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nekomancer[m]: how did you get 5.8.9 to check out
whwere is there a branch or tag iwth it
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well I am still reviewing the basic ubuntudde iso to see at they install on a basic install
it might fix all the issues
lanefu: KERNELBRANCH='tag:v5.8.9' in lib.config
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I build no-desktop image, it boots on pbp. then I install desktop via armbian-cobfig and got auto-login xfce desktop. There are firefox, I enter youtube, see video, but no sound.
and no brightness or sound regulated via Fn key
now I comment out KERNELBRANCH and do build with desktop=yes
i think the new desktop should be the dde
once we figure out the correct install
everyone prefer own desktop
* nekomancer[m]
prfers cinnamon or kde
xfce is just gettingold and outdated
have you looked at the new dde / deepin desktop ?
there is work also to allow you to select what desktop to install in the build src
so far its rnome3 xfce and kde
and I am working to get dde into it also
and I think they will add lxde also
I think desktop env is not a task for armbian
It's for DE developers, and for ubuntu-debian packagers
there is a group working on it now,,, not much more you can do to the base install other then updating the device tree's for each board
a;ll the work IgorPec has put in to build the build system is great
but he even says the desktop section has needed work
building each desktop to work correctly is a big thing
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nekomancer[m]: yeah that made a bad checkout for me
I did successful build with main armbian repo. now I running build with your branch
seems DDE for people who things gnome and ubuntu default desktops are too complicated
dde is a clean start for desktop and it uses qt so its going to grow . but I am working to get the install on arm working ,, seems some pkgs have not been ported to arm64 yet so we will see
rneese_: you'll be a hero
rneese_: you are the men!
I was looking at the manjaro build but its been added alot of stuff
I have it working
but 1 issue still stands the logout/ppower off/suspend/shutdown function is not working other wise its good to go as a desktop
rneese_: could be worse... what device are you testing on
nanopct4 4 gig
with a 128 gig nvme ssd
its what I am on right now
fine tuning
but I have to dl and revie the iso fron ubuntu as a base install
to see what I missed
afteer my manjaro dde usb drive is done updating
I do kinda wish we had a arm64 build of arch/manjaro linux
for the boards
I like it but as for now ubuntu on the arm64 units seems to be the bst
armbian fits it well
will desktop work subjective faster with nvme in comparison with emmc? not sure. Maybe, nvme for current arm performance — better only for IO benchmarks?
the nvme is faster performance but emmc should work fine . just limited space on the unit I have
its only a 16g emmc on the board
okay my branch should build if you pull master on top of it, and add EXTRAWIFI=no
well as this is my firt test runn I am fixing as I go and once I get it right I will post
and get it into the github for a test build
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ok I fixed the issue with the login and ou t
apt install dde-session-ui
fixed it
so now the login and out and reboot works
so thats the fix they changed a pkg
so I can now setup the basic gui and get a build on ssd tomorrow
then we know it will work
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it worked
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so tomorrow I will boot a fresh sd and run a test build
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IgorPec, its fixed and working
the login /out works
next is to make it work with nodm wich i know is the default
bwaaah my desktop switch is connecting at 100mbit again :-||||||
man updating this manjaro on usb3 usb drive is slow but its getting alot of pkgs
i'm dding from NFS to usb3, but stupid 100mbit kiling me
like almost 1900 updates
thats a lot
hoping they put out a updated iso soon to test with I like the manjaro dde it has steam and whinehq installed so I can put in my windows apps I need and wipe the ssd and load linux on the laptop and be done
its arch based yes but more updated pkgs then what ubuntu has .
I can move to the dev branches I know but grrr
sorry but I am happy to find the 1 fix was easy
but now I have to fix gitkraken
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LOL well.. uhmm pbp needs xtrawifi to build
i mean to do wifi
gitkraken is the github/git gui interface for linux I find the best
lanefu: your repo builds too. at least kernel compilation finished, image apt install still goung
nekomancer[m]: i just tried the image.. firmware like didnt install right or something
after lib/compilation-prepare.sh fix
how can I check my image for that?
ok gguys bed time work tomorrow at the animal shelter
maybe, my too?
chat ltr
rneese: have good sleep!
rneese: have good evening
nekomancer[m]: the prepare fix just fixes the bootlogo error
anyway try the image let me know if /lib/firmware is full
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do you mean "are there any files"?
do you see folders like /lib/firwmare/brcm and /lib/firmware/rockchip
I still not have completed image. It's running.
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lanefu do you want the tracking number for the bag-o-screwdrivers?
Tonymac32: sure
I'm just laughing that I have 10 of these little cheap clear-handle ones
these aren't bad little acrylic case kits for the sub $6 mark
So I'm trying to see if u-boot stopped configuring something to do with the SD power. On first boot the fsck passes, then everything goes to shit. Then next boot fsck fails miserably
sometimes i wish i had cases
you always find like the super hard problems
Just annoying ones
I'm sure there's someone in this IRC who would be like "oh yeah, it's that" and fix it in 5 minutes
Sysinfo for 'arch-3570': Running inside KDE Plasma 5.19.90 on Arch Linux powered by Linux 5.8.10-arch1-1, CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570S CPU
plasma beta
woot how is it
the manjora on my pbp is my first plasma experience
got a new wallpaper bout it lol
nekomancer[m]: yeah right now seem slike my branch is shit sorry
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man my brain hurts. its not installing hte local firmware package i'm building
lol i feel like i'm gonna wake up adn people are gonna yell at me
you're building the firmware, or just loading it?
and of course the opi 3 doesn't fir an RPI case XD I hadn't tried before
well building the armbian-firmware package
i had some dumb combo of options where it wasnt installing the deb
or making it or both
the more you understand the build tools the less you understand the build tools
hear hear
I still want to see about making the patch/config for board families their own repos for the purpose of getting all that stuff out of the main build system
then say I want to spin my own, I can just point it at my own board repo
you mean like submodules?
I honestly would just keep it as a config file and fetch the repo only if needed
i have such a love hate with git submodules
then users of the script can override it
ah gotcha
lanefu: I like them in theory, but it gets chaotic easily
its chaos theory
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So I had mentioned this a while back, but when I was setting up the CH55x platform for platformIO, that is exactly how they handle it
each platform has a repo and a manifest for tools fetched
* Tonymac32
looks at pile of acrylic cases
* Tonymac32
wonders if using CNC engraver to mark them is a good idea
* bd1308
looks at piles of old computers and a pile of SBCs :D
old computers are more or less taken care of, I have a motherboard module for a Mac something or other that had system 8 on it, and a Core 2 duo mini ITX in a box
I have *really* old computers, but those are collection
oldest thing I have is an Apple ///
SBC's.. well
oh, an apple ///? nice
I have a couple TRS-80's, the CoCo 2 and the model 100 portable
bd1308: tony did that z80 kit computer recently
....z80 right?
..z80 right? [en~>eng]
yeah, I built an RC2014 kit
Ooooooo which one?!
haha the Pro, so it runs CP/M
CP/M was just brilliant
I was showing my son how easy BASIC was XD
I got the digital I/O board so was flashing some lights
Yeah, I have an Apple IIGS I'm setting back up, and I was talking to my 6 year old about selling some of the old stuff and she was like "if you enjoy it, keep it" and she has a point
I was iffy on keeping my Amiga 1200, but I always end up selling stuff and then regretting it later
I learned how to program (first steps) on Apple BASIC
the //e and IIgs were abundant in my school
I think back in horror that I didn't grab any of them out of the dumpster when they decided to toss them. :'(
I actually taught myself BASIC on a TI-83 by waking up at like 5am as a kid and programming by night-light light
that was 2003 time frame even
did you hear they are going to remove BASIC from them?
because "cheating" or some nonsense
I have 2 IIGSs, which is just enough....and trading a IIe for C64 this weekend, God help me
oh man....that sucks
I gave up on TI a while ago
it was for 2 reasons, one was their abandoning the orignal TI-89 (no updates) upon releasing a 1/4 step better one
MAN the TI-89 was sooooooo nice
and 2nd was being an EE, the HP RPN calculators are infinitely better
I ended up saving for one of those, and it was just fantastic
especially the pretty print problem solver thing
Well they released the TI89 silver or whatever, same processor, a bit more memory, and they said, "No updates for the $140 calculator you bought 3 years ago"
but I felt like it wasn't cheating if I wrote a program in BASIC that would do what I needed it to do
oh jeeze
I feel like there's just so much teachers could have done with those and never did
they could have designed a computer science class around them
Absolutely! especially when you dip from BASIC to ASM
I can't remember if those had a UART or not...
the HP has UART, IR, etc, so from an I/O perspective it would be an easier go. Language wise, well
The newest range of calculators are just crappy cell phones
and I can't pretend to like it
exactly my sentiment too
I have the HP Prime as an app on my actual smartphone
But then again I also hand soldered a parallel bus microcomputer together for fun
so maybe I'm not normal (this is my shocked face)
nekomancer[m]: bummer
at last, now we know.
I like HP calculators too, RPN was amazing with stacks, but I definitely just grazed the surface
hey, at least your image isn't shitting all over it's own filesystem on first boot for unknown reasons
haha true
bd1308 I had an unfair advantage when I got my HP, I had been playing at writing my own x86 ASM OS
so I had written a floating point library in assembly
for the x87 FPU
I sound like an angry old man, but like this issue with the Tinker board I'm having: I can't figure it out because of how many moving parts there are, even though it's just the damn bootloader
8086 or 386 ASM? I wanted to learn x86 asm to write something for my Compaq Portable II, but the segments/offsets were just infuriating
so I ended up gravitating toward 6502
I started with 8086, and yes, 20 bit addresses are a PITA
I jumped to using 80386 flat memory model
jmp <anywhere you want>
I *think* that's how MenuetOS still does it, although they went 64-bit some years ago as the primary target
I had a EE class once, and absolutely loved it (I was studying as a ME but they wanted you to take some cross-engineering courses), built my own clock and shift register out of 74 series stuff
it was fun
I loved playing with 74-series and 4000-series logic
simple, to the point, and race conditions!
one day i'll build some Z80 computer or something, there's a few 6 chip CP/M designs around
which signal will get to the NAND gate first? Tune in next time on "what on earth did my circuit just do?"
I took an asynchronous logic class. wooooooo buddy
oh man...that sounds rough
I mean it was cool, but you basically threw a lot of stuff away
assumptions = gone
My next favorite was fuzzy logic
(I spent far too long in University and really didn't graduate with half the paperwork to prove it)
one of the projects I'd love to do is to make a ESP32 card that goes into a IIe, so I can peek/poke data from BASIC (you can write BASIC extensions called ampersand libraries) and have the ESP32 make HTTP requests for API data with Python
That shouldn't be too bad, 8 bit data and address, some control signals
the input only pins would actually serve a purpose for a change
yeah, I think I'll work on that in the winter, I have plenty of ESP32s and a IIe, I just need to get a card
as long as it's not more than 5V TTL, I dont think it'd destroy something
it's just been a chaotic year lol
level shifting will be fine for that because it is relatively slow
I think my problem is just wrapping my head around needing to keep up with and/or sync to Apple II timings, but I've been watching tons of the Ben Eater protoboard computer videos to start demystifying stuff
for address you could obviously just use the poor man's vreg, a zener and a resistor
since that would be one-way
I was playing with making an add-on card for my color computer
I actually have a CoCo 2 I need to start playing with
There's something about the TRS-80s that I love...I went to Tandy Assembly in Ohio a couple years ago and was just floored at all of the cool stuff
wanted a TRS-80 4P for a while, but those shot up in price by a huge margin
I started to build my owm Z80 machine about 15 years ago, only got so far (budget of a student and no easy way to get some of the parts made like the PCB's)
you can only use etching fluid in mom's casserole dish so many times
I was building it on exactly the same principle the RC2014 uses, which is why I went ahead and shelled out the money
it's amazing how cheap PCBs can be made these days though
And yeah, that's exactly what conclusion I came to as well
the RC2014 is a NICE project
it's ridiculous, I even sell some random stuff since I can get PCB's to my house for under $20 to experiment
ha that reminds me.. i got my sweet 2 channel mixer board from switzerland
that has a IMSAI 8080 look, totally awesome case
Do you want to play a game?
I saw one of those in person, and HOLY hell it was just packed to the gills with cards and he spent probably a half day nailing down memory errors and stuff just from him transporting it to Kansasfest
of course I question how it worked before, so huh
we are at 2018.something with Tinker
where everything is different :)
actually not that different, looking at the history of the various files
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<Tonymac32 "you can only use etching fluid i"> old good FeCl3
build image for pinebook pro from mainline with desktop. it boots into text mode. I install kubuntu-desktop. but still don't know how to force it start graphic login
did you create a normal user at first boot?
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ok, will create after sleep, thank you
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sdoran: !
So far therapudic reboots on my Orange Pie+ 2E seem to be keeping things in order.
I should try disabling that and see if the clock speed tweaks help keep it stable.
sdoran: yeah i'd also like to see if your new watchdog config can cover your other problem
It'd be interesting to see if it gets stuck enough to allow the watchdog to reboot it.
from alsa* I have installed `alsa-base,alsa-utils`
sound is there, I've got it working on my pinebook-pro, i'm just waiting for lanefu to cut an image and then i'll add the state file needed to get it working
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the actual driver and stuff is fine, the actual DACs are muted, but the asound.state file will flip those on, I haven't figured out a better way to set that via pulse configs....yet.
I boot my pbp from old-good-working sdcard, and hear no sound there. Like something brolen in my pbp now ^(((
reboot and sound is back
in old image by ayufan
oh, that's interesting
lost again. seems it lost after try to look youtube in firefox
in my oreviouslife , 2 days ago, it all works
i've been stable with lanefu/me builds with new debian and mainline
okay finally have a good pinebook pro image
lanefu: try to touch around desktop in your image. All as you tell.
nekomancer[m]: sorry don't understand
..this will auto translate
this will auto translate [en~>eng]
if you put .. in front
lanefu: I run some apps in image you post there for PBP for 15-20 minutes. all as you anounce. buttons for brightness works, video ok, desktop slight, wifi work, no sound.