Werner changed the topic of #armbian to: armbian - Linux for ARM development boards | www.armbian.com | Github: github.com/armbian | Commits: #armbian-commits | Forums Feed: #armbian-rss | Development Talk: #armbian-devel | Type 'help' for help | Logs: -> irc.armbian.com
lids has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
lids has joined #armbian
DOS 6.22 wasn't bad ;)
xec has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
ChriChri_ has joined #armbian
ChriChri has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
ChriChri_ is now known as ChriChri
<flyback> well the good news is
<flyback> my orange pi does work with spyserver
* guderian sets channel limit to 177
<flyback> so I am going to have to figure out what kernel option or boot parameter they used in the orange pi broken revision of ubuntu that armbian doesn't use
<flyback> the bad news is armbian does NOT
except for doublespace lol
n ot getting hot either
flyback: what is spy server
or this is SDR stuff
so obviously the armbian config is CANUCKED
you are right
it streams the dongle over wireless or lan
so you can put the dongle with your anrenna away from noise
or on a hill
and beam it down
flyback: zcat /proc/config.gz
see if you can find an option that's commented out that is what you need
i can build a kernel for you pretty easilyif you want to test some things
I think it might be that other thing
the uboot scaling shit
dtb or whatever I suspect
im going to have to bqackup config and that folder
so a compare can be made
van777 has quit [Read error: No route to host]
im just happy to know the hw isn't broken
xec has joined #armbian
it was sluggish as hell in armbian running spyserver
and cpu was getting up to 55C
so I think the voltage scaling is set wrong or something
not a big deal
miuch easier to fix than brokeb hw
so yeah I have a rotator tv antenna in my garage that gets good tv and some sdr reception
and I get 0 reception in the house except 1-2 fm radio stations
so the idea is to put the orange PI lite in the garage ad have it beam over wifi the signal
yeah getting pager broadcasts
I couldn't even tune on armbian
it would mabye tune once then quit responding
lets do the connect/disconnect test
right back up
about the same amount of cpu in top so that's normal
150% so 1.5 cores out of 4
okk going to filezillla /boot config.gz
wow though
it ceashed and burned
oops tits up
mabye I ran it out of ram
argh, i feel like i'm getting too old for c pointer pitfalls
yeah it tried to spell jehova with a "J"
Messages with a keyword as prefix are highlighted later on in the nice an clean summary that the bot hopefully spits out when the meeting ends
Heisath has joined #armbian
"Nice clean summary": "Meow"
Hi @all
martinayotte around?
am I to late?
no, check-in
nope, just ealy check in
Heisath: yeah, now you will have to bring everyone coffee and donuts
aprayoga has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
The schedule is pretty tight so try to stay focused as good as possible. For some folks it is early morning or late at night.
chewitt has quit [Quit: Zzz..]
ohh boy, im naughty, I didn't even finish my glass of Crown Royal last night before I passed out.. what a waste of some good spirits
ok. adding debate what to move to the CSC at the end. Anything else?
aprayoga has joined #armbian
Re. We have that point already -> status update for boards EOS/CSC...
#topic Add late topics
ArmbianHelper changed the topic of #armbian to: Add late topics
IgorPec: shout-outs/recognition to people that have done awesome stuff lately
ok, then. perhaps having an adiditonal meetiong for general armbian affairs, not technical stuff
#info shout-outs/recognition to people that have done awesome stuff lately
talk about having it as an additional topic
* lanefu
now shutsup
Note: If you have important stuff to say feel free to use the meetbot keywords that are mentioned in the topics right below the agenda
Aight, no more late topics?
I just want to saw lanefu and IgorPec are #AWESOME! :D
and we thing bug is :)
#info lanefu and IgorPec are awesome
#topic FYI - stuff good to know
ArmbianHelper changed the topic of #armbian to: FYI - stuff good to know
ok, lets move on
note #1: IRC translator: If your English is poor, simply write in your native language. Start your sentence with .. at the beginning.
rule #1: When you get a voice, please be quick and concise (1-2 min) and make it clear when you stop. ("No more, I'm done")
rule #2: If meeting is going out of desired agenda, MC will use "STOP STOP STOP", wait to get attention and then proceed with the meeting agenda. Please stop chatting and listen.
rule #3: Please highlight important information appropriately by putting a keyword in front of your message: #info #action #idea #help check tips below.
Any questions?
* IgorPec
excuses for wrong number of rules
its a rule / note ...
Aight awesome.
#topic development - Allwinner
ArmbianHelper changed the topic of #armbian to: development - Allwinner
Your turn IgorPec
ok, regarding allwinner ... i call out people that are working mainly with this
where we are?
martinayotte you there? ;)
we have some bugs mainly in H6 section, Pinebook is not having screen, u-boot would be nice to bump to 2020.10
I bumped u-boot to 2020.07 for -dev
i think martin did something in there, but also _5kft_
yeah, but it broke something :)
which means we need to have a better CI since it was almost impossible to notice that problem
ah, I didn't know, been using it for weeks without issue
lime a20 needs some special addressing
#help need better CI to detect issues with u-boot
yes, we need more complete CI as I have limited boards
#help lime a20 needs some TLC
do you think we can set a goal to bump that in this release?
does H6 work well with -dev (5.9)? I still need to get one, so I'm running blind there
i think its not much work, just adusting few patches and run tests.
I have me 1+ at 5.9 and running fine. Using headless though
Werner meant to say: I have my 1+ at 5.9 and running fine. Using headless though
* IgorPec
anyone has a spare H6 board?
* lanefu
i am low on H6, anything else
one of the allwinners I don't have actually, I have V3s, A10, A20, H3, H5 here
any other important issue on Allwinner?
Anyone tested CedrusX?
Not sure if there is still the issue with dvfs on panfrost running on H6
otherwise we have HDMI audio open in H6, Bluetooth?
lets move on and get back if Martin shows up
#topic development Amlogic
#info check martinayotte for feedback on H6 open bugs
#topic development Amlogic
ArmbianHelper changed the topic of #armbian to: development Amlogic
tony_mac ?
N2 Audio/ Amlogic audio in general is still a topic
anyone else doing something speak up
#info N2 Audio/ Amlogic audio in general is still a topic
and that boot.ini ticket for n2
is that balbes150 drop useful?
AR-427 [Bug] "OdroidN2 boot.ini incorrect video options" reported by Lane Jennison at 2020-09-12. Status: To Do
and also that C4 bootloader stuck
I think so, but haven't been able to give it a proper look
I don't have a C4 unfortunately
ok, they only send me one pcs
actually two, i fried first one ;)
for N2 I will try mainline u-boot again, then discussion about how to make that switch
the rest, C2 is ok?
C2 was OK at last test
#action Tony_mac32 tries mainline u-boot again
also audio?
yes, but mainline is still changing
so will retest all
overall we can proceed to 2020.10 with amlogic?
#info Tony_mac32 cannot dive deeper into audio stuff due to lack of test board/s
* Tony_mac32
has C2, N2, Potato, La Frite, Vim1
yeah everytie we have to test sound we have to get HerculeP to test
or i do at least :P
alright. any other severe problem regarding Amlogic?
I have a half broken Vim1 or I would offer to test with it, lol I somehow burnt out both the USB-A sockets on it, so it became a KVM for my EBin ;p
None that I know Igor
otherwise we move on marvel
#topic development - Marvell
ArmbianHelper changed the topic of #armbian to: development - Marvell
aprayog heisath
we recently bumped mvebo to 5.8.y and it looks alright
One thing is linux kernel 5.8 for mvebu. Am working on it and will get this done for 20.11
There are some patches left, I will check if they are obsolete and remove/refactor them.
i think here we don't have much ... a bit more on 64bit
I am about ready ask you to give me some contact e-mails so I can start bugging their devs to patch some of this awful drivers for topaz on EBin as well as possibly check other DMA bugs related to high IO usage:Z
#action Heisath will merge 5.8 before release
i just test the 5.8 as Igor mentioned on the PR, the one of the fan on Helios4 running full spee
maybe I broke something in the pwm patch...
[TheBug]: and I need to work on [AR-370] for mvebu64
AR-370 [Story] "Make Espressobin Networking Better" reported by Lane Jennison at 2020-07-19. Status: To Do
i will investigate this. nothing on kernel ,essage
ok mvebu is clear and will be done in this release
mvebu64 what we can do here?
aprayoga: when in use are you doign any type of raid?
there is also some movement on a mainline u-boot but i doubt it will be tested and done by then?
aprayoga: curious as on the EBins under high IO to raid5 I end up with a aor/xor calculation bug being displayed at least once in the dmesg
Mainline uboot for clearfog is not possible right now (problems with pcie). I dont know about Helios.
i haven't test in raid, usually i test raid5 and raid6
#info Mainline uboot for clearfog is not possible right now (problems with pcie).
we will se about ebin if we will still dealing with :)
i propose to move on
#topic development Rockchip
ArmbianHelper changed the topic of #armbian to: development Rockchip
Pinebook shaping up nicely... still have some stuff with volume keys, and sleep to tweak... definitely ready as "preview" release
I'm currently focused on Desktop issues, so I don't know if there's big issues with Rockchip. The 32 bits parts seem fine, outside media players. For the 64 bits parts, I still have to check around.
#info pinebook ready as preview release
personally i don't wanna consider PBP supported until I have a dedicated test unit
which might be a stretch
32bit is fine, i think Tony wanted to bump u-boot
rk322x is pretty solid with k5.8 and uboot 2020.07, just some patches fail to apply due to some things mainlined, but does not harm compilation. Will fix ASAP
RK3288 is fine, u-boot update is not working for me, but is for Oleg on TV box images. Investigating, not for this release
I will add final touches on: [AR-350], [AR-351] and [AR-401] to make them ready for the release
AR-350 [Task] "Switch rock64 to mainline u-boot" reported by Piotr Szczepanik at 2020-07-04. Status: Backlogged
#action piter75 will take care about AR350 351 and 401
#action Check why mainline U-boot on RK3288 boards is not working
rk3288 u-boot 2020.07 works fine for me also (tvbox)
AR-206 is stalled - what to do with it?
AR-206 [Task] "Improve memory performance on Renegade (roc-rk3328-cc) in current" reported by Piotr Szczepanik at 2020-04-05. Status: To Do
oleg37 has joined #armbian
I don't have any Renegade unit. All my boards are tamed.
lol good one
jock: moving to 2020.10 in this release?
IgorPec: I will try with pleasure
funny enough I have all the other Libre boards, H2+, H3 and H5 but not the Renegade
I will take a look again at the Renegade DDR4 memory speed
I believe DDR4 should be working well now (similarly to NanoPi R2S) but I have no board to test
I think so too
i also don't have this board
but it was acting oddly before when we were testing
I have one
Yeah, I remember
It was not scaling up with load
tony you have renegade?
If needed I can grab one I think from Amazon for testing, just let me know if you need the extra help?
then test this one and close the jira if we have this
AR-339 [Story] "Add solved tag/label to forums consistently" reported by Lane Jennison at 2020-07-03. Status: Done
Yeah....I finished that and then the update killed it ^^
Anyway i fixed it as far as possible
that plugin might come back once, but now we have to deal with it
Yeah its fine for now. Not a build system issue though :P
* IgorPec
asks folks here how do you like forum changes in general and is there anything specific to change
Erm...wrong topic
yeah, then skip this
I like the new style. More modern
but its a tangent from the open topic
if you have an idea, open a Jira!!
AR-230 [Story] "Decide what to do with TVboxes" reported by Igor Pecovnik at 2020-05-04. Status: In Progress
ahh yes
what about this
For build system, I am trying to document the current organization in graphic format to add to documentation
the club solution looked promising
balbes150: will need to be in touch soon with you, one thing Werner let me know is we can have 'clubs' in the forum now
balbes150: would like to get with you and get that started and start getting conrtibutors invited
maybe that way can have better conversation on the state of TV box and what support looks like
club is good solution, our download infrastructure can cover all of the needs without a problem now
Clubs are already formed and almost ready to be published
the plus is we now don't have space constaints for holding images
thats been my main attack over past month or so
[thebug]: Sorry, I can only read slowly (through a translator) so far ....
we added several new repos / mirros
balbes150: I know, just getting all out here, take time
Hopefully with additional mirors and repos we have up now we won't be hitting a space restriction reason for support
will make other topics a lot easier to process through
then we have an open idea to make firmware per family
So now my plan will be to try and really have conversations about what that looks like -- some internal comments are already left on the subject in that Jira, will also invite whomever likes to leave comments there and we can use them as starting topics in forum
which will help us solve some issues, but add complexity to the builds system
which is why its not there yet
#idea firmware per family
Further enhancements to the build system? open issues and ideas?
my only idea on the complexity topic is a big tear up to move to platform/family repos
nothing pariocular, fixing small bugs
my script-fu is inadequate
then desktop
#topic buildsystem desktop
ArmbianHelper changed the topic of #armbian to: buildsystem desktop
Things are advancing in the right direction so far
aprayoga has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
here we only have myy working on this, rneese is helping out, testing
i made few builds but haven't been able to do much.
balbes150: if any question on the TV Box topic feel free to reach out by forum or message on irc, I will work to get club started an reach out to you in the coming week or so :)
I'm currently trying to add the ability to add apt repositories through "add-apt-repository" but I'm fighting with bash-isms
rneese has made great progress on myy's framework.. i've tested a few images and they seem to work
#info desktop stuff growing nicely :P
with the new deskstop framework, do we have device/family customizations available at the desktop level?
It's per ${BOARD} customization
Mioyouyou: i also scripted automated PPA mirroring so we could host packages
and also per ${DESKTOP_ENVIRONMENT} customization on "appgroups"
#info IgorPec> Mioyouyou: i also scripted automated PPA mirroring so we could host packages
Nice !
This should help for Mesa + Panfrost until Debian and Ubuntu mainline these drivers
I'll see if it's possible to make the "appgroups" list comma separated
Wait, space separation should work fine with TSV, no ?
this is tab separated now
but this can be RFC
So commas then ?
Or '|' ?
anything is alright, parsing has to follow
Ok. I'll try with spaces first then we'll see
ok, i propose not to go muich into the deatils
all are welcome to test desktop building
#action Check the automated build system with the new desktop customization script
@A13_technology (∆13🏳️🌈): @kieranbingham @Poddingue @armbian Do you know if the CSI on the rockpi has the same layout as the Raspberry Pi ? (29s ago)
Done with desktop then?
i hope we will be soon
haha yeah.
#topic Infrastructure - Servers / CI
ArmbianHelper changed the topic of #armbian to: Infrastructure - Servers / CI
seeing it at main build location, that mergining becomes simpler
aprayoga has joined #armbian
yeah, server
mostly informational topic
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we have some CI running, but would need improvements
once we add desktop, there will also be a need for more power
yeah i guess we need like a roadmap for CI features
yeah, smarter roadmap
sassinak-work has joined #armbian
#help roadmap for CI
we have some essential things
also identifying boards with SPI-flash might be easier to automate more advantage imaging and testing based on the lvrp16's LOST tool
i setup a system at home that updates beta and stable repository only in case of upstream kernel changes, config or patch changes
what's the state on the sdcad multiplexer board? is it dead?
Heisath it's your time to shine :D
there were some recent updates,
Hijax did a new revision. Should be on the way to me now
#info sdcard muxer : <Heisath> Hijax did a new revision. Should be on the way to me now
#Make the SDcard Multiplexer board great again
if the changes are detected, system build changed kernels + all bsp + all u-boot, loads to the 30 devices, run tests, ...
this is operational, but still testing, improving
Power+Serial is working. Sd mux is a bit harder, we need to still have high data throughput to test speed etc. But it gets hard to switch signals at high MHz.
IgorPec: okay i need to look at your setup and maybe I can mirror or tie to github
Also there is some work to be done on SD 2 USB bridge. I am not sure if Hijax has completed the firmware.
we need to make multiple images building bulletproof with checking
But HW wise I will be able to test in the next weeks.
then we have a reson to build new server
IgorPec: yeah robust multiimage building would be a good jira ticket for us to refine
Hijax is a bit slow to respond sometimes, leads to lower progress speed
that is very important since when release data is there ... it has to work
probably a lot of r/l stuff going on
with 100% probability
rebuilding of all images + upload takes days
#action make jira story and tasks for imporving multiple image builds
when desktop images will be added ... more power, better connection, so its something to discuss how to solve
So far so good?
anything else on infrastructure?
yeah just my todos improving redirect etc
#topic Infrastructure - planned/unplanned changes on forums
ArmbianHelper changed the topic of #armbian to: Infrastructure - planned/unplanned changes on forums
oh yes! moving forum to seperate nginx
and put redis on
Maybe worth mentiuoned where we are with mirrors / repos now after the additions? I am not sure I fully know.
this will improve some responsivness
Anyway. Prefixes were fixed, then burned and fixed again
it's coverd in AR-444
AR-444 [Story] "Improving download infrastructure Phase 2" reported by Lane Jennison at 2020-09-25. Status: To Do
we also have new IRC channel
With CLUBS a new feature will be intruduced to cover topics that cannot be that easily be integrated into main forums
If nobdy has any major complains about I'll release them to the public later on
Werner: good job on that, am excited to see how that works and get one going
@kieranbingham (Kieran Bingham): @A13_technology @Poddingue @armbian @ezeaqui do you guys use the rpi camera directly on the rockpis? Or do you need an adapter cable? (21s ago)
The new Theme (Haze (default)) has still some design flaws we are working on
i will skip Cycle Jira backlog since we already checked major issues
And maybe we add a dark theme
Any questions about forums?
first we need to fix this theme for last minor issues ...
board statuses discussion?
#action fix design issues with haze
#topic Infrastructure - IRC: new channel and pushes to commits
ArmbianHelper changed the topic of #armbian to: Infrastructure - IRC: new channel and pushes to commits
#info new channel: #armbian-devel for development talk because sometimes it gets quite chatty here
#topic board support status updates
ArmbianHelper changed the topic of #armbian to: board support status updates
that's more just like an info
#agree dark theme
ok moving on
Any boards that should have their status changed? supported, csc, eos...
go to download pages and propose what to ditch to CSC / EOS
I am working through the u-boot for the Tinker Edge R (RK3399 PRO), will possible push a CSC
keeping old a20 supported? Anyway is nothing to do there?
Just to mention we have had some amazing contributors to the repo / mirror infrastructure by FOSHost, TNAHosting and Innoscale over the past few months. So wanted to take a moment to acknowledge them here :)
but yeah rock64, ebin -> csc
chewitt has joined #armbian
Move neo3 from wip to supported? mine is running nicely on current
has the Rock64 been EOL'd? Or just low interest?
low interested and has been difficult to wrangle
Neo3: mine sometimes doesn't boot up on reboot
seems fine for headless at least
lol the Rock64 is probably gonna see a pick up
agreed, the 3 versions have been a real problem
Rock64 is problematic
Hm did not reboot mine for the last month or so ^^
based on fact they have been advertising the 20$ or less boards on Amazon
on youtube and such
ebin as ewell
so there will be some of them popping up I would expect
[TheBug] that's actually a problem, the Amazon ones are any random version
i just think supported boards should be something that someoen is willing to jump on when there's an issue
otherwise more things best effort as CSC
lanefu agreed
Tony_mac32: yeah I got v2
[TheBug] ugh
its sitting on desk right now
and yes, state of support is..
rock64 to CSC, Tinker R to CSC
PineH64 B to supported?
#action rock64 to CSC, Tinker R to CSC
Bananapi Zero to supporte? (I don't have it, but its H3)
My H64B has been running headless for months with 0 problems
OK then go to supported
H64B probably suffering from the same issues all H6 suffering so no big difference there I guess?
#action H64B to supported
BTW: I am noticing stability problems on Allwinner A64 boards
OrangePi Rk3399? does anybody have one? should that be CSC
i have one, but it seems broken
also Martin has one
I have the RockPi 64 -- would like to get my hands on the OPi4, NanoPC T4 for testing
[TheBug] meant to say: I have the RockPi 4c -- would like to get my hands on the OPi4, NanoPC T4 for testing
the rest I don't remember. piter75 ?
nope, I don't have Orange Pi RK3399
helios64 aprayoga When we could say supported?
IgorPec: would it be worth contacting Xunlong for them or just order one?
yeah lets demote opi rk3399
we can demote it
#action demote OPi rk3399
i'm jsut scrolling through the download page at whats supported
I have ordered a Helios64, it is "processing" ;)
I have a Opi rk3399 if anybody needs one
like.. humingboard 2? who has one
rockpi E seems stable
lanefu: i have 3pcs :)
+1 for supported to ROCK Pi E
#action rockpi E supported
pinebook pro?
i wanna keep WIP
just FYI and not to rain on anyones parade, but an RK3399 platform with a mcpie / m.2 to pcie adapter with sata card will do circles around the EBin / Helios anyone looking to build a new NAS platform, my recomendation is RK3399 and thats after being a long time EBin supporter!
i can continue working on it, but i really need a second one as a tester
IgorPec, if possible on 20.11 Helios64 already supported. i still fixing stability problem.
since i'm using mine as a daily driver now
aprayoga: ok, its your call
any other board? Who voolonteer to adjust status?
#info Helios64 stable for release if aprayoga sorts stability issues out
aprayoga: wonder if any of the stability issues overlap, you are welcome to ping me about that stuff and maybe see if I can give you any anecdotal help from my EBin experiences since they are similar platforms
I don't have any others ready for discussion. need to spend more time with i.MX'N'
imx8 is critical. we have little to none know-how
do we have any imx8 boards currently supported that should be demoted?
we have none
only imx6 which works fine with mainline
our newest NXP is an i.MX7 CSC
IgorPec: did you decide if we were gonna do a x86 image for RockPi X?
x86 is another big topic
ok, we can do that in misc
Is "arm"bian needed for x86 boards ? I mean, standard Debian should work, no ?
#topic release officer and meeting organizer and goverance
ArmbianHelper changed the topic of #armbian to: release officer and meeting organizer and goverance
i vote for werner :)
#Werner for President
* lanefu
votes for werner and his proven track record
Thanks for the honor but I am fine with the stuff around me already :P
without werner we wouldn't have such a nice meeting
yeah i was saving that for shoutouts
well, the idea is that i sometimes comes as a member
We will see at the very end if the effort was worth it ^^
but Werner you've been doing a ton of things to keep things sane so thank you
without any special responsibilities
agreed, while you may not think so, it has been noticable, so thanks for that!
I do agree taking notes and stuff and assist but moderating the whole thing, i have to decline
so, next meeting i just show up and report what i did, ok ? :)
its executing the script, which i will help you to prepare
like you help me to prepare it
well there is value inhaving a sepeate note taker from moderator
ok, think about.
* lanefu
hides before getting volunteered for anything
you lane as well :)
#topic misc
ArmbianHelper changed the topic of #armbian to: misc
x86 ... really? :)=
ironically i really wanted armbian-monitor when i tested my rockpi S
You say that like you weren't the one to originall propose it IgorPec :p
IgorPec: what about armbian are you missing
I see the small boards with similar peripherals/eMMC/etc, so OK I get the idea, however...
then we add MIPS and RISC-V
easy to deploy customised system
Don't it overlaps with Debian, though ? You could always create an armbian-tools for x86 systems.
And put it on the PPA
lanefu: Armbian = Life -- No Armbian = No Life
[TheBug]: heyi have 2 armbian desktops.. i'm practicing what i preach
building the system
the armbian way
hey y ou make armbian for x86
is the valuable key point
ill replace my work desktop with it and spam all my coworkers with pictures
so i will say Rock Pi X and Atomimc PI are twins
hows that for motivation :D
so i mean there's some potential value there
OK, but for something like this I think then a reorg like is bouncing in my brain becomes more necessary
Aight I'll be afk for a while, preparing food. If any governance needs adjustment drop me a message. Will take care about the clubs later today and give them a final polish. later
instead of almost u-boot like config spam in every directory, it will need to be centralized per family/platform
Yes Atomic PI and RockPi X are technically identical platforms -- however I believe different wifi platforms
i thikn armbian x86 is like 21.08 :)
Btw. done with meeting so far?
yeah, sure its lot of work
yeah we can say we are done
Okay, fingers crossed, moment of truth
Meeting ended Sat Oct 3 15:22:15 2020 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)
to make some breif overview of where we are
Thanks to all the people who made time to show up today for the meeting as well! We all appriciate your contributions and the time you put in :D
(at least I do! :D )
(me too ! I appreciate my contributions !)
ahah :D
we are the best :)
how to do that? :)
wait what?!
ahh doesn't show in utf-8
just a box ;p
You don't have the right fonts
shows on my PBP :)
You need an emoji font
Look for noto emoji
hexchat is doing it ok
emoji font? ewwwww
cmon ive been using irc since 1994
who uses an emoji font ;p
"emoji", the millenial name for emoticons :P
All the spammers use emoji, now
yeah like i'm just in terminal using hack regular
and its working
You have to deal with it 😎
how to disable this ? :)
now me finding the characters is aother story
Else we're going into management nightmare
Remember that desktop environments and appgroups definitions are split per distribution
groups must be fixed for caching, but the custom which is installed later in the process
So better freeze them during an entire release
yeah, each distribuition and arhitecture has its own cache
we rarely change packages inside
Alright, so, the current system could work anyway then
it will work, yeah
we will only have more cache files
For each desktop environment, yeah.
But each build should include all the appgroups to make things easier, on "Desktop" images
yeah, exactly
whenever someone will deselect something, its already a custom build where cache might not exits
that's the problem of current caching ... but its possible to make a cache also for desktop with this and that group
this is automation process
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It's hard to deal with custom images. Better let people building custom images deal with caching themselves, no ?
like i said, we might add more caches, but by default we will only provide caching for full desktop
so enable all groups "on" by default
Yeah. We'll just finish this part first, and see how caching can be improved once it's done.
this will probably extend desktop images to 5-7Gb?
It depends on the desktop... the one I build recently was...
i only tried xfce and dde
2,9 G
ah, then this is fairly ok
with office ?
and all that stuff?
No, no office though
Just a few random packages for testing
well, let's talk about this later once we have a clearer picture
i also don't know muchj
tested two builds
Yeah, ask rneese (IRC) for its latest builds
He might have a better idea of their size
Since he include libreoffice
hes usually in here durkng the week has been working on images for the NanoPC T4 i believe
yeah, ok, i have to eat something
hehe moved to my cell about 10mins ago my self so i could do a few things so no one will blame you for stepping away :p
Meanwhile, I thought about using add-apt-repository to add custom repos, but the fact that you have to install "software-properties-common" is causing some issues, so I'll just aggregate all the provided sources, and shove them into a big "desktop-repositories.list" in /etc/apt/sources.list.d
So, yeah, I'll attack the fridge too
add-apt repo is ubuntu thingie which doesn't work properly on debian
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and all it does is create apt list file and add a key
cat ${sources_list} > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/armbian-desktop.sources it is then
and key
This is dealt with apt-key
Which is installed by default
what about 3rd party repo?
for armbian desktop you don't need to do anything
time for some noodles
That's exactly what I'm dealing with. The GPG keys should be provided as files beforehand
its already there
key servers not reliable enough?
probably true
The reason is that we should be able to know who signed the packages before hand, and provide manual updates if needed (signatures have changed)
Could use them, but a lot of tutorials are not using them
For example, I checked Docker documentation for testing 3rd party repos
And they basically go for "curl link-to-key | apt-key add -"
for DDD i download packages and throw them to our repo (signed with our sig)
not the correct way, i know
just FYI
for things we will build from sources, this is not an issue
I'll try to check for a 3rd party repo that provide keys through a key server, to understand how to perform the later
The thing is, I don't know many 3rd party repos
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guys thanks for the meeting and for all the efforts, going to have a promenade, see you soon!
<lanefu "for your entertainment.. here's "> Splash! I remember this movie! Saw in cinema many times.
jock: thanks
see you around
* IgorPec
also needs to boot up with some food ...
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nekomancer[m]: lol nice!
it's got a cop motor a 440-cubic-inch plant
Sorry, urgent business.
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Werner changed the topic of #armbian to: armbian - Linux for ARM development boards | www.armbian.com | Github: github.com/armbian | Commits: #armbian-commits | Forums Feed: #armbian-rss | Development Talk: #armbian-devel | Type 'help' for help | Logs: -> irc.armbian.com
[TheBug], clubs are public now
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so does that mean tvboxes will leave my feed?
Depends on how well it works out
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no ops?
what for?
I did find a clue last night with my orange pi LIte not working right in armbian but working in the chopped up hack of ubuntu 16.04 orange pi inc made
the dtb? power scaling files are *NOT* identical
so I wonder of arbian is applying the wrong model file
* flyback
started with linux back in 1996, it's crazy to see how much it's evolved
and the platforms it runs on
going to try deleting all the dtb files for models other than lite
then going to swap the file from the company version into arbian
id stick to the company versin but it's a ugly hack
Werner: last time i was current with irc was in the 90s, can you regain control without a single op?
no wifi their kernel build is broken etc
and you ca't even built it from itself
you have to setup a seperate vm etc
arhetech: how much $
that's 48C "only"
nologin, what was your nick back then
nologin, in this case yes. on efnet for example it would be more difficult
its todays phoronix
flyback: most likely 'rad', but that was efnet i believe
yeah I don't reember that nick
fishhead or i8086 here
I was here when this network started as linpeople
i was mostly on PLUG channel
I was friends with lilo
we had a fight right vbefore he was killed
Werner: ah, ok, thanks
so I get to feel like shit for the rest of my life :(
lilo? doesn't ring a bell
rob levin
No big deal :)
he fouded this network
he was run over
huh, why?
they never even caught whoever ddi it
he died 4 days later
RIP lilo
* flyback
has lost too many friends on irc
more than you gained?
no but every one is a skullfuck
:( even me?
"A computer programmer since 1968, Levin worked as an administrator and an applications programmer from 1978 until his death."
I mean ones that died
knowledgable guy i guess
is a skullfuck
everyt time
lost 2 in the last 2 days to suicide
err yrs
worst the one guy did it twice
first time the hospital saved him
* buZz
hugs flyback
dont feel bad
he had men1
so he gave him on living
bad cancer
i guess suicide numbers will go through the roof in the coming months due to this covid shit
why would you kill yourself over covid that's really stupid
you lose job, income etc.
thz buzz
anyone living in Scotland? /me thinks about moving there
why move
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political & work reasons
never thought i will consider moving
well good luck either way
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nologin: from where?
lanefu: last odroidc2 img I tested (20.08.1 / 5.8.5) had sound but usb autodetect not working - ready for testing as always ;)
usb is fragile at c2
good to know that at least sound works, 10x
buZz: .pl
nologin: weird to move to scotland then, why not ireland?
or what does scotland gain you
buZz: no job offers for my occupation in Ireland
lumberjack? :D
air traffic controller
ah cool
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in netherlands they have a airport with 12(iirc) airtraffic controllers
and zero flights
for ~2 years now, 'lelystad airport'
guess what, a couple of my collegues just moved to work in .nl
i've heard of lelystad before
its just pointless
they're pouring money with no tomorrow
better get in if you can :)
haha, it's all very messy in aviation at the moment
shouldn't have dropped my computers carrier more than 15 yrs ago ;)
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heh well
just go for senior functions directly ;)
@ezeaqui (Eze Garcia): @kieranbingham @A13_technology @Poddingue @armbian The Rockpi is _designed_ to be compatible with the RPI, hence its name. And yup, I tested camera modules v1 and v2. (15s ago)
@ezeaqui (Eze Garcia): @kieranbingham @A13_technology @Poddingue @armbian And of course, it has plenty of boots options. Having said that, please don't take my answer as reference, I'm just a kernel dude using boards to make sure kernels come out all properly baked and well rounded ;-) (18s ago)
buZz: lol ;)
that reminds me
need to order some esp8266 or esp32s
for wifi or bt to serial console for my pi's
also to act as a power managemenrt controller since allwinner h3 doesn't have one
nice :)
well a) they are cheap b) because they have a simple firmware that doesn't cache they aren't hurt by power loss or watchdog timer use
so they can protect a bigger linux system that doesn't like abrupt power cycling
almost done dumping some relevant uboot env info between the 2 linux distrod
so I can figure out why one works
@A13_technology (∆13🏳️🌈): @ezeaqui @kieranbingham @Poddingue @armbian Well there are other fruit pi boards which are NOT compatible 😉 so we had to askebefore buying. (24s ago)
i always wanted to put a esp8266 with optoisolators and transistors on a atx motherboard
as crashguard/recovery/budget-servermanagement
but wifi is kinda meh for that
some boards have a i2c smbus ipmi bus header
so you could do your own secure bc
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hmhm, and could make it do tiny ups aswell with a 18650 or something
Hello all
i thinking of doing a supercap ups for the orange pi
since I only need about a min to do a safe shutdown at most
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@kieranbingham (Kieran Bingham): @A13_technology @ezeaqui @Poddingue @armbian What are your plans with the CSI? (29s ago)
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since they are different kernels I don't think the .dtb files match either
so no way to compare them
dtb = device tree binary
ugh a lot to learn
@Poddingue (Bruno Verachten 🍰): @kieranbingham @A13_technology @ezeaqui @armbian I've been experimenting for a while with SBC-based HDMI h264 encoder solutions. I have a few prototypes in various states, and @A13_technology found an affordable HDMI to CSI board. So I'm looking for another SBC, but cheaper and more open than the Raspberry. (17s ago)
my pinetab showed up today! looks cool, interface is a bit sluggish but that's expected
@kieranbingham (Kieran Bingham): @Poddingue @A13_technology @ezeaqui @armbian More open? Are you are of the unicam driver for Raspberry pi? Which is a kernel driver and exposes the CSI2 capture system? Are you using the auvideo b101 (or a clone?) With the TC358743XBG? Although I'm less sure if the openness of the encoders on the RPI. (10s ago)
the keyboard case is cool, but I closed it and the LED's haven't shut off yet. :P dev sample engage!
Tony_mac32: want to make any argument to convince me to order a Renegade :Z I have it in my card but it sure feels like buying another H3 device that has a single USB 3 port on it
[TheBug] meant to say: Tony_mac32: want to make any argument to convince me to order a Renegade :Z I have it in my cart but it sure feels like buying another H3 device that has a single USB 3 port on it
already have the Rock64 sitting here .. and well
it looks what identical to it?
just slower SoC?
The Renegade has lpddr4, so when the memory freq is working properly it is faster than the Rock64
the SoC is the same
seeing as Rock64 doesn't have any images that clock it above 1.3Ghz I would assume thats true even with some slower memory
I see now my confusion
so now I feel a little silly
okay, so functionally the exact same but faster memory?
very very similar, it's what you see with any board in this industry, it's based on the reference design
some silly reason I had it in my head Rock64 has slightly newer SoC
The renegade is a bit cleaner in my opinion
only difference in design I can see is use of usb-c for power instead of dc jack
it's a micro-B
ohh that is a bit sad
so basically you pay 2x the price for the 1GB extra memory and lpddr4
man I wish they actually made a usable version of Android for the thing
Ki think it might be time to give up for a while
just to play with
Maybe the Android 7 that libre released is not a Android TV SDK?
I hadn't checked
this is going to take a lot of work to find the difference between orangepi-ubuntu 16.04 and armbian latest ubuntu
but Android TV is poop
wait does google actually reelease android tv source
I'm not really interested in Android, I view Android the way you view Android TV
I thought that o0ne was strictely commercial
well all the vpu drivers are extracted from the Android SDKs
why support for VPU is crappy even in the releases its supported on
(BSP 4.x kernels)
rockchip VPU driver is a long story
but more than that if you want some half decent video play back from them it seems Android is a better chance of usefulness, if its real android and not Android TV
they never paid to have a Google license for it so all their boards don't have a defineition at google
means if you even get play store, no apps compat
anyways as you said, thats not very interesting for you
hmm I will think on it
RK3288 was used in chromebooks, so chromeOS stuff is applicable
one of the few it's hard to click the buy button on
since I have so much thats similar to it
the 3328 was never anything but a TV box SoC though
I have like 8 H3 devices sitting here
I have 5-6 H3's
then they did a god awful job with Android on it
4 RK3328's
6-7 RK3399's
Android TV, all of their images, are half unusable and only a few are nearly usable -- but the biggest gotcha is , they never took the time to fix any to actually run in 1920x1080
you can set the "resolution"
but you check in any playback software, will show you its actually sending to display at 720p
which device are you running with rk339
hahaha I woke up rneese. I've been reading your convos with lanefu a bit
the ver we have is just a normal no frills build for the t4
Tony_mac32: I was head of H3Droid project there so I have basically any H3 worth having, including some TV boxes
haha that also explains why you like android. :)
I'm an industrial SBC user so I never caught the Android bug
well reason I actually got the Rock64 other than it being cheap is because it has SDKs for Android newer than 7
which H3 is stuck at
rneese I have T4, PBP, Renegade Elite, Tinker Edge R, 2x RockPro 64's, Rock Pi 4B, and NanoPi M4V2
I was really hoping I could come up with something to replace my media setup as soon Youtube app won't even run on h3droi cause ... Google.
[TheBug] meant to say: I was really hoping I could come up with something to replace my media setup as soon Youtube app won't even run on H3Droid cause ... Google.
so we are along on the desktop I am now working on the files that have to be cp into place
but my experience so far shows the images are garbage and all display 720p even if they say '1080p'
but I have to figure the power mods on dde and budgie
yeah, there needs to be an intervention on that mess, Google is too pervasive at this point
so I think I may abandon hope for a good android experience there
well they decided at some point they won't do backwards compat APIs
so functionally what they are doing is sunsetting APIs
which then kills off apps compatible with older platforms
rneese I really need to try this out. First thing first though is testing the RAM on the Renegade again. :D
why if you have something Android 4 now, half your apps are gone
or no longer sompat
I just recycled an old 4.4 tablet my son was using, nothing worked right anymore
Tony_mac32: the real changes in Android versions from one to another other than the eye candy is the API layer and what they choose to maintain compatability with from older API versions
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to risk a flame war: you can't expect everyone to be as careful as Microsoft has been over the years with API backward compatibility. TBH it almost killed them
ok who makes that board
at this point even Youtube can't be assed to keep compatability in the app and keep putting a new one, even though I would actually bet there are hundred of thousands if not millions of users still stuck on a ANdroid 4 device that will just all sudden no longer be able to play Youtube evn though its just some fancy java web browser
so I can make you a img
renegade is libre computer. it is an RK3328. The renegade Elite is RK3399
the only reason it stops working is because they put a version check into the app and if app version =/ new enough, just don't let you do anything, even though the software it's self will work just fine if you modify that check out
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so which one is in the build stsrem you want it for
haha the elite is a CSC board
it's in there
anyways -- Tony_mac32 if it would be in any way helpful to you / Armbian for me to order that board, I am happy to do so, but if you don't see a real need for that or think it will help, then I may just hold my cash for something else down the line?
it has a type C which I believe supports video out lke the PBP/T4,
I think I would hold on for now. The board is functional other than that memry thing, and I need to test to see if that has rectified itself with Piter's help in the last months
budgie or dde
okay, just let me know if that changes, seems its at least at Amazon in a warehouse near me, so if it turned out needed I can have it next day it seems
uh, dde I guess
(I'm quietly laying down framework to do the exact opposite in supporting headless boards for control)
I ended up moving data off an array and rebuilding it because I couldn't fsck
that's what I had to do
because I wore out the molex on the stock psu
caused drive faults
it's a 980 watt psu from a poweredge 2800, connected to a poweredge 1800 distribution card
flyback, dont threaten me with a good time
which is then hacked to a poweredge 840 box
The rk3399 shouldn't have that issue cause you have at least 2 if not 4Gb memory
that box is one of two boxes
that are desined for nothing else
although some kids like to release 1 GB memory boards with big processors (looking at you OPi 3)
but ddrescue
and safecopy
slowly recording bits from long dead media
hard drives and cd's
for floppies I am usinng a hardware tool called fluxengine
gotta measure the fluxors
(I am a magnetic sensors engineer)
cost me $20 to make it's 1000x better than the pcs braindead floppy dchip
oh you would like these projects then
hang on
Tony_mac32: I mean it's doable, your just gonna spend 2 weeks fscking that way and burn out an SSD thats used for swap unless you attach the array to a machine with more memory
both of them record the raw signal pulses from the drive
floppy controll has a much more advanced app but the hw uses a $50 arduino and you have to make your own pcb
so I didn't do that one
that one lets you do signal waveform edit
you can manually try to guess the missing part of a floppy signal
the floppy controll hw also lets you attach the drive head steper so you can manually control it in the app
but the hw is too hard to me to make right now
Tony_mac32: actually to clarify what I said earlier -- without swap you will NOT be able to fsck an array probably bigger than 5 drives without having swap -- it will literally end up kernel panicing the EBin
because it won't be able to allocate memory fast enough
i have to find where all the patches have been done on the pbp so I can get where they go
when installed
I will be reading all day tomorrow
* flyback
doesn't even know where to start trying to diagnose the difference between the 2 distros
what 2 distros ?
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orange pi lite orange pi company ubuntu 16.04 server
building a budgie img also
armbiant latest ubuntu version
you are thinking about??
for running what?
spyserver runs smooth as glass on the ubuntu image
150% cpu usage which is normal
barely warm
well, use it then
armbian 230% getting hot 55C and doesn't run right, hangs on exit etc
IgorPec, it's broken to hell it's missing wifi drivers and you have to make a seperate 16.04 vm to build the kernel
because the install image can't do it
and there are tons of problems yet to be discovered
and nobody will be helping you
armbian is a newer kernel branch
I would thinkk in most cases it will get better not worse
its not worse
perhaps you should try older armbian
legacy 5.4.y kernel
with 5.8.y there could be some troubles we haven't fix yet
i'd rather run armbian but I have to figure out wtf is causing the lag
oh hmm
better then dealing alone with orange pi kernel?
does that mean I have to go down a distro version also or just a kernel build
in case of armbian?
no, just change kernel
armbian-config -> system -> alternative kernel
hope you enjoyed those links Tony_mac32
@ezeaqui (Eze Garcia): @Poddingue @kieranbingham @A13_technology @armbian Can't speak of Rockpi's price. But its RK3399 is quite a powerful thing. And you get open GPU (Panfrost) and open hardware-accelerated video decoding. It also can do video encoding, but the patches are a bit scattered and it takes some effort to put them together :( (28s ago)
any particular kernel you would recommend
orange pi was running 5.35+
guess I will start with 5.4.66
lastest. try that
in any case fixing mainline kernel is a better direction since many people are doing that
* flyback
gets out the radio gear to retest
mainline where we are going we dont need no stinking mainline
well, then let's say at least modern sw support, from this century :)
still canucked
bathroom bbl
@A13_technology (∆13🏳️🌈): @kieranbingham @Poddingue @ezeaqui @armbian This little Board here as it offers I2S sound as well. https://t.co/VPGqJiL2k7 (31s ago)
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@kieranbingham (Kieran Bingham): @A13_technology @Poddingue @ezeaqui @armbian Looks like the same chip indeed (13s ago)
unlong chose a different voltage regulator on these two boards that requires software adjustments to get dynamic voltage frequency scaling (dvfs) working. Apart from that Xunlong tried to keep both small boards as compatible as possible to the PC so that all OS images for the PC work with One and Lite with just two drawbacks: Non functional dvfs without fex file adjustments and no WiFi without new drivers on the Lite.
nm that's their imges not armbian
and it's armbien not working
dvfs works
and this info is reffering to kernel 3.4.y
well for now I am dead in the water
oh well
what is actually the problematic. i am not sure i understand it
running spyserver
what is spywerver?
what it does?
it takes the usb frames from a rtl-sdr radio modules
and transmitters them over network
so you can put the dongle/radio chip beside your antenna away from noiuse
aha, ok.
and any machien can connect to the stream and decode
did you try to set fixed CPU speed?
under armbien it's lagging with chopping audio and the process hangs forever I usualy have to reboot
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230% cpu
whichg is like 2.3 cores
under xulong ubuntyu it's 150%
still either way it should have enough cpu left as 4 cores to not have issues
wonder if it's a kernel bug or libary difference
kernel has almost 10years diff
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well xulong is 5.3.5
they move to mainline or what?
heven't notice
but their distro is too broken to use, missing wifi, can't compile it's own kernel
well, we invested tens of thasunds of hours into armbian :)
you can't have that level there
plus I think 16.04 lts support is almost over
kernel is talking to hardware
the cpu gets hot under armbian
and ubuntu has nothing to do with that kernel
more than on the xulong distro
yes I know but mabye xulong hacked up some shit to make it work I am saying
last 10 years it was the opposite which is strange
its almost certainly an act of randomness