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happy opipc with sweet rtc
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good morning
Good morning
You guys....
Good night Lane, sleep well :)
Is the sun even up
No, why?
i couldn't sleep, storm is raging
And I am at work
i am staying at armbian work today, office tomorrow
Alright y'all enjoy your morning
Coffee is ready :)
1st coffee 1/3 done :)
That is where I am around right now as well
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lanefu: you have network on N2?
I do
came up on 1st boot
with latest kerneL? can you switch to nightly and try?
if it breaks :)
not atm sry but id say something changed
im on stock build
n2+ i am getting today
so i'll check, but probably it will be the samer
just the cpu rev changed and batt holder
clocks are low but you'll get to that
i.e I doubt the net prob is hware related
yeah, i have seen this problem before
"failed to reset the dma"
theres no option on the ncurses menu for nightly why is that?
if it works, this is the way to implement it ... not with overlay
./compile CREATE_PATCHES="yes" ... and when it prompts for kernel changes, edit DTB file for N2 and change this ... this is how i would od
IgorPec meant to say: ./compile CREATE_PATCHES="yes" ... and when it prompts for kernel changes, edit DTB file for N2 and change this ... this is how i would do
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lemme know how that goes
when you are using this parameter it will always use this patch and will add stuff to it
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prasel: ffs
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Sorry about it.. :( My Internet connection seems gone wierd..I will fix it
So in https://github.com/armbian/build/issues/2106 ultimately my builds straight from armbian master worked fine, but when he pulled down the latest nightly on top it broke.
That's my best understanding of the issue
i did the same and it failed ... i just got my n2+
and will check
i see you enable US mirrors, nice
i adjusted downlod dirs
Yeah just us apt mirror. Dl was still syncing last night, probably ready today
sweet its synced now too
fire it ;)
we are superfast now :)
yeah sorry i havent gotten to geoip stuff yet... but hopefully later this week
Well, ���݃��|~N��5����|n+�F�p.@/�Yk@E>���?��T�����|9�T"��9�FM�3�Y[!�"YΝ��%UB����[1g_��sj�f���z+K-��s��>n is indeed a weird command
btw really great way to get console boot logs in a non interactiev fashionin `cat /dev/YOURTTY | tee console.log`
Miouyouyou: also difficult to type
With a little training, you should be able to do it too !
Miouyouyou: in csae you werent following earlier.. that was what happens when upgrading from v20.05.04 image to nightly
have to bust out my like ALT-xxxx keystrokes
if that styll works
So, you're bisecting ?
i used to have ansi characters memorized for bbs coolness
bisecting whom
The N2
With a circular saw
But most importantly, the only way to understand what patch caused that issue would be to a git bisect, from the 20.05.04 tag to the latest
Can you print the environment from the N2 boot phase ?
The command was printenv , I think
But yeah, now the "cool" kids do UTF-8 keystrokes
(Just learned that you can switch tabs on Firefox by holding ALT and pushing a numpad number)
Wait, does your bootloader changes between the nightly and the 20.05.04 ?
* lanefu
wonders as well, but opts not to investigate
It seems that rsvmem expect fdtimage to be there
But there's no such variable
There's fdt_addr_r=0x1000000
I remember that the armbian bootenv script contains such values
So, maybe it fails to load the armbianEnv.txt before trying to launch its command, then fail horribly because nothing is defined correctly
I guess you'll have to snitch an armbian boot environment file from a n2 owner discretely
Or just check somewhere on armbian/build , the values should probably lie around
Miouyouyou: there's somethign to that. I do recall some armbianEnv shuffling
Maybe the changes are not replicated correctly ?
Copy splash file to initrd ?
Yeah ? That's weird but... it's the only difference
making it too big ?
Ah... that might explain the weird command bug, yeah
Maybe it's reading the bootsplash as a command
part of it
so moving initrd to different address?
IgorPec meant to say: so loading initrd to different address?
That might do the trick. I'll let lanefu test this one, I don't have any N2 nor N2++
somebody recently mentioned something about oen of our SBC configs using the wrong fDT address.. or overwriting.... cna't remember where :P
that was fixed
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lanefu: do we use redirector for nightly ?
IgorPec: nope
if i add nightly to the userdata.csv ... what will happen?
redirect to dl.armbian.com ?
you would be disappointed
nightly is in the exclude list on rsync
i know
perhaps - for the future - imola.armbian com and dl.armbian.com?
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our servers only ...
yeah we can setup another redirect for that
for now, just reroute everything to dl.armbian.com (imola isnot ready)
or perhaps i can do that at the download pages and you don't need to do anything
for now just keep the download nightly links to dl.armbian.com
ok, i will fix that ... just need some ad hoc solution
and then we can maybe setup a new redirect for beta.armbian.com to manage images and apt
curl -i ${REDIRECT_RELOAD_URL} for reloading userdata.csv still ok?
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lvrp16: uhmmm this frite case is cool as shit dude
should i use the thermal pad, or use my tube o grease?
aha based on clearences.. pad
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lvrp16: seriously i'm totally geeking on the cool factor here
take some pictures and post it o twitter lol
yeah i will i need to make sure it's doing cool shit
there's 2 or 3 brand identities to consider here lol
* lanefu
is supposed to be working on a TLS for cassandra demo :P
cassandra the database?
running in stupid k8s
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lvrp16: is it kosher to power all the libre computer boards via header pins?
cool.. i ordered a little busbar so I can finally rig up my relay board for power cycling things
yay got my first hurricane power blip
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lanefu: I install an UPS in front of all my valuable shit
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lvrp16: ha yeah... yeah my rack has one, my frankendell in garage has one.. and my desk has a old one ofr my helios4.... sadly the double blip made the helios4 one go for reboot
i was docked into my desk so blips more annoying
i ended up unpluggin for client demo
no n2 fix yet I take it
* archetech
sips coffee
we got the boys in back at the lab on it..... we've got them working in shifts!
thats what I like to hear
* archetech
sits in waiting room complaining to strangers