Werner changed the topic of #armbian to: armbian - Linux for ARM development boards | www.armbian.com | Github: github.com/armbian | Commits: #armbian-commits | Forums Feed: #armbian-rss | Type 'help' for help | Logs: -> irc.armbian.com
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archetech_: what desktop do you have running on your n2 right now?
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ha i figurd out what's missing with the armbian-ramlog rotate
systemd-journald isnt getting cleaned up
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lanefu: tobetter gnome
is that with X and mainline and panfrost?
no its wland on mali-non-free
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can google his repo
i googled a while back and had trouble finding it
but sounds too progressive for me anyway
yeah git tobetter is hard work
first result
what are you cogitating over
pop his repo into armbian buildr and out wil come a working armbian gnome wayalnd on bullseye
witha few post build commands
bulls or focal
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Is there a way to change kernel command line?
like in armbianEnv.txt
so if you just need to add aparamter
or two
youncan add a line to armbian env like
if you look at boot.cmd you should see where it places that
ok I finally *just* understood what armbianEnv is doing, it's arguments per line
I kind of figured but talked myself out of it earlier
hmm, are you aware of how to disable agetty
archetech_: yeah but which repo
R0b0t1`: is that a systemed unit or no?
sorry, I mainly use openrc, total mind blank on where it'd be
yeah so you should be able to systemctl disable serial-getty@blah
its mainly his kernel uboot and config repos that matter
fr home page there
lanefu: turns out I need to mask it because disable does not actually disable things
enable/disable add to default runtime target, unit can still be pulled in by something else
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people still here
I found my issue
I need to disable the serial console output
I tried console=display but it still puts stuff to serial port
received a MaaXBoard Mini today, want to play with having an M4 do things in realtime while Linux does HMI/advanced interface stuff
looks nice, vendor image booted right up, and the default login is root
sooo, that will get some people into trouble possibly
complete 4.14 and u-boot 2018.something sources
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Tonymac_32: looks interesting. is a schematic available? i'm curious about the pinout on those cream colored "SAI expansion connectiors" on the center of the board. I checked the product brief and it doesn't seem to be mentioned
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Wundervollen Samstag!
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You're really working on the forum, Werner. Nice
I had some ideas
Something is weird with the torrents... it just stopps downloading after a while
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Heisath, do you want an irc bouncer and/or project affiliation cloak?
sure. What does the bouncer do?
It is kind a proxy between you and the irc server to effectively hide your origin and keeps the connection to the irc server intact to grab messages you usually miss when being offline
they simply replay once you reconnect. Same goes for queries
ok, then only the cloak please.
maintainer or contributor? What fits better?
Contributor as in code or money? :D
code. Money would be donator :P
But since you are in the board-marvell group...
contributor is better then. I mainly help maintain mvebu but gprovost is the maintainer
or maintainer? I dont really care tbh
Okay, I reach out to freenode to get this done.
make it maintainer. I dont really add new feature.
I don't think the wording needs to be taken that that literally ;)
oh btw. I will be attending the irc meeting next saturday.
Regarding clubs feature: I noticed the CLUBS header gets all uppercase once you click on it.
Click on subscriptions too
Guess the creator of the theme liked that behaviour...
oooh all the other links lead to other sides - thats why I never realised.
man I wish we had a dark theme for the forum
Me too. TRS-80 had one but probably locally adjusted via js
yeah i looked into that briefly, but then i realized how much i hate fiddling with browser hacks
i'll make a jira ticket
we can dream
i need to catch up on all the moderation threads.... so is a club like a subforum
Yeah but a stronger separation from the main forums
That is actually the server part. The client did not run too well due to graphical arthefacts.
armbianhelper is sick
fosshost has major outtage with the node running our services
Seems to be network/carrier related, the server is probably fine but simply no connection
internet is hard
Cannot download the theme even logged in. I guess the account must be connected to an actual active purchase of the forums software.
they they run a tight $hip
I know years ago it was possible to link multiple accounts to a purchase so others have a chance do dig through addons and themes and such. Maybe Invision supports this too but have to wait for IgorPec to check that.
they're based in Virginia, maybe i can just go bang on the guys door
The faster you do that the faster we get the dark theme :P
okay should only take me 3 hours to get there
* lanefu
will do anything for the users
ha ha
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hi and bye
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werner: i am having some troubles with irc
fosshost has major outtage
irc services and bouncers are hosted there
\whois stipa
ok, forum upgrade?
do it!
If you wanna do it now go ahead
lanefu: do we have some database backup established?
* lanefu
i thought you had a script for that
i have, but i would need to rework it a bit
Btw after the forums upgrade AR-446 could be fixed too =)
or add privileged database user
* IgorPec
is going to do manual backup ...
* lanefu
making new jira ticket
* Werner
grabbing something to drink
ok a rum and coke
while oyur at it
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ok trying to get the edp display
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ArmbianHelper: Hey buddy welcome back
working to get the edp wrking now
II have a 11 inch edp screen
at that
* IgorPec
pressed forum upgrade
* Werner
* lanefu
waiting for page
* IgorPec
hopes ...
Grab the dark theme meanwhile :P
now fixing it :()
well, it was a huge upgrade ... so its nice that it works
The themes may need some love
theme must be upgraded first ... working on that
theme is added, "Haze" but needs to be customized with
our logo, colors, etc. also all plugins are disabled
werner: will you try to modify "haze" theme based on our current? I'll check other stuff
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I can try
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IgorPec, when you build the rk3399 kernel does it have support for edp in it
no idea
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is there a config file I can review
I am working to get a edp screen working
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rneese: kernel config?
easiest way to see whats in place is `zcat /proc/config.gz`
lanefu: if you want to try some old commercial game demos the easy way you can use game-data-packager
ok, i will do deep theme hack now
you check other stuff
lanefu: just install with apt and then run game-data-packager -i quake3
jock: whoa
jock: is that on ubuntu and debian?
lanefu: ubuntu sure, but I think it's a debian package
lanefu: apt-cache show says: Original-Maintainer: Debian Games Team <pkg-games-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org>
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jock: woohoo its on deb!
OMG wtf!!! lanefu chillout young man
you might have a stroke
Some colors should be adjusted later on. topic tags are hard to read with the current set
Also the green round follow button looks kind a funny
Topic tags and Profile / Message Buttons in the upper right
I'll wait until Igor finished
And grab something to eat in the meantime :P
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man i've been wanting quake3 forever
lol ok
not a gamer here sorry
but cool
ha so i'm not a gamer... quake3 was my peak of gamer-ing
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there was 1 game I played that you where on a island and had to solve puzzles
and there was 4 diff levels
Myst saga
Myst, Riven, Revelations, exile, end of ages
if I could get them again and have them workon linux I would play again
I will have to build a x85 based gaming system
lanefu: several old AAA games have been open sourced in the past, it was funny to see games like Quake (I, II and III), Revolt, Jedi Knight and others running full-hd on 5 Watt devices
lanefu, they have a live demo for the dark theme: https://invisionfocus.de/forums/ select STRIKEFORCE theme at the bottom
i gutta get my mesa libs built right i guess
just playing via brute force on my N2
Werner: tried it. not bad
I like it too
the one header font is a little off for armbian,, but maybe we can tune that?
anyway works for me
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Fonts should be tunable
man i'm totally living my Armbian values...
sitting here using my N2 as a desktop, and my pinebook pro as a laptop
sex, drugs and kernel builds?
close enough :P
so my hillariously unfair comparison is that armbian-xfce on my N2 is faster than PopOS! on the RockPi X
There has to be a winner
yeah btw glamor driver is working fine with n2
youtube and mpv work fine
Um... the acp just broke for me?
i did it probably
cache need to be deleted probably
i only updated one plugin and it ended in this state
ok, i have some other stuff to do, you can dig in
Prefixes are broken
The CSRF protection key did not match. This may indicate a plugin or theme is out of date
I dont know
let me see this
Try to edit any prefix in acp
Lets hope the author updates the advanced tags & prefixes...
yeah, its outdated
let me check if plugi is disabled
to werner :)
forum fine tuning
Yeah, they are tags now
is this acceptable usage?
I still hope there will be an update for the application. Also because it was quite expensive...
i am thinking htere is something in the bootloade to load the edp
yeah, that's why forum upgrades are stressful :)
igore looks like we have to enable edp in theubootoader
<lanefu "man I wish we had a dark theme f"> I just use extensions to browsers and easy have "dark themes" ewerywhere I want. "dark reader" in firefox and "night mode pro" in chromium.
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Maybe take the colors from armbian-ng. looking better imho
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Is there some theme caching involved? I feel like editing a value and nothing happens. Cloud not find a matching setting though.
Werner: ahh yeah.. there should be a taskin the admin panel for dealing iwth cache
Oh well...Kind a sucks when you have to poke around to find a specific font color or similar you want to change by try'n'error and have to wipe that stuff every time...
if ur using mainline you need to enable edp in uboot, as its not enabled by default. whether or not that's all you need to do, that I don't know.
Werner: front-end development sucks
Could be better if there were a simple "rebuild cache" function like vbulletin had ten years ago
Werner: let me try 1 dumb thing
I'd try the following now: I adopt all color and possible settings from Armbian NG to Haze (similar but overall better looking), then you do your cache thing and hope it fixes everything.
* lanefu
done trying stuff
let me know and i'll do cache thing
Aight lets do that then. Stick around for a few minutes
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lanefu, okay, do it
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on armbian is there a way to set boot load options
and why the the serial console not taking txt input
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Werner: complete
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Still looks like garbage :/
werner: which thing is doing you problems?
IgorPec, when you open your profile you have two tabs: Activity and about me. Latter is barely readable but I cannot find the matching color setting. 2ndly the featured/pin button symbol contrast is quite bad
i am getting fatal error when clicking on some profile
need to be updated. but i just lock out for 15 min :)
If you know how to fix that already it is good
i don't expect to solve all problems today and/or without dealing with forum support forums
In the meantime I'll go stick with ArmbianNG theme which has a visual defect too (search bar is misplaced) look'n'feel is better than with the new haze.
solving bugs in forum is not our job
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ok the dbg port/uart port is not allowing input on the t4 boards
I can plug on to the port wtch the boot
but no interaction
alco no interaction with usb kbd
how else can i set env varitable for uboot
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rneese: TTL serial
I can watch the boot
but I went throu 6 usb ttl connectors they all do the same
"Aerohive Networks is now a part of Extreme Networks". omg. so traumatic experience with that vendor
they can rx but not tx to console
Hm now something has changed. Maybe a cache rebuild has hit? Did not fix anything though. Weird behavior..
I need to set some uboot env setting to enable the edp port
nekomancer[m]: ha yeah... gonna be managing them by hand w/o controller.. my buddy has scripts n stuff
Cache seems to be broken or not fully functional. Activity stream shows me a topic that needs approval which already has been dealt with half an hour ago.
Werner: let me shutoff memached
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* nekomancer[m]
sees on amazon "from EUR 414.67"
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even with a usb kbd on the t4 its not allowing me to stop the boot
rneese: yeah you probably need to use serial console
the console is a serial console
but your talking pins on the 40 pin
still have to use ttl to conver
is tthere not file to set env setting
for uboot ?
each u-boot has its own settings
we usually don't touch it unless necessary - with a patch
wich uboot you using
the one defined in boot script
don't know
the issue is enablining a edp port
Werner: caching disabled now
has to be done in uboot
Pending approval is still there
yeah - i would say its few days of work, not just enabling :)
now I have to dig
Werner: let me do more rituals standby
digging now to see what uboot is used
werner: names 2 avatar updated
IgorPec, I just disabled that plugin because we do not use it anyways. Users without avatar have generic image
well, updated seems to work
not seeing pics, but at least its not crashing profiles
its just fustrating even with a usb kbd i can not stop the u-boot
ok back ltr'
you should be able
Ah n2a was name to avatar. Well now it makes sense.
Werner: okay i've scrubbed and restarted _everything_
its not on the t4 like there is no usb kbd support
Did not help :/. Seems to be an issue with iv itself
probably not enabled in u-boot ... huh, i don't recall for rk3399 how we did it
well it seems the console and usb both
serial console must work
i did it again
IgorPec: are you able to get/install the "redis extension" for invision?
where is it?
well I can see the console output but no input
serial console acts as read-only if you have mistake with some pin connection
3 pins
like ground instead rx
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rx tx gnd
IgorPec: lol damn it. the admin page isn't rendering right now
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yeah, i clicked update of one app and it ended this way
yeah broken again
check it again. rx→tx, tx→rx
it happen again. some caching problem i would say
Must be invision internal caching then since memcached is disabled now (?)
leave memcached as is
this is know problem
but previous had some "clean cache"
k i made a backup :)
would explain the still as approval pending topic as well as the non-changing colors from the theme
don't panic :) we will solve this
The clean cache plugin does not work anymore
I tried it
Button does not show up
yeah, that's what i was talking about
it must be some manual workarond -> their forums
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Rollback to 4.4 would be a last option though. Not much lost at this time.
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no, we don't have that option
we are paying for support
for engine and theme.
no upgrade so far went without troubles
and with no uprage problems were solved in one day.
Which actually should but I guess I expect too much