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lanefu, seems works, previusly at this time he already stops.
that parameter EXTRAWIFI=no seme solved the probem... there is a list oo those usefull parameters?
i will like to strip down the size of kernel to speed up boot time :-)
i've heard good things about docs.armbian.com
glad to help
armbian is a deep sea... need time to explore all :-)
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lanefu, i discovered that EXTRAWIFI=no make not usable the internal wireless chip of nanopiduo. that with my actual version of kernel works perfectly.
yay perfection
it seems im play with atoo short blanket: i pull to cover feet and belly is naked, i pull to cover head, and arms are naked. time to give up and go to sleep.
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@Chainsman (💩💩Chainsman💩💩): @A13_technology @armbian Can you talk to it using Hayes AT commands like other mobile modems? (6s ago)
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hey guys
I'm hoping someone can provide an answer on this, I've tried a few places with no response
I need to find out what the "part uuid" command would do in uboot boot.scr?
I can't find anything anywhere
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@armbian (armbian): Updated kernel and images for Odroid XU4 / HC1 / HC2 / MC1. Stable kernel 4.14.195 + 5.4.61 and test 5.8.5. #wireguard #docker #debian #ubuntu #aufs #minimal #iot #infosec https://t.co/WlVrobbBZQhttps://t.co/BAIpE4EkLJ (8s ago)
@guidol70 (Guido Lehwalder): #stockfish v12 with neural network (#NNUE) chess engine on #aarch64 #64bit #armbian https://t.co/zrELacayTNhttps://t.co/Ax3L8DOtAX (7s ago)
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@armbian (armbian): RT @guidol70: #stockfish v12 with neural network (#NNUE) chess engine on #aarch64 #64bit #armbian https://t.co/zrELacayTNhttps://t.co/Ax3L… (2s ago)
darock: par uuid is ID of your drive / partition. its unique
+IgorPec: no its an actuall command in uboot
I found it in a boot.scr file: part uuid ${devtype} ${devnum}:2 uuid
but apart from other lines like that in forum posts etc that seem to be removed due to lack explanation of its operation, I can find bugger all on what it actually does and how it works
what I _want_ to do is tweak this script to boot archlinux and run its root from a usb hdd rather than the forced continued use of the sd card, but I need to understand what is happening to do that, and how important this command actually is
I get the PARTUUID - I've used it before
from the little I could find the "part" command is that there are other verbs that can be used as well, like "part list"; but no other explanations although there is sample output of that particular use
i don't know if uboot can read that. but probably it does
I tried trawling the source code, but that was impossible task to narrow down
yeah, u-boot is a mess
its not reading it - its an actual command
part to do what ?
we don't use it IIRC
EXACTLY!!! :-)
actually I found lots of uses of it in armbian as well :-)
always in the boot.scr though
well boot.{cmd,txt,scr}
aha, I see
it reads partition id from this and that device
we obviously read from which UUID u-boot was started
and then what? What is the usage of the command?
i don't recall why we need tht
perhaps to know where to store u-boot environment
on arch the next command sets up bootargs with root=PARTUID=${UUID}
on arch the next command sets up bootargs with root=PARTUID=${uuid}
i am not familiar with arch
I know, but thats still linux bootargs
we use this differently
we don't rely on u-boot to tell us where rootfs is
so I'm guessing the last argument uuid stores the found uuid for the partition in that variable?
we store that elsewhere
I'd have thought so too
yes, thats't the partition where u-boot was booted from
which is what is driving me absolutely nuts trying to figure out what is going on here
while we are not tied to that
our solution is more universal and bullet proof.
isn't there a way to detect a rootfs through checking devices?
we boot devices sometimes from old legacy u-boot's. you can't trust them
from linux?
from u-boot probably only with recent versions. not sure
if test "${devtype}" = "mmc"; then part uuid mmc ${devnum}:1 partuuid; fi
devnum is variable passed by uboot
uh huh
"then part uuid ..."
aha, you mean first partition?
which gets removed and lost because I don't think anyone really gets how it works or what it does
that's hard coded, obviously
no I mean it uses the "part uuid" command to fill the partuuid variable
boot.scr is not exactly user configurable ... uEnv.txt (armbianEnv.txt) is
no - thats exactly the point
well, if you will start to look into our boot scripts ... there will certainly be some anomalies
although boot.txt says at the top: "# After modifying, run ./mkscr"
but thats what I'm dealing with
is there a different set of command references?
for boot scripting?
there is um ...
yeas, wait
see if I fiddle with uenv then that is just going to be overidden by the devs at archlinux, so that is of no use unless I resolve the boot.scr
i can't find ref now, but its some kind of script language
from somewhere
it looks basically the same as uenv, except uenv runs variable contents instead
sorry, i know nothing about archlinux philosophjy
and this obscure "part" command
neither do I - thats the problem :-)
why using it then?
what other choice do I have?
armbian ?:)
they don't distribute a generic only platform specific, and then lock you in to whatever they want to do - jst like most others out there
because that is not possible
arm is way way too diverse
I dunno about armbian, and I've jst chased a goose down alpinelinux way (which I would have preferred) only to find that they don't flip the right switches for the packages I need
whhen no linux is good, you create your own.
I find that hard to believe given with aarch64 now and uefi boot
count devices that supports uefi
if I had the resources and time to do that then I would have probably been able to fix the issues with alpine
I already run archlinux on x86_64 so far, so I figured I might as well stick to what I know for the time being after all that messing around
but of course everything is painful isn't it? :-)
but userland is pretty generic on all
we use debian userland just for the sake of normal people
and because maintaining is expensive
in theory - and alpine offers this - one can boot a generic kernel and install a more specific one to optimise the specific hardware
we have specific kernel for each kernel family and we don't provide generic. yet. arm only
optimised experience only
arm64 though?
arm64 and arm32, both
I think with the migration to arm64 that wil change over time
in the mainstream, yes
that is already very different than the rest
arm32 was a bit of a hodgepodge, but arm64 seems to have reined in the wild west feel of arm
no, i don't think there is any difference but marketing
for IOT 32bit is plenty
yes but arm64 is aimed for the pc users, so need better standardisation
but sadly there is just one overpriced workstation and they just killed marvel arm64 server line
I noticed more distros offering a generic option once arm64 came round and uefi was on the table
it become cheap enough
when did the server get killed?
maintaining armbian is 10x more expensive then let's say manjaro
I'll bet
they onyl provide arm64 and build what gets to mainline
i just read the news about a week ago
didn't really checked if its real or fake but possible
figured - I hadn't heard yet
but on the other hand, there are big business using arm64 ... which on the other hand means little
I think there are a few still banging around - I'm pretty sure AMD wouldn't give up easily on their investment yet
since arm = custom design
and if you want that, and if you have enough money to afford (Amazon, Apple) this is what you want to do
to kill intel/amd dependancy
I reckon arm64 changes that quite a bit as opposed to the arm32 line and multiple command sets
yeah, sure there are changes. aynway, you can't run one kernel on both and support will eventually fade out
only one set of command and ftbs help with the peripherals
fun and games :-)
yeah, defenetly not boring
I think I'm gonna call it a day - I'll have to go hunting for that boot scripting reference and try tackle this thing tomorrow
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@ComputingNl7 (NL7 Computing): The new video is already on the way ;) https://t.co/KuyCY10XPn #Linux #LinuxTips #Ubuntu #Armbian #orangepipc #technology #electric #electronics #Computing #computers #MachineLearning #HowTo #tutorial #aliexpress #Gearbest https://t.co/oUBDQnhSpB (21s ago)
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