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archetech: back on the N2 as a desktop running bullseye
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how does i stop my device from changing the mac each time it booties?
n e l ?
agrisis do you know
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Anyone have an RockPi 4c and managed to get Mini-DP working?
I have tried a couple adapters now without success
including an active adapter
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I've only seen mini-DP working on the Tinker Edge R using the Rockchip kernel
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<Manouchehri "this is the difference between t"> Dafuq? Throw away that power supply asap
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which is preparing build system ... if you can start from the actual image to build up a destkop, namely we want to start with kde plasma and gnome4
that would help a lot. armbian-config way is a way to make it simpler, apt install , user creation (if not exisint) ... such things are the same for all desktops
yeah I was looking at the armbian-config on basic img and having ti install configure x and the desktop . but being able to select a build is also nice
so I see bth sides
yeah, on the build side we are looking to build a package which contains package relations, blobs like wallpaper and config adustements
making a package selection is one task, then see what need adjustements, special attenetion ...
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since currently we don't have any armbian-gnome3 package, this can be done with armbian-config ... and when we are ready with build system, this is replace with a single package. That's the idea
so your not just using the default arm64 built pkgs
btw. you got access to jira so you can add comment there? myy is lead of this part so he should be most up2date
we are using default packages, just meta package is ours
like current armbian-bionic-desktop
and probably there will be some that we will build and maintain extra
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ok I will read over all this and pick it up
as I just loaded a base load but want to install the deepin so I have to work on it
thanks for time
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u welcome
what's really the max safe temp I can leave my pine64 at?
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Ntemis: Is that at the point where damage will happen?
> 70c
if you use armbian, board will be powered off in case of going over
critical temp
ah okay, I'll try running a stress test and see what happens
you should get there
since throttling kicks in
that is failsafe feature
or should
should not :) sorry
a64 cpu is very old and well supported
question, if I plug in a phone without a hub, will the USB power draw cause the system to be unstable, or will it only give as much power as it actually can do safely?
at 69C :P
IgorPec: just hit 71.6C
you sure you didn't mean 80C lol?
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check A64 white papers
i don't recall what is top temp for this particular chip
H3 for example, can operate up to 100
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I didn't realise overheating was an issue
Some people put holes into their boxes heh
nothing different than in x86 world
In x86 world you need huge fans with big heatsinks
actually here this is much less problematic
but you have high performace chips which needs cooling and those that doesn't need anything
There were times when you needed smaller fans on x86 cpus
30y ago ?:)
But now even the stock Intel and AMD fans are pretty huge
Not so long ago hehe
AMD uses cooler master Fans
stock cooler are crap
for normal operations, they are enough ofc
Yes and people put fans that take up the whole width of the case just to keep the system relatively cool
With arm cpus it is not so crazy
i have a huge case and coolers are probably just 2mm from the edge
Oh wow
huge cooler = less noise
Is it nice and silent?
Have you heard about the coil whine mod that some people use?
Unless ofc your customs are corrupt and the give special favours to some companies
And to some they don't give those protections
they don't do that
for companies its ok
only end user have to pay
if company is end user it has to pay ofc
Do the companies deduct the taxes?
So they pay the taxes still
it depends
But pay less taxes at the end of the year
companies have more space to manipulate then a person
he has no choice, he has to pay
which brings us back. end users have troubles ordering anything but rpi
Odroid is south Korean?
rpi = 35 + delivery anywhere in EU
They make really nice boards but they're pricey too
you can't be better and cheaper then rpi at the same time
Do you know who doesn't have to pay any taxes?
Drug dealers :D
yeah, i watch "Drugs inc" yesterday on NatGeo
The shady guy in a very dark corner told me that this is a fact
But this is how Al Capone got caught actually
he said, i earn 30.000 USD per year with my legit work
and 1.2 mio with selling drugs
Yes but it is too risky
You are from Holland right?
nope, slovenia
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Ahh what a shame
our druglords are small :)
The Dutch have legal cannabis
And no hard borders in the EU
yeah, it was popular to go there .. back in the day
But now people are just selling sbcs on the street corners
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* emOne
whispers. Hey would you like to get an sbc.. But shhh quiet
I remember in Spain there were sellers from Africa
Maybe 20 years ago
They had these tables that they were wearing on the body
They were selling belts, purses, sunglasses, sports shoes and other stuff
All fake
Instead of Adidas you could buy adibas
yeah, i have seen that in italy but not around here
but like 10y ago
When the policr came they would quickly run
sure, its 100% mobile shop
But I always wondered why they would change the spelling of the brands
because that goes trought customs
If they would get caught I am sure they would get punished anyway
Also because it's a second count of infringement to use their registered symbols / marks
just making a knock off is one thing
you try to sell it as the original thats another
adidas fakes are burned, adibas is something else, genuine chines brand perhaps :)
I am sure customs don't care if it is a fake Adidas or a fake Adidas that is spelled Adibas
Unless customs are corrupt
corruption is embedded into the system
customs is just carriong out the law
they are destroying fakes, while adibas is not fake
But if I make an iPhone that looks exactly like an iPhone
But I will change the brand to a pear instead of an apple
The person selling the mislabled knock-off will have less counts against them than the one trying to sell the one with legit logos and marks as well the company it's self if it choose cane decide to sue you in civil court for damages to their brand
everything has levels to it and different consquences
bug the lawyer :)
They would still win even if it is spelled Adibas but the design of the shoe is exactly the same
armchair lawyer
"arm"chair lawywer
har har
That's a good one
hehe, yeah. but customs is not that precise
It is 100% corruption
I guarantee it
they are just officials which are trying not to break the law. they should - at least in theory - not pick sides
western society has corruption in the hearth of the system
especially US, EU not that much yet
The customs decided together with these sellers from Africa that they will leave them alone for money... The weirdly spelled brands are an alibi for the customs
Not the sellers
no, those just got lucky
there are tons of such merchendize comming
and their earning could be much much bigger then selling the original
either that or something is tyrying to initialize the device before that happens
nothing is suspicious
like lvm
i suspect qemu
A glitch in the matrix
why would lvm or mdamd have anything here?
well in your case probably shouldn't but mdadm and lvm can be part of the bring up in initramfs
AR-425 [Bug] "Resize message doesn't disappear even file system is already expanded" reported by Igor Pecovnik at 2020-09-10. Status: To Do
AR-425 [Bug] "Resize message doesn't disappear even file system is already expanded" reported by Igor Pecovnik at 2020-09-10. Status: To Do
weird probably semi unrelated example
if you ever have a drive you pulled from a raid that still had the mdadm raid information on it
it happens everywhere
you will end up with a populated md device with 1 drive
i know, but here we create new device
and it would then consider the drive 'in use'
maybe partprobe before making the changes?
I honestly don't know what the code looks like so am spit balling
How much is a Slovenian prepaid sim card with Internet?
You know they have free roaming in Europe now
no idea, probably between5 - 10 EUR
Sorry off topic. Let's chat about that later
no problem :)
What are you trying to do?
Why are you getting the error?
why we don't know
ohh I just learned something new and am reviewing that error is all
was gonna ask a question but answered it, sorry
no. i am also doing one experiment which might tell me something
parted /dev/sdb mkpart primary ext3 1 100% -- i didn't realize you could use parted like this to elevate a partition, I always use loop devices