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@armbian (armbian): RT @jpmens: FOSDEM 2021 will take place on Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 February 2021 as an online event. https://t.co/ddrplVrAy1 (12s ago)
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@jerry_hopper (jerry hopper): The latest the Altis Times! https://t.co/HxeLiXuPWn Thanks to @armbian @ericjwriting @thebuckfastwine #technology #capacitor (2s ago)
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lanefu, the link does not show me anything but "/metrics". Maybe only while it is running a job? Anyway as long as it works its fine.
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Yeah I must have broken the proxy rewrite 🤦♂️
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@bergeraaron (Aaron Berger): @jilles_com https://t.co/Ofbs7fSqzp board is ~ $100 supports 7 so-pine boards https://t.co/VIYz4up4ab which are ~$30 OS support is Armbian. The initial one had some issues. I think that has been resolved. be sure to check the forum. https://t.co/TYAVipIaQ1 (32s ago)
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thebug i am doind from X86-64 intec pc
i am not compiling different kernel parameters, just following the default process of building. i onli choose "minimal image" istead complete image.
Guest36921: add this paramter to ./compile.sh EXTRAWIFI=no