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@TonyMac_32 (Thomas McKahan): @AC13101795 @armbian @kobol_io The biggest issue so far has been USB3 and enough big cores to actually compete with the XU4 in general computing scenarios. And software support. The XU4 "Just Works", which can't be said for most of the applicable competition. (24s ago)
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hi, where is kernel source again?
ok armbian-config
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hmmm, they stripped out the boot order from the u-boot config and want it in the device tree, that might be my problem
(got started late tonight, day job needs me to instrument a car with some custom sensors, since I can't use our building (Covid precautions), I was using the living room, had tro clean up before the wife got too upset. :P
* Tonymac32
doesn't need work from home to be a more hostile environment
Which uboot has boot order relocated
I think all of them, they removed the boot order from the hardcoded sources and put it in the dtb
the u-boot I'm compiling loads up just fine, but initramfs can't find a file system to continue booting
MMC Device 0 not found
no mmc device at slot 0
switch to partitions #0, OK
mmc1 is current device
Scanning mmc 1:1...
Found U-Boot script /boot/boot.scr
this is u-boot 2020.07
I'm using that uboot rev on both the rock64 and renegade and it seems to boot ok.
I don't think the problem is with the u-boot itself
it loads the kernel just fine, I think our boot script might have something going on for Rockchip 32-bit that worked with the old patched u-boot
investigating, anyway
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I pulled the kernel source from armbian-conf and built it while enabling the gadget USB drivers (device mode)
I can't see anythin on /sys/class/udc on my rockpro64
But I see things in /sys/bus/platform/drivers/dwc3
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@armbian (armbian): @TonyMac_32 Its written in https://t.co/VJ0RbNQvMs Perhaps not that straightforward? Anyway, my @picotech Picoscope would also love to run on @armbian (24s ago)
@TonyMac_32 (Thomas McKahan): @armbian @picotech I know that was a stated concern about moving to Linux in general a few years ago, but it looks like ARM is a supported platform for Mono. My only other wish is to specify samples per second like a normal scope... https://t.co/bFItMB0ukp (12s ago)
@armbian (armbian): @TonyMac_32 @picotech I hope they will hear this and make ARCH=arm64 :) (23s ago)
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@Nosluop56 (George P): Another OS to test out on the amazing @thepine64 #pinebookpro. So far I've tried @ManjaroLinuxARM, @armbian and next up is @debian. Thanks guys for the best laptop experience ever ๐๐๐ https://t.co/7ALmJZT2lo (8s ago)
"the best laptop experience ever
the best EVER?! Has this man never owned another laptop? Thats a claim that needs some stats and pictures to back it up :Z lol
[TheBug] meant to say: the best EVER?! Has this person never owned another laptop? Thats a claim that needs some stats and pictures to back it up :Z lol
yeah thats a bit dramatic
its probably the best new $200-$300 laptop for nerds
well I got it all workign thus far for deepin desktop enviroment
I dont get why the default browser is firefox and not chromium
@martinlentink (martin lentink ๐งท ๐ช๐บ): @Nosluop56 @thepine64 @ManjaroLinuxARM @armbian @debian Don't forget to try out Ayufan's Ubuntu Focal. I use the Gnome version of it as a daily driver. Very smooth. (28s ago)
pine64 is a ok laptop but still needs some work I have tested both versions and they both had heat issues and performance issues as they also had ssd issues
@Nosluop56 (George P): @martinlentink @thepine64 @ManjaroLinuxARM @armbian @debian Thanks for the tip @martinlentink. It's now on my list ๐ (2s ago)
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what is the best linux python ide ?
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rneese_: i'm pretty sure pycharm is for linux.. but probably not for arm
best bet is to find an unofficial vscode port.. or use like vim with python-mode plugin
or atom yadda yadda
rneese_: don't have forum link handy.. but google started not trusting chromium for account logins.. so we made firefox default and pulled chromium
building a img with things I would like to see as defaults. and then going to work on the builder for it
well I am looking at the deepin-browser now also as part of deepin install
AR-399 [Task] "Improve Pinebook PRO support" reported by Igor Pecovnik at 2020-08-10. Status: In Progress
well I have deepin working
lanefu: I would be curious to know the comparison between the amount of user who would rather have video work in their browser vs be able to 'login to Google'.. though it is quite silly to me the VAST differences in usability between them in regards to video procesing power when it comes down to it -- firefox is usually a joke at it.
but its got a small issue I have to figure out and slim login manager
thus far its very clean
man i've been using firefox on my n2 and pinebook pro
and it's totally fucking fine
i can do casual youtube
it works
but is casual "full screen, 1080p"?
or 360/480p windowed
windowed is casual... but when i've done fullscreen, it's been tolerable
"tolerable" varies from person to person would be my supposition
I am workign with a friendlyarm pct4 and thus far its been a nice little board and a 128 gig nvme ssd
rneese_: ever had any motivation to test it out with a m.2 to PCIe x4 adapter with a sata card for a NAS? The RockPi 4c seems to perform quite well at it -- if you had any interest in a NAS it would probably work quite well -- been thinking about getting a NanoPC T4 and testing as well
the t4 has the nvme2 socket on the bottom of the board
and so far I use bktrfs
no issues
but at the min I am building out the deepin install and looking for issues
I wish they would get brave-browser ported to arm64
i'd even take edge at this poin tlol
when this is done if anyone wisshes to test it and let me know i will post a sd img with a default account
hmm edge for linux
@lq_feed (LinuxQuestions Feed): LXer: Armbian 20.08 Released with Initial Support for Rock Pi E, Odroid N2+ and Helios64 https://t.co/Zn1zzLTeEd (3s ago)
I have a n2+ on order this will be good
I just wish the n2+ had nvme
nmve should be default on most new boards
pcie plumbing is harder.. and then booting is harder than emmc from a SoC perspective
..as far as why ou dont see more of it
as far as why ou dont see more of it [en~>eng]
the emmc is nice but I have had so many fail
lol i guess i'm just easy on my stuff
well its my job to be hard on the boards and test units to the point of failure ..
but so far nvme has been no isse and I guess a sata ssd would be ok
well I will build a script to install everything I installed and then people can test and report issues till we find the 1 bug I have on the screen
but it might be driver related
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standard ssd dock and usb3 will give 300+ MB/s on an N2
plenty for me
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will have to look at the dock . I like hardkernel they make great boards
and the n2+ with the nvme dock should make for great desktops
I just hope they release a 8 gig version
I think 8gig would = a intell 16 gig
can that SoC do 8 gig?
oh wow
the new pi is 8 gig
so once I get the n2+ I will have to get the nvme plugonn
ssd is it sata or nvme
well I have to say the deepin desktop is nice
and I like it way more then xfce
just have to get it fully tested on multi boards
I would also like to see a 18650 battery backup for the n2+ so that you can have it running even when the power goes down
gicing it time to run a auto shutdown and poweroff for protection
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yeah i'd never even heard of it
so you're working on a deepin install script?
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at the min I use the default img with xfce but workign on the fix for the builder
and for armbian config so you can select the desktop when you install the desktop o n a base img
so I am worting out pkgs at the min and getting the install done right
So on my RockPro64 I get no /sys/class/udc/* nodes and am unable to find the DWC3 kernel module for device-mode USB
<lanefu> can that SoC do 8 gig? -- it isn't a matter of can it do it, it's a matter of which OS you are using -- the RPi uses a hack really where at least you can utilize the memory in 4GB chunks I believe in 64bit enviroment
if I recall correctly your not gonna have a single progam using that 8gb at once
well there are multi os's now for the pi boards not just raspbian
not sure how n2 is handling it, but I would also assume the need for a 64bit OS to make any real use of that much memory
and most of the armbian installs are 64 bit now days
so at this point a few thigns I am hunting down like the deep in pkg manager
and some other part sbut for the most part its workign on the t4
but it needs some cleaning and configuring . I like it also wow
anyone have a system they are willing to install dde and test with even on a sd
at the min this looks to be a ubuntu setup as it seems debian has its own installer for deepin
[TheBug]: sounds like PAE from back in the day
yeah currently no 32bit FS for 64bit armbian.. but it's actually a goal to support long term
hm, so... i have an... interesting situation with one of my nanopct4's
i upgraded it earlier from 20.02.1 to 20.08.2
the /boot shows vmlinuz of 5.8.6, /lib/modules only lists 5.8.6-rockchip64... after multiple reboots and even a cold boot... uname -r returns.... 5.4.20-rockchip64
I am using sd at the min as I test build
for the dde install
it looks like it uses rockchip as the dtb for it is updated for 5.8.x build
might be a dtb issue in the t4 dtb
i think... it's because the emmc and sdcard have the same blkid - i looked on a hunch, and the emmc definitely has 5.4.20 installed, i just have no idea how it's reading from emmc and then booting from sdcard... while still loading modules just fine
well I am using sd only and nothing is installed on the emmc or the ssd they are blank
and I still get the same issue
I am boooting from sd onlu
but your uname -r isn't returning 5.4 ?
i don't think we're seeing the same issue then, mine is showing the incorrect kernel version (which like i said, i think i've tracked down to somehow it's loading the kernel from emmc but then booting from sdcard)
on the t4 did you wipe the emmc
so its blank
or are you dual booting
no, not wiping the emmc, i just chrooted into it and updated it too. at some point i'll switch back to using the emmc, but i'm probably going back to 4.4 because i simply can't get the nvme to work on mainline kernels, always get a link training time out
it's grepping the dmesg output, it's not going to show anything different
and you get the same issue on both boards
they're both 4GB boards
ok hmmm
i suppose at some point i could try to find the time to patch the 500ms timeout to 1000ms
to see if longer time helps
ok join the #friendly elec irc channel
it looks like your boards might be failing
how old are they
i doubt they're failing... if that were the case, the 4.4 kernel wouldn't work or would be flaky as well
and honestly... no idea how old they are... i've definitely had them for "a few years"
ok going to lab to boot a 4.4 img
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hi I'm unsure why my USB device mode controller isn't showing up on a rockpro64
I checked kernel config for custom kernel from the armbian-config source
libcomposite is there as a module, but no dwc3 modules
there's only dwc2_pci
the kernel config options for dual mode dwc2 and dwc3 are set, and USB is actually working
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steev: my unsolicted feedback on sdcards is the 64gig and up Samsung Evo Selects (green) from amazon
the 64 gig ones are waaaaaay faster than the 32gig
i've stopped buying small cards just because speed is better on larger
lanefu: the issue isn't sdcard, it's nvme
it was unsocilited lol
lol, fwiw those are the ones i use :)
hehe.. nice
yeah i havent used any nvme's
i'm behind hte times
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i havnen't either :P
if I could figure out this display issue the install would rock
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i'm pretty bummed about nvidea buying arm
i hope that's okay to express here
but... the silver lining is that most of the core armbian-devs have a ton of capital coming their way
then all will tink POWER!!!
at first i had a negative reaction, but now i'm indifferenet
like.. what' sthe negative impact gonna be... all the cheap SoC manufacturers already suck at open source
then they will suck as nvidia.
now its been so long I have to recall how to make x start at boot with the greeter
lol then I can do more testing
yeah sbc's with 960M gpu's for $50 thats bad
looks like the dde issue might be the topbar app
will take ~2yrs min for any new products so meh carry on
there was another FPU being made to replace arm I forget the name
ok I found the issue its the windows effect setting
once turned off the system works like it should
but I now have a built system for t4 based on my install so now have to clean it up some and figure out whats missing
well seems there are some issues .grumble logout is not working on arm
lanefu: how so? the cpu stuff is still open source, even with nvidia... it's just the gpus that aren't... just like mali currently
yeah the CPU's are... but there's just a lot of supporting pieces to make a SoC usable that are mainly open source because of the community reverse engineeering
seeing powervr there always makes me giggle when i see risc-v talking about pairing with one
I wish we had a woring risc-v board and ported armbian to it
would love to see performance
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I really think it's overhyped honestly. I love the idea, but it's *just another core* in any sense other than open platform
ok for mailclient what is the preef geary/slypheed/evolution ?
I'll hands down buy one if it's available and not some crypto shitters trying to pawn off failed experiments
Tonymac32 meant to say: I'll hands down buy one if it's available and not some crypto entrepreneurs trying to pawn off failed experiments
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gmail :P
rneese_: i'm old so i still prefer mutt
man i miss mutt, but email is just to rich these days
hey i am 51 and I miss pine
and i'm not principled enough to fight through it
if i get an html email, it goes in the trash
see above
admittedly, most of my email usage is kernel mailing lists :)
or the gentoo bug tracker
ha yeah remember when pico was a thing
pico now = nano
was nano a full clone? or a fork
i remember it was a license issue way back
well i have to figure out why the reboot/logout/shutdown/lock fuctions in the install are not working
thats the only issue I have found
everything else is working great
anyone get steam working on arm yet ?
* lanefu
is more of a server ethusiast
i feel like there's some sort of steam client working with RPI
ok what is the best tool for automount/eject so when i install a usb it list it on the desktop and in file manager
but man... sounds like a stretch and a half to make work with mainline linux on arm
(less popular SBCs) that is
just a thought
but I do have to figure out whinehq as there is 1 app I need
nextion screen editor
yeah that'll probably involve using qemu-x86 emulation too
what's nextion
its a screen you upload a compiled img and it runs it