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Has anyone ever worked with dwc3? I can get USB2 device mode working but not 3
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sorry R0b0t1'', not like that I haven't
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yeah figuring I'm actually gonna have to debug stuff
man i'm still not like super happy with wireless on pbp right now
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/msg NickServ identify Thumper69
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rneese: ouch make sure you change that ;/
lanefu: what bugs you about it?
its not the right one anyways but I did
I am still dealing with the full build list
but itscoming along
but going off the pkg list from the ubuntu dde iso and figuring out the matching pkgs is not easy
[TheBug]: packet loss
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isn't pinebook chassis aluminum?
but also, packet loss on wifi is typical; the max bandwidth is usually measured inches between the devices
the display part is aluminum
other half is plastic
anyway this is high packet loss
mtr hitting 30-40% loss on same subnet.. and randomg ssh pauses
and lots of retransmits in iperf ,or just like 0 performance
and its somewhat intermitten like its an interrupt thing
and the older wifi firmware didnt haev retransmits
but need the newer firmware for bluetooth
So, couldn't find a quick smoking gun for the u-boot thing, I'm leaving it alone for the moment and might ask around for any tips.
I'm also trying to draw a diagram of what it means to add/modify a platform in Armbian, and sketch my proposal to see if it makes sense
uboot is hard
yeah im intrigued about your platform idea
uboot I think is ok, mostly. I have 1 last idea that shouldn't work, I'm going to try to boot the image on a Tinker (non-S)
u-boot now has different dts's, and while I don't think it should matter...
(I only have 1 non-S tinker, trying to find it)
....it matters ? lol
..it matters ? lol [en~>eng]
I'm going to rage quit
so now to go back and recreate the work I just wiped out and test if the Tinker S u-boot will boot a Tinker non-S
because we're not set up for 2 u-boots
Nobody --expects the Spanish Inquisition-- set up for 2 u-boots
well the Tinker was alone for a while, then the S came out and *used to* boot with the same bootloader
something in the emmc driver/pinctrl is making it angry obviously
mmcblk0p1 is not mmcblk0p1, which is possible
loads initramfs from the SD, hands over control, initramfs decides to go check out the emmc
in other news, bought an H3 keyboard
it has a huge amount of space inside, so I'll probably wedge a Tinker S in there or something else I have a pile of
the H3 is likely not worth messing with
you bought a keyboard that has an allwinner h3?
it's an all-in-one type PC thing, shitty android/etc
Ah gotcha hadn't seen those
I'm guessing 10 minutes to boot Armbian, but I don't need any more H3's I have a small pile
the RC2014 guy got one to see if an RC2014 fit in it, unfortunately not in normal backplane form anyway
would have been peak 80's
... A VGA-wielding ESP32 would though
. A VGA-wielding ESP32 would though [en~>eng]
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if the "S" image boots both machines I'll be moving to it, and adding the UMS code
lanefu, the idea is easy enough, implementation I don't know
What's UMS code?
usb mass storage
but I was meaning the build system
Yeah I know. We have parallel conversations
also, for Tinker, in theory I should be able to get the camera/pi touchscreen working
in theory
on mainline
video decoding is still too early I think
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hmmm s805x kernel mailing list chatter about potentially broken USB.
well I'm going to see if it affects us or not
sre our meson64 images already 5.8?
or just the trunk for building?
I think they may have been bumped.....
if not off the top of your head I'll look, I was just in "internet lazy mode"
and I have 5 SSH sessions open right now...
yes 5.8
ok I'll build/flash/test
Good morning
Good morning Werner
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@fkardame (Furkan kardame): @Superna9999 Just wanted to point your attention to this post. https://t.co/HAkjq4aXWI (27s ago)
downloading, but need to go to hardware store. A frayed and assumed-to-be abandoned wire on the far side of my house actually ran the well pump on the other side of the house...
I only take solace in the fact it needed fixed anyway
eek love loose wires
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IgorPec: i'm mostly done computering for the day, but do you think you could rebuild the trunk armbian-firmware package if it doersnt build automatically
yes, i can push it to the repo
will do it later on
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Tonymac32: hello, are you still struggling with recent u-boot on tinkerboard?
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lanefu: i run your image on my PBP. wifi works (not perform tests for loss, stability etc — no statistic), Sound plays in youtube in firefox and chromium. no noise in dmesg. Watchdog daemon sees wd device and can set timer to 60 sec.
fn+ brightness works;
Fn+ volume buttons not work
Fn+Esc should command "sleep". but seems it after it my PBP dead
yeah volume keys arenn't configured
no reaction to same button and power. even for 10+ sec pressing
will try, thx, I tried something similar
yes, now it just shows no signal on TV
okay... just work on it until you get a resolution that works
try 1280x720
hm, works, thanks :)
will update the forum post
yeah sorry i meant to reply to taht last night
ok, good night, guys :)
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hi Jock, the Tinkerboard target boots on the tinkerboard just great, it does not boot a Tinkerboard S, so I need to build that target to test as well.
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