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buster meh go bullseye
Live on the wildside
Actually I do need to run that more
I wonder if sid would work
I need fewer ideas
archetech: what's your favorite setup right now in ARM land
lol at fewer ideas
but your the idea guy here!
lanefu: I hate them all equally atm
cuz they all need a working panfrost
Ha. That's very fair of you
n2 been out long time its just sad how long its taking
and 5.8 has caused more grief than any kernel ive ever seen
Yah? What have you seen?
arch-manj armb tobetter all broke in diff ways lol
I was playing with my n2, running at 4k@30. But I forgot how to get it down to 1080p lol
Tinkering with RockPi X as desktop for now
If I was smart I'd work on my opi4 since I ordered a pine book pro. Focusing on RK3399 might make sense
no good intel sbc's yet soon I think
RockPi X
Although its eMMC is a bit slow
old cpu
Graphics are fast
But CPU does feel a bit sluggish
I got Big Sur beta installed with new opencore booter
that was alot of reading/jerking around
Omg I bet
Hackintoshing is tedious. I'm grateful for the tools and guides
But it's still tedious
yeah serious nerd devs on that
Feels funny I made wife a hackintosh, then reclaimed macbook from her and put linux on it
kexts...dumbest thing ive ever seen for hware config
next to u-boot
an xml conig.plist oooook
its win.ini in 2020
this is nice to find after a failed upgrade
If you are concerning your installed system can defect after upgrading, please do hold the kernel package update using these commands and do it later when you are confident to upgrade.
ty tobetter
I did see the rock64 v2 on amazon for $8 shipped whats that say about its quality
um we'll take $3 for them plus ship lol
more on the way!
* archetech
/* end rants
Dude the Amazon deal is nuts
selling mine for $.08
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@DieZuckerbude (Ben Zucker 🍰): I guess I feel like Igor in his vacation right now 😜 @armbian I wish I could stay here longer... https://t.co/wXLD6ylCpD (11s ago)
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@justreenl (Reen Lokum): @gregyoung We use them for IoT devices. You should power via pins. Also the default distro crashes for certain if you want to use both spi busses. Armbian worked as far as I remember. So depends on use case? (5s ago)
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does anyone know about the phandle in dts files?
If I copy over WiFi from a different dts file to my target file, how do I know what phandle to give it?
Can I just use a non taken phandle?
Or as long as it compiles can I just call it a day?
It doesn't compile :(
@armbian (armbian): RT @justreenl: @gregyoung We use them for IoT devices. You should power via pins. Also the default distro crashes for certain if you want t… (7s ago)
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* nekomancer[m]
fail to build armbian with bcachefs branch
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I have a feeling that other dtb files have mistakes in them
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I nearly figured out the part of the device tree that I want to transplant
Two values are leaving me completely clueless though
It only took a day geez
And still I am missing two values
Werner any advice on those crazy device tree files?
* emOne
googles pwm_config
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So in the device tree file
Pwm_config has a phandle which is always +1 compared to the previous line
The problem is that the phandle value is already taken by audio
What do I do in such a case?
Can I give it an arbitrary value?
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I2c uses the same phandle... Not audio
do I need i2c?
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Hmm OK so I just deleted the phandle lines on i2c
I think the compiler will give it a phandle value
I hope
You can tell that I am pro O_O
What is i2c good for anyway?
I think GPS dingles can use i2c
Anything else that uses it on TV boxes though?
Does the VFD use i2c?
I have a huge suspicion that most board manufacturers and TV box manufactures just hack these dtb files together
Coreelec dtb files give me a ton of compile errors and so do the preinstalled dtb files that come with these Chinese boxes
The dtb files on armbian are a lot cleaner
They don't give two pages of errors like the other dtb files
They only give 3 or 4 lines of errors or warnings
How do I know if i2c is broken?
With my dtb that I made
Making a dtb file is like playing wack a mole
@justreenl (Reen Lokum): @gregyoung Except the power via pins the issues are indeed software. The device overlay didnt work. If you power via usb then connected devices can get a voltage drop, messy for usb storage for example. Armbian was stable, we did have a patched dts in the end because of custom screen. (15s ago)
ppa: co into dir and tell `git pull`
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@FOSSAGTUDO (FOSS-AG Dortmund): Shout-out to @armbian, a robust, versatile and powerful OS option for many single-board-computer and #ARM systems. I love using it! -dr (16s ago)
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anyone have the new build tools (kernel 5.8) and fail kernel build with "scripts/Makefile.build:280: recipe for target 'drivers/usb/core/driver.o' failed" ?
DigitalMan1983: what output/debug/compilation.log says?
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