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sorry dog nose on laptop
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good morning
good morning everyone
Good morning
Good Morning
lanefu, already had a chance to play with actions on the docs?
Werner: not yet. im easily distracted
Welp, then put the face mask down :P
Prevent coffee accidents
alright going to bed. have fun with your turbo H3s
Sleep well
Working nicely btw.
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whats new?
chromebooks are hard to get booting
fyi :)
someone gifted me a exynos5 model
tried for >24hr to get devuan to boot from SD , failure thusfar :P
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I had one of those years ago (dont know what I ever did with it)
well its pretty nice hw
would be a ton nicer with a decent distro on it
but all i could find that still worked was some archlinux image
and i'm not really that good with arch
stuff like pacman -S fluxbox, doesnt even pull in xorg packages O_o
I had debian on mine back then before systemd heehee
* Tenkawa
likes his odroid-n2 server now though :)
so can i just put the n2+ device tree on my N2 and try to melt it?
Did someone say they were going to make pancakes with a N2 using the NS+ device tree? Better record that, would be epic!
[TheBug] meant to say: Did someone say they were going to make pancakes with a N2 using the N2++ device tree? Better record that, would be epic!
IgorPec: I will do a second garden tour for u-boot switch
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IgorPec: re: customize-image script... currently takes 4 arguments regarding board type... what do you think about adding a 5th argument that we can forward from ./compile.sh like CUSTOMIZE_OPTIONS="SetupMyWifi"
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Sorry, you cannot add any more reactions today. lol
man it's important to show support
* lanefu
alright cross your fingers.. my opi zero teasetd me by working and joining wifi on the first try
then stopped
even after reflashing lol
trying new sdcard
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aha okay its back
i'll have to be gentled
Hi! Someone have problems with armbian in orangepi3?
I installed all versions and no one boot
and the problem isn't the sd card
because I installed a Ubuntu version from orangepi official site and it works
I have orange pi lite and orange pi pc+ and they worked fine, but I am with this problem since I bought this OPi3
man i forgot how terrible the wifi is on the opi zero.. it's so bad. its kind of incredible
red led and no boot with nightly version too =\
how did you put the .img onto the SD? did you try another card?
with burn disc image (from ubuntu 20) and now I'm trying again with etcher
I'm trying it in a 8gb sd card (I think not c10), because I'm only with this here. But more later I will try with a class10 sd card, it could be a not c10 sd card the problem too?
* HerculeP
used dd (but etcher should work too)
8gb should be ok, not class 10 could be a bit slower tho (but that 8g card could be broken)
thats why I suggested to try another card as well
you might want to dd zeros to the first few meg of versthe card just to make sure it doesnt have remnants of old partition table kefto
er leftover
first few meg of the card
because when I burn Ubuntu of orangepi official site, it works (I saw that in Ubuntu has 2 partitions, 1 boot and 1 rootfs
yeah i mean i nkow better than to use this
ex: here's my orangepi lite that's literally 10 inches away from the opi zero http://ix.io/2twg
anyone got their hands on a nanopi neo 3 yet?
not arrived yet
I have one here
Werner: opinions?
I'm thinking of getting one to go with my neo 2
I'm curious about the switch to rockchip
It works. Performance comparable to an H6
USB / eth speed?
i might go ahead and proceed then
very nice lan io even on the prior model
Did not do iperf yet. For USB only hdparm -tT yet. It is over 100MB/s which should be expected from a common harddrive.
I should have the prior model back online tonight and I'll throw comparison hdparm numbers up
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sounds like a good candidate to replace my stuff in the future ;)
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ok my neo image just finished building,, transferring to card now
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IgorPec: trying to understand how armbian determines difference between N2 and N2+
@pingu_98 (James Devine): At some point I need to write a blog post about running Armbian on my rockpro64, very pleased with it indeed. But I also feel like I need to throw some more serious workloads at it first. (7s ago)
AR-99 [Task] "Enable VGA output on Cubietruck" reported by Igor Pecovnik at 2019-12-13. Status: To Do
and all the first hits in Google point to editing the script.bins
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aliexpress: Sorry, your search "8822BU" did not match any products.
if I "could" stack the n2 and n2+ that would be a bit more incentive lol
can I just disable the framebuffer console to stay at the plain VGA one?
yeah no kidding stacking htem both would be cool
rm: there is a link to one topic
which you have to study. nobody knows
I'm not in the mood to "have to study" at this moment, I'm just dismayed that basic feature for an arguably a flagship device still broken years later
but thanks for your help in any case
do i sense a complaining here ? :)
Tenkawa: are you the one that works on coreboot?
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lanefu: not I
I work on a debian 64 bit arm bare metal imager
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Tenkawa: ooo whats that all about
we came up with a manual debian,ubuntu, and devuan imager for various socs just as a hobby for rpi and it kind of exploded
its all menu driven etc
downloads everything you need and builds the non binaries
originally one guy wrote it
I was the main tester
using uefi?
now when a new board comes along we try to add support for it
for the ones that have it i believe so
I'd have to ask the main dev
I specialize in more of the rpi side
(non efi)
devuan is intriguing
the ubuntu builds i know have better support for it
yeah devuan on the nanopi runs really well with this approach
taking out the systemd overhead is good for it
AR-392 [Task] "Add Odroid N2+" reported by Igor Pecovnik at 2020-08-04. Status: In Progress
and a mesa 20.2
to compete with manjaro and odroid-tobetter
yeah we know we're not competitive on desktops, not our primary mission
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fine for all the other boards that focus but N2+ is about the desktop for many of its buyers
both manjaro and tobetter are not usable
but implementing more edge stuff, yes
not true but i'd call them both beta's
for desktop you don't need much of stability and QA
the n2 has a killer gpu and its in heavy dev
yeah, but we don't sell hardware
right I get that
IgorPec: thanks for hustling together 40 patches and rounding up device tree and auto detection for n2,n2+ hopefully we'll get feedback from some testers
but using a N2 for a nas is like wasting its gpu
better boards around for that use
and cheaper
lanefu: yeah. i hope i didn't break audio ... didn't check that
lanefu: weird, got a v7 EBin to test with now and your 5.4.52 image won't boot there -- weird stuff
[TheBug]: dude seriously throw out 5.4.52
Wrong Ramdisk Image Format
Ramdisk image is corrupt or invalid
seriously we moved to 5.6
bug: i have seen that :)
well of course I set it up
any easy way to progress kernels and not rewrite my image
feel dumb asking but would save me some effort
I know
armbian-config -> system -> other kernels
and make sure image is set to nightly.. should be
nah I just want kernel images, I will grab you 5.6.19 and jack the uinitrd and image
we will certainly not do anything for a while since we are working insane to bring some stable upgrade by the end of this month
and upgrading infrastructure along this
archetech: the n2's also has the io non graphics users like me are looking for in a soc.. I have 0 use for a gpu however the N2 makes a great board because of its backplane io and general specs.. and the price point comparison still puts it in competition with other boards.
[TheBug]: or beta.armbian.com
I have a m.2 hooked up tothis thing via usb and i have not seen another board yet that can match it <80$ like this one was
true that makes the loss of gpu worth it
m.2 ftw
better an nvme
nod. I dont have a single soc hooked up to video here
I wish I had a native pcie slot but… usb will have to suffice
or a nvme ssd x 2 in mirror as a nas yeeha
right whats the usb3 cabable of in mb/s like 350 ?
think a single ssd should saturate it
just a sec
doh i dont have my usb quirks in yet
need to put that in and reboot
too bad its nic is not 2.5gb
(running this on off emmc atm)
for that kind of nas id go H2+
or J4100
then I think well if n2 has 1gb nic ill just use my rock64 for a nas heh
ya rock64 is kinda perfect for small nas
cuz both can sat the nic
around 110 MB/s
lanefu: I must be unlucky cause 5.6.19 seems to have failed also but I am gonna test different UART also (I did with other image as well)
making the n2 a waste like I said
[TheBug] meant to say: lanefu: I must be unlucky cause 5.6.19 seems to have failed also but I am gonna test different u-boot also (I did with other image as well)
can run crazy fast inside but cant push that speed out a port
but it can push it out the video
ok soon as I reboot I'll speed test the port here
would still be good for runing a few containers on NAS
ex: home assistant would be quite spry
and the G52 with emmc hd is all one needs for optimal perf
whos a G52
n2 gpu
one step lower than mali's top gpu
i need to setup my new USB hdmi capture with vlc or something
so i can tinker with desktop crap remotely lol
the rpi4 8gb seems like the best vm runner
hmm :(
Wrong Ramdisk Image Format
Ramdisk image is corrupt or invalid
[TheBug]: mismatched uboot?
I don't know
very strange
another strange thing is this one came ion a grey case
is labeled v7
very weird stuff
is it that v7 they sold as pfsense devices
it looks identical except it has grey case instead of white it came in
would you be up for trying the whole image rather than DIY :)
I did
thats what I am saying
I grabbed nightly
and burned it
and this is same result
but of course this is second had ebin too whos to say not some other issue, though looked almost new in box
i dunno
so 5.6 kernel has a seperate dtb for v7 ebin
maybe you need to set that up
bout time for food
interesting point
now dumb question
do you supply the v7 dtb in the image
I only see armada-3720-espressobin.dtb
hmm standby
when doing Marvell>> ext4ls mmc 0 /boot/dtb/marvell
I at least do have a copy of it somewher,
but its time for food, let me know what you find and will test when I retun in 30m or so
[TheBug]: you speak the truth
let me check source
<Tenkawa "downloads everything you need an"> sounds like unetbootin for SBC
hmm this is odd.. uas sees the drive and tries to add the quirk I put in the boot and dmesg reflects it but thats all
[TheBug]: ...actually i thikn that's kernel 5.7 that switches that up
[TheBug]: have you flashed the u-boot/firmware stuff on that board yet?
oh wait that wasnt for me
there we go
cable wasnt in all the way on the drive "doh"