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just a quirk with the bot
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Tony_mac32: in _really_ good shape with pbp.. cross your fingres this is my last build
s2idle sleep, volume keeys. bootsplash. rk3399 optimizations.. bluetooth wifi
bd1308 has joined #armbian
all the patches should goto any rk3399 board
@bd1308 (Britt): Pinebook Pro USB-C Video now working with #Armbian 5.8.10 Kernel! What a great device and distro!!!! (17s ago)
now we have to get the new desktop on it
then I can get one
better order one before they're gone
will probably be a few months at least before next batch goes out
looking for the url to buy now
well....once the store comes back online (if you're talking about the Pinebook Pro)
store.pine64.org is down
man i'm highly considering buying another PBP just for armbian development and tweaks
the only thing that could make this even better is wayland+GPU acceleration like manjaro
* nekomancer[m]
crying on PnebookPro than stop to power on
nobody helps
well having looked ad the manjaro build for pbp i wounder the performance differannce with the new kernel mods
It's a trinck — to press power button that under closed screen, when back can be removed only when screen closed, and screen can't be open while back removed
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hope you get it fixed not a good thing to loose
still hope
nekomancer[m]: yeah you asked on the pineforums or discord?
man building out this istall is a learning process
sure. no reaction in discord, no answer on forum
rneese: yeah... it requires persistence.. last day and a half was stupid..
and appearntly i started this branch 8 day sago
I also have to get the evdev screen working
whatis evdev screen?
well for me its not the skel files and then fixing a way to set the usr|lib|deeping|desktop-version
its a 11 inch touch lcd
have to figure out with updates and builds how to write this file with the correct versioning info
so youguys went back to apt-get from apt
looking at the changes
apt-get is depriciated
they moved to just apt
they say it is but is not
apt-get is on its way out, but apt-get will be around for quite a bit still
pro-tip.... `apt-cache search` is waay faster on armbian than `apt search`
need to figure out how to disable fulltext search from default
yeeeeah it's SOOOOO slow doing it right from apt
is it possible to upgrade working armbian system from buster to bullseye?
that's a good question! I was kinda curious about that too
without image recreation?
i've done that before a long time ago with Debian, I havent' actually done that with Armbian on ARM yet
you can do a dist upgrade but I would shake in my boots
but you have to update /etc/apt files
and if it breaks it breaks because it will not have all the armbian patches
you better off maing a list of apps backing up settings and grabbing a fresh img
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this new htop is awesome
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i wonder how the .10 kernel mods will play on the t4
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but I am hoping to get the n2+ soon and test
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ok well I am looking at the defaults it looks like just adding a wall paper and few other thins
but no major big changes thus far
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ok just saw budgie desktop its almost a clone of dde
IgorPec: lol ihad forgotten to do git push for that copy command.. anyway your fix matches what i had locally
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@6LR61 (Adrian): @armbian @troglobit Haha, it took me a while to notice the SBCs hanging from the Ethernet cords. The ones in the rack seem to have standsoffs holding one or two corner together? Checking with my boards the BPi M2 would stack with the M1 and one corner of an OPi PC+ :/ (15s ago)
IgorPec: i added some updates to my forum post about gotchas.... there's some weird u-boot stuff going on once you nand-sata-install... very slow boot and can't boot from sdcard after emmc has been flashed
nekomancer[m]: did you install that test image to emmc when sleep broke your pbp?
Once it gets past uboot and kernel loads its fast. Bd1308 has some console logs showing uboot reading init image at like 8K/sec
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@armbian (armbian): @6LR61 @troglobit Yes. Or on power cords. Boards that are same dimensions are fully attached with stand offs and some of them mounted to the rack. (28s ago)
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cart thats a android tv box ...
lefu ok wait
you here lanefu
when you install to nand/emmc/ssd you normaly set it to use the emmc as /boot and the ssd/nvme as /
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it should boot majpr fast
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I never managed to get it to boot from sd/nvme had issues
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<lanefu "nekomancer: did you install that"> No, I use sdcard.
Emmc present and contain working env from vendor
Maybe update made rom update
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on the pinebook pro, has anyone ever encountered constant USB connects/disconnects? I went from USB-C video+charging to USB reconnects in about 2 hours last night. I've already isolated the issue to the main board.
rneese: you mentioned something about a capacitor...is that just for fixing the PBP not booting?
bd1308: you running on battery when that occurs?
hmm, could be display renegotiaion for some reason
[TheBug]: yes, but it also occurs when running on AC. I'm currently running Manjaro just as a sanity check
did you screen go to sleep or did you turn it off?
you noted using video over it is why that comes to mind
this is just the laptop right now, no external device connected. I see the caps lock led go off and on and then finally it stops altogether and no USB devices are detected
anything in dmesg to indicate whats going on?
does the device get disabled?
or reset
yeah I see a ton of disconnects and reconnects (about 30 of them) and then it's like the USB bus is just turned off
and by "device" I mean just the keyboard/trackpad
maybe put the dmesg in a pastebin so we can see?
I grabbed that snippet from using the uart cable
the rest was normal, and nothing around that block --- it just repeats about ~30 times and then stops
I isolated the mainboard as the issue (unplugged keyboard + daughterboard) so I'm guessing just some issue with the actual RK3399 board.
okay next question
heat --
you have any way to see if the hub chips getting too hot?
usb hubs have a bad habit if they get too hot of that kinda stuff
I don't know the cooling solution they have in there but maybe it isn't cooling the usb hub chip enough?
good point. I suspect its something like that
especially since it doesn't happen immediately and only after running for a period of time
well, now it happens immediately
well that surely can't be good
it literally weent from working to wonky, and now it's basically unusable since USB ends up dead in about a minute or two after a cold boot
I would make sure to post / let Pine know about that
thanks [TheBug]
maybe they need to replace it, cause that sounds like a faulty chip at this point
(usb hub chip)
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bd1308: maybe you could locate the chip and throw a small heatsink on it and see if the same issue continues
if it does then I would say probably already heat damage to the chip with what your seeing there and maybe they would replace that or something for you
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ok IgorPec you want a desktop that runs in 2 gig and has no issues it seems budgie-desktop would be a good one I have it iinstalled on a sd and testing
and was easy to install apt install --install-recommends ubuntu-budgie-desktop
wait. do haven't themed dde yet ;)
it gives you a full desktop with libreoffice and geary and some other apps
and prepare packages .... adding more desktops is too easy
I am doing this on 2 diff machines to look at how they respond
I took a break
to clear the mind of the dde
but if you get time and load it and look its going to be a very clen desktop also
dde = qt based and budgie = gnome3 based
no time
maintaining new features
is the biggest costs
development is nice
so well what new features working on
but when you start to provide things, users will start to asks why this and that
AR-200 [Story] "Improving Desktop images" reported by Igor Pecovnik at 2020-04-04. Status: To Do
is a project for several months
there is lots of work and we can't work on this every day
I am working to look at making a armbian-dde-theme pkg
what would have icons and wallpaper and sounds
yes and a script or list of packages needed to be installed on top of CLI
and keeping this best possible & functional
yeah like we have to replace the 1 file for vesioning
I had to look at budgie as it is officialy supported by debian and ubuntu where dde is not
and probably more, like tweaking lightdm
seems getting input from dde group is a little harder the budgie .
but I will have time for both as I have 6 months of free time
so its going to be a good thing to work on this
so 1 more thing / question
have you looked at downsizing the project to just basic desktop build and leave the rest or is the goal a full working desktop ?
just asking
full working desktop
<rneese "but I will have time for both as"> well-fare?
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just was looking at goal and how to make it not kill us all
Hi, my cubietruck running armbian is not booting (via SD from SATA) any more. Watching the boot process via uart gives me the following error: "Ramdisk image is corrupt or invalid" Any recommendations?
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igore we need a img for the lightdm login
I am going to use their lightdm-there to build ours
but we need a img tou want for the login screen
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bootcorruption: focal?
rneeese: use lightdm tweaks from current build. ignore colors
IgorPec: buster
hmm, well it could also happen there ... cat /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf | grep COMPRESS=
if there is lz4 then this is the problem
which could be changed with update ... but also possible - sd card media corruption
IgorPec: sadly it is gzip. Suspecting sd corrpution as well. I have created a secondary card and changed the armbianEnv.txt uuid to match the hdd. This leads me to "Give root password for maintenance"
IgorPec does that sound like filesystem damage on the hdd to you? I did backup the hdd with dd, ran badblocks (without errors) and then pushed the dd image back to the disk. so in theory it should be ok.
initrd is on sd card
well, dd is not checking what it writes
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its good when media is 100% perfect
IgorPec: how would you proceed? is there a way to create a clean new sd card and tell it to boot the os from the hdd, besides just changing the uuid?
changing the UUID for kernel para and fstab
for keeping safe upgrade /boot of your SD card must be mounted to /boot
IgorPec: do you mean fstab on hdd or sd? do you know where i can change the kernel para(meters?) I guess the mounting of the sd is also done via fstab then?
IgorPec: if I am taking up too much of your time, let me know then I will do a reinstall. Thanks for the project btw!
rootfs is on HDD so there you change fstab
boot is your SD card, UUID kernel parameter change there
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IgorPec: you are the best! it works now. I did not change any kernel parameter uuid however. you do not mean the rootdev uuid right?
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thanks again! have a good evening!
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