting
yeah. Just sucks that it is spiraling this much
yes. i expected this, but once damange is done
we can only put fire down as much as possible
Basically happened what I was concerned about...
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good morning
Shit. That nonsense kept me up lol
well, we shouldn't take it personal in any way
Anyway I guess I'll view it as a milestone. Armbian popular enough to have it's own reddit and twitter scandal
i also don't see this entirely bad
At least the reddit topic author was fair enough to highlight the "unofficiallity" of the bad images
most of the chat is fair i would say
they are concerned
which is normal
Should we prepare kind a statement ?
Which basically consists of stuff that already has been said
mah. its in that topic
c&p to announcements
if you want - can also make a bit more plesent voice
just a suggestion. Even fire burning low its no harm to put additional water on
yeah, lets see
i postopned trip until tomorrow due to bad weather
i am trying to find out the problem Guido was mentioning
Hehe, aber ich bekomme das Board leider nicht. Hat mir eine PN geschickt ^^
Oh schade. Ic
Oh schade. Vielleicht habe ich eine Chance ;)
Ideally we'd just directly ask Balbes to make a statement claryfing and that he isnt introducing malware
and share that
In the hopes that this is true...
I think balbes should make a statement. Maybe have someone with better english read it before posting to clarify.
Werner, pretty sure you have a spelling error in the description of Contributors lounge
Dedicated to everyone who contributes to the Armbian project with their time, patients, knowledge and kindness.
should have been: Dedicated to everyone who contributes to the Armbian project with their time, *patience*, knowledge and kindness.
Or are there any doctors giving patients to armbian?
Sometimes it feels like but yeah, your version is more appropriate :)
* lanefu
almost thinks we should keep on responding with not-so-good english to emphasizee the misunderstand and language barrier aspect :P
Maybe just post plain russian on the forum?
I am looking for a small sbc with good touchscreen compatibility. Need only about 10" touchscreen, some gpio pins and wifi/bluetooth. Suggestions?
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<emOne "Blast from the past https://yout"> VHS!
I see nothing has changed since I went to sleep
ohh wait
they e-mails Innoscale :D
yeah twitter is quiet which is good.. and that one guy that posted shit had like 88 followers
so not really an influencer or thoughtleader
We were lucky...for the moment
and then reddit is gonna keep on having people talk about armbian untrustworty despite them not understanding what armbian is, or that we're providing the closest thing to trusthworthy out there for most SBCs
I assume this was kind a form to fill it. Their twitter link is broken ^^ https://twitter/ArmSoftwareDev. Missing .com
yeah was just a template for an issue.. was also 1am when i filled itout
Thankfully there are people who have spare time to find such trivial things :D
Werner: you're very good at what you do lol
Thank you, very kind :P
* [TheBug]
hears the crowd chanting "Werner! Wenrner! Werner!"
he even has an animated cartoon character of himself
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@openoms (openoms): New #JoininBox version: v0.1.13 After updating from the menu the latest v0.7.2 #JoinMarket release can be installed. It is not only for the #RaspiBlitz, can try it on any Debian based ARM (@armbian and other @Raspberry_Pi) build or a Linux Desktop too: https://t.co/LhbD8pi4Ihhttps://t.co/NrA9ZWXnGkhttps://t.co/Wh4lupcpiu (4s ago)
Heisath yes, i must have broke ability to create patches with latest try to fix multicore building :(
arhetech: its nice for you to use other distros, just don't spam here every day
that was for archetech ;)
arch-spam-bot :)
we could probably add autokick :)
np lettin ya know whats possible
yup sky is blue
compiling kernel require running "make"
and we all know where kernel sources are
* [TheBug]
looks out side... hey lanefu share some of that blue this way.. awful grey here :>
[TheBug]: fix your eyes the Sky is Red White and Blue in America
meanwhile we ran out of hurricane names
adn backup hurriance names
also wtf, how do you end up making a list of backup hurricane names
sky is dark here :)
I think we should name all hurricanes either in hexidcimal notation, binary or IPv4...
why does it need humanized withe a name, it isn't like we are inviting it to dinner on Saturday night?
side effect: people learn something new
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@Luuk_Damhuis (LukeDamn): @openoms @armbian @Raspberry_Pi @joinmarket @RaspiBlitz I will invest time in JoinMarket soon.... #only24hinoneday (9s ago)
@openoms (openoms): @ketominer @nvk @armbian @Raspberry_Pi @joinmarket @RaspiBlitz Not tested yet, but will start to migrate the #RaspiBlitz to 64bit as well soon: https://t.co/ojpJx2hUFq The JoininBox menu should work as there are no 32bit specific bits. The JoinMarket installation has some modified QT GUI dependencies from here: https://t.co/pTi843nbAj (10s ago)
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@ketominer (ketominer): @openoms @nvk @armbian @Raspberry_Pi @joinmarket @RaspiBlitz ok, asking because I actually have compilation issues with JM on arm64 :) (16s ago)
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@openoms (openoms): @ketominer @nvk @armbian @Raspberry_Pi @joinmarket @RaspiBlitz I need to try, might pick up one of my Odroids to test. The JM devs mainly work with X86_64 Linux/Mac/Windows so ARM is not tested for the releases. (6s ago)
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@ketominer (ketominer): @openoms @nvk @armbian @Raspberry_Pi @joinmarket @RaspiBlitz specifically it fails on coincurve compilation without any explicit error. I guess I’ll go through all the steps manually to try to find out more (23s ago)
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@kristapsk (Kristaps Kaupe): @ketominer @openoms @nvk @armbian @Raspberry_Pi @joinmarket @RaspiBlitz That issue has been reported. Unfortunatelly, I don’t have any arm64 board to reproduce. (22s ago)
@ketominer (ketominer): @kristapsk @openoms @nvk @armbian @Raspberry_Pi @joinmarket @RaspiBlitz ok so it’s not only me. I’ll try fix then :) (21s ago)
hi tm32
tm-32 can be whatever your TRS-80 will be
is there a special channel for helios64 btw ?
only if you make one
if you send me one, I will make a channel :D
in mean time I made #rk3399 if you just want to BS about rk3399 lol
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i have some issues with my helios64 & armbian & omv. I tried snapraid, was working great until I figured out that resuming a 'sync' takes up so much ram, that the unit ran into OOM situation. redo from start, now want to use zfs but newest zfs-dkm wants newer gcc than buster provides.
what FS you using
well yeah
wait sorry I am still confused
on snapraid i was using xfs
what FS you using currently?
intersting didn't realize XFS had such overhead
I still use ext4 for most of my setups
though for sure less than 2Gb of memory on a board makes fsck of raid almost near impossible
snapraid has the overhead.
fromport: if you have a SSD attached then you could get around this by making a swap file on the ssd
and then letting it leverage that for the sync
compared to normal raid, you put a crontab in with a 'sync' to calculate parity.
but your gonna put a bunch of wear on the ssd
you can of course do so on emmc or sdcard also but will be slower
you can stop that and later continue, but continuing uses so much ram that helios64 ran out and *poof*
yeah you need to make swap
especially is if it using zram as Armbian likes to configure
i had swap on the spinning rust as a file
2x 1GB over 2 disks
interesting than snapraid may not be best choice there
I use mdad raid5 and works a treat there
on rk3399
it isn't it seems. so now I want to switch to ZFS but gcc in buster is too old.
I have a m.2 to pcie x4 adapter and a 8 port sata card with 6x3TB drives attached
found tricks to add debian-testing and install gcc10 over gcc8
using mdadm raid5 w/ luks
what package is missing?
but wasn't succesful in getting it working. was able to compile the zfs module for the kernel but zfs-utils wouldn't install
for ZFS to work
ohh module?
got module, not utils
zfs requires kernel module
this is Armbian image, which image if you don't mind?
also what is the util
I want to see if it shows up on RockPi 4c
zfs-utils is package?
are you installing zfsutils-linux ?
apt-get install zfsutils-linux
yeah, but it depended on liblz1 before a certain version
it is a hot mess
that said I am running bullseye/sid
let me see if it installs though
anything newer than buster won't run Openmediavault because of some salt based dependencies
don't bother
ohh fun
it installs just fine on bullseye it looks
Linux rockpi-4c 5.8.6-rockchip64 #20.08.1
is there a howto you followed ? just plain armbian? no omv on top ?
my requirements were pretty simple, this is just a NAS serving NFS from the volume -- so I just have base Armbian and then installed specific packages I needed to get there
I at some point actually may play with serving iscsi from it but again its just install and setup of service
OMV makes it nice cause its all graphical
but has a lot of overhead
you can save your self a bunch of memory and resources by not running all the extras
in fact you may be able to complete your drive work you mentioned if you stop all the extra bloat there and free the extra 1Gb memory probably used
also I don't know fromport does helios64 have 4Gb memory like RockPi or only 2Gb?
I can't remember off top of my head
yeah then it sounds like OMV and snapraid are using a bunch
total used free shared buff/cache available
Mem: 3800 308 2582 38 908 3265
my image with some cached sites with 2.5Gb free
read the sentence again with the url ;-)
after it crashed, i setup 2 x 1GB swap (file) on 2 separate disks , but it still crashed. didn't save that though
ergo: with 4Gb RAM and 5 x 12TB drives, snapraid is _not_ an option
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@armbian (armbian): Hey Twitter! Can you help us around desktops? We are developing and engine to build more of them but we are not good at tweaking it - how to fix fonts, icons, change logo, etc. There are a few of @gnome #groovy based images for a few boards ready for test https://t.co/pNQw0NokMohttps://t.co/Af5lcigB6G (5s ago)
@armbian (armbian): Hey Twitter! Can you help us around desktops? We are developing an engine to build more of them but we are not good at tweaking it - how to fix fonts, icons, change logo, etc. There are a few of @gnome #groovy based images for a few boards ready for test https://t.co/pNQw0NokMohttps://t.co/LyMdpBCwMQ (8s ago)
@lanefu (Lane Jennison): Attention Linux Desktop Tweakers and Hackers https://t.co/1uC0MBmrbB (3s ago)
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fromport: that is a lot of space -- more so than I am even testing with -- so yes, you are probably correct