Werner changed the topic of #armbian to: armbian - Linux for ARM development boards | www.armbian.com | Github: github.com/armbian | Commits: #armbian-commits | Forums Feed: #armbian-rss | Development Talk: #armbian-devel | Type 'help' for help | Logs: -> irc.armbian.com
can somebody comment: did commit author on a github receive notification when I add a comment to line of commit?
Not on pull request, but already finished commit
the commit would be on your tree only till you send pr
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rneese: no. I am talking about not my tree.
and not my commit
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@pixline (Paolo T.): First official @LiquidsoapMedia arm64 .deb packages! Thanks guys! Works like a charm on RockPro64 w/Armbian: load is minimal even working with FLAC files, AAC encoding and SRT output. ❤️ https://t.co/V97LLf787p (21s ago)
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Hi hi new to the arm world of computing. I got a Rock64 right now. What should I expect in terms of gl or gles support?
just try an image
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ubuntu bionic mainline does not seem to have a hardware gl driver enabled
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nekomancer[m]: you can comment, but it can be hard to find after notification. Personally I think it's best to just raise an issue referencing the line of code
exit70[m]: short answer. No. Longer answer armbian focuses on mainline kernels and accelerated desktop with mainline has historically been immature. Usually have to do your own work to configure that stuff
I see. Would bsp kernel version have the support then?
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BSP with armbian? .. it may with some of the images for allwinner H3 SoCs but usually we dont have the blobs for Mali etc
Okay I see
lanefu: I have new sdcard that got encrypt locked by by phone I switched roms and lost the key
can I get this carrd to work again
tried win/lin formatters no go
just drop it.
archetech: dm me
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@sahajsarup (Sahaj Sarup @ home): @armbian Sick. That would've been my dream workstation back in the day. I remember drooling over dual socket Asus Workstation motherboards back in the day. Now everything's a chiplet 🙄 (10s ago)
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Good morning
Hi Werner
Hey Lane. Little late at your place, isn't it?
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good morning
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good morning
IgorPec, morning. You may want to auth yourself to nickserv somewhen since our node at fosshost needed restart yesterday
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@armbian (armbian): @davidnburgess @lucyhattersley @ubuntu @Raspberry_Pi @canakit @argon_forty @SiliconPowerEN @Sabrent Solid for @Raspberry_Pi :) while FYI competition from @IloveRockchip have roughly 1000 Mbps or "one terabyte per second" - better R/W speed: https://t.co/UNX6ayMYoo Two years ago! Measurements: https://t.co/NQhg4cHo1h (8s ago)
which I didn't notice till I was just digging at it
then t4?
I guess the NanoPC T4 has only lpddr3
yeah, that's possible
I wonder
the M4v2 is lpddr4 isn't it?
its 2 years older
i think so
I actually would like to know how much memory speed effects rk3399
it depends
what you will od
well obviously it doesn't hold rneese back
IgorPec: not like I need the T4 atm but I did get 2 RockPi 4c and if I use both for replacing EBin then maybe nice to have a rk3399 to mess with for media.. but seems RockPi 4c is likely faster and cheaper at this point
waiting for them to arrive, hopefully this week
but I have heard rneese gloatins about how fast the T4 is as a desktop and I know he did some awesome work on the desktop so probably is a nice experience there
anyways when is it coming to RockPi 4c :D gonna have to get me a m.2 drive to test out I guess and see what performance is there
that said
I did get emmc for the new boards
so I wonder what emmc performance will be like also
lanefu: pinebook thros out E: [mergetrust] filter_elf ./build/rk3399/debug/bl31/bl31.elf file failed merge failed! ... not sure if I made this with https://github.com/armbian/build/pull/2266 or this is from before?
with a usb3 to nvme the n2 will beat that easily
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1.4 Tbps via USB3 ?: )
Isn't USB3 rated for 5Gbit?
no the thegpu will give it the perceivable improvemnt
g52 vs t860
RAW io speed has nothing to do with MALI
tmaurice has joined #armbian
desktop will certainly run faster in overall, but the base of the q is SSD speed
bummer for Amlogic is absence of PCI
lol raw viewable speed from hdd sint whats seen the n2 can do ~350mb/s over its usb
yeah, like RPi4
so 350 vs 3500 isnt the thing ya see
rk3399 goes 1400mb/s
if it was 30 mb vs 3000 then yeah I/o becomes seen
Around 3000 must be memory speed :)
soon as pfrsot is ready we can do a set of benches
why? we know s922 is faster
but its IO is junk
cuz you think i/o is the important part
no, i don't think. I know it is
ok we shall see
since it always depends what you will do
im taling desktop speed not nas
you are talking about speed that interest you
like explaining computers video
yes but that link is about desktop
that link is about SSD speed
but video is about desktop performance, yes
Check #shortdemo of currently fastest #armbian (desktop) experience.
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first sentence
i didn't have other demo regarding SSD speed
its a real demonstration, how ssd can boosts desktop
like loading application speed
not 3d renedring or playing video
which is the only point of your interest
and I say at 350 mb bs 3500mb of nvme its not gonna act that diff just due to that
you are wrong
tmaurice has joined #armbian
try and see
3500mb is memory speed of those boards
so if you have nvme that runs that fast, you have extended memory
nvme reads info ~3500mb/s
good ones like samsung
then T4 can have 2TB of memory
not very fast compared to desktop standard, but compared to Rpi4
or 4TB or 8TB dunnon which is the biggest nvme ssd you can buy
ofc app loading would be better but the video is just wackin around in the apps after theyre loaded thats all gpu
snappy windows etc
yes, its slower but its not sloppy
it runs pretty decent on rk3399, but once again, s922 is faster
plus theres the temp diffs
we all know that
its good for certain tasks
35c for n2 3399 runs hot
i can hook 8tb nvme drive that runs fast and hot like hell. Can youi do the same ? :)
dont need it for de use
of course not
im just glad I got the n2 not the 3399 for de use
i got both of them
they were both ~$80
price for playing with does not matter
80 or 75 or 59 or 101
i wont even respond to that
80 is alot of money for a hobby sbc
i don't argue that.
did you see the new odroid nas?
you got a good DE performer
the best
you know what i think about USB connections?
they suck?
don't they?
but nevertheless its an interesting device
usb-c 3.2 does theoret 10 gb/s though
havent seen that on many sbc's
3.2 goes 10gb/s
tested on laptop
the HC-4
but the problem is that its nvme ssd drive - since its some low power eco friendly - barely swallos that
I like it
its usb
just faster
connectors are just crap
also speaking of usb ... i am doing many experiments with USB connected multi gb NIC
either way idk who among you are armbian maintainers but thanks for doing that btw, thats an amazing distro
so systemd ends up retruning 1 instead of 0
thanks buZz
so yeah newer versions of systemd make allowences for it
not the ones in backports lanefu apparently
so technically it's up to debian and ubuntu to backport the fix
tmaurice: its from your own link ;)
tmaurice: yeah when i mentioned backport i to worke don bullseye i think.. or maybe focal
buZz: I know :p
and I looked into seeing if you can mask the capability.. but from what i can see that's more a task-orietned thing
lanefu: thats ok no worries i wondered if someone had a straightforward fix
and there's not like a kernel flag you can pass
I can wait for the backports
I configured my nanopi r1 manually
tmaurice: eyah there's just not a straightforard fix.. it's either user older kernel, or find newer systemd unfortunately
i manage a bunch of armbian boxes with ansible so i def feel your pain
fuck old kernels tho
lanefu: in a hobby or pro fashion ?
cause for me it is just my homelab so it is ok if it is kill
yeah this pertains to my homelab.... it's not a more widespread issue.. because most distros aren't running such a new kernel
so really only like x86 fedora people... and maybe some exotic cloud images are coming accross the issue where they have a new kernel and and old enough systemd
I was actually amazed that armbian offered such a recent kernel tbh
but then poor fools like us
even my laptop does not run that recent one
yeah -edge with ubuntu is like what.. 5.4?
Linux thonkpad 5.4.0-52-generic #57-Ubuntu SMP Thu Oct 15 10:57:00 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
tmaurice: so if yo're using ansible just for starting services.. the service still starts
just systemd lets you down
so you could try the ignore_errors flag as a sloppy workaround
yeah I just commented out the service directive
and pulled a bunch of cables to reboot lel
but yeah i have a bunch of different SBCS running armbian at home running hashistack
and i with ansible
but I am trying to automate my home network with a bunch of boxes, using networkd, wg and shit so it is a bit annoying not to be able to interact with svcs
s/i /i manage/
lanefu meant to say: and i managewith ansible
but once again thats fine
I asked out of curiosity and laziness
and a bit of despair
* tmaurice
casually drinks a pint of his own tears
but thanks for the input lanefu
worst case I will reinstall the r1 on something like openwrt or some shit
also after you upgraded to a recent systemd did you have reboot issues ? Like reboots hanging to the point you have to cut power to make it restart ?
lanefu: dope thanks <4
hmmm.. don't remember.. i need to get back to looking at that stuff.. i'd just left things running lol
lanefu, you need to get all the pinbook stuff pushed into desktop
I wish I didnt reset my lab
so that we can get building and testing
some of hte amlogic SoCs get a little goofy about restarts
i dont want any excuses yong man
rneese: you didnt happen to assign any jira tickets to me did ya
I have a workaround with an arduino + relay board but i mean thats not the best
i have not touched jira
i have been streamlining desktops
so we have 2 builds for each desktop where we can
tmaurice: lol.. yeah i may have that here and there
tmaurice: do you play with tasmota firmware at all?
a basic works and functions and then a full no holds barred all mdules for the desktop installed
lanefu: newp whats that ?
popular firmware for esp8266 based devices for doing cloudless IoT
we are also working on a few desktops to rm ubuntu specigic pkgs where we can
TIL about it is it like Blynk type of things ?
tmaurice: kinda yes?
allow me to do a google then
this is relevant to my interests
looks pretty cool
tmaurice: sorry in advance
gateway drug
I usually write my own firmwares from scratch tho
so we have Budgie/Cinnamon/Deepin/Enlightenment/Lxde/Lxqt/Gnome/Kde/Kde-Plasma/Mate/XFCE
since I never do anything super complex
rneese: i'll ping you on dev channel in a min
right now lanefu I'm more about fucking around on the network side with a few r1/r2s
systemd makes me cry on a daily basis. It’s terrible to interact with programmatically.
tmaurice: nice.. what kind o fnetwork stuff are you doing
Mainly trying to setup some ospf route sharing between my flat and a mobile network AP (the nanopi r1) so I can access all my flat's stuff using the r1
the trick is that I have to use vxlan over wireguard to get multicast + security when the r1 is pluged on an untrusted nw
oh cool.. well if you end up managing ospf with ansible.. send me a link
I'll then do some bgp shit for my devel k8s cluster using metallb
lanefu: I'll probably resort to simple templating of the /etc/frr files
@RzrFreeFr (https://mastodon.social/@rzr): https://t.co/tDNQLyyBlz #armbian issue with #LinuxKernel 5.8.11-sunxi : [739125.127181] Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 00000194 ; "sun4i_hdmi_audio_destroy" , uptime is 15 days and system is still surviving https://t.co/EFGvBeo8NS (13s ago)
the hardest part IMO is to make the vxlan over wireguard working
I'll likely make a blogpost about it because im kinda proud of myself
yeah do you have to setup a bridge for that?
so essentially
You have the WG interface that allows a vxlan, then you create a bridge, create the vxlan then make the vxlan slave to the bridge
it takes 3 interfaces to make it work lmao
it took me a whole afternoon and a shit ton of tcpdump to make it work
yeah def share that blog post
I will when I write it :)
that is a bit nasty
but interesting
tmaurice: also save your soul and use hashicorp nomad instead of k8s
I use k8s in my day job so I am very familiar with it :p
I think however I use all of the other hashicorp stuff tho
Vault <3
yeah.. i use k8s in $dayjob too.. can confirm k8s is terrible
why ?
k8s is fine
I mean it works
if you like to shit yaml
just chains and chains of confusing manifests... sketchy helm repos and other moving targets
dealing with using kustomize now
tbh I especially like the abstractions that will work on every cloud provider
like loadbalancers/storage classes and so on
helm is a PITA tho
yeah..anyway.. there's def a lot of good reasons for using k8s
but if you're just running stateless miroservices... it's waaay overkill
tbh i use it because thats the one I know the best
I used to use mesos for the same reason
yeah but I use stateful stuff
with ceph/rook for the volumes
on my NUCs
SRE life
I'm actually a SRE
Sight Reliability Engineer lol
Software Roughly Engineered*
keesj has joined #armbian
same.. well consultant. but i brand myself as Sre vs devops
same shit tbh
I used to be a production engineer
Stupidly Reversed Engineered
yet an other word to tell the same thing
"some dude that cries when servers break"
those terminologies are bs
I Downloaded the focal image for the Odroid C2 ( Armbian_20.08.1_Odroidc2_focal_current_5.8.5_desktop.img ) and dd'ed it to an sdcard , no automount stuff or anything) , The serial now shows "LOOP:1A;EMMC:800;NAND:81;SD?:0;SD:0;READ:0;CHK:1F;USB:8;" e.g. can't really find a bootable device (Used the board before using the same good power supply and the same sdcard , just an other distro
* buZz
guesses you need to upgrade bootloader first
keesj: for dd you need commercial amrbian contract
'we only support etcher'
which includes personal explanation why dd sucks :)
keesj: sure you dd'd it to the card, and not to a partition on the card?
'we only support etcher--but don't use etcher it has adware'
Net147 has joined #armbian
nobody uses etcher
usbimager does the trick
period :)
yes I do
yes, nobody
i use dd, but verfify what was sent to destination
I have etcher on my linux laptop
* lanefu
uses etcher when maging from mac
the Focal v.s. Buster also took me some time to find the find manual. I had a good armbian experiance with th XU4 this week and hopes to .. have the same with the C2
ok back tp pkg work
keesj: if you don't know what you have written to the SD card ... nobody will help you
does the C2 have internal NAND / emmc or something similar (where I would be able to find / flash a bootloader?)
no, just use a tool that verifies writing
I have written Armbian_20.08.1_Odroidc2_focal_current_5.8.5_desktop.img to the sdcard and checked that the SD card contains a file system afterwards
I have been doing embedded development for the last 15 year just saying....
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if you didn't check what you write on SD card, you are wasting time. We will not do anything about until you repeat the process by checking if target is identical to the image. What if there is a part of SD card - where is the bootloader located - broken?
I will do the echter thingy. I just think (thanks for the link) that .. I don't appeciate how I was recieved. I did show I did some work and indeed anyway.. I will try installing a $RANDOM binary on my system and follow the route .
I hope it works :P
from my perspective - you didn't follow our instruction. You did what you was used to do.
and we place instructions, because you are 100% using my private time when asking for support
I see your point. I downloaded the image and then was going for the install but I expect a dd in the documentation on how to install and indeed did not want to wacth youtube and read a lot of stuff.
I am doing lots of open source stuff myself willing to fix stuff. If you want to see me/treat as l(user) wanting "support" you are free do so.
this open source stuff take 10h of my time per day
I see. I have been earning good money on doing / using open source and am not (normally) spending so many hours on something I really like unless I really enjoy it
its not enjoyable helping people that doesn't read. Don't take it personal, because most of them don't
laziness is not really something I easy tolerate
support is problematic it costs us enormous amount of money
and time
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Idea is quite usefull amd I am migratin away from Olimex A10's because I do no longer want to maintain the distro (looking indeed for something I can install on an embedded device and run for longer time) I estimate the armbian is a good choice
keesj: you normally dont like things you enjoy?
or you dont enjoy things you like
or did i misread that sentence :P
keesj: fyi, plain debian should work totally fine on a A10 board
I am no going into a user / supporter relationship for running an os on a device. I might support (money wise) the support of a target I might find relevant but quite frankly if $$$ gets involved it usually means a unhelthy relationship
hmm .. I do things I like or at least I will not do things I don't enjoy on the week-end (and most of the time also not during work actually I enjoy a lot of things)
tbh, donating money to armbian wont guarantee your platform/target will remain implemented :)
keesj: no need to support the project. You can just abuse it like everone else. But cover the time you just wasted. Will that be fair?
buZz: it was a few month ago, doing debootstrap on the A10 was ineed quite easy but I had some problems with the kernel usb stack ( talked on the sunxi irc and had good discussions). I also atempted to resurect/ look into the armbian port
keesj: ah? i never had issues with usb on a A10 running mainling kernel
asking for support on our costs is already a very unhelthy relatinship
i am pissed off every day by "your" ideas and demands
buZz: indeed normally it .. is really a nice platform (e.g clone and go ) I was even able (at one point) to just modify a little device tree and get a linux console on my small display http://keesj.github.io/A10-OLinuXino-LIME-5510-Shield/index.html
yeah , i did similar with a ssd1306 on a pi-zero
sadly, modern xorg does not have any love for 1bit fbdevs :(
I want/need to setup my home I have acquired lots of zigbee devices (thermostats, heat controller) and want a stable platform (this is what I am currently setting up)
i am using H5 device for that
home automation and some 1wire directly to gpio header
with homeassistant or something else?
* lanefu
is homeassistant user
i'm all tasmota stuff now.. ditched my zwave
I am / was invested into zibeee (got a few of those "sniffer" time devices and a conbee II the latter worked better but still the amount of choices (choose your poison) on how to set it all up just doesn't make me very happy at the moment.
I don't think I can keep my home "stable"
(and the olimex device was not having enough memory to nicely run everything)
I am also considering esphome but will look at openhab again
IgorPec: is that UI running on the H5 ?
keesj: i've got a custom knob, button thing i run esphome on
esphome is neat, but tasmota is nice because it can still operate standalone
I also have a NanoPi-NEO-Plus2 that I will need to upgrade at one point (currently running remotely on ubuntu 19.10 but I can not upgrade because one of the file systems for bootin is .. to small) I had been working great
A.. TASMOTA is not a protocol but software for the esp?
Fro what I understard it is both
but I have solid brain damage
it all appears a little "off topic" but it looks like there is a lot ot knowledge here
ikr,I came to ask about systemd and then it went on to other interesting topics
super interesting
Well.. thanks for all the help (so far) I will try flashing again later
so yeah ... tasmota is a firmware for esp devices.. that primarily focused at managing devices via mqtt, but be same command set can be accessees via web api, console etc
Did some testing with lanefu and it seems that if you use the `collections` play level keyword, the `service` action plugin will load the `systemd` module for collections rather than using the builtin one. At least in Ansible 2.9.
Though please don't get in the habit of using the `collections` keyword. Fully qualified collection names (FQCN) are the way to go.
But for this specific workaround, needing to override a builtin module with the version in a collection, it's an ok use of the `collections` keyword.
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5.9.0-1-ARCH aarch64 bits: 64 Desktop: KDE Plasma 5.20.1 Distro: Manjaro ARM
Machine: Type: ARM Device System: Hardkernel ODROID-N2Plus
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we are working on our desktop builder but we are working to streamline pkgs
remove any ubuntu specific pkgs so they should build on debian and ubuntu
59 is to new and unstable still
scope has joined #armbian
archetech: arch not good enough?
rneese: arch folks likes the unstable :)
arch is on sdcard manj is on usb3 spinner
not even sure why anyone wants to run a desktop on a sbc. You know you can pretty much buy a used thinkpad for pretty much nothing right?
even comes with a display and keyboard
yeah its pretty amazing stuff
and the tech challenge it presents
see thats what I don't get. why create a challenge that in a year from now probs won't matter.
to be the first to climb the moutain
to be the first to climb the mountain
I see the point of these specialty OS's. Libre/CoreELEC as they are actually functional.
Even RetroPIE.
because computers are moving to arm and touchscreens
I get ur point. Its fun to tinker and I have nothing against that, but at the end of the day...?
and laptops are nice but I want to get linux on tablets and away from android
What do you think is gonna happen when everything moves to arm?
tablets will bevome the norm for evryday use
and in offices small desk uunits
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no need for huge power hungry unless your doing video/audio editing
or something like it, yes. I would think by the time it progresses in this direction the display tech is gonna be way better than anything we got now.
shit, did you see any spacex launches recently? the whole launch was pretty much run touch screen. it was pretty kool to see, I just hope they have some analog sitting around just in case. that could be very bad.
i do agree and I would love to see a linux desktop really functional out of the box with touch.
U have touch screen KDE on my laptop
no mouse
but is it really ready for prime time? i don't know.
i' skeptical ;)
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rneese: first image I didn't install suggested packages and wifi wasnt working. Built second image where I goofed something up. Built 3rd image that I hope is right, but haven't tested yet
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go for 4th
no love on #3
azend has joined #armbian
i guess there will be a #4
all that work i doubt you'll get much uptake of the images
dload counts will tell
Get out there and push it for us archetech, im sure if you do we will at least get 2x downloads!
right i'm nobody
I woulda build some docs in a wekk on the proper install commands and called it a day :)
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