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fizikz: different governor... its governor for the DMC that we disabled.
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lanefu: nice, more options. i didn't know there are other governors
xecuter has joined #armbian
I didn't either
i'm kinda fact checking that now... i'm not sure that driver is being used.. getting over my head reading about it
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well.. it worked.... and the single core is a tad bit faster than when i tested disabled
but really numbers are pretty identical overall
yeah it looks consistent
that's with the governor approach?
yeah that's setting the "performance" governor for the exynos dynamic memory controller
please dont mistake me for knowing what i'm truly talking about.. but yeah that setting seeems to work
and that's without the DMC feature disabled right? ;)
it's using `simple_ondemand` by default and it seems to... suck lol
correct that's without DMC disalbed.. aka DMC enabled
well, at least we know that works. might be a simple workaround that is easy to toggle once DMC is fixed properly, hopefully in a couple of months
well shit, yeah i guess i just wasted 2 hours on that doing due dilligence
thanks for doing it anyway. for thoroughness and curiosity.
word thanks
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due diligence is never time wasted
and you learned things ;-)
true. i know a lot more about dmc now
check my twitter, I had to talk about Crowd Supply
The ghosting hit all-time record
soooo frustrating
I sent them a pointed poke on the issue today, it has been 28 days since they promised an updated PO/instructions on shipment. And that's ignoring the fact I offered a partial shipment to cover outstanding pre-orders in April
Anyway, I might have to eat the stock and refund them if they get too mad about it, I honestly don't know what their response might look like
how many boards do you have
~ 150
better than 1000, but still a lot
yeah, I mean that's why I crowd funded, and that's why they're so expensive, volume is low
* Tonymac32
starts reading up on compliance with export regulations for crypto devices
just sell 10 as a limit production audiophile device at 5k a pop
Obsidian DSP32
that thing is not an electrically quiet beast. It is DEFINITELY quieter than the Pi 0 W, but I wouldn't be able to swing that sales pitch hahaha
ooo now that tasmota is in beta for esp32 maybe i'll put mine to work
I have to say, it unquestionably outperformed my expectations concerning the internal DAC
so that jack really i a headphone jack?
i meant to ask
it's a "line out"
and the esp32 has an onboard DAC?
yep, fed directly from the I2S
did you have to do anything to get the signals to linelevels?
the issue you might see depending on your amplifier, is that the DAC is 3.3V, so anything demanding a standard line in won't like the excess
so no lol
so if anythign htey're hot
yeah, but cutting down the V means losing resolution
my crappy headphone tube amp does very well because it is expecting speaker level
hmmm so my 90's cheapo pioneer receiever may not like it so much
with a "laserdisc" audio input
well, load up karadio32 and start with the amplitude low and incrememnt until you start getting distortion
it is honestly completely dependant on the impedance of that line in
My Pioneer has LD/DVD labelled on an input
* Tonymac32
has held a laserdisc
LanDi has quit [Quit: Fui!]
karadio32 looks cool
trying to figureout what codecs it supports
That is the cloud translation api. I have a test account for the whole compute engine from google with 300$ testing funds valid for 275 days remaining
So if it generates cost it is not so dramatic for a while
probably we need it just for meetings
Lets just hope they do not expect me to pay 45$ per hour just for having it enabled xD
werner :) haha. you need to add credit card?
Yes. You need to do that anyways so everybody can have a test account only once.
mrueg: autotranslation is desirable, yep
,translate --to eng 讓我們打乒乓球
Let's play table tennis [zh-TW~>eng]
yep, now how to make this automatic?
to create two feeds in separate channels, armbian-ru and armbian-cn
I think it is not a good idea to have it automatic since every message must be sent to api to detect whether it is english or not. And then there might be false positives and false negatives
we need this service for meetings only
But I may have a workaround for that. I'll create a command like .t that translate into ,translate --to eng
So if a forgein wants to message he uses .t as prefix and its text will be translated
that's the idea. so that those folks don't need to copy paste
more advanced idea is to have two-way from those -ru -cn channels .. to appear here :)
Yea but in comparison that would be way more effort :P
i know :)
or probably not? echo $channel | translation > #armbian
,translate --to ch hello
,translate --to cn hello
,translate --to si hello
හෙලෝ [en~>si]
how to see lang codes?
good question
,translate --help
(translate [--from <source>] [--to <target>] <text>) -- Translate text using Google Translate API. Uses automatic language detection if source not set. No target uses the plugin default.
,translate --help source
(translate [--from <source>] [--to <target>] <text>) -- Translate text using Google Translate API. Uses automatic language detection if source not set. No target uses the plugin default.
great, adjective, synonym for Armbian
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I decided to to with .. because it is more convenient
Start a sentence with .. and it will be sent to the translation api
..Hallo Welt
Hello World [de~>eng]
..this is very good
this is very good [en~>eng]
..ich bin igor
i am igor [de~>eng]
..danes je lep dan
Today is a beautiful day [sl~>eng]
..to je super. sedaj lahko pišem z maternim jezikom
this is great. now I can write in my native language [sl~>eng]
.. še vedno pa imam težavo z poslušanjem
but I still have a problem listening [sl~>eng]
..Wenn der Spaß dadurch auf Dauer nicht zu teuer wird.
If this doesn't make the fun too expensive in the long run. [de~>eng]
I'll check after tomorrow if any cost is generated. The documentation tells something about capable to be used free. So maybe if you do not hit a certain limit it is free?
..kako bomo pa to vedeli?
how will we know that? [sl~>eng]
this is how i understand it ... up to xxxx characters
but per what?
I have no clue. We will see
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pseudonim has joined #armbian
.. Très intéressant !
Very interesting ! [fr~>eng]
.. .. .. .. Dies ist ein Test.
.. .. .. This is a test. [de~>eng]
.. donde esta mi pantalones ?
where is my pants [es~>eng]
Ah it doesn't stack ;)
Werner: i've used the google $300 credit before.. its preetty safe i never got charged for anythign until i used it all up
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lanefu, I assumed that already. Though it will be interesting to know if to a certain threshold the translation api is indeed free.
Werner: what api is it using? there's a free tier on GCP
IgorPec: I'm brainstorm on https://armbian.atlassian.net/browse/AR-214... So my script can identify what board or board family changed... Do i just need to make some sort of input for build_all?
AR-214 [Story] "CI improvements" reported by Igor Pecovnik at 2020-04-15. Status: To Do
no, build all knows everything :)
it monitors changes on patch, config and upstream sources
but you're just doing that locally w/o github actions triggering anything?
it is set this way - in case you will alter one of this ... it will rebuild kernel, all bsp files and bump version
yes, that is correct. now its not tied to any action