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anyone know of a nifty way of preventing any and all changes of the selected timezone ?
WD140EFFX 14 TB is listed under "WD Red Plus"
lol "If you need ZFS: CMR"
I highly dislike the entire idea of this statement: "The increased amount of sustained random writes during ZFS resilvering (similar to a rebuild) causes a lack of idle time for DMSMR drives to execute internal data management tasks"
OK, I don't want my spinning rust having "internal data management tasks"
yes, I search for "WD140EFFX" . but item in my card named just "Western Digital Red Internal Hard Drive 5400 RPM".
possible, they ship other...
that's when everything disappears on a power failure (Looking at you, SSD devils)
The link you sent specifies WD140EFFX in the "Technical Details" section
O! true! fuh....
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* nekomancer[m]
will have meditation over shopping basked and "proceed
need to accept it.
thanks thebug for pointing me in the right direction....verbosity is now showing everything that's going on. it seems as though sunxi-mmc 1c11000.mmc: send stop command failed seems to appear a lot in conjunction with a data error....this has something to do with the emmc
Cheap Seagate drives still have TLER unlike WD
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Hitachi Enterprise drives or die!
I say that and I do have 1 raid of 4tb seagte terrascale drives I guess :Z
but Hitachi have been the most reliable in my raids
my WD RED setup (4x 1 TB) is 7 years old, no issues drive wise
I have about 50 drives in production atm w/ 5 of them being seagate and all other being Hitachi Enterprise 2/3/4TB drives I average about 1 failure every 6-8 months maybe if that and a lot of them have more than 60k power on hours and still running strong
cool. for their consumer drives, well, I have a pile of them I've let my kids take apart. Highest failure rate of any other drive I've used
2.5 and 3.5"
yeah their consumer drivers are crap pretty much I won't argue that
WD seems to dominate on the consumer drive end as you suggested
but because my use case is raid, I know that consumer drivers won't put up with that for long term and just invest the little extra for the enterprise drives with really good warranty
I have the WD's in a RAID configuration NAS, the power supply failed in the tower first, which was lovely
thankfully a meanwell fit fit in where the unnamed open chassis supply went
My latest curiousity is how performant the PCIe 1x on RPI4 CM4 is, I wonder if slower or similar in speed to rk3399... what would you guess?
I would hope it's at least equivalent
unless the GPU won't allow it, which can be a problem with a GPU that carries around accidental ARM cores
RK3399: not a set-top-box processor
half tempted to find out and see but barrier to entry is 100$ for a 4Gb ram variant w/ the carrier board
sheesh, there might be hope they actually designed it
rather than it being a lowest-cost-possible hack job
actually seems rather well thought out this time
they even make a space in the PCB to allow wifi through the back of the board if you decide for a module with wifi
so someone was at least employing half a brain cell
we can only hope. And they experimented on all the poor suckers that bought RPi4's and learned about EMC the hard way so the firmware should be moderately stable
The Pi 3 ruined me with instability and firmware issues, and then I watched the Pi4 be a repeat
"Well they did eventually get it fixed"
well I can't complain about Pi4 too much
I use one 24/7 as a thin terminal
a 2Gb version
so you got one after the USB-C PD bungle?
and it's been pretty stable with a USB 3.0 SSD attached
and the "Wifi and 2nd monitor can't work at the same time" one?
must have cause I use both hdmi oputputs
though tbh I use wired network so haven't messed too much with wifi
but my recollection was it worked fine
lol they fixed that one in firmware by limited which rates were available if I remember correctly
well I ruined my toy budget for a few months anyways
but in general, it was a ridiculous circus act of "we failed to do adequate validation"
I bought 2 more RockPi 4c's
and lol oh?
and accessories and such
I got a heatsink for the RockpPi X also
and emmc
I have so many SBC's at this point I only am looking for niche function ones
I'm playing with the i.MX series because of the extra M4 core they stuff in there for hard realtime
yeah me too
the "that looks new and shiny" ones sometimes show up at my house without purchase so I can curse at the build systema bit. :)
I have A10, A20, ton of H3 (almost every one of them + tv boxes), S905x (Vim1), rk3399 (RockPi 4c), rk3328 (Rock64), Chip, V3s (LicheePi Zero)
ESPRESSOBin v4, v5 , v7
I have PCB's and V3s loose processors, I need to play with that
too many I can't even remember all
well if you ever get to a point you really want to play with v3s
I have a spare LicheePi Zero I could send you
maybe I coudl convince you to help me get a half usabel image made for it
maybe some type of Armbian image
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I have both models of it to, the original and the one with ethernet built on
yeah, I have the H series (all), RK3288/3328/3399, S905, S905X, S805X, S922X, RK3399Pro, exynos-whateverIsInTheXU4
Tonymac32: also if you didn't know H3Droid.com is another project I am a part of
Right, you mentioned that, I had been wondering why you were so into android :D
I retired my first ARM SBC, the Mini2440
Actually I have another old board I would love to actually get working its an old Marvell board from a lacie drive enclosure
some Samsung ARM9 goodness
I have parts of their old overlay and kernel but never was able to get it working in Linux
with anything recent at least ha
Tonymac32: seriously though if you do have any interest in v3s and want to poke at it I would love to see a non-desktop simple image for it under Armbian
let me know and I am happy to send you one of the boards to play with
I'm "on the side" of my "on the side" hobby working on how I would make an "embedded" image for the really small stuff
I forgot I also have i.mx6ull and I.mx8mm
id like a diy nelios64 nas half price of it
and the RK3308?
I haven't messed with the i.MX stuff actually
I got mostly into SBCs as an Allwinner fanboi
me either, but the M4 core has my interest
so I have a lot more allwinner stuff
archetech: it's called the RockPi 4c. The RockPi 4c has pretty much every port available that Helios does, you can use a m.2 to pcie adatper they provide and attach any sata card you want, or you can simply use their penta hat solution and it comes out almost the same as Helios64
with 5 sata ports etc
Helios64 is just a slightly nicer form factor
the M4V2 has a nice SATA hat as well
guess the trick is getting reliable fast backplane cheap
The only thing that will make it different is next year Helios64 will release with an ECC compatible memory chip per their site and feedback
and DAS host mode
as I am not sure thats enabled for RockPi 4c
+ 1 extra gigabit nic, but I got around that by just adding a USB 3.0 gigabit nic for secondary
the Helios64 form factor is nice because of ATX power supply, but if you get the Penta sata hat for RockPi 4c you can also power the whole thing and all drives from atx power supply similarly as the hat includes connectivity
I do want to know how they get their SoC's for free though
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@Nosluop56 (George P): @lanefu @armbian @thepine64 Very hard for me to tell... I've been spending time on trying various OS options and installing the SSD, and so I haven't spent enough time actively using it to be able to compare. (1s ago)
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good morning beautiful (internet) people
I'm trying to run focal (current) over a Odroid C4 from hardkernel
everything seem fine, but the last message I got from the UART console is:
"Starting kernel ..."
anyone can help, please?
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@drtune (DrTune): @jaydcarlson FWIW my experiences using various Allwinner chips (H3 etc) have been positive, primarily because of Armbian which has done much hard work getting this family working with modern kernels. (23s ago)
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[TheBug]: Tonymac32 IBM disk aren't bad
Good day
hitachi in my expereience breaks less than seagate and WD
maxtor, i haven't seen those for a while...
yeah, maxtor is no more
have one verbatim 2.5" 1TB, it's in a NAS, have no expirience with Verbatim
but every maxtor i ever had broke.
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man when's the last time maxtor was even a brand
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15 years ago?
it was everywhere
in consumer stuff
i bought an 850 meg conner driver once. that was super exciting
lanefu meant to say: i bought an 850 meg conner drive once. that was super exciting
i bet it was
old 10GB drives can still run linux
only downside is that the're noisy
but for some siple tasks with linux they're ok
of course, those that survived all those years :D
man I have to say 2 days resting I am starting to bounce back my knee still hurts but I had to get out of bed
was killing my back
being confined to bed sucks :(
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yes . but it helps sometimes just sleeping and letting the body heal
so when I get tired I go lay down
yeah, it sucks when you have problems with knees
Sure it does but gets quite boring, especially when not being able to actually sleep to skip time forward ^^
51 and I played Rugby and LaCross and Railroad work
whats even worse is when it heals and you need to bring muscles back in normal operation...
well I have meds to make me sleep right now
thats the hard part is the post rehab
it's a long process
but, what can you do
it'll pass
get a bionic leg next time
it could happen during our lifetime
but some do have them
saw a lot folks on those shitty Ted talks with bionic legs and stuff
yeah we are getting there
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I just my head on a 30yr old body
you know, after bionics there would probably be cloned bodies, you just transfer your brain into the new body..., noo need to have an ugly head...
kinda like the movie with stacks
altered carbon
but transfering brain seems more viable than stacks to me
but stacks can travel through network
while brains cant...
it all has it's uses, pros and cons
you could go planet to planet that has them like in the movie no need to spend time in hyper sleep
with stacks
super fast traveling
but if the feeling is the same as having a brain, why not
I think I about have this builder updated
then I can do a diff and make shure its all in the right plcae