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lanefu: Hap 4th and most run on Xwayland
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thanks archetech
fireworks and gunfire making my dogs crazy
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archetech: how do you adjust resolution in wayland
nevermind. its stupid and i'm not tyring hard enogh
kids saw their first big moon, fireflies, and fireworks tonight
7/4/2020 a night to remember
pretty cool tho
how old are they?
5 and 7
nekomancer[m] : I confused it with the self-hosted selector. The only thing available is https://github.com/uraimo/run-on-arch-action but it's basically qemu on Github actions (100% horrendous performances)
Miouyouyou apparently gets up at like 5:00
Yes ! I have a very strict life schedule. I didn't wake up because of the light of the screen, that did not turn off because KDE somehow refused to automatically hibernate.
of course
I'm doing the armbian 4k attempt world-tour
n2 fail, Opi 4 fail
trying le potato next
i'm convinced only allwinner will work
You check how much boards boasted about 4K and are actually failing miserably ?
yeah.. i got 2560x1440 to work-ish when i cranked refresh down to 30hz.. and the screen was all waavy
... dude
A R M B I A N - S Y N T H W A V E
yeah i'll just use it as an occilator
HDMI oscillators, the best ones
I've never had much luck in amlogicland with any display
only 19 pins to connect
And only one board to fry ! So test it now !
RK3399 isn't fairing any better.... although fullscreen 1080p video was smooth. possibly smoother than n2
ok, my potato does 4k on boot
but with all monitors it has only 1 resolution and says 0 hz refresh
Fixed picture screen
yeah N2 was doin gthat with kernel 4.9
i mean i'll take that at this point
no, it's working, just X doesn't understand it's working
I don't even know
yeah i read that X disagrees about pixel clcok stuff
I thought RK3288 had 4K on mainline finally
Some people were able to get 4K on RK3288, but only at 30Hz.
it's HDMI 1.4
so trhat's all ytou can get
You get up to 60Hz with some YUV hacks
But then you're on your own. If you don't though, you're on you own too.
It's dangerous to go alone. Take this
* Tonymac32
hands over a MiQi
* Miouyouyou
takes the MiQi
Now I got 4 of them !
hahaha so you can light up the entire neighborhood with the power LEDs
If I can gather 3 more, I'll be able to invoke the legendary dragon !
* Tonymac32
is sad about having to reintroduce all Amlogic audio patches
* Tonymac32
is also still confused why the GX outputs like alvin and the chipmunks
when the GX and GXL used to behave the same with the same driver...
Think of the children
it's gotta be something like mclk-fs
It's okay though, you just have a plug an USB sound card that cost twice the price of the board on it, and here, you got sound. With standard drivers too.
ASUS did that by soldering it to the board
the Tinker is using USB audio codec
tater is doing that weird thing where it takes 1000 years to boot
I actually never tried to get Audio output on the Tinky
I am certain we still don't know all the "secrets" of that board, like when I learned the bluetooth audio from the WIFI adapter was also run right to that codec
it's easy to get audio, it just takes some asound.conf work to get it to make sense on the user side
Tonymac32: but they had all the pretty colors on the GPIO pins
if that board had proper power input, it was awesome
even without it didn't crash
just USB stuff that expected 4.5 + V got cranky
Tinkerboard, the tallest of the dwarves
i wasnt ready for that
Brutal truth time: If I need a project to "Just work", that's the board I'm grabbing.
ok well the movies are apparently done... on to the music now... :/
One more hour to go
at least they /look/ like they are going faster
I found my crappy Z80 emulator I wrote in Java
I thought I had lost that, I wrote it 16 years ago
speaking of Java, my fresh OpenHAB install just keeps restarting periodically... :/
How, you just have to reinstall the Java plugin and run it in your browser
I was learning assembly and Java at the same time, and was predictably unimpressed with Java.
Crontab ?
it was Java 2, hahaha
"How to pass a function in Java"
"It's simple !"
You create an interface
Then you create an object with that interface
Then you yell at the screen at how stupidly verbous this language can be
Java is what happens when theory begins to exist separate from reality
I did some Java when developping my first Android app and...
I'm glad they went to Kotlin a few years later
What kills me is they try to throw Java at kids that have never seen a programming language before
"What does "public static void" mean?"
teacher: "Don't worry about all that stuff"
Well, first, I need to tell you about business logic and Java2EE
Now they throw Python at them
at least Python has a low amount of overhead
"import" is not intrimidating
Yeah. Syntax wise, it's simple.
and REPL is good for noobs
I'm still amazed by the amount of script editors that don't come with a REPL window though
muh REPL is busy atm :(
like for work I use Python for crunching through datasets because it's quick and dirty, and at least a couple of my coworkers can understand it
That's because you're using the Azure Cloud Native REPL inside Emacs
if I used Matlab I'd be the only person able to do anything
no I am moving giles on Cubietruck
J Giles?
Tonymac32: but Matlan is not free
just say no
TRS-80 the dayjob has licenses
> paying for chains makes them OK
Yeah ! you should write it in Perl ! That way, you coworkers will hate you too !
well, I work for an engineering company, there is no software in the things I actually produce, so
the coworkers all added together might have used BASIC back in the 80's, and one guy knows some C
oh and LabVIEW
because in this context, that counts
10 PRINT "I know basic"
20 GOTO 10
20 GOTO 10
Predictable !
I didn't look up fast enough hahaha
BASIC leads to predactibility
I am a little discouraged by the entire field of computer science these days, they lose their minds about "GOTO"
Meaning it's reliable. BASIC for autonomous car firmwares.
so how about JMP?
Ah, yeah
"goto err" can makes a lot of developpers flip out
And actually a lot of C++ compilers too
GOTO right into video memory
yet hammerFactory ies are no problem
I got a problem. I decided to use Java to resolve it.
Now I have a ProblemFactory
I really should at least look at Rust
although I hear you need to spend 2 weeks learning before you can make a "Hello World
Ah yeah, I should also look at Rust and Go
Nah, I did a quick test once and it's quite easy
Google Only Lang
which one did one of OG wizards work on? I think Go? Amirite?
Rust seems quite hipster-ish
I get that impression as well
"I use Rust on Arch"
"... On a tinkerboard !"
it would have to be a beaglebone I think
Got to work to get your hipster degree !
* Tonymac32
dusts off Mini2440 to pwn all the mainstreamers
"If you get a hipster degree, do you ever get recognition in your community ? And if you don't, aren't you a real hipster ? See, it's a win-win situation !"
The fact they integrated a library package manager with their languages is nice, though
They're clearly not the first
I come from a place where PBR has been on tap since the mid 20th century, and flannel and beards are eternal. I do not understand hipsters, they're like excessively clean versions of my neighbors
Sounds like you live in Ultima Online
Go is a statically typed, compiled programming language designed at Google by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson.
"The designers were primarily motivated by their shared dislike of C++"
if you've ever used "friend", you hate C++
you can do some truly cursed things
My biggest grip with C++ is the really bizarre names they give to their methods
Like, it's not "add" or "append" it's "push_back"
It sounds like there's people carefully selecting names that nobody will guess at any time
where did you find that picture of my Russian math professor?
Well, he seems well known for his cocaine addictions
If you search cocaine bear, you'll find his photo !
He was a huge dude that liked to tell crazy stories IRL
All while teaching factorization
Told us his wife calling was actually the Kremlin
so he had a sense of humor
So the SM-Play was "the Gulag ?"
* TRS-80
feels like he is getting close
to giving up?
no to being done
Yay !
oh no, now TV Shows just started :/
Now that I think about it, couldn't you check about the "cp" issue using "df" a few times, to check if the size were diminishing or improving ?
TRS-80: What if I told you I might be able to make an overlay for Tritium to support the HifiBerry DAC
Break the TV
TRS-80 can't risk damaging his full collection of "The 6 Million Dollar Man" and "Spencer for Hire"
Tonymac32: I would have reaction pic but access to my maymays is currently all locked up
At my last job, I played a lot with STM32 ADC converters, but never tried DAC converters.
(for reference to what I'm talking about)
12 with 2-PLY = 48
That sums up, yeah
you need mega rolls if you eat a lot of Taco Bell
Tonymac32: It's his wife on the package ?
or White Castle
or depending on what you get at Biscuit World
besiudes heart disease
lanefu ^
been on this homeade egg mcmuffin kick lately, they are awesome
did that a couple days ago
Bought some rings, to make thicky toasted eggs ?
I've never been so clinical with them, just fry the egg and toss it on the muffin
with our watered down WWII "Help Europe" cheese
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Miouyouyou: actually the missus bought these 2 microwave egg things
!!! wtf
at first I was very skeptical, but they grew on me
radio eggs
* Tonymac32
looks over at cast iron and reassures it no 2.4 GHz eggs are in my future
* TRS-80
ain't got time for that shit
cast iron pan, real butter, can't beat it
now my wife won't use it because she doesn't like lifting it, and she doesn't like to clean it properly
* Tonymac32
had to stop her from running it through the dishwasher
she from the city or something?
I'm a lot more particular about cooking than I ever thought, it needs to be gas range, cast pans, etc
no, she's from WV
which, well, I've had this discussion with her, I'm not sure what happened to her
I also like to try new foods, she does not XD
mine likes to make different things, luckily
can't get her to do smoked salmon, she only recently decided hummus was good (still working on pickled onions/etc)
so, just a note: In the hills, pickling literally everything is common. She doesn't like pickled stuff
* TRS-80
forgot what he was going to do next
I also have a cast iron pan
so, for example, Shawarma is impossible
For eggs, it's the best
"It just works"
I like to do stir-fry in a big one, but I've thought about getting a wok since that's really it's entire purpose
Yeah. Less likely to put everything on the floor with a bad wrist move on a high flame
Be careful with closed eggs in the microwave though. It's one of the biggest microwave users medical issue.
A lot of people tend to learn how much pressure an egg shell can endure, and what happens when it can't anymore
yeah, no good
of course more surpising is the pressure a potato can endure in an oven
Ah, never heard about exploding potatoes. Interesting.
I feel that most people should recognize the eggshell as a pressure vessel
and, consequently, shrapnel
but, I am constantly disappointed
Ah, the face of disappointment ... :D
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I don't know how important potatoes are to various world cuisines, however with all the Irish, Scottish, and German peoples where I grew up... well we ate a lot of potatoes
they will explode in the oven
you need to poke some deep holes in them
I tend to boil them in water or slice them, so never got this issue... for now !
then we learned the Polish actually drink them, that was a party
50 shades of potatoes
last day of my long weekend tomorrow, I'll need to grill some stuff
It's the tradition
TRS-80: Charcoal or propane?
charcoal, what are you some sort of Philistene?
there we go
my family got me this double-walled egg shaped thing, I can grill or use it as a charcoal smoker
ran it 12 hours without needing to do anything other than adjust the air a bit
(the char-griller is waaayyyy cheaper than that ceramic egg one)
and I can apparently get allt he replacememnt parts from a catalog, which is unique in this disposable society
Replacement parts ? What are you ? A fucking tree-hugging hippie !?
hahaha I'm somewhat conscious of sustainability
mixed metaphor there
I drive a small inefficient truck, so no. I repair it with welding to prolong it's life and avoid throwing it away so yes?
RockchipGuy has joined #armbian
sounds more like WV kinda guy
I own some solar panels, but don't believe they are close to a sustainable replacement for our core generation
Next objective : Replace half of the cargo with lithium-ion batteries and use a H5 for autonomous driving
lithium batteries are going to be a fun topic in 10-15 years
Put some gray paint
And call it "CyberTruck"
it has too many curves, it doesn't look like my 7 year old drew it with only a ruler
and a crayon
I try not to get into religion in public forums, but I am not a fan of Tesla
Well, you either got straight lines or you got blobs !
me either when science becomes religion mankind is done
buckle up
And then catkind will dominate !
my sister saw a wild turkey at the detroit bus terminal
As the driver ?
"They hiring anything now, with Covid 19"
it used the crosswalk too
* Tonymac32
needs to remind the people unfamiliar: most of the area around downtown is abandoned and overgrown
so its may have been a hybrid
but a turkey is pretty wild
Detroit : Become Turkey
* Tonymac32
needs to stop stalling and start painfully reconstructing this patchset
That momen where you understand that... you just have to do it
The release manager will fire me if I don't
It's okay, there's a solution
You can take the place of the release manager
That way : Problem solved !
we aren't Klingons, I can't just assassinate the release manager
Sometimes, if you got the whole Linus tree, you can try to force readapt patches using "3way" patches handling.
hello room...wondering if anyone has any idea if Armbian supports the RK3188?
If nobody catches you, that's not an assassination
Not that I know...
hello Rockchip guy not that I'm aware of
Is RK3188 supported on mainline kernels ?
the TV boxes subforum may have answers
but main Armbian distro, no
hmmm...arguably I suppose
I'm trying to get the rockchip release of kernel 4.4 running
Radxarock seems to have a DTS file. But, I doubt you'll have any image in the first place, so you'll have to hack around with the compile script
* Tonymac32
has flashbacks of the Rockchip kernel on the RK3288, dives into a foxhole screaming
yes, I've already modified the DTS to the best of my ability
RK3288 never had a single issue ! shivers
RockchipGuy: Try a 5.7 kernel, with the right DTS file selected, and give it a shot.
Just compile it like a RK3288 for the rest of the options.
mind blown that I found a channel with activity and a potential solution on a platform others are familiar with
thanks guys...I'll be at this a while, wish me luck :)
ArmbianHelper that's where I found the link here ;] thanks to all
Error: Spurious "]". You may want to quote your arguments with double quotes in order to prevent extra brackets from being evaluated as nested commands.
it didn't like my " ;] " i think
Maybe. The question is why
I used the semicolon and the squared bracket, been my flat smiley for years
Ah maybe it tried to find a command within your sentence since you mentioned it
is there an excape character in irc like the slash ..."/]
ArmbianHelper echo $randomDate
Fri Jan 25 04:49:26 2013
I'll disable this behaviour
ArmbianHelper echo $randomDate
Technicavolous, no there isn't. Usually you do not need such anyways ;)
";]" becomes ;]
there we go
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well.. i dunno if it was when i pullged in the cable. or Tonymac32 magic.. but i'm on a 4k framebuffer with el tater
le potato
have n2 build running right now
i see tony made some changes but i am currently playing with rockchips
so i'll check later on
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So I grabbed 5.7.7 mainline, and have noticed a few things:
1) There doesn't seem to be an option in the boot configuration to enter the name of a DTB
2) There no longer seems to be a defconfig for Rockchip
you build image ?
not yet, I'm not able to specify the DTS
so far that wordked
you can choose that either in build time or on the image/board by adding fdtfile= to the /boot/armbianEnv.txt
has anyone actually had success getting any kernel greater than 3.0.36 on the RK3188?
afaik we have no 3188 board
i have one somewhere but actually never booted it
I was working with Rockchip's 4.4 release and it was suggested to try 5.7 mainline, but that seems to be getting further from compatibility with the board/processor rather than closer
yeah, that's expected. Its always a trade
I wish there was as much activity in the linux-rockchip channel as there is here
some features are absent, but modernity of new kernel might prevail. depends on use case
how does one go about specifying a DTB at build time?
rockchip engineers comes around from time to time ... but we have no impact on their business policy
I'm using make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- -j4
don't know if you can choose one specific only ...
A more general question...when enabling low-level debugging (to see what exactly the kernel is doing when it hangs) does the port interfere with the FIQ debugger? I have both enabled in my kernel configuration
also I notice as I go through the port options (UART 0-3) the base address stays the same. Should that be the case? I would think each port has its own base address, although that information about the processor does not seem to be at the ready
afaik FIQ debugger is rockchip pripriatery name for serial console
on modern kernel its ttyS2 IIRC
yes, which is working up until the kernel starts to load
yes, then you have to tell kernel to use it
with a kernel parameter console=/dev/ttyS2,115200
but in case kernel doesn't boot properly, you will see nothing
what about the port address for low level debugging?