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did a fresh pull from git repository last night, is_dev_usb_generic error with the patch seems to be resolved building for Lime A64
parttial build on top of partial build on top of partial build on the same pull probably broke something
lanefu, what about bullseye other day
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20 TB of HDD's showed up at my house today, someday I will get my Helios64 delivered :P
My legendarily hacked up 4 bay setup is getting really long in the tooth
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Armbian Focal Kernel 5.8.y no audio via hdmi for Odroid C4, any fix?
Miltos: have you tried 5.8.5 or 5.8.7?
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did anyone?
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My pine book pro is coming this week. That will be a distraction
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Hi Miltos, that's one of the boards I don't have unfortunately.
hi everybody...question...first boot goes great over serial console. create root password and user account, get to command prompt and shutdown gracefully....reboot, and after starting the kernel, output to serial port ceases (assuming kicking over to display)
trying to figure out the best way to continue output to the serial console....can I do it on first boot when I have the command prompt? or do I need to change something in kernel configuration?
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archetech: i just thought youd be proud of me
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for using my N2 with bullseye lol
find any issues?
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been pretty good for me so far
got latest kernel?
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DigitalMan1983: you should be able to force the console output to serial adding console=/dev/ttySx in /boot/armbianEnv.txt (ttySx should be the UART you want to use as console). In alternative you can also set extraargs=console=/dev/ttySx,115200 again in /boot/armbianEnv.txt to append the string that follows extraargs= to the kernel command line
archetech: 5.8.8
i realized our boot.ini is wwrong for video settings.... hdmimode= isnt supported need to use video=
ok so how did you get that kernel? upgrade or built it in?
built it
yeah means ya got the right u-boot/dtb with it. mine wont upgrade
even witha u-boot upgrade
prolly some diff somewhere with n2 vs plus
ill build a new image soon
@ComputingNl7 (NL7 Computing): armbianmonitor web interface in the next short video I will show you , how it works and the installation of the tool. ;) until this follow me here and on youtube! https://t.co/KuyCY10XPn #armbian #Linux #orangepi #raspberrypi #HowTo #tutorial #Tutorials #networking #technology https://t.co/4kw2jSi6Pa (22s ago)
good evening, FVI armbian 20.08.1 Focal DT / 5.8.5-meson64 odroidc2 boots into DT, hdmi sound ok, BUT usb hotplug is broken :(
(Bionic didnt boot into DT)
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odroid c4 kernel 5.8.5 no audio checked!
dummy output instead...
any hdmi fix?
no fix. known issue see forums
unfortunately I don't have this board, I think Neil Armstrong put the support into the system, so Bay Libre should be aware of the problem
try odroid-alsa for ubu?
works on n2
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ok I will odroid-alsa and let you know <archtech>
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