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wanna do that also
don't want it overclocking
if anything i'd underclock it
eup up to 57C
guess I should do it now
how do I do that
what's the proper max speed for h3
armbian-config -> hardware -> cpu
i'd suggest setting max 1.2ghz and try the schedutil governor
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flyback: armbian-config -> hardware -> cpu
i'd suggest setting max 1.2ghz and try the schedutil governor
still hitting 50C already
ill get a heatsink for it also
* Received a CTCP VERSION from Hail_Satan
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55c is fine dude
but yeah heatsink good
the H3 technically tolerates like above 90C
the hardcore cooling states don't even kick in until around 70c if i recall
my opi lite is at 48c sitting on a desk doing nothing
did you win
leting it run for hrs see what happens
yeah that throws a lot of people, ARM != X86 for temperatures
a lot of silcon doesn't like those temps
even 8 bit mcu's
I work with 150 C
in Automotive
but yes
silicon on saphire can handle rocket temps
but $$$$$$$$$$$
hahaha :)
well automotive is always the same requirement: Ultra high performance for free
cars have a lot of silicon these days :P
it's unfortunate
I liked when most of it was found in the leaf springs :)
na it's a good thing it drives some chip innovation
most of it is fairly reliable
I mean we got high temp sensors now that can fire shit right at the exact optimum position of engine parts
saving a lot of fuel and emissions
plus adjusting ride height etc
you know they make knifes and swords out of leaf srpings
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I didn't know know those were high silicon
I thought silicon was brittle it's only used for electrical steel to make it shitty for wasting magnetic energy
I design these things, I was in engine control for some time, solenoids, emissions sensors, did some battery systems even
splitter is an MTD, largest supplier of yard scrap
good morning
werner: how's going?
Morning. Depends on the topic :P
you know which :)
Yeah I probably do ^^. Will take a while due to lack of practice.
sure yes
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hehehe I need to go pass out but I think I fixed Renegade ram
their DDR timing isn't even close to the generic one for CA de-skew
I had to find their 4.4 repo and dig out which ddr timing they were using, I don't think it's likely correct either, their routing can't be exactly the same across so many boards, but it's way better
doing the youtube test at 924 MHz tonight, I'll try faster tomorrow just to push my luck
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@nicoduck (nico): Oh armbian on rockpro64 does not come with an i40e module for the Intel x710 card? Too bad :( (19s ago)
@DieZuckerbude (Ben Zucker 🍰): @nicoduck Use the build script to create your own kernel package with the mentioned module enabled: https://t.co/iHUIc70SXe (17s ago)
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Just finished recording. I sent over the raw material to nico
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hey, a little question. i have armbian bionic 18.04 on my odriod c2… i want to make a release upgrade to 20.04. but i get many python3 errors: "KeyError: suite" in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/CommandNotFound/db/creator.py"…
is this a known problem? ^^
does somebody have a hint what todo?
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hey guys she ran all night :)
scops_: people are in different places and have different schedules -- also this is volunteer not paid, so not always someone here all the time -- best is to ask question and then wait, usually when people wake they review and if they have an answer, will say.. but if you expect answer immediate and then leave, you won't be very roductive here
[TheBug] meant to say: scops_: people are in different places and have different schedules -- also this is volunteer not paid, so not always someone here all the time -- best is to ask question and then wait, usually when people wake they review and if they have an answer, will say.. but if you expect answer immediate and then leave, you won't be very productive here
scops_: just saw you join before question so figured may be new, try and set expectations so people don't run off -- often 5 minute later someone answer and :facepalm: cause person is gone ;p
yeah… no prob :) i know this problem… i will idle a little bit and wait :)
lol not a real - maybe danger - workaround: uninstalling the package "command-not-found" helps …
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yeah you really should put up a page on armbian talking about how much overclocking ain't worth it most times
but underclocking can be a really good thing
shame xulong had to overclock them from the factory to try to make them look better
they do fine as is
* flyback
blames canada
now we just need to make it work with armbian 20
can't run a old distro with no security patches since it connects to my lan
else I wouldn't care about a radio streamer
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flyback: typically the armbian imagese are at spce or underclocked.. i know some reecent coolere tables where figured out for the h3 boards that like the opilite, one, and zero fun faster via some device tree overlays..so i was supprised to see you running at 1.4ghz? by default
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lanefu pssst
standard memcpy : 1569.1 MB/s (2.2%)
standard memset : 5482.5 MB/s (1.9%)
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I have a little work to do tonight for cleanup, but I'll open a PR and tag TK so he can test it, I haven't tried 1056 yet, but I don't think it's stable there usually. I made a specific dram dtsi for renegade
I had dmesg notes that make me stop short of declaring this "solved", 2 dwmmc interrupt latency warnings and a NOHZ: local_softirq_pending 08
n2 on manjaro has working plasma on panfrost!
manjaro has a strong desktop team I've seen
for Renegade/RK3328, the 1056 memory opp pushes the vdd_logic past the recommended maximum, but is way inside the "absolute maximum"
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most of the vendor images are using it, so I'll not get cranky about it
OK, back to lunch. IgorPec do you have a renegade to test once I open a PR? We need to really beat on it to be sure it isn't going to cause problems
Just saw an old post of yours about u-boot and the S...
since it boots fine with 2018.x, I'm not messing with it while we have things that are more broken, it ate a lot of time, and I'm sure I was missing something silly
the Miqi was affected as well
got it, very strange...
lanefu is not impressed with my ram numbers from Renegade mainline. must try harder
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* Tony_mac32
turns ram clock to 11
reverting my changes to the opps now that the skew is better, let's see what 1056 does before an experiment
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and it's running 1056 without noticable issues right now
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Tony_mac32: yay! good job
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ok, the renegade is going to start protein sequencing. time to see if 1056 works
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still running
I think it's time to test either bsp or kernel update to the latest that was in bionic
see if anything changes
which would you recommend first
21 hrs
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released the firmware lock
did apt dist-upgrade so it's to the latest armbian biontic
it's still working
did notice one thing that happen with the locked firmware also
sometimes I have to reboot before spyserver works
wonder if they got a variable uninitialized or the dongle is hanging
so appears the main issue is either the kernel version in armbian 20 vs biontic or something in armbian 20 is just breaking the exec for spyserver and not orange pi related
he following packages have been kept back:
is there a way to disable the first-boot thing (change pw and locale generation) in new built images with ./compile.sh?
did upgrade fiurmware in armbian config
still works
had to reboot twice but works
still holding back 1 package called root current for some reason
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badCRC: you'd have to do some extra work in userpatches/customize_image.sh