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Werner: nice!
yeah that's the easy button
I want the pbp
lanefu, you have a video of your build on a pbp
i would like to see the pbp add touch screen
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rneese: no video make i'll do one
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ok where can I find the t4 dtb file
I need to see if it has the edp port in it
rneese: do you have any x86 boxes?
like setting up armbian builder for that board and going through the resulting patched source would be the most accurate way to get what you're looking ofr
reading the build system to see where it dl the srcss from
I will have to get vb running I guess
I might just get a droplet on digital ocean going
to build and figure this out
man digital ocean is getting expensive
what enviroment you need and how much resources
I mean if y ou just compiling on a 1-2 cpu vm maybe I could give something temp but if your using like 18 core server or something.. not so much, lol
just enough to compile the build and get edp port working
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2 CPUs adn 2 gigs ram is plenty to kick the tires
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although actually let me follow-up on a promise
rneese: you ever figure out your key situation
it wont let you convert on windows
I tried
I wiash they had a tool to do it
this is why I am about to give up windows on the laptop
when you create a key with puttgen, it shows the openssh format in the clipboard
but I use windows because I do alot of eagle cad
ok 1 min
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I dont see it
it says public key for phrasing into openssh
@TonyMac_32 (Thomas McKahan): @Avnet Thanks for the reply. I'm hoping to spend a little time seeing how this fits with the Armbian build system as that is my preferred distro for SBC's, if your team wants to consider an alternative with some community engagement. (24s ago)
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ok hmmm it looks like the eDSP support is in the build
but wounderig if its the wrong one
as I set then env in the bootloader but still no edp port
so IgorPec is this on the master branch or is there a specific branch
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ok got it sorry missed the new repo
yeah, it will be there until we get it operational to some degree
probably you can try adding dde there ?
thats what I am going to do
I just cloned the repo
great. expect troubles :)
its armbian lol
its something what will eventually become
like at the min I can not get the edp port to come to life on the t4
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edp is not armbian support
that's purely optional / best effort stage
its in the uboot
i never dug into edp
just I was likking at building a small laptop witht he edp display I have
i know what you are telling me ... have you checked pinebook?
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ahh ok
they might enable it there?
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I will have to look at it further
this is just a hunch. i don't know
i see int in the kernel and the bootloader as selected
so I know it builds the modules
well let me go add my desktop build into this new builder
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the only thing is still adding in the repo
or did you mirror it yet
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ok now comes one issue IgorPec for the full install custom flags
like --include-recommends
else I have to go back some and look at dde and refigure all the pkgs
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Hi folks! Sorry to barge into the channel with a question, but I've spent days googling an issue and would really appreciate some help or clarification! I'm trying to use the BananaPro board with Armbian mainline, and I can't seem to get any video out on the HDMI. The video works fine on Bananian (3.14 kernel). Am I right to assume there is no HDMI
video output on the latest kernels? I am relatively familiar with Linux, but only on x86 and don't know much about ARM boards.. Thanks for your help!
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IgorPec, you have a min
He may but it's going to cost you!
lol well I am looking at the files for ubuntu dde
Today I saw a dishwasher in wifi scan results .It has AP or something like that in it. Imagine that...
My colegue and I had some jokes a while ago and he said how constumers want that code runs on everything, I said if it can't run in a washing machine it's crap. Who knew that time will actually come.
lol....LG or samsung had like a fridge with a built in android tablet
i'm like.. man that's not gonna be so great in 5 years
lol man
it has come!
botnets running in a fridges, washing machines, dishwashers...
it's going to be fun, you're right lanefu
Any advice would be appreciated re: HDMI output on BananaPro. Or if you could perhaps direct me to a resource where I could learn more? The documentation implies it's supported, but I'm wondering if there is something that I don't know that is "common knowledge" so to speak.
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Nothing is more fun than the weird BSP root exploits like the ones on a bunch of older Allwinner BSPs where if you could get access as a user you could then echo "1" into a system file and magically you were root...
just imagine whats in those appliances
I suspect linux with a lot of security holes.
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Those industries don't think about security, if it works it works, enough for them, lets sell it.
They rush it.
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less than that
they get the original garbage SDK and only change the company name and some very minimal assets in the config then without any review they compile, package and ship
you give them too much credit actually think they look through the software at all
but you are right I think on the sentiment "If it works it works"
yea, because it does, they would be very happy to see it work after frustration over config files...
That's win for them right there.
you're right [TheBug]
And, usually, after the starting selling products they usually stop support.
after they start*
or there is no support at all.
they simply build out those types of business with about 6 months of budget for support, if they cna't make X by 6 months they slowly let go support staff / start ignoring support -- thats pretty much story for a lot of the various IP camera manufacturers
or should we say, reproducers
as most are just the same things in a new shell
Yeah, they earn some bucks and dissapear because support costs money.
Or code mantinence.
code maintenance? Whats that? Just get our new version!
it runs a 6 month newer SDK and its "secure"
are they arm based devices
those companies don't develope their own software is the point
they all just roll same bulk SDK
at least in IP camera market in this example
rneese: probably they are if you think on ip cameras.
risc or arm
It's going to be scary when iot becomes normal.
News headline: A group of dishwashers are hacking pentagon!
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Our washing machines have best firewalls!
How to protect your toaster from cyber criminals?
The day you wake up and you find your out of bread and there is a bunch of stale toast sitting onthe counter
s/your/you're s/onthe/on the
[TheBug] meant to say: The day you wake up and you find you're s out of bread and there is a bunch of stale toast sitting onthe counter
well, I talk about Stella emulator. it runs fine in Xorg with lima driver, but not directly with SDL
I always wanted to have some dedicated emulator machine
maybe someone can help, wait few weeks maybe you get lucky.
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yeah, I know, I can do it when I install some Retropie distro
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there are some smart guys here, stick around...
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yes, there are, Armbian is great project
it is.
well libreelec and retropi were made the way they were on purpose to remove a lot of the Linux requirements and basically provide a minimal image -- it would seem maybe using a LibreELEC / RetroPi image may be a good starting point and then modify for your use case
as the integration may already be done for you
Though saying that I am not sure if LibreELEC is just setup with VPU access or actual GPU access
Libreelec is just Kodi, I think
All those RetriPie distros are fine, until I update then
well thats gonna be true on any hardware when you move to new software
always bugs and growing pains unfortunately
it is still not easy to have clean Armbian with working SDL2 apps without some RetroPie mess
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those images are more made to be drop in replaced than updated in place
maybe better to come up with a script for cleaning the image to your needs
and then each time you want to upgrade, get new image and run your script against
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did anybody there build toolkit for armbian build from sources?
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Heisath: noted, tnx for update
@InnerJason (Jason Marshall): As of yesterday, k3s-ansible should now be working on #Armbian devices 🎉. #kubernetes #k3s (14s ago)
now? does it means it not work before?
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yes, that's what he said nekomancer[m].
it didin't work before now.
"now" when he posted that on tweeter.
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