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Waitin for you to tell us :p
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n2 is ok here till the next upgrade heh
<lanefu> i don't think we can handle any more gripes about N2 than we're already getting :) lol
* archetech
is a squeaky wheel
keep ya on ur toes
yay a panfrost status thread on odroid
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I installed Armbian on a NanoPi M4v2 (went smoothly, including installing from SD card to eMMC). However, the NVMe drive plugged into the expansion board is not recognized. I installed updates and enabled pcie-gen2 via armbian-config. I've confirmed the NVMe drive works with a USB adapter.
Checked that; posting to a pastebin momentarily. Most NVMe options are enabled (including NVMe over Fibre Channel, which seems a bit excessive for an SBC :)
you can plug FC adapter via m.2-PCI adapter plugged to nvme socket.
nekomancer[m]: huh, TIL
I have all that components.
Sorry, Today I Learned
:) thanks
There's a subreddit called r/TIL, where people post things they learned today
There's nothing obvious in dmesg, I've tried reseating the drive a couple of times
I'm going to come back to it tomorrow. Thank you lanefu and nekomancer[m]
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TIL way too much about about TIL
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good morning
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@armbian (armbian): New @IloveRockchip RK3328 powered Nanopi Neo3 and updated / improved #dualgigabit Nanopi R2S from #FriendlyElec showed up in the lab. Both are happy with #armbian #router #iot #automation #linux https://t.co/GKwlc8hdIO (24s ago)
@bigbrovar (Othell Yarwyck): I have the R2S on order for use as home router / Firewall. Still waiting for Nipost to deliver https://t.co/YXqpWpfiOs (20s ago)
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is it a good idea to run nand-sata-install through SSH?
shouldn't hurt anything
@NicoD99364191 (NicoD): Now I can go to the beach and seduce the ladies with my #Armbian T-Shirt. https://t.co/sAZA7XJ1Ur (6s ago)
you'll obviously have better / more output on console if something happens
but not sure why you couldn't do it from ssh
in the end, should I get back the command prompt?
<[TheBug] "dittid: if you can provide addit"> [TheBug]: Just to reply to a previous request about a suggestion of a board. You told me to be more specific on what I want to do with it: I want to realize a home-made NVR (Network Video Recorder), i.e. I want record on an external HDD (USB) 1 to 4 H264, 1080p IP camera streams. So I'm looking for a board with a reasonable amout of RAM (min 2GB) with an hardware accelerator for
encoding/decoding H264 streams that is well supported by mainline kernel (if possible) and a fast USB interface (possibly USB 3.0). Personal preference towards brands that are collaborative w.r.t. open source. In the future I might implement lightweight algorithms for motion detection, lightweight user system (i.e. a database, Sqlite most probably) and a lightweight web interface (3 max concurrent users).
hmm in that case there are not a ton of boards that have hdmi input for recording and even then
the ones I know of the support for record is usually in Android or Android TV
so without saying it's impossible, I would say your in for an uphill battle
for example there is an older device called Asus Cube I think it was that ran a version of Android TV and you could do recording of hdmi input there supposedly --- as per non-comercial boards with hdmi there are a couple out there but I have never heard about any support in linux for actually capturing from them
but I think you are gonna be looking at a TV box specifically made for that function with android and android software for the recording
TiD91: ^
which also means 98% chance no mainline kernel and that you are stuck using the custom blobs provided to access those features
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ArmbianHelper is now fosshost'ed :P
What? did someone say something about kubernetes?
I'll move the other bots and bncs little by little
* [TheBug]
pokes lanefu :D
wait what'd i do
thanks eth01 !
@DieZuckerbude (Ben Zucker 🍰): @fosshost1 generously donated a small virtual private server to @armbian to host their #IRC service bots and bouncers. Greatly appreciated. (15s ago)
@armbian (armbian): RT @DieZuckerbude: @fosshost1 generously donated a small virtual private server to @armbian to host their #IRC service bots and bouncers. G… (22s ago)
no worries , thx for tweet
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@DIYbitcoin (DIYbitcoin): Lastly, thanks to @sabrent @pine64 @balena_io @armbian for the great hardware and tools🔥 (22s ago)
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* nekomancer[m]
continues to dig with N2 and btrfs root.
* nekomancer[m]
kernel logging set to 5, and I see `BTRFS error (device mmcblk1p2): unrecognized mount option 'data=writeback'`
there no such string in /etc/fstab. where this option can be taken?
I would start your search in /boot
maybe grep for this
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and message `ARM_SMCCC_ARCH_WORKAROUND_1 missing from firmware `
is it something need to worry about or just should be ignored?
and message `ARM_SMCCC_ARCH_WORKAROUND_1 missing from firmware `
is it something need to worry about or just should be ignored?
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tadaaa!!!! I have N2 booted with btrfs root
k change it (remove it if you need) and reboot ;)
good job :)
how it feel to actually figure it out :)
I gave the arch line for that guess ya ignored it
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but... now what with changes I made for this victory
arch line?
@armbian (armbian): RT @DIYbitcoin: After attaching the eMMC, keyboard, monitor, and powering on the board, it will take a bit, but the OS will come up automat… (30s ago)
if its working I wouldn't be too worried.. thats my answer
as per t he technical answer you will need to ask someone here that can answer that which isn't me
<[TheBug] "as per t he technical answer you"> possible some hw not works. Now I just see boot prompt in console means system boots up to console prompt ^)
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Hey, you can't have your cake and eat it too.. :)
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archetech: what means 'arch line'?
just chk arch wiki vs what you got
nekomancer[m]: he mention before to you about some script for "Arch Linux" and he was saying should you have looked at the boot.ini or related there you may have not had to deal with that error
they got some nice tests to be sure its working right I think
oh. but arch wiki know nothing about armbian boot.ini
its generic
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ie info applies if ya use uboot or grub
and fstab
first I will try to repeat success from the new build.. then write howto to forum. then will murmur there asking what should be changed to make solution permanent and common-accessible.
* nekomancer[m]
know about fstab but miss boot.ini env
boot.ini =grub.cfg pretty much
but but but archetech... you talkin on a whole.....other....level... nekomancer[m] needs to be ready to kick it up a notch on his side first! One day! Maybe while he is murmuring over there too him self he will have that "Aha!" moment.
I kid, but seriously nekomancer[m] glad you got it working :)
I know thats why I said to test it running yes great is it right
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<[TheBug] "which also means 98% chance no m"> Sorry, I was not clear enough, but the IP cameras are accessible over the network. So I don't need an hdmi connection at all.
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TiD91: aha. In that case I would say you need to think of it as 1x 1.xGhz core per camera for motion sensing + 1-2 core for overhead so if you have one of those boards like XU4 or maybe even N2+ something where you have a decent SoC + memory bandwidth I don't see why you couldn't use something like 'motion' or other tools for linux to watch ip camera and record it.
the problem would come as you try to add more than your 2-3 cameras there as it takes more and more resources to watch for motion..
as per GPU based encoding
I am not sure on that front
Ok. I will do some benchmarks on my low-end BPI-M1. For what I understood, the Cedrus drivers should be mainlined and exposing a VAAPi interface. I'll do some experiment and see what I can achieve with the GPU
if you have the skill set, and you are doing motion detection, maybe something with an NPU or something like that you could leverage could be useful?
There are higher end boards like those put out by Nvidia which include some of those types of cores for AI
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could be userful for your usecase if you can write to take advantage or know of software which can already
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Ok, thank you. 😉
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"dittid" (https://matrix.to/#/@dittid:matrix.org) darken than black
@AlexRob12252696 (Alex Robinson): @DIYbitcoin @armbian Please send a link of the image you used? (20s ago)
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@DIYbitcoin (DIYbitcoin): @AlexRob12252696 @armbian https://t.co/HEsSwqUYNv I used the desktop image, but the server image can be used as well if you don't need to use a mouse or a GUI (6s ago)
@AlexRob12252696 (Alex Robinson): @DIYbitcoin @armbian hows the uptime, does it stay connected to the internet well? (23s ago)
@DIYbitcoin (DIYbitcoin): @AlexRob12252696 @armbian Using an ethernet connection, I haven't had any issues so far👍 (21s ago)
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