Werner changed the topic of #armbian to: armbian - Linux for ARM development boards | www.armbian.com | Github: github.com/armbian | Commits: #armbian-commits | Forums Feed: #armbian-rss | Type 'help' for help | Logs: -> irc.armbian.com
IgorPec, Just curios. Have you ever played with the "clubs" feature of the forums?
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Crude merging of tutorials, hardware hacks and reviews is done. All topics left in research I'll do manual decision.
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no, haven't open any clubs
not sure if our forum needs any
its like outsourcing forum managament for some group if i understand properly
Me neither. I am still thinking about if there is a way how this feature could be useful. Not found one yet.
we don't neet to use a feature just because its there :)
Correct, that is why I did not activate it yet since I do not have a proper plan how it could be useful :P
yeah. perhaps try to get some assistance in managing forum. now you just came from vacations, its no problem, but what when you don't have time
CyberManifest has joined #armbian
From what I have seen in the last few weeks it is actually not that bad. Most of the time spent was for figuring out ideas. Leave that aside the rest is done in no time.
sure, but as you can see people need a loooot of time to react on proposals. if
i see, there is another update on forum sw version
Yeah true. It is still fine to give no opinion on something though.
Yeah they bumped minor to .3
we could try with update ... i will do manual backup just right before we start in case things collapses
The only reason to do it atm would be to get rid of the nag screen ;D
no opinion is also good somotimes, yeah :)
just close it
you and me are the only one seeing it
If comes back every 24h
lane probably see it as well
lets try to do this in sunday evening
lane too, yes
I will not be there sunday evening.
You can still upgrade if you want
ok, then i will try. anyway you can't help much in case it crashes
True. I'll catch up with the new stuff the day after then
once i had to take their support
Is it useful?
Werner meant to say: Was it useful?
ofc. before i would find the cause of the problem i would waste days, they knew how to fix straight away
i don't know how forum function. they do. its like our build script ... sources are there, but even I have to think sometimes
how to deal with this and that problem. not to mention if kernel or u-boot is in question
Yeah sure. Was just curios if they actually know their way around or it is just nice-to-look-at
Some support is not worth calling it "support".
well, we can't conclude nothing out of one case
perhaps i got lucky
but overall i would say you can find people that will help you fix troubles
I think now is a good time for brewing a 2nd cup of coffee.
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Hi, I have a rather stupid question. I'm looking for good arm64 quick assembly reference card. There are a few ones I like, but there it's not that obvious that for example stp also writes back the pointer offsset to the corresponding register.
gilarelli has joined #armbian
hi all :)
I've joined the chat as I cannot post on the forum as my account is too young (I think) - is it the right place to ask for help or should I wait to be able to post on the forum ?
New accounts are limited functionality by default to avoid spam/abuse. First posting needs manual approve.
Whats your nick in forums?
gilarelli too
Aight, I'll look into it
oh ok - thx !
Your account is alright. You probably hitting the 24h limit at the moment.
I was just surprised, although I never planned to buy RPI
why would we waste time and energy for it?
This karmbian project started to work on rpi support but they never delivered any update on their repository.
oh, I see
rpi userbase is also in general very immature / newbie which is very costly to support
so they are basically closed source?
I just read their support is quite good
rpi runs linux inside closed sourced VM
rpi is a propriatery video player by design with added ARM cores
I see
millions don't :)
and don't care as well
just read that RPI is much easier to work with as some video player etc
other boards require more skills to install and configure
also they have a lot of OS available
RPi has only half a dozen boards to deal with and have hundreds of developers. Armbian has hundreds of boards to deal with but just half a dozen of developers :P
RPI is for newbies :)
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When are we going to se SBC's made by Armbian project?
I by my limited knowledge don't have a clue where those boards could be used, especially the blue one?
this is the latest version
blue one - on each connector you attach SD card
So multi sd cards at the same time?
its 8x emulated SD card - you burn OS, boot the board and listen to UART
in fact the SD cards are on the PCB
so actually just switching them on / off / burn
so that the process of testing can be fully automatised
and its generic
I had a feeling it's somehing for development of software and debugging Armbian uses.
yeah, not for end usage defenetly
Because it's something you don't see often.
its a software development tool
that saves us a lot of time
and time is the most expensive resource
werner: i like the idea
What? lost track
which you are experimenting
I see
The tv boxes forums is a mess and i hate these insanely long threads. Very unclear
werner: to move tv boxes there
Thanks IgorPec for the explanation.
This way we dont waste forum space for tv boxes but still everything is nicely clear
u welcome. even i know this not very in detail, i was not designing it
I understan, it's a huge thing.
also i talked with balbes few days ago ... he is trying to cut down support
since its insane lots of request for this and that hw which is very hard to support
I was waiting for the point when it gets too much for him to handle... Already offered help as far as possible
yes, its amazing that how much he hangles
i would not withstand that
If you have passion for something.... ^^
i know, but you hit the limit one day
burnout is actually one of the biggest dangers for projects as such
if not the biggest
At least for me, even though I get older, I hope I won't get burned out from these forums any time soon. Doing this is kind a kindergarten compared to the stuff I did a decade ago.
true. one have to keep that not all day is filled doing this
when you wake up in the middle of the night and worrying about some things about that ... :)
then its not a good sign
Yeah. But it is good to know to have something to fill gaps before start doing something stupid ;)
Hm I had a member here that did not get promoted from validation to member properly. Had enough days and postings...
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Burnout is sick stuff, if it doesen't damage nerves for a week or so you're good as new till the next one.
It's a common thing nowdays.
It's just a sign you need to rest for a few deay.
few days*
But it's a standard employers expect nowdays, if you break the'll just hire someone else.
break = go mad
recovery can be much longer if you don't pay attention
yeah, so its good to know limits
Yeah, just know the limits nad say NO.
well, in case if OSS project, where people doesn't have bosses ... one can burn out without having a boss
if there are deadlines I guess yes.
Dadline is a boss in that case :D
mainly there are not, just there is usually so much to do
Informatin overload
also that
Today people make posts just to make them, to be in a feed, and it's complete crap. It's crap overload.
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Nice. Topics can be moved from/to clubs/forums
Interesting. Guests should not have access to clubs but the rss feed seems to have...
clubs can't be open?
Sure they can. I just noticed that the bot accounts a topic I created in a club which he should not be able to read
Just a minor issue
Crowdfunding can be disabled I guess? Forum uses subscriptions
that's different thing
when we will collect for server
for example
users doesn't see it anyway
Yeah it is not in active use, that is why I asked
aha, yeah it can be disabled
for the opening of tvboxes club we should at least discuss with a few people that are making things there
Of course.
so just prepare it, but not do any moving
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Had no intention to simply do anything to the forums until there was some talking
AR-230 [Story] "Decide what to do with TVboxes" reported by Igor Pecovnik at 2020-05-04. Status: In Progress
bug is around, hi
what do you think?
I think I need coffee
Will do
* IgorPec
cooks coffee for bug :)
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I have put my two cents below AR-230
AR-230 [Story] "Decide what to do with TVboxes" reported by Igor Pecovnik at 2020-05-04. Status: In Progress
Werner: hope is with storage issues resolved we will be much more able to actually find people to help and directly support boxes who have time -- having a specific forum/club to get those people involved in would be a good idea -- though I would hope the goal would be to better support boxes, not edge towards removing any of the existing support that is there
armbian doesn't official add any special support - tv boxes receive generic part - at least officially
there are few people active in there and those are the one to aks
moving things under the club just makes a line of where official support ends stronger.
yeah, but I like idea of club or whatever to get people together on those topics
but yeah, since we have more capacity at least we can do something. it doesn't costs much if anything extra
balbes stuff is already at users.armbian.com
and more can be done
[thebug] perhaps just notify people that you were talking about tvboxes or open / add to forum that we have some discussioin prior
for sure, will have to look into making a club as he mentioned and invite all those who want to participate to there
If I got that correctly club creation and mostly everything related to is open to everyone in the mentioned groups that have access to the feature atm. Will be restricted later of course.
beta.armbian.com seems to be down
i see
we shut down dl.armbian.com yesterday and beta was also there but we forget about :)
well, lanefu figured that out just before getting to bed actually
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beta seems back online but using the wrong certificate. Using archive.armbian.com
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woohoo kernel 5.8.11 is otu now
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yes, i had to rebuild one corrupted image
also did you know the Focal desktop image is about a gig larger than the bullseye desktop image
nope, wtf?
ubuntu bloat
i havent looked to see if we have any different packages in our config
new desktop should have "remove packages definition"
they probably attach all sorts of garbage to some basic desktop elements
i never really pay much attention to that
yeah i hadnt either
been using bullseye because i think it's mesa is newer out of hte box
also i feel cooler using it
how is this pinebooky ? usable yet
btw does EXTRAWIFI provide any special drivers for the apack wifi stuff? or is is just realtek
what is pbpro using?
ampack 6256
we don't touch those drivers
anyway it's super usable once you put the new uboot on it
i'm haivng some intermitten wifi problems downstairs.. which is weird as i have an AP nearby
but upstairs its fine
why don't we just use that u-boot?
cuz i'm too dumb to figure out how to set it up
right. well, perhaps lets wait for piter
currently he is out on some vacations
i can try to look into later
man i want some vacations
oh, me too
i spent my vacation money on new air conditionign
probably still need to do a weekend at beach at least
i am probably done with this kind of vaca for this yeat
year. just some offline time would also do
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yeah i'll be back in garage soon have some new car projects coming
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so now next issue igore is getting the ubc on the t4 to be a video port to add a 2nd screen
I dont know if a hdmi spliter would work to get dual display but I want to get 2 displays working
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hello, how do you recompile one of the kernels provided with Armbian, natively on aarch64? i've tried Armbian build with compile.sh KERNEL_ONLY=yes, but it does not allow to compile on native aarch64?!
is it absolutely necessary to own x86 and have virtualization set up on it to recompile Armbian kernel?
but what's the point? why does compile.sh blocks native compilation?
it not block
it just builded around x64 cross compilation toolkits
[ error ] ERROR in function prepare_host [ general.sh:935 ]
[ error ] Running this tool on non x86-x64 build host in not supported
sorry for pasting
it can be replaced with native envirounment. but somebody have to do that work.
ironicaly yesterday I invest some hour to that. but failed — too complicated for me.
you welcome to try.
maybe you will success
and can submit solution to community
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uh, fact is i have -j32 x86 sitting right beside me running archlinux, but 1) i don't even have virtualization support built into the kernel 2) it's not debian, so i can't follow compile.sh requirements
this frustrates me as i could build the kernel on aarch64 in 30-40 minutes and move on
thats nice but because we support so many different boards and have to recompile things very often, it requires more horsepower so most of our work is done and compiled on x86 for that reason.
As such all our tools are setup in that way in our build tool.
i've had a quick look at the shell scripts of armbian build, but it looks a bit too compilicated for my sh skills
you can git clone kernel sources you need, git clone armbina repository, then take patches from armian repo and manualy apply it to kernel sources.
Maybe one day someone will donate one of those nice ARM servers with 24-48 cores and we can do it natively
then just run kernel compilation, as usual — make menuconfig; make and so on
[TheBug]: don't get me wrong, building all the armbian stuff on fast x86 seems reasonable, but blocking the way to do a simple kernel rebuild? weird
nekomancer[m]: i could do it, but i would prefer to end up with .dpkg with all the deps, pre and post install scripts as they were designed by armbian people
nekomancer[m]: to make matters worse it's been decades since i had the skills with apt/dpkg
somebody have to do that. not yet.
funny thing is i just wanted to have a look (and possibly cross-patch solution from different branches) at the meson (odroid n2) lack of sound problem :)
run it on aws or digital ocean
you will pay for it about 1€
wouldn't this take away the satisfaction of solving the problem yourself? ;) i think i'll dig into compile.sh a little more
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maybe it's time to 'man sh' and improve my shell scripting
nologin: i would also like to see native compiling but i am affraid rework script brings a lot of work and still some parts will not be able compile natively without poking into the source code, especially into some weird old u-boot code
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the reason why we have more compilers and not just one is because its 100x more cheaper to add another compiler then fixing old code
also kernel compilation on the board itself its only one step from complete
@press5 (Jessica Litwin): @_r00k_ @joshobrien77 @kobol_io 1. decide on a boot method 2. install armbian 3. configure whatever services / raid you want 4. the wiki will probably have a sample monitoring script to run the front panel fault light based on mdraid output, you can of course write your own 5. forget it until a disk MTBF's out (9s ago)
it stops on "now there need a way to use gcc aarch64 linux native toolkit and point to it"
I just not found such toolkit as single bundle
IgorPec: thanks, but is u-boot even necessary? i have it already in place and i just need a modified kernel
nekomancer[m]: thanks, i'll have a look
its not about what do you need ;) our tool build complete image from sources, below u-boot, u-boot, kernel, rootfs from packages ...
IgorPec: i get it, the moment i had a first look at armbian build it came to me it's meant to built the whole distro, u-boot, kernel etc.
but i belive we can push it toward native building, especially for modern mainline kernel and u-boot
good to hear
the bad part is that we have no resources
to do any major changes or to add more. we currently started major rfc of the desktop part and this will take months to complete
i'm not into debian/ubuntu distros but after a couple days with Armbian i admit it's comfortable
now if we say we want native suppoort. nice, but things has to be troughully inspected, a plan has to be made, allocate people and start the work
central point of armbian is a build system
we choose debian on the user end just for the sake of comodity, large userbase
personal preferences
port the build system to use arch
well, it would certainoly be possible
ubuntu and debian are dead
just need few arch folks with deeper know-how and strong wish to do that
all this is the same sh* it you ask me
lol just yanking your chain IgorPec
yeah. i really don't care how thin is called ... i need this and that application and all are present in arch, debian, fedora, ...
how many people are involved in the core Armbian development on a day to day basis?
cool, how often do you release updates? does it take long for a new kernel dpkg to go public? i mean as long as the patches don't need any modifications
* [TheBug]
<IgorPec> Linus the greatest dedided -- you got me laughing
so for the 3 months period you stick with one kernel version?
it depends
but mainly yes
major version
its a bit different model - we have legacy - current - dev
ok, seen the kernel flavours before
so you can stay a bit behind, fresh or fully latest. but since we add enormous list of patches
though it looks like current=dev on meson
@press5 (Jessica Litwin): @_r00k_ @joshobrien77 @kobol_io that's what had me interested in the synology, "look ma, a thing i can just plug disks into" but then i saw what was actually involved in *using* it and opted for helios instead. it doesn't get simpler than armbian -> mdraid -> samba -> done (29s ago)
things can be much different / better then generic distro kernels
current = dev sometimes yes
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nologin: should be able to build natively from our kernel source deb package, right?
that builder creates
lanefu: i've tried that yet i must have messed up my deb-src entry as it did not work
lanefu: what would be the correct deb-src to fetch armbian source packages?
"Aliases provide a convenient way for naive users to create shorthands for commands without having to learn how to create functions with arguments."
naive users? lol
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nologin: I look for "can I build toolchain myself".
IgorPec: have you considered make instead of bash scripts for build system? just curious
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nologin: hmm our source debs look like they're missing
did yours download okay?
nologin: like i said before. compilation on the board is not completed task - packaging is missing
* lanefu
nologin: we have no plans to blow millions on the build script
lanefu: download went fine
compilation should also work. i did several tests ...
stipa: if you get their pcie expansion board, you can easily buy a 20$ adapter cable from mpcie to pcie x2 or x4 and place a normal sized pcie card in it or you can put cards that fit the actual mPCIe form factor in their, supposedly mPCIe sata cards will work for example for other peripherals you would just have to make sure it is compat
only deal I guess with adapter cables to PCIE is they need external power and depending on your usecase might not be adventagous
i did not try compilation yet, i was looking for .deb packaging files
i guess i'm not supposed to just throw built kernel image and modules into the system like we did it slackware days
you could, but that's not the way
this part of the code has to be translated to some script
i'm reading through your scripts and was just looking at compilation-prepare.sh, compilation.sh was next in the queue :)
"pack_armbian_kernel" ... and you will get standard debs which you install
we produced a lot of code since the day one :)
it amazes me how you stick to typing all the codes escape codes instead of using variables or something :)
*color escape codes
probably copy / paste was faster. where did you spot that?
neat idea with the ncurses dialog though
compile.sh has a bunch of these
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i'm by no means shell expert
I didin't know it is possible to go from minipcie to PICE again. What I want is to stick minipcie wifi card into that dapter that goes from PCIE on the opi 4 board with ribbon cable to the small board with minipcie. So it is possible. Thank you [TheBug]
aha, compile.sh is a call script where we have no support from libraries
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its by purpose
i see
compile.sh builds docker or runs nativels
its early stage of preparation
what are the advantages of building with docker?
that you can build on any linux
am i right thinking it's a debian running on a VM?
docker is not virtualization
you have dedicated userland
Docker is chroot on steriods
you still need 64bit Linux
but i heard it also works on WSL2
so like running different userspace on the same kernel at the same time?
yes, kind of
Kind of exactly lol
ok :)
* lanefu
shuts up
haha :)
so if you are a Fedora person and you want to build Armbian, no problem
Or if you don't want to clog your system with a bunch of toolchains and packages. Instead it's all in a container image
maybe i should give all the novelties a try one day
do it. things as such helps a lot
been hearing about this docker thing for a while
but it would be fun to install it on a modern machine again ;)
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i was just thinking about the days of single core CPUs, when no one thought about running another userland concurrently because it was out of the question on present hardware :)
present-day hardware i mean
now even runnnig docker on SBC is something completly normal
on those with 1C is not recomended :)
btw checkout linuxserver.io for containers that run on x64 and arm,arm64
we've come far and quick from assembly writen software to this
who knows what future will bring.
"serverless" and it sucks
Hmm, serverless, it looks to me like everything there is with a fancy gui.
and automated networks
it's modular and powerful
but extremely segmented, abstracted and difficult to troubleshoot
no tcpdump to find quick answers :P
At least it's simple when it works.
bunch of bloatware.
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