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"no file to patch" oooo, this is good
somewhere between 2018 and no "rk3288-board.c" has gone away I guess
Tonymac32 meant to say: somewhere between 2018 and now "rk3288-board.c" has gone away I guess
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go tony go
this one might be a tough one
Thats what she said
mach-rockchip is now divided into folders per SoC
I'll have to see if the patches even make sense
lots of refactoring went on
I'll give this a quick go, then do what needs done and fix the audio config on Le Potato to enable the TRS jack without user intervention
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yes, I haven't (yet) gotten into the G12 boards, but I have an N2
I don't have any and no idea about meson but though this topic may contain something useful for you ;)
huh. Now why wouldn't the N2 already have this, the patch for all the other stuff is from mid last year
I dont know
...that link appears to be the problem causer
.that link appears to be the problem causer [en~>eng]
ugh that thing again
ok anyway
let me look closer
Yeah I enabled the translator again since it was not used much and does not generate cost to a certain threshold so its fine.
I don't ever run "ifconfig eth0 down && ifconfig eth0 up" so I never see issues
and Khadas don't send emails to the linux-amlogic list to report problems
ergo.. problems don't exist
I saw you mentioning that in the thread XD
VIM(s) and N2 have different power plumbing so no guarantee the untested opinion of Khadas staff has relevance to N2
if it does .. figure out the fix and I'll be happy to either upstream it with attribution or coach someone on how to upstream stuff
upstreaming is really not that difficult or scary
at least, not for the one-liner device-tree kind of changes
good morning
hello Igor
its busy while i sleeep :)
Time for some coffee
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testing my asound.state adjustment before bed
well that didn't work, will try again tomorrow.. :/
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@armbian (armbian): RT @TonyMac_32: Kernel 5.7 images for @librecomputer La Frite and Le Potato lookg great, Audio is back (some upstream fixes needed unfixed… (30s ago)
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archetech: what's that error all about
what error
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@GoVanguard (GoVanguard): We released #Karmbian this week: Kali #Linux for SBCs! Free & open source for the #infosec community. Now you can run the pentester's OS of choice on extremely small hardware. #KaliLinux #Armbian #Raspberrypi #Pentesting #RockPro64 #hacker #hacking https://t.co/mWkfHHN1hK (6s ago)
Interesting. Maybe CSC support for RPi4 could be adopted from them
@kurtwuckertjr (Kurt u/292 ✪): Cybersecurity pro? Hacker wannabe? We released an operating system for you that can run on Pinebook, RockPro64 and Raspberry Pi. Check it out! #linux #hacker #HackerNews #hacking #CyberSecurity #infosec #armbian #karmbian https://t.co/DjV09OlTpbhttps://t.co/6hwdQPg1dx (24s ago)
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lanefu, n2+ or rpro64 4gb both ~$80
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Howdy folks, I'm running backwards through a cornfield here pulling apart an image for an OrangePi Lite that came with a half-baked 3d Printer kit.
Not my first rodeo, but I'm learning that I need a DTB overlay in order to use the otg port as a host port, the image has a pre-modified DTB but NOT an overlay, so it gets killed on apt upgrade.
and uboot maybe you can find some of what you need there
Definitely found that page tremendously helpful.
Especially re: clockspeed/governor, I was about to rail the thing...
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I dont' grok the FEX files and how they relate to DTB, the DTB and overlay via armbianEnv.txt seems fairly stragihtforward, and from what I gather I *should* be doing a dtbo that re-assigns the otg to host mode, that's been done, but I've never made an overlay, tried some incarnation of dtc and managed to actually do *something*, but I'm not 100% confident I'm on the right track.
*user* overlay, so it doesn't get blown away in upgrades.
eltoozero: I suggest you read https://docs.armbian.com/User-Guide_Allwinner_overlays/ as well, overlay is usually provided in kernel sources as well for the device if it is supported, however, it sounds more to me like you jsut need to modify the DTB you have in place to enabled the port in host mode which will likely defaultly have config for it not to be.
I had found that one too...again, no dtbo nor a working end-result.
I can certainly use a pre-modified dtb, but that's going to get trashed in an upgrade.
That's the whole reason I started this mess, I'm hoping to enable the otg usb on a "permanent" basis.
[TheBug]: I certainly appreciate the leg up, it's comforting that you're finding the same resources I stumbled upon.
I didn't think I was missing some glowing nugget of knowledge.
lanefu the Tinkerboard runs BOINC no problem
so it isn't an application problem
Something is up with the XU4 code
Tonymac32: woohoo
archetech: well everybody is shitting on N2, and N2+'s USB... so if you're not planning on using USB storage, then probably N2+, other wise pro?
Tonymac32: ahhhh
Tonymac32: i'm gonna sk a dumb question.... Tinkerboard and Rock64 --- different CPUs?
lanefu meant to say: Tonymac32: i'm gonna ask a dumb question.... Tinkerboard and Rock64 --- different CPUs?
Tinkerboard is an RK3288: quad-core A17 at 1.8 GHz, capable of "turbo" to 2 GHz easily
It is an application processor for chromebooks
the Rock64 is an RK3328, Quad core A53 at 1.5 GHz or something
it is a set top box processor meant for video playing
those number
also can you try xu4 agian, but first shutdown the little cores: for ID in {0..3};do echo "0" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu${ID}/online;done
bbiab picking up dog
lanefu, yeah thats an accurate view
..ahh and Renegade is same cpu has tinker..this all makes sense now
ahh and Renegade is same cpu has tinker..this all makes sense now [en~>eng]
thanks translatebot
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@EpochDC (Jan Decavele): @DanielFore @thepine64 @elementary Awesome sauce! I've been playing around with Armbian Focal + elementary ppa's lately. But it's performance is so poor, my system is borderline unusable. What kind of installation procedure did you use? (24s ago)
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Is there any documentation on buidling an DTB Overlay besides what I'm finding on RasPi docs?
I've got something that "compiles" with dtc, but I'm not confident I'm making the right "selections" for my overrides.
And that seems to be borne out by the fact it doesn't seem the overlay is applied correctly...
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archetech: i'm trying to figure out how to justify one
i need to make more workloads
me too
I cant say ive enjoyed my arm experience overall this past yr
to much uncooked crap on every board
yeah I did have a "why am i doing this" moment the other day lol
but its just kind of what i do
yeah but I got paid to be frustrated ;)
volunteering for it is different
even arm holdings is for sale whats that say?
Softbank also lost their ass on WeWork
and they cash
s/they/they need/
lanefu meant to say: and they need cash
so I don't read anything betweeen the lines on the state of arm from that potential sale
the whole making asics do gen purpose computing is oxymoronic
for the sake of power/size savings
isnt x86 the story of continous custom instructions for general purpose computing?
x86 wasnt born from asics
look at the 4004 8008 vs 6800/68000
cisc risc etc
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guess what im driving at is..there is def a market outside of cell phones/tv's for sbc's why not go ground up design prolly cost since that means going hart in hand to intel/amd
those 2 already said meh no thanks for a while now even thoughthey own the tech/ability the sbc market isnt big enough
i assume Risc V is sort of in that direction
yes but so late to the game
like IBM POWER8/9
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typical of big biz they wont even throw some crumbs out to hobbyists
IP wise
@LukaszErecinsk1 (Lukasz Erecinski): @EvasionLV6 @thepine64 Looks like @armbian has a 20.04 image for the original Pinebook. https://t.co/eOnu9dZxUd (24s ago)
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@MenacingM (Mahdi Hedhli): #Karmbian = @kalilinux built on @armbian using kernel 5.7 RPI4 support coming soon. @thepine64 #Rock64 #RockPro64 #PinebookPro #kali https://t.co/H9wCG2jTPX (18s ago)